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Four experiments examined the effects of perceptual and conceptual processing operations on 2 implicit and 2 explicit memory tasks. Results show an advantage of visual over auditory presentation for word-fragment completion, word-stem completion, and word-stem cued recall; there was no such advantage in recognition memory. Conceptual processing had no effect on the implicit tasks, a small effect on word-stem cued recall, and a large effect on recognition. It is concluded that there is no necessary trade-off between the 2 types of information. Speculatively, the use of perceptual information may be all or none and relatively automatic, whereas the use of conceptual information appears to be graded and more under conscious control. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To clarify the involvement of prefrontal cortex in episodic memory, behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) measures of recognition were examined in patients with dorsolateral prefrontal lesions. In controls, recognition accuracy and the ERP old–new effect declined with increasing retention intervals. Although frontal patients showed a higher false-alarm rate to new words, their hit rate to old words and ERP old–new effect were intact, suggesting that recognition processes were not fundamentally altered by prefrontal damage. The opposite behavioral pattern was observed in patients with hippocampal lesions: a normal false-alarm rate and a precipitous decline in hit rate at long lags. The intact ERP effect and the change in response bias during recognition suggest that frontal patients exhibited a deficit in strategic processing or postretrieval monitoring, in contrast to the more purely mnemonic deficit shown by hippocampal patients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In three experiments we examined short-term recognition memory for order information. In each, a target string of letters was followed by a test string to which the subject responded "same" or "different." The test string either was identical to the target, or it included a transposition of a single pair of letters. Results were consistent in showing that the closer two transposed letters were to another in the target string, the poorer was the recognition of transposition. A probed recall procedure introduced in Experiment 3 required subjects to identify the serial position in the target string held by the probe letter. This procedure showed that memory for a letter's serial position was distributed over a number of serial positions and that the overlap of such positional uncertainty functions for individual pairs of adjacent items predicted recognition memory for transposition. Uncertainty about position of occurrence appears to determine order information, at least in part, and constitutes a neglected aspect of current theories of serial-position phenomena. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a typical associative-recognition task, participants must distinguish between intact word pairs (both words previously studied together) and rearranged word pairs (both words previously studied but as part of different pairs). The familiarity of the individual items on this task is uninformative because all of the items were seen before, so the only way to solve the task is to rely on associative information. Prior research suggests that associative information is recall-like in nature and may therefore be an all-or-none variable. The present research reports several experiments in which some pairs were strengthened during list presentation. The resulting hit rates and false alarm rates, and an analysis of the corresponding receiver operating characteristic plots, suggest that participants rely heavily on item information when making an associative-recognition decision (to no avail) and that associative information may be best thought of as a some-or-none variable. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Older adults typically perform worse than younger adults on tasks of associative, relative to item, memory. One account of this deficit is that older adults have fewer attentional resources to encode associative information. Previous researchers investigating this issue have divided attention at encoding and then have examined whether associative and item recognition were differentially affected. In the current study, we used a different cognitive task shown to tax attentional resources: event-based prospective memory. Although older adults demonstrated worse associative, relative to item, memory, the presence of the prospective memory task at encoding decreased item and associative memory accuracy to the same extent in both age groups. These results do not support the resource account of age-related associative deficits. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Spatial information processing was examined in a non-human primate model of cognitive aging, using procedures formally similar to tasks designed for rats. The test apparatus was a large open field containing eight reward locations. Monkeys rapidly learned to visit each location once per trial, and probe manipulations confirmed that young animals navigated according to the distribution of cues surrounding the maze. In contrast, aged monkeys solved the task using a response sequencing strategy, independent of extramaze spatial information. Object recognition memory was normal in the aged group. The results reveal substantial correspondence in the cognitive effects of aging across rat and primate models, and they establish appropriate procedures for testing the long-standing proposal that the role of the hippocampus in normal spatial learning is similarly conserved.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, the authors investigated available but unattended information following working memory task demands. The experimental task presented a memory set containing exemplars from 2 conceptual categories. Following instructions to focus attention on only 1 category, priming of both categories was assessed with category comparisons of exemplar pairs. Priming was greatest for the focused category and for exemplars from the memory set (direct priming). Priming also extended to new exemplars of both categories (indirect priming) and showed little decline over more than 1 min of intervening processes. Finally, changing between category exemplars and features across memory set and comparison phases eliminated the indirect priming. These results support a persistent, operation-specific, procedural account of available but unattended conceptual information in working memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The major premise of this study is that schema-consistent (balanced) information is structurally represented in memory in a qualitatively different fashion from schema-inconsistent (imbalanced) material. The former closely resembles overlearned information and "easily chunked" information in that multicomponent stimuli are represented in memory as unitary wholes, whereas the latter is stored as discrete propositions. 