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Advances in communications and information technology deliver an increasingly dynamic and interconnected competitive context. To survive and prosper in this environment, organisations must be innovative and adaptive. Intellectual and relational capital comprise key resources for competitive success. This paper concerns the knowledge processes that enable organisations to undergo transformational change in an interconnected world whilst retaining the integrity of their organisational identity. It views organisations as complex adaptive systems, and uses a case study example to demonstrate the importance of boundary phenomenology in defining organisational knowledge processes. The underlying conceptual framework draws on Maturana and Varela's concept of autopoietic unity as a metaphor to explore issues of organisational identity and integrity, and uses Merali's Cognitive Congruence Framework to examine the cognitive infrastructures underpinning adaptive behaviour. The discussion reflects on the implications of this work for knowledge management practice in emergent competitive contexts, and in concluding, advocates active boundary management.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to contribute to the efforts in the research of organisational factors of information and communication technologies (ICT) adoption. We have studied dominant management orientation, researching whether there is a significant difference in the adoption of ICT between organisations where dominant management orientation is towards results and organisations where dominant management orientation is towards people. Research was conducted using case studies for 71 organisations, which yielded quantitative data used for statistical analysis. Empirical research has shown significant difference between two mentioned groups of organisations, and organisations where dominant management orientation was towards results had much better ICT adoption. Also, composite index of ICT adoption, which we have used in previous research, was checked again as a tool for ICT adoption measurement in a different context. Results can provide guidelines regarding desired changes in dominant management orientation for organisations adopting ICT and contribute to improving theoretical framework of factors in ICT adoption.  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) development in global organisations relies heavily on the transfer of tacit and complex knowledge from onshore units to offshore subsidiaries. A central concern of such organisations is the development of social capital, which is known to facilitate the smooth transfer of knowledge. However, only a few studies in IS research have explicitly examined the role of social capital for knowledge transfer in an IT offshoring context. In this paper, we argue that such knowledge transfer mechanisms can be understood better by considering social capital in concert with knowledge senders' efficacy and outcome expectations, two of the potentially key motivational drivers of knowledge transfer. We develop our arguments through a qualitative case study of a large German multinational company. German IT developers in this firm provided in‐depth accounts of their experience with offshore colleagues in an Indian captive subsidiary unit. Drawing on our analysis, we develop a model that depicts the influence of social capital, efficacy and outcome expectations on onshore IT developers' ability and willingness to transfer knowledge to offshore colleagues. Through the model, we also explain how social capital, efficacy and outcome expectations are interrelated and generate three interlocked, self‐reinforcing circles of knowledge transfer success in IT offshoring relationships.  相似文献   

As cooperation in a networked manner increases via various inter-organizational information systems (IOISs), it is important to choose appropriate IOISs for different types of organizations in the network environment. In this study, we analyzed customer-supplier relationships among organizations in five industries using social network analysis (SNA) methods and empirical data, aiming to help organizations strategically choose appropriate IOISs. Three types of customer-supplier networks were identified based on the network centralization comparison rate: customer-centric, supplier-centric and balanced networks. Based on the empirical findings in our analysis, we then propose strategies about how to choose appropriate IOISs for the firms in these networks and discuss the pros and cons of the choices. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first empirical research that applied SNA methods to study customer-supplier networks in the context of inter-organizational information systems.  相似文献   

按照连接强度的不同,在线社交网络节点间的连接可以分为强连接和弱连接,可以通过网络上两个节点的邻居相对重叠来测量连接强度。实验表明,弱连接对于信息传播范围的影响与具体的网络类型有关系,在基于信息交换的在线社交网络中,例如移动电话通信网络、Wiki投票网络,移去弱连接并不会对信息收敛时传播的范围产生明显的影响;而在基于合作关系形成的在线社交网络中,例如Youtube、Facebook、CDBLP合作网,移去弱连接对信息传播的范围有明显的阻碍作用。  相似文献   

