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A large reflector antenna generally consists of several rings of panels and panel installation errors (PIEs) are inevitable during the panel installation process. In this paper, a mathematical model is developed to analyze the effects of PIEs on reflector's average power pattern. Whether for the PIEs of each ring of panels or for the PIEs of all the panels for the whole reflector, the proposed model can be used to calculate the average power pattern with the root‐mean‐square value of the PIEs, and its correctness is demonstrated by the results calculated by Monte Carlo simulation. For a given paneled reflector, the peak gain losses and the first side lobe level increments caused by different PIEs for the whole reflector are presented. Then, through an analysis for each ring of panels, including the effects of different amplitude aperture distribution functions and different ratios of focal length to diameter (F/D ratios), the results clearly show that the PIEs of the panels for different rings have different effects on the reflector's average power pattern, and valuable results are obtained. The derived results will greatly benefit the panel installation and adjustment of large reflector antennas.  相似文献   

A majority of child safety restraints are misused in some manner, often leading to an increased risk of serious injury or death. It is possible that at least some instances of misuse are the result of biomechanical limitations during the installation process. Twenty-seven adult participants were trained and then monitored in three stages of child safety seat installation. All installations were done with an identical restraint system in the rear bench seat of a mocked-up minivan. EMG of 10 muscles, as well as trunk, shoulder, and wrist postures were analyzed. Peak maximum efforts were often required of the trunk extensor, forearm, and anterior shoulder muscles during the installation process. Routing and tightening of the seatbelt, as well as placing and securing the child into the seat were observed to be particularly difficult tasks. Many portions of the child safety seat installation process were found to be very physically demanding; some individuals may not be capable of performing these tasks correctly, thereby putting the child at greater risk in the motor vehicle.  相似文献   

Mel B  Fiser J 《Neural computation》2000,12(2):247-278
We have studied some of the design trade-offs governing visual representations based on spatially invariant conjunctive feature detectors, with an emphasis on the susceptibility of such systems to false-positive recognition errors-Malsburg's classical binding problem. We begin by deriving an analytical model that makes explicit how recognition performance is affected by the number of objects that must be distinguished, the number of features included in the representation, the complexity of individual objects, and the clutter load, that is, the amount of visual material in the field of view in which multiple objects must be simultaneously recognized, independent of pose, and without explicit segmentation. Using the domain of text to model object recognition in cluttered scenes, we show that with corrections for the nonuniform probability and nonindependence of text features, the analytical model achieves good fits to measured recognition rates in simulations involving a wide range of clutter loads, word size, and feature counts. We then introduce a greedy algorithm for feature learning, derived from the analytical model, which grows a representation by choosing those conjunctive features that are most likely to distinguish objects from the cluttered backgrounds in which they are embedded. We show that the representations produced by this algorithm are compact, decorrelated, and heavily weighted toward features of low conjunctive order. Our results provide a more quantitative basis for understanding when spatially invariant conjunctive features can support unambiguous perception in multiobject scenes, and lead to several insights regarding the properties of visual representations optimized for specific recognition tasks.  相似文献   

Mel BW  Fiser J 《Neural computation》2000,12(4):731-762
We have studied some of the design trade-offs governing visual representations based on spatially invariant conjunctive feature detectors, with an emphasis on the susceptibility of such systems to false-positive recognition errors-Malsburg's classical binding problem. We begin by deriving an analytical model that makes explicit how recognition performance is affected by the number of objects that must be distinguished, the number of features included in the representation, the complexity of individual objects, and the clutter load, that is, the amount of visual material in the field of view in which multiple objects must be simultaneously recognized, independent of pose, and without explicit segmentation. Using the domain of text to model object recognition in cluttered scenes, we show that with corrections for the nonuniform probability and nonindependence of text features, the analytical model achieves good fits to measured recognition rates in simulations involving a wide range of clutter loads, word size, and feature counts. We then introduce a greedy algorithm for feature learning, derived from the analytical model, which grows a representation by choosing those conjunctive features that are most likely to distinguish objects from the cluttered backgrounds in which they are embedded. We show that the representations produced by this algorithm are compact, decorrelated, and heavily weighted toward features of low conjunctive order. Our results provide a more quantitative basis for understanding when spatially invariant conjunctive features can support unambiguous perception in multiobject scenes, and lead to several insights regarding the properties of visual representations optimized for specific recognition tasks.  相似文献   

操作系统安装是计算机组装与维护课程的一个重要组成部分,U盘启动安装系统是目前普遍使用的安装方法.以Win8安装作为教学项目,详细介绍了U盘启动盘的制作以及用U盘启动安装Win8系统的操作过程,指出了项目教学具体实施方法和项目考核要点.  相似文献   

The installation of a 2‐unit microcomputer system in Somalia is described. Though not unique, the system does illustrate some important factors which must be considered when installing computers in extreme conditions.