38 undergraduates studied short scenarios that described either balanced or imbalanced structures involving 3 relations and then answered questions that required retrieval of either 1, 2, or all 3 of the relationships. For imbalanced information, reaction times to questions increased with the number of to-be-retrieved relations, whereas with balanced information, reaction times actually decreased as the number of to-be-retrieved relationships increased. Thus, for balanced structures, all 3 relations were more quickly verified than any 2, and any 2 were more quickly verified than any 1. A model is proposed for the operation of the balance schema that explains why the whole is retrieved more easily than its parts. (35 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The role of the postrhinal cortex (POR) and the perirhinal cortex (PER) in processing relational or contextual information was examined with Pavlovian fear conditioning. Rats with electrolytic or neurotoxic lesions of the POR or PER were tested in 2 contextual fear conditioning paradigms. In Experiment 1, electrolytic lesions of the POR or PER produced impairments in contextual fear conditioning but not in conditioning to a phasic auditory conditioned stimulus. Neurotoxic lesions of the POR or PER likewise resulted in anterograde (Experiment 2) and retrograde (Experiment 3) deficits in fear conditioning to the training context in an unsignaled shock paradigm. The results suggest that operations performed on sensory information by the POR and PER are necessary to support contextual learning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that, in the monkey, the rhinal cortex (consisting of the entorhinal and perirhinal cortices) is more important to visual recognition memory than the hippocampus or amygdala. The present study investigated the role of the entorhinal cortex in humans using memory scores from surgical epilepsy patients classified according to their mesial temporal lobe pathology. The temporal lobe removals included 4-5 cm of neocortex, amygdala, rhinal cortex and 2-3 cm of the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus. Compared to autopsied control subjects, all of the patients showed significant gliosis in the amygdala, but they differed as to whether or not there were entorhinal and/or hippocampal abnormalities. Both preoperatively and one or more years postoperatively, the patients performed tests of verbal recall (Wechsler Memory Scale Logical Memory), visual recall (Rey Figure), verbal recognition and visual recognition (Warrington Recognition Memory Test: Words and Faces, respectively). Preoperatively, patients with hippocampal pathology showed deficits in visual recall. Postoperatively, a significant drop in verbal and visual recall was seen only for patients who lost intact hippocampal tissue, irrespective of the condition of the excised entorhinal cortex. Together, the results argue that the hippocampus is more important than the entorhinal cortex for the recall of newly learned information.  相似文献   

Investigated the suggestion that young infants show a preference for familiar stimuli that is supplanted by a preference for novel stimuli as they get older and the act of recognition becomes commonplace. In Study 1, 84 Ss (3.5, 4.5, and 6.5 mo old) were tested for visual recognition memory of shapes, using the paired comparison procedure. The 3.5-mo-olds showed a strong preference for the familiar, whereas the older Ss preferred the novel stimulus. In Study 2 with 72 3.5- and 6.5-mo-old Ss, these shifts were found to depend more on familiarization time than on age. Ss of both ages showed a preference for the familiar stimulus after limited exposure to it but shifted to a preference for the novel stimulus after more extended exposure. It is concluded that regardless of age, infants prefer to look at that which is familiar as they begin to process a stimulus; once processing becomes more advanced, their preference shifts to the novel. Findings are therefore contrary to the developmental view investigated. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the relation between attachment quality in infancy and attention and memory at 3 1/2 years. Sixty-eight children participated in 2 attention tasks and 1 memory task. In the first attention task, children were shown several sets of drawings; each set depicted a different mother-child dyad engaged in positive, negative, and neutral interaction. Insecure/avoidant children looked away from the drawings more than the other children. In the second attention task, children were shown different sets of drawings; each set depicted a mother-child dyad engaged in positive interaction and an adult dyad expressing neutral affect. Insecure/avoidant and insecure/ambivalent children looked away from the mother-child drawings more than the secure children; when children did look at a drawing, insecure children were less likely than secure children to look at the mother-child drawing. In the memory task, children were read 6 stories in which a mother responds to her child's bid for help. In 2 stories the mother responds sensitively to her child, in 2 stories the mother rejects her child, and in 2 stories the mother provides an exaggerated response to her child. Secure children recalled the responsive stories better than insecure/avoidant children and the rejecting stories better than the insecure/ambivalent children. Findings are discussed in terms of the proposition from attachment theory that attachment experiences influence attention and memory processes.  相似文献   

