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In order to achieve further investigation, new extended concepts of so-called α-generalized diagonal dominance are introduced. These extended diagonal dominant matrices introduced are all subclasses of nonsingular H-matrices, and extended practical sufficient conditions of nonsingular H-matrices and nonsingular M-matrices are presented.  相似文献   

马彤 《微型计算机》2007,(11X):38-42
“α你的力量”是去年7月SONY首款数码单反相机α100上市时的口号。一年过去了大家对α 100的评价还是褒贬不一,不可否认的是凭借索尼强大的品牌号召力和营销体系,α 100虽然没有大红大紫,但至少也已经“混了个脸熟”。如今索尼在佳能EOS 40D和尼康D300发布之后,推出了α的中端力量——α 700。这款SONY耗时1年半研发的数码单反相机究竟有何魅力,和α100相比有多大的改进?  相似文献   

Over the last decades, the α-stable distribution has proved to be a very efficient model for impulsive data. In this paper, we propose an extension of stable distributions, namely mixture of α-stable distributions to model multimodal, skewed and impulsive data. A fully Bayesian framework is presented for the estimation of the stable density parameters and the mixture parameters. As opposed to most previous work on mixture models, the model order is assumed unknown and is estimated using reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo. It is important to note that the Gaussian mixture model is a special case of the presented model which provides additional flexibility to model skewed and impulsive phenomena. The algorithm is tested using synthetic and real data, accurately estimating α-stable parameters, mixture coefficients and the number of components in the mixture.  相似文献   

编辑评价 具备强大实时取景功能的α500同时还拥有机身防抖、自动除尘等功能.连拍能力在同级产品中无人能出其右,而且价格上也很有竞争力,是一款具备非常高性价比的低端数码单反相机。  相似文献   

Human α-l-iduronidase (IDUA) is a member of glycoside hydrolase family and is involved in the catabolism of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), heparan sulfate (HS) and dermatan sulfate (DS). Mutations in this enzyme are responsible for mucopolysaccharidosis I (MPS I), an inherited lysosomal storage disorder. Despite great interest in determining and studying this enzyme structure, the lack of a high identity to templates and other technical issues have challenged both bioinformaticians and crystallographers, until the recent publication of an IDUA crystal structure (PDB: 4JXP). In the present work, four alternative IDUA models, generated and evaluated prior to crystallographic determination, were compared to the 4JXP structure. A combined analysis using several viability assessment tools and molecular dynamics simulations highlights the strengths and limitations of different comparative modeling protocols, all of which are based on the same low identity template (only 22%). Incorrect alignment between the target and template was confirmed to be a major bottleneck in homology modeling, regardless of the modeling software used. Moreover, secondary structure analysis during a 50 ns simulation seems to be useful for indicating alignment errors and structural instabilities. The best model was achieved through the combined use of Phyre 2 and Modeller, suggesting the use of this protocol for the modeling of other proteins that still lack high identity templates.  相似文献   

传说中,凤凰是一种神鸟,它的法力无边,惟一缺陷是它的寿命只有500年,当这个期限到来时,它会投身跳入大炎中,然后从灰烬中重生,重生后“其羽更丰,其音更清,其神更髓”,这就是凤凰涅磐的由来。[编者按]  相似文献   

师毅 《个人电脑》2008,14(6):24-26
进入2008年以来,索尼在入门级数码单反市场突然发力,连续发布了3款产品,希望依靠这三款性价比很高的入门级产品带动销量,从而带来更多的用户、提升品牌知名度,进而以此为基础,在数码单反市场大展拳脚。在2月刊中,我们曾向您介绍过其中价格最低的一款产品α200,今天我们向您介绍的这款α350可以说是α200的增强版,除了像素有所提升外,最主要的改进就是增加了实时取景这一热门功能。而α350的实时取景功能非常独特,可以说是现阶段在数码单反相机中实用性最好的一种。  相似文献   