The paper describes, in particular, the measures taken to cope with difficult environmental conditions, uncertain power supplies, and the lack of immediate access to maintenance facilities.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于非线性参数估计的水下定位系统传感器安装误差标定技术.水下定位系统由声学传感器,GPS和船体姿态传感器组成,各传感器的坐标系并不能完全重合,需要对传感器之间的误差标定后进行修正才能够获得高精度的定位效果.已有的标定方法多基于高斯-牛顿迭代法,而当非线性系统模型线性化带来较大误差时,常规的基于高斯-牛顿迭代法的标定方法已无法达到高精度的要求,而非线性模型参数估的直接解法则掺人了三阶量,有效减小线性化的模型误差,提高了各传感器安装误差的标定精度.海试数据处理表明:定位精度可由1 m提高到0.7 m.  相似文献   

针对汽车乘员约束系统仿真模型的可信度验证需要大量重复的数据处理和结果分析的问题,基于可信度验证系统(system of verification and validation, SV2),将100%正碰、40%偏置碰和侧碰工况的分析流程固化,开发汽车乘员约束系统仿真模型可信度验证系统。对100%正碰工况进行试验验证,结果表明:新开发的仿真模型可信度验证系统对模型可信度验证能够提高90%的工作效率,自动生成分析报告,为仿真工程师提供模型改善建议。  相似文献   

We present in this paper a new analysis of relative sensitivity/importance of camera calibration/alignment parameters on the performance of stereoscopic depth reconstruction. This quantitative analysis provides formulae which relate different parameter errors to the 3-D reconstruction measurements. The results of this analysis provide specifications of acceptable tolerances in individual calibration parameters for given 3-D measurement error tolerances. This information is useful in designing practical stereoscopic vision systems.  相似文献   


Cell production systems for assembly operations generally require tool changes using several hands and a customized work table. The initial setting and resetting of the assembly system are costly. We implemented a system comprising the use of only two hands and without the requirement of tool changers. In addition, multiple sensors are used to perform tasks robustly to avoid errors. The peg-in-hole task is performed robustly against errors without the precise positioning of objects. The objective is to develop a system that is lean and agile and can be set up quickly. We evaluate this system based on the task-board and assembly tasks during the assembly challenge in the industrial robotics category of the World Robot Summit 2018.  相似文献   

In this paper, boundary control of a marine installation system is developed to position the subsea payload to the desired set-point and suppress the cable’s vibration. Using Hamilton’s principle, the flexible cable coupled with vessel and payload dynamics is described as a distributed parameter system with one partial differential equation (PDE) and two ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Adaptive boundary control is proposed at the top and bottom boundaries of the cable, based on Lyapunov’s direct method. Considering the system parametric uncertainty, the boundary control schemes developed achieve uniform boundedness of the steady state error between the boundary payload and the desired position. The control performance of the closed-loop system is guaranteed by suitably choosing the design parameters. Simulations are provided to illustrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed control.  相似文献   

Defeaturing is a widely used technique in preparing CAD models for meshing for use in finite element analysis. However, defeaturing invariably leads to analysis errors that affect the final analysis results. A practical numerical approach is proposed in this paper to estimate this defeaturing-induced engineering analysis error, in terms of changes to particular quantities of engineering interest. The proposed approach can handle arbitrary 3D negative and positive features of any size. They can either be free or be subject to external loading. Our estimator is expressed in a residual form defined over a suppressed feature, and can be explicitly evaluated using solutions of the defeatured model or its extensions. Experimental results on practical engineering parts show the performance of the approach.  相似文献   

