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We address the invertibility problem for switched systems, which is the problem of recovering the switching signal and the input uniquely given an output and an initial state. In the context of hybrid systems, this corresponds to recovering the discrete state and the input from partial measurements of the continuous state. In solving the invertibility problem, we introduce the concept of singular pairs for two systems. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for a switched system to be invertible, which says that the individual subsystems should be invertible and there should be no singular pairs. When the individual subsystems are invertible, we present an algorithm for finding switching signals and inputs that generate a given output in a finite interval when there is a finite number of such switching signals and inputs. Detailed examples are included.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the stabilization problem of switched linear stochastic systems with unob- servable switching laws. In this paper the system switches among a finite family of linear stochastic systems. Since there are noise perturbations, the switching laws can not be identified in any finite time horizon. We prove that if each individual subsystem is controllable and the switching duration uniformly has a strict positive lower bound, then the system can be stabilized by using a controller that uses online state estimation.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Consider the following switched linear stochastic system dx(t) = Aθtx(t)dt +Bθtu(t)dt + Fθtdwt, E x0 2 < ∞ (1) where x0 = x(0). The system state x(t) ∈ Rn is completely observable and u(t) ∈ Rr is the input. The system noise {wt} is an l-dimensional standard Wiener process, which is independent of {x(s),s t}. Aθt, Bθt, Fθt are coefficient matrices with suitable dimensions. The switching law (or signal) θt : [0, ∞) → Θ is a piecewise constant function of time. I…  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the passivity analysis and feedback passification for switched discrete-time linear systems using multiple storage functions under a certain switching law. Controllers and switching laws are designed based on complete and partial state measurements, respectively. Conditions for strict passivity of a switched discrete-time system are obtained without the requirement of strict passivity of subsystems. In the case of partial state measurements, dynamic output feedback controllers for subsystems are designed, and a switching law depending only on the state of the output feedback controllers is constructed to guarantee strict passivity of the closed-loop switched system. Finally, a numerical example is provided to demonstrate the feasibility of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The paper presents realization theory of discrete-time linear switched systems. We present necessary and sufficient conditions for an input–output map to admit a discrete-time linear switched system realization. In addition, we present a characterization of minimality of discrete-time linear switched systems in terms of reachability and observability. Further, we prove that minimal realizations are unique up to isomorphism. We also discuss algorithms for converting a linear switched system to a minimal one and for constructing a state-space representation from input–output data. The paper uses the theory of rational formal power series in non-commutative variables.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of solving a linear system Ax=bAx=b over a cyclotomic field. Cyclotomic fields are special in that we can easily find a prime pp for which the minimal polynomial m(z)m(z) for the field factors into a product of distinct linear factors. This makes it possible to develop fast modular algorithms.  相似文献   

The behaviours of hybrid dynamic systems (HDS) are determined by combining continuous variables with discrete switching logic. The identification of a HDS aims to find an accurate model of the system’s dynamics based on its past inputs and outputs. In pattern recognition (PR) methods, each mode is represented by a set of similar patterns that form restricted regions in the feature space. These sets of patterns are called classes. A pattern is a vector built from past inputs and outputs. HDS identification is a challenging problem since it involves the estimation of different sets of parameters without knowing in advance which sections of the measured data correspond to the different modes of the system. Therefore, HDS identification can be achieved by combining two steps: clustering and parameter estimation. In the clustering step, the number of discrete modes (i.e., the classes that input-output data points belong) is estimated. The parameter estimation step finds the parameters of the models that govern the continuous dynamics in each mode. In this paper, an unsupervised PR method is proposed to achieve the clustering step of the identification of temporally switched linear HDS. The determination of the number of modes does not require prior information about the modes or their number.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The study of switched and hybrid dynamical systems has attracted much attention since 1990s. A switched linear sys- tem is a hybrid system which consists of several linear time- invariant subsystems and a switching path that orchestrates the switching among them. The importance of the switched linear systems scheme stems from the facts that i) the frame- work represents a wide class of practical systems, ii) the two-level system structure provides an effective multiple- controll…  相似文献   

The paper investigates the structure of the reachable set of linear switched systems. The structure of the reachable set is determined using techniques from classical nonlinear systems theory, namely, the theory of orbits developed by H. Sussman and the realization theory for nonlinear systems developed by B. Jakubczyk.  相似文献   

