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This paper presents a new realization of resistorless mixed-mode (i.e. both voltage-mode and current-mode) quadrature sinusoidal oscillator using a new active building block (ABB) called the differential voltage current-controlled conveyor transconductance amplifier (DVCCCTA). The proposed oscillator circuit uses a single DVCCCTA, two grounded capacitors (GCs) and does not employ any external linear resistors. The tuning laws for the condition of oscillation (CO) and the frequency of oscillation (FO) are non-interactive; and controlled by separate bias currents. The circuit provides two explicit quadrature current outputs and two quadrature voltage outputs and thus can be classified as a mixed-mode quadrature oscillator. Another notable feature of the proposed circuit is that it can also be used as a biquadratic filter to realize low-pass and band-pass filtering functions simultaneously. Non-ideal analysis of the circuit is provided and PSpice simulation results have been included to verify the workability of the proposed circuit.  相似文献   

This paper presents a first of its kind canonic realization of active RC (ARC) sinusoidal oscillator with non-interactive/independent tuning laws, which simultaneously provides buffered quadrature voltage outputs and explicit quadrature current outputs. The proposed circuit is created using a new active building block, namely the Z-copy controlled-gain current differencing buffered amplifier (ZC-CG-CDBA). The circuit uses three resistors and two grounded capacitors, and provides independent/non-interactive control of the condition of oscillation (CO) and the frequency of oscillation (FO) by means of different resistors. Other advantageous features of the circuit are the inherent electronic tunability of the FO via controlling current gains of the active elements and the suitability to be employed as a low-frequency oscillator. A non-ideal analysis of the circuit is carried out and experimental results verifying the workability of the proposed circuit are included.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel current-mode biquadratic circuit using plus type differential voltage current conveyors (DVCCs) and grounded passive components. The circuit is constructed with two plus type dual current output DVCCs (DO-DVCCs), two grounded capacitors and two resistors. The circuit can realize multiple circuit transfer functions by choosing the appropriate input and output terminals. Additionally, the circuit parameters Q and ω 0 can be set orthogonally by adjusting the passive components. The biquadratic circuit enjoys very low sensitivities to the circuit components. An example is given together with simulated results by PSPICE.  相似文献   

In this paper, two novel application circuits utilizing the differential voltage current conveyor (DVCC) are introduced and implemented. To the best knowledge of authors, this is the first reported monostable multivibrators employing DVCC device. Each presented circuit is constructed by single DVCC as the basic active building block together with a few passive components. Both of them can be operated via a positive-edge triggering signal to generate a pulse waveform with an adjustable width. The first one is a general monostable circuit. The second design is an improved construction, which shortens the recovery time for applying the consecutive triggering signals. The circuit operations are first described and then the non-ideal issues and design considerations of the proposed circuits are discussed. To demonstrate their feasibility, the presented circuits are simulated using circuit simulation program Is-Spice. Available commercial ICs and discrete components are used to implement the prototype circuits. Simulation and experimental results agree well with the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

In this article, a new voltage-mode second-order universal frequency filter and sinusoidal oscillator using only single differential-input buffered and transconductance amplifier (DBTA) is presented. The proposed voltage-mode filter structure using single DBTA and four passive elements can provide all standard filter functions, i.e. low-, band-, high-pass, band-stop, and all-pass without changing the circuit topology and enables independent control of the quality factor Q using single passive element. The circuit requires the minimal number of active and passive elements with no conditions for component matching. By slight modification of the proposed filter structure, the new DBTA-based sinusoidal oscillator is easily obtained. The oscillation condition and the oscillation frequency are independently adjustable by different virtually grounded passive elements. The proposed sinusoidal oscillator employs only grounded capacitors. The passive and active sensitivities of all the proposed circuit configurations are low. PSPICE simulations using a BJT realisation of DBTA and experimental results based on commercially available amplifiers OPA860 and MAX436 are included, which prove the workability of the proposed circuits.  相似文献   