Summary We consider a specific kind of binary trees with weighted edges. Each right edge has weight while each left edge has weight . Furthermore, no path in the tree is allowed to contain L or more consecutive -edges, where L 1 is fixed. Given, , , L and the number of nodes n, an optimal tree is one which minimizes the total weighted path length. Algorithms for constructing an optimal tree as well as all optimal trees for given , , L and n are proposed and analyzed. Timing and storage requirements are also discussed.  相似文献   

α-70作为柯尼卡美能达首款数码单反,高端防振性能受到了不少专业摄影师的高度评价,刚上市时现货较少,价格偏高,但随着其他数码单反的竞相降价,12月中旬它也来了个“10米跳水”一降就是1000,套机含税零售报价现在12500元左右,高规格、高性能的它再次引起了关注。  相似文献   

In this paper, a fuzzy triangular approximation using α-weighted valuations is introduced and the nearest approximation by the minimization technique is obtained, such that the computational complexity is less than that in Abbasbandy and Amirfakhrian 2006. Moreover, we investigate some reasonable properties of the α-weighted triangular approximation.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the use of joint α-entropy for 3D ear matching by incorporating the local shape feature of 3D ears into the jointα-entropy. First, we extract a su?cient number of key po...  相似文献   

具备强大实时取景功能的α330同时还拥有机身防抖,自动除尘等功能.易用性很好.而且价格上也很有竞争力.是一款具备非常高性价比的低端数码单反相机。值得预算有限或者第一次购买单反相机的用户考虑。  相似文献   

他扎罗替尼诱导基因 2(tazarotene-induced gene 2,TIG2)的产物 chemerin 是孤儿 G 蛋白耦联受体趋化因子样受体 1(chemokine-like receptor 1,CMKLR1)的内源性配体。chemerin/CMKLR1 信号系统在体内多组织器官发挥着重要的功能和作用。chemerin 的 C 端在体内被蛋白酶切后形成多种亚型,该文通过 Alphafold2 对 chemerin 的 6 种亚型进行结构预测与建模,并将其中有活性的 3 种形式与 CMKLR1 进行复合体建模,对复合体进行结合位点分析后,阐明不同活性形式的差异结合位点。此外,将 CMKLR1 的小分子拮抗剂 2-(α-萘甲酰基)乙基三甲基碘化铵(2-(α-naphthoyl) ethyltrimethylammonium iodide,α-NETA)与 CMKLR1 进行对接,确定二者的相互结合位置。实验结果从蛋白质分子结构层面解释了两点:(1)具有活性的 chemerin 与 CMKLR1 的互作方式;(2)小分子拮抗剂 α-NETA 与 CMKLR1 的互作方式。研究内容将为 CMKLR1 的靶向药物设计提供理论依据和实验基础。  相似文献   

让你所有的镜头都具有光学防抖能力?这对于数码单反相机用户来说,实在是一件妙不可言的事情。具备机身防抖能力的KonicaMinoltaα7Digital数码单反相机,就能满足你的这一梦想。除此之外,这款产品在操控和噪声控制方面都有独到且出色的表现。对于充满创作欲望的摄影爱好者来说,这是一件拍摄高品质数码照片的独门利器。  相似文献   

作为柯美的老用户,在遗憾柯美被收购的同时,一直对SONY的α100抱有极大的兴趣。收购柯美,使SONY拥有了完善和强大的数码单反相机开发能力,加上即将开发的庞大镜头群的支持,令摄影爱好者眼红心痒,都盼望SONY踢出漂亮的第一脚。α100在柯美A5d的基础上开发而成,SONY对造型进行了微调,减少了A5d的棱角,使边角变得更加圆润,手感舒适了不少。α100和α5d体积相当,但是重量减轻了不少,看来SONY针对α5d的钢筋铁骨进行了很大的减负工作,也许,很多用户是喜欢轻便的相机的。和SONY其他产品一样,α100被加进了很SONY个性化的元素,橙色的镜…  相似文献   

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