为检测汽车空调控制面板按键装配是否正确,提出了一种基于颜色特征和形状特征相结合的快速在线检测方法。根据面板上按键位置的已知信息和不同按键上图案的特点,在面板图像上提取按键目标区域进行预处理,减少不必要的运算量,并提取按键上图案的颜色特征和形状特征,分析了不同颜色模型和几何特征受在线检测环境的影响,实现了在Lab-view平台上运用Vision模块对汽车空调面板是否有按键装配缺陷进行自动检测。相对于运算量比较大的模板匹配,该算法更具快速性,符合了在线检测的要求。  相似文献   

基于数据引导均衡算法(DDEA)的Turbo均衡,求取符号外信息对数似然比(LLR)时需要用到信噪比(或者说噪声方差)信息,在均衡的过程中没法获得准确的信噪比,只能通过估计获得其粗略值。而信噪比的估计误差势必会对均衡的性能产生影响。给出了一种半分析的方法,研究信噪比(SNR)的估计误差对基于DDEA算法的Turbo均衡器性能的影响,相比较于仅靠大量的仿真工作来获取此方面信息的方法来说,该方法省略了很多的仿真工作,而是通过推导的公式计算,所以复杂度降低。通过仿真验证了给出方法的有效性,同时可以看出信噪比过估计对基于DDEA算法的Turbo均衡系统的性能基本不产生什么影响,但是信噪比欠估计会造成误码率的大幅度上升。  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(10):1023-1039
Effects of camera calibration errors for the point-to-point task are investigated in static-eye and hand-eye visual servoing realized with position-based and image-based control laws. For these four configurations, the effect of uncertainty on intrinsic and extrinsic parameters is analyzed. The results show local stability for all configurations under small calibration errors. However, a steady-state error is found in the hand-eye position-based configuration. Simulations have been carried out in order to confirm the theoretical results and evaluate the effects of the uncertainty in terms of the stability region. Another contribution of the paper consists of providing a method for estimating the stability region robust against uncertainty directions for the static-eye position-based case with uncertainty on the camera centers.  相似文献   

针对旋转弹用磁测系统在飞行过程中,存在由机械安装误差以及固定磁干扰带来的测量系下三轴磁矢量与弹体系不平行问题,提出一种磁测系统与弹体之间等效安装误差角的在线标定补偿法;通过分析磁测系统实时输出的三轴地磁矢量信息,建立测量信息与误差的误差模型,利用类正弦信号特征值求取误差角,进而补偿磁测信息中的误差项,最终提高磁测系统解算输出的滚转角精度;实验结果表明,当弹体仅做滚转运动时,经过该方法补偿后磁测系统解算的滚转角比补偿前解算的滚转角精度可提高6倍以上,滚转角解算误差保持在2.以内,可以满足制导弹药对滚转角的精度需求.  相似文献   

In wireless broadcasting environments, mobile clients cannot receive data reliably over broadcast channels because a reliable transmission protocol is not applicable to the channels. If such broadcast errors are not properly handled by a concurrency control algorithm, it could lead to a fatal effect especially when clients are permitted to issue update transactions. However, the effects of broadcast errors on concurrency control have been little researched. In this paper, we have proposed a concurrency control algorithm to support update transactions issued by mobile clients and evaluated the performance of the algorithm by focusing the effects of broadcast errors with an analytic model. The analytic results show our algorithm is efficient in resolving the broadcast errors.  相似文献   

大型电站锅炉的四管泄漏是引起机组非计划停运的主要原因,如何预防和控制锅炉四管泄漏事故就成为保障电网安全运行的重要环节.声谱分析法是目前最常用的检测方法,在锅炉的顶部温度较高,而且锅炉内部有时产生正压会使普通音频传感器特别容易损坏,设计了耐高温的光纤音频传感器与声学谐振腔,通过仿真确定了光纤音频传感器高灵敏度的工作范围,并通过声学谐振腔的设计,使泄漏噪声信号提高了1倍.由实验测试结果可知,该系统能够有效地测试到锅炉炉管泄漏信号,为锅炉炉管泄漏监测提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

We describe a new multi-matcher biometric approach, using knuckle-based features extracted from the middle finger and from the ring finger, with fusion applied at the matching-score level. The features extraction is performed by Radon transform and by Haar wavelet, then these features are transformed by non-linear Fisher transform. Finally, the matching process is based on Parzen window classifiers. Moreover, we study a method based on tokenised pseudo-random numbers and user specific knuckle features. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the system in terms of equal error rate (EER) (near zero equal error rate).
Loris NanniEmail:

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