曹圣国  杨玉庆  谈熙  闫娜  闵昊 《半导体学报》2011,32(8):085006-6
本文实现了一种集成新型相位切换预分频器和高品质因素压控振荡器的锁相环频率综合器。该频率综合器在考虑噪声性能的基础上进行系统参数设计。预分频器采用了一种不易受工艺偏差影响的相位切换方式。对压控振荡器的电感开关电容和压控电容的品质因素进行了优化。与其他文献相比,该频率综合器使用相近的功耗取得更好的噪声性能。本文提出的频率综合器采用SMIC0.13微米工艺流片,芯片面积为11502500 μm2。当锁定在5 GHz时,其功耗在1.2V电源电压供电时为15mA。此时,1MHz频偏处相位噪声为-122.45dBc/Hz。  相似文献   

This paper presents a low voltage low power operational transconductance amplifier circuit. By using a source degeneration technique, the proposed realization powered at ±0.9 V shows a high DC gain of 63 dB with a unity gain frequency at 3.5 MHz, a wide dynamic range and a total harmonic distortion of −60 dB at 1 MHz for an input of 1 Vpp. According to the connection of negative current terminal to positive voltage terminal of double output OTA circuit, a second generation current conveyor (CCII-) has been realized. This circuit offers a good linearity over the dynamic range, an excellent accuracy and wide current mode of 56 MHz and voltage mode of 16.78 MHz cut-off frequency f-3 dB.Thereafter, new SIMO current-mode biquadratic filter composed by OTA and CCII as active elements and two grounded capacitors is implemented. This filter is characterized by (i) independent adjusting of pole frequency and quality factor, (ii) it can realize all simulations results without changing the circuit topology, (iii) it shows low power consumption about 0.24 mW. All simulations are performed by Cadence (Cadence Design Systems) technology Tower Jazz 0.18 μm TS18SL.  相似文献   

The nonlinear behaviour of drift-diffusion transport model of the 3 µm GaAs Gunn-effect structure is analysed here. It is shown that the correct choice of the v(E) form and its exact approximation is necessary. Increase of the v(E) dependence steepness in the region above the threshold leads to dissolution of the dipole domains before anode contact. A local extremum appears on the dependence of the transit frequency on the applied dc voltage. This complicates mode-locking processes when a driving microwave signal is applied. The effective length of the transit region quasiperiodically changes, similarly to threshold modulation in relaxation oscillator models. The nonlinear interaction of oscillations leads to multiplication of the current oscillations period and complication of the terminal current shape. The quasiperiodic microwave signal outside the phase-locking regions has different upper and lower envelopes, leading to the appearance of an additional high-frequency component in the signal spectrum. The principal phase-locking region boundaries are defined by the golden mean proportions. Some results of the experimental investigations of Gunn oscillator nonlinear dynamics in the 40–55 GHz frequency band are also given here.  相似文献   

In this article, a new complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) high-performance fully differential second-generation current conveyor (FDCCII) implementation is proposed. The presented FDCCII provides high-output impedance at terminals Z+ and Z?, good linearity and excellent output–input current gain accuracy. Also, the proposed FDCCII circuit operates at a supply voltage of ±1.3 V. The applications of the FDCCII to realise voltage-mode multifunction filters are given. Simulations are performed using TSMC CMOS 0.35-μm technology to verify theoretical results.  相似文献   

低压中和化CMOS差分低噪声放大器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
宋睿丰  廖怀林  黄如  王阳元   《电子器件》2007,30(2):465-468
以设计低电压LNA电路为目的,提出了一种采用关态MOSFET中和共源放大器输入级栅漏寄生电容Cgd的CMOS差分低噪声放大器结构.基于该技术,采用0.35μmCMOS工艺设计了一种工作在5.8GHz的低噪声放大器.结果表明,在考虑了各种寄生效应的情况下,该低噪声放大器可以在0.75V的电源电压下工作,其功耗仅为2.45mW.在5.8GHz工作频率下:该放大器的噪声系数为2.9dB,正向增益S21为5.8dB,反向隔离度S12为-30dB,S11为-13.5dB.  相似文献   