S. E. Clark, A. Hori, A. Putnam, and T. J. Martin (2000) showed that collaboration on a recognition memory task produced facilitation in recognition of targets but had inconsistent and sometimes negative effects regarding distractors. They accounted for these results within the framework of a dual-process, recall-plus-familiarity model but showed only weak evidence to support it. The present results of 3 experiments present stronger evidence for Clark et al.'s dual-process view and also show why such evidence is difficult to obtain. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We examined associative and item recognition using the maintenance rehearsal paradigm. Our intent was to control for mnemonic strategies; to produce a low, graded level of learning; and to provide evidence of the role of attention in long-term memory. An advantage for low-frequency words emerged in both associative and item recognition at very low levels of learning. This early emergence casts doubt on explanations based on the traditional concept of recollection. A comparison of false alarms supports a role for item information or the joint use of cues but not familiarity in producing associative false alarms. We may also have found a way to measure the amount of attention being paid to a to-be-learned item or pair, independently of memory performance on the attended item. This result may be an important step in determining whether coherent theories about the role of attention in long- and short-term memory can be created. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

College students considered the possible effect of an experimental drug on a skin rash. The information came from a 2?×?2 contingency table involving receipt or nonreceipt of the drug and improvement or nonimprovement of the rash: Cell A?=?receipt–improvement; Cell B?=?receipt–nonimprovement; Cell C?=?nonreceipt–improvement; Cell D?=?nonreceipt–nonimprovement. Without numerical information, Ss judged cells to be ordered A?>?B?>?C?>?D. The same order held when the contribution of each cell was derived from the contingency judgments of other Ss given numerical information. No such consistency was seen when one group of Ss made both judgments; whether individual Ss equally or unequally assessed the importance of the four cells, their contingency estimates showed cell use to be ordered A?>?B?>?C?>?D. These findings may result from strong biases that Ss harbor in processing contingency information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sixty-eight subjects from the extremes of the abstract-concrete conceptual structure dimension took part in a mock jury study. After reading a summary of a murder trial, indicating their verdicts, and writing a (signed or unsigned) paragraph to support their positions, subjects were asked to indicate their willingness to read an article discrepant with their verdicts. As predicted, concrete subjects indicated less willingness than did abstract subjects (p  相似文献   

Two experiments compared the impact of conceptual and perceptual processing at encoding on the familiarity-based recognition of items without preexisting conceptual representations. The stimuli for the experiments were visual designs and nonsense letter strings. The process dissociation procedure was used in conjunction with the process dissociation equations and the Dual Process Signal Detection model to assess the contributions of familiarity-based recognition and recollection in the recognition of the stimuli. A conceptual processing advantage was observed in both experiments: familiarity-based recognition was enhanced more by conceptual than by perceptual processing at encoding. It is suggested that the results may be problematic for the view that conceptual priming underlies the conceptual processing advantage. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two different experimental procedures have been advocated for testing recognition memory for surface forms in discourse. One involves using a reversed-text control group that reverses the roles of recognition targets and distractors. Experiments using this procedure have led some researchers to conclude that surface memory is a fairly robust phenomenon. The alternative procedure, which makes use of a no-text (or guessing) control group, has produced inconsistent results, leading other researchers to question the status of surface memory. The goals of this inquiry are to (1) explore the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, (2) assess alternative explanations for the inconsistency between them, and (3) evaluate the available evidence for better-than-chance recognition of surface forms in discourse. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To determine whether global amnesia reflects a selective deficit in conceptual processing, amnesic and control Ss performed 4 memory tasks that varied processing and retrieval requirements. A study-phase modality (auditory/visual) manipulation validated the nature of processing (perceptual and conceptual) engaged by each task. Amnesic patients were impaired on perceptual and conceptual explicit memory tasks (word-fragment and word-associate cued recall) and were intact on perceptual and conceptual implicit memory tasks (word-fragment completion and word association). These results are consistent with the view that limbic-diencephalic structures damaged in amnesia mediate, in part, processes typically engaged during explicit retrieval. The results are inconsistent, however, with the characterization of that deficit as being one of conceptual processing per se. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Prominent theories of implicit memory (D. Schacter, B. Church, & J. Treadwell, 1994) emphasize the dominant role of perceptual processing in mediating priming on perceptual implicit memory tests. Examinations of the effects of conceptual processing on perceptual implicit memory tests have produced ambiguous results. Although a number of investigations (e.g., J. Toth & R. Hunt, 1990) have demonstrated that variations in conceptual processing affect priming on perceptual implicit memory tests, these effects may arise because of the contaminating effects of explicit memory. The current experiment examined this controversy using midazolam, a benzodiazepine that produces a dense, albeit temporary, anterograde amnesia when injected prior to study. The experiment examined whether the effects of generation found on the implicit memory test of perceptual identification were affected by a midazolam injection prior to study. Results demonstrated that midazolam substantially diminished generation effects in free and cued recall, as well as overall performance on these tests, but had no detectable effect on the generation effect in perceptual identification. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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