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黄东巍  任翔  贾昊  刘砚君 《现代电子技术》2014,(12):134-136,139
对某型号国产双极型双路高压运算放大器在不同偏置条件和不同剂量率条件下的电离总剂量效应进行了研究。通过对运算放大器辐照前后的电参数进行测试,计算得到增强因子,分析特殊偏置条件和低剂量率条件对运算放大器电离总剂量效应的影响。试验结果表明,偏置条件不同,运算放大器的电离总剂量效应表现出明显差异性,各管脚短接相对于正常加电工作条件是较恶劣的一种偏置条件。在0.01 rad(si)/s低剂量率条件下,运算放大器表现出潜在的低剂量率增强效应。  相似文献   

The elevated and room temperature annealing behavior of radiation damage in JFET-input operational amplifiers (op-amps) were investigated. High- and low-dose-rate irradiation results show that one of the JFET-input op-amps studied in this paper exhibits enhanced low-dose-rate sensitivity and the other shows time-dependent effect. The offset voltage of both op-amps increases during long-term annealing at room temperature. However, the offset voltage decreases at elevated temperature. The dramatic difference in annealing behavior at room and elevated temperatures indicates the migration behavior of radiation-induced species