The importance of knowledge is increasing in our global and knowledge-based society. As a part of knowledge management, successful knowledge transfer can improve an organization’s competitive advantages and increase an organization’s valuable knowledge assets. However, knowledge transfer is complex and a lot of factors exist that affect successful knowledge transfer such as context, social networks, and IT/IS. This paper aims at the role of the knowledge broker which is to be a link between knowledge seekers and knowledge experts. In this context, this research implemented a Knowledge Brokering System – called K-broker system – as a prototype system to improve knowledge transfer in an organization based on an analysis of users’ social network. The K-broker system can provide a ‘single view’ screen for identifying knowledge experts and has no bottlenecks in contrast with a human knowledge broker and can provide a permanent communication channel between knowledge seekers and knowledge experts.  相似文献   

Because online circumstances allows communication remotely and out of synchronization, along with a better communication capacity, online referral reward programs in social networks may have different characteristics compared with traditional referral reward programs. This paper studied the effects of reward allocation, tie strength and brand relationships on receivers’ responses in referral reward programs and confirmed the mediating effects of social cost. It investigates the impact of online referral reward programs on receivers’ responses from the perspectives of social norms and market norms. We identify the moderating conditions that are expected to affect when and how a reward leads the receiver to infer social norms, thereby increasing the referral’s effectiveness. In study 1, because receivers with different tie may have relationships based on market norms or social norms (Wentzel et al. in J Serv Res 17(2):119–133, 2014), we examine the effect of tie strength and reward allocation on receivers’ responses in online referral reward programs. Furthermore, we extended the analysis of study 1 in two ways through the introduction of brand relationships and reward characteristics. In study 2, we introduced brand relationships to analyze the effect of tie strength and reward allocation on receivers’ responses. In study 3, we studied the effects of reward type and tie strength on receivers’ responses in online referral reward programs. To capture the underlying process, we also examined the participants’ perceptions of social cost in three studies. Finally, we conclude by discussing the theoretical and managerial implications of the findings. People with strong ties tended to accept a referral more often than those with weak ties, because people with strong ties gave their friends’ benefits more consideration. However, in strong brand relationships, receivers with strong ties in No Reward conditions tend to respond to referrals more than those with strong ties in the Reward Recommender conditions, because rewarding recommenders makes social norms transfer into market norms. This paper extended the theory on effect of reward on receivers’ responses in online referral reward programs and further verified that social cost was a key element of psychological mechanism that caused reward to strengthen receivers’ responses under market norms or social norms. This paper researched how social norms and market norms affected consumers’ behaviors differently, which helped company design online referral reward programs. This paper researched the relationships between market norms and social norms on receivers’ responses in online social network.  相似文献   

Crises cause social disturbances within their host organisation and the patterns of interpersonal ties that emerge are an important determinant of crisis management efficiency. In this article, social network analysis is used within a construction project context, to demonstrate that efficient crisis management depends upon the design and maintenance of an appropriate social fabric. However, crises have defence mechanisms that make management difficult by inducing forces that encourage people to pursue inappropriate social ties. Purposeful social intervention is therefore an essential part of the crisis management process to confront and avoid disorganisation.  相似文献   

This research explores how strength of network ties, as fostered by the use of a social network site, Facebook, (a) influences alumni attitudes toward volunteering for and making charitable gifts to their alma mater, and (b) fortifies consistency between attitude and behavior. After exploratory interviews and participant observation, a survey of 3,085 alumni was conducted for hypothesis testing. Structural equation modeling analysis revealed: First, active participation in Facebook groups positively predicted strength of network ties along 2 dimensions: frequency of communication and emotional closeness. Second, both dimensions of tie strength influenced actual behavior, albeit via different routes. The paper also contributes to attitude change research in showing that strength of network ties can help ensure consistencies between attitude and behavior.  相似文献   

Ensemble of classifiers can improve classification accuracy by combining several models. The fusion method plays an important role in the ensemble performance. Usually, a criterion for weighting the decision of each ensemble member is adopted. Frequently, this can be done using some heuristic based on accuracy or confidence. Then, the used fusion rule must consider the established criterion for providing a most reliable ensemble output through a kind of competition among the ensemble members. This article presents a new ensemble fusion method, named centrality score-based fusion, which uses the centrality concept in the context of social network analysis (SNA) as a criterion for the ensemble decision. Centrality measures have been applied in the SNA to measure the importance of each person inside of a social network, taking into account the relationship of each person with all others. Thus, the idea is to derive the classifier weight considering the overall classifier prominence inside the ensemble network, which reflects the relationships among pairs of classifiers. We hypothesized that the prominent position of a classifier based on its pairwise relationship with the other ensemble members could be its weight in the fusion process. A robust experimental protocol has confirmed that centrality measures represent a promising strategy to weight the classifiers of an ensemble, showing that the proposed fusion method performed well against the literature.  相似文献   