We study the problem of asymptotically stabilizing a switched linear control system using sampled and quantized measurements of its state. The switching is assumed to be slow enough in the sense of combined dwell time and average dwell time, each individual mode is assumed to be stabilizable, and the available data rate is assumed to be large enough but finite. Our encoding and control strategy is rooted in the one proposed in our earlier work on non-switched systems, and in particular the data-rate bound used here is the data-rate bound from that earlier work maximized over the individual modes. The main technical step that enables the extension to switched systems concerns propagating over-approximations of reachable sets through sampling intervals, during which the switching signal is not known; a novel algorithm is developed for this purpose. Our primary focus is on systems with time-dependent switching (switched systems) but the setting of state-dependent switching (hybrid systems) is also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, a methodology for identifying switching sequences and switching instants of switched linear systems (SLS) is derived. The identification problem of a SLS is a challenging and non-trivial problem. In fact, it involves interaction between binary, discrete and real-valued variables. A SLS switches many times over a finite time horizon and thus estimating the sequence of activated modes and the switches locations is a crucial problem for both control and Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI). The proposed methodology is based on the Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) technique. The identification problem is formulated as an optimization problem involving noisy data (system inputs and outputs). Both a set of binary variables corresponding to each sub-model before and after each switch, and the corresponding switching instants are iteratively adjusted by the DPSO algorithm. Thus, the DPSO algorithm has to classify which sub-system has generated which data. The efficiency of the proposed approach is illustrated through a numerical example and a physical one. The numerical example is a Switched Auto-Regressive eXogenous (SARX) system and the physical one is a buck–boost DC/DC converter.  相似文献   

Kai  Fabian  Robert   《Automatica》2009,45(11):2592-2596
In this note we consider the stability properties of a system class that arises in the control design problem of switched linear systems. The control design we are studying is based on a classical pole-placement approach. We analyse the stability of the resulting switched system and develop analytic conditions which reduce the complexity of the stability problem. We further consider two special cases for which strongly simplified conditions are obtained that support the analytic controller design.  相似文献   

The work presented in this paper is concerned with the identification of switched linear systems from input-output data. The main challenge with this problem is that the data are available only as a mixture of observations generated by a finite set of different interacting linear subsystems so that one does not know a priori which subsystem has generated which data. To overcome this difficulty, we present here a sparse optimization approach inspired by very recent developments from the community of compressed sensing. We formally pose the problem of identifying each submodel as a combinatorial ?0 optimization problem. This is indeed an NP-hard problem which can interestingly, as shown by the recent literature, be relaxed into a (convex) ?1-norm minimization problem. We present sufficient conditions for this relaxation to be exact. The whole identification procedure allows us to extract the parameter vectors (associated with the different subsystems) one after another without any prior clustering of the data according to their respective generating-submodels. Some simulation results are included to support the potentialities of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper we give necessary and sufficient conditions for weak and strong quadratic stability of a class of switched linear systems consisting of two subsystems, associated with symmetric transfer function matrices. These conditions can simply be tested by checking the eigenvalues of the product of two subsystem matrices. This result is an extension of the result by Shorten and Narendra for strong quadratic stability, and the result by Shorten et al. on weak quadratic stability for switched linear systems. Examples are given to illustrate the usefulness of our results.  相似文献   

When a switched linear system is not completely controllable, the controllability subspace is not enough to describe the controllability of the system over whole state space. In this case the state space can be divided into two or three control-invariant sub-manifolds, which form a control-related partition of the state space. This paper investigates when each component is a controllable sub-manifold. First, we consider when a sub-manifold is controllable for no control input case. Then the results are used to produce a necessary and sufficient condition assuring the controllability of the partitioned control-invariant sub-manifolds of a class of switched linear systems. An example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the results.  相似文献   

In this paper, a suitable LaSalle principle for continuous-time linear switched systems is used to characterize invariant sets and their associated switching laws. An algorithm to determine algebraically these invariants is proposed. The main novelty of our approach is that we require no dwell time conditions on the switching laws. By not focusing on restricted control classes we are able to describe the asymptotic properties of the considered switched systems. Observability analysis of a flying capacitor converter is proposed as an illustration.  相似文献   

Controllability and reachability criteria for switched linear systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper investigates the controllability and reachability of switched linear control systems. It is proven that both the controllable and reachable sets are subspaces of the total space. Complete geometric characterization for both sets is presented. The switching control design problem is also addressed.  相似文献   

In this work, we study the robust observer-driven switching stabilization problem of switched linear systems. Under the condition that each subsystem is completely observable, with the observer-driven switching law which makes the system exponentially stable for the nominal system, we prove that the overall system is robust against structural/switching perturbations and is input/output to state stable for unstructural perturbations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the problem of designing switching sequences for controllability of switched linear systems. Each controllable state set of designed switching sequences coincides with the controllable subspace. Both aperiodic and periodic switching sequences are considered. For the aperiodic case, a new approach is proposed to construct switching sequences, and the number of switchings involved in each designed switching sequence is shown to be upper bounded by d(d-d1+1). Here d is the dimension of the controllable subspace, , where (Ai,Bi) are subsystems. For the periodic case, we show that the controllable subspace can be realized within d switching periods.  相似文献   

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