Based on sixteen nullor-mirror models of the voltage differencing transconductance amplifier (VDTA) and port admittance matrices of the tow-Thomas (T-T) filter with orthogonal control between the characteristic frequency (fo) and figure of merit (Q), two different categories of the voltage-mode and transconductance-mode T-T filters are synthesized by the means of the nodal admittance matrix (NAM) expansion method. The category A filter that employs two compressive VDTAs and two grounded capacitors includes four structures, and the category B filter that uses two compressive VDTAs, two grounded capacitors, and one grounded resistor, also includes four structures. These circuits are suitable for integrated circuit manufacture, and their parameters fo and Q can be orthogonally adjusted with varying the bias currents of VDTAs. After the paper and pencil test is completed, the computer analyses, including alternating current (AC), parameter sweep, Monte Carlo (MC), and noise analyses, are performed to support the synthesis approach.  相似文献   

江金光  李森 《半导体学报》2014,35(11):115010-7
A single lithium-ion battery protection circuit with high reliability and low power consumption is proposed.The protection circuit has high reliability because the voltage and current of the battery are controlled in a safe range.The protection circuit can immediately activate a protective function when the voltage and current of the battery are beyond the safe range.In order to reduce the circuit’s power consumption,a sleep state control circuit is developed.Additionally,the output frequency of the ring oscillation can be adjusted continuously and precisely by the charging capacitors and the constant-current source.The proposed protection circuit is fabricated in a 0.5 m mixed-signal CMOS process.The measured reference voltage is 1.19 V,the overvoltage is 4.2 V and the undervoltage is 2.2 V.The total power is about 9 W.  相似文献   

杨丽燕  刘亚荣  王永杰 《半导体技术》2017,42(5):340-346,357
利用Cadence集成电路设计软件,基于SMIC 0.18 μm 1P6M CMOS工艺,设计了一款2.488 Gbit/s三阶电荷泵锁相环型时钟数据恢复(CDR)电路.该CDR电路采用双环路结构实现,为了增加整个环路的捕获范围及减少锁定时间,在锁相环(PLL)的基础上增加了一个带参考时钟的辅助锁频环,由锁定检测环路实时监控频率误差实现双环路的切换.整个电路由鉴相器、鉴频鉴相器、电荷泵、环路滤波器和压控振荡器组成.后仿真结果表明,系统电源电压为1.8V,在2.488 Gbit/s速率的非归零(NRZ)码输入数据下,恢复数据的抖动峰值为14.6 ps,锁定时间为1.5μs,功耗为60 mW,核心版图面积为566 μm×448μm.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于级联马赫-曾德尔调制器 (MZM)和半导体光放大器(SOA)的24倍频微波信号 光学生成方案,具有覆盖频段高、杂波抑制效果好等优点。在本方案中,低频微波信号分别 通过两个级联 MZM对连续光源进行调制,调节直流偏置使两个MZM均工作在最大偏置点,以抑制奇数阶光分 量;进一 步调节两个MZM的调制深度,并结合可调谐电相移器(TEPS)和可调谐光相移器(TOPS)引入相 移,完全抑 制第2个MZM输出的±2阶光分量和光载波,得到±4阶光分量;再经过SOA发生四波混频(FWM )效应,形成±12 阶光分量;滤波后拍频可以获得24倍频微波信号。最后,搭建了实验和仿真系统,分别以11.0GHz,11.5GHz和12.0GHz的微波信号为驱动,得到间隔为264、276GH z和288GHz的±12阶光边带,有效验证了方案的可行性。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于双平行Mach-Zehnder调制器(DPMZM ) 和半导体光放大器(SOA ) 的四波混频(FWM ) 效应的 24 倍频微波信号光学生成方案,具有覆盖频段高、系统结构简单 和 频谱纯度较高等优点。在本方案中,低频率的微波信号 通过 DPMZM 对光源进行调制,调节直流偏置点使 DPMZM 的两个子 MZM 和主 MZM 均偏置在最大传输点,抑制 所有 奇数边带,进一步调节两个子 MZM 的调制深度和移相器的相移,完全抑制光载波和二阶边带,得到±4阶光边带;再经 过 SOA 发生FWM效应 , 产生±12 光边带,经过光电探测器拍频后可获得 24 倍频的微波信号。最后,通过仿真实验, 以 10GHz 的微波信号为驱动信号,得到了 240GHz 的微波信号,验证了方案的可行性。  相似文献   

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