Opportunistic networks are a generalization of DTNs in which disconnections are frequent and encounter patterns between mobile devices are unpredictable. In such scenarios, message routing is a fundamental issue. Social-based routing protocols usually exploit the social information extracted from the history of encounters between mobile devices to find an appropriate message relay. Protocols based on encounter history, however, take time to build up a knowledge database from which to take routing decisions. While contact information changes constantly and it takes time to identify strong social ties, other types of ties remain rather stable and could be exploited to augment available partial contact information. In this paper, we start defining a multi-layer social network model combining the social network detected through encounters with other social networks and investigate the relationship between these social network layers in terms of node centrality, community structure, tie strength and link prediction. The purpose of this analysis is to better understand user behavior in a multi-layered complex network combining online and offline social relationships. Then, we propose a novel opportunistic routing approach ML-SOR (Multi-layer Social Network based Routing) which extracts social network information from such a model to perform routing decisions. To select an effective forwarding node, ML-SOR measures the forwarding capability of a node when compared to an encountered node in terms of node centrality, tie strength and link prediction. Trace driven simulations show that a routing metric combining social information extracted from multiple social network layers allows users to achieve good routing performance with low overhead cost.  相似文献   

Electronic networks of practice are computer-mediated social spaces where individuals working on similar problems self-organize to help each other and share knowledge, advice, and perspectives about their occupational practice or common interests. These interactions occur through message postings to produce an on-line public good of knowledge, where all participants in the network can then access this knowledge, regardless of their active participation in the network. Using theories and concepts of collective action and public goods, five hypotheses are developed regarding the structural and social characteristics that support the online provision and maintenance of knowledge in an electronic network of practice. Using social network analysis, we examine the structure of message contributions that produce and sustain the public good. We then combine the results from network analysis with survey results to examine the underlying pattern of exchange, the role of the critical mass, the quality of the ties sustaining participation, the heterogeneity of resources and interests of participants, and changes in membership that impact the structural characteristics of the network. Our results suggest that the electronic network of practice chosen for this study is sustained through generalized exchange, is supported by a critical mass of active members, and that members develop strong ties with the community as a whole rather than develop interpersonal relationships. Knowledge contribution is significantly related to an individual's tenure in the occupation, expertise, availability of local resources and a desire to enhance one's reputation, and those in the critical mass are primarily responsible for creating and sustaining the public good of knowledge. Finally, we find that this structure of generalized exchange is stable over time although there is a high proportion of member churn in the network.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the behaviour of virtual communities for Open Source Software (OSS) projects. The development of OSS projects relies on virtual communities, which are built on relationships among members, being their final objective sharing knowledge and improving the underlying project. This study addresses the interactive collaboration in these kinds of communities applying social network analysis (SNA). In particular, SNA techniques will be used to identify those members playing a middle-man role among other community members. Results will illustrate the importance of this role to achieve successful virtual communities.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the sensitivity of centrality metrics as a key metric of social networks to support visual reasoning. As centrality represents the prestige or importance of a node in a network, its sensitivity represents the importance of the relationship between this and all other nodes in the network. We have derived an analytical solution that extracts the sensitivity as the derivative of centrality with respect to degree for two centrality metrics based on feedback and random walks. We show that these sensitivities are good indicators of the distribution of centrality in the network, and how changes are expected to be propagated if we introduce changes to the network. These metrics also help us simplify a complex network in a way that retains the main structural properties and that results in trustworthy, readable diagrams. Sensitivity is also a key concept for uncertainty analysis of social networks, and we show how our approach may help analysts gain insight on the robustness of key network metrics. Through a number of examples, we illustrate the need for measuring sensitivity, and the impact it has on the visualization of and interaction with social and other scale-free networks.  相似文献   

At the end of the 20th century, a branch of management theory appeared called “knowledge management.” Knowledge of a company is part of intellectual capital and an important strategic resource for running and operating business. The main part of corporative knowledge exists in vague form, i.e., in knowledge, experience, intuition, and in the heads of staff members. Communication is main process for the transfer of this knowledge, i.e., communication between coworkers. The theory of social network analysis considers a group of people as an interconnected system of nodes (people, participants of group), the ties between which (relations) can be used for the visual representation and analysis of the exchange and dissemination processes of vague knowledge and information in collectives of coworkers.  相似文献   


Social capital is an influential concept in understanding why and how some firms do better in inter-organizational relationships (IORs). It is an important factor in developing relationships of trust, making the basis for better collaboration among individuals, groups, and organizations. This paper presents findings from an empirical study of the effect of multiple dimensions of Social Capital and the moderating role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on inter-bank strategic collaboration in Sri Lanka, a developing context. The theoretical model is validated using partial least squares-based structural equation modeling based on survey and secondary data. The findings suggest that there is a strong positive combined effect of social capital and ICT toward inter-firm strategic alliances. The results contribute to both social capital theory and theories of ICT for development. It will also contribute to a more holistic perspective that incorporates social, technical, and organizational aspects for building effective strategies.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is to explore the advances that Social Network Analysis (SNA) can bring, in combination with other methods, when studying Networked Learning/Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (NL/CSCL). We present a general overview of how SNA is applied in NL/CSCL research; we then go on to illustrate how this research method can be integrated with existing studies on NL/CSCL, using an example from our own data, as a way to synthesize and extend our understanding of teaching and learning processes in NLCs. The example study reports empirical work using content analysis (CA), critical event recall (CER) and social network analysis (SNA). The aim is to use these methods to study the nature of the interaction patterns within a networked learning community (NLC), and the way its members share and construct knowledge. The paper also examines some of the current findings of SNA analysis work elsewhere in the literature, and discusses future prospects for SNA. This paper is part of a continuing international study that is investigating NL/CSCL among a community of learners engaged in a master’s program in e-learning.  相似文献   

郑书富  余高锋 《计算机科学》2018,45(Z6):117-119
概念格理论是一种有效的知识表示与知识发现工具,是知识表示、知识发现和知识获取的基础。利用形式背景信息熵与属性的重要性理论,讨论形式背景的属性知识转移的特点,得到了基于形式背景的属性转移原理,给出形式背景的知识发现与应用。  相似文献   

Knowledge sharing within a cooperative organization is an important issue since the power of its outcome has been the principal source of competitive advantage over the competitors in the market. However, without a proper collective knowledge management, its utilization as a strategic weapon or competitive advantage becomes difficult and inefficient. From an organizational perspective, the most important aspect of knowledge management is to transfer knowledge. In this regards, organizations must adopt structures that allow them to create and transfer more knowledge. Organizational communication structure affects the nature of human interactions and information flow which in its own turn can lead to a competitive advantage in the knowledge economy. However, in addition to that, social relationships between individuals in an organization can also be utilized to produce positive returns. In this article we emphasize the role of individual structural importance within an organizational informal communication structure as a mechanism for knowledge flow and speeding up organizational learning. Our experimental results indicate the fact that structural position of individuals within their informal communication networks can help the network members to have a better access to ongoing information exchange processes in the organization. The results of our analyses also show that organizational learning through an informal communication network of people in the form of scale-free connectivity pattern is faster comparing to the small-world connectivity style.  相似文献   

ICT applications that include functionality for knowledge sharing are routinely used by IT service providers even though their implementation is known to be problematic and the reasons for such problems not well understood. To shed light on the issue, we collected data at two organisations where managers had provided IT service support workers with IT service management (ITSM) tools incorporating functionality for knowledge sharing. Using critical discourse analysis and rhetorical analysis techniques, we contrasted primary data representative of IT service support practice with other primary and publicly available secondary data reflecting the prevailing discourse of IT service managers. Through this analysis, we identify an apparent dissonance between ITSM managerial and worker discourses that reflect opposing epistemologies. Managers are optimistic about the benefits of ICT‐based knowledge sharing, whereas the practice of workers is revealed to privilege self‐reliance and interpersonal knowledge sharing. By taking a dual, management–worker, perspective, we provide fresh insight into why ICT‐based knowledge sharing is problematic. As a theoretical contribution, we propose that dysfunctional intra‐organisational conflict can arise where incompatible management and worker practices become institutionalised through the simultaneous diffusion of conflicting discourses.  相似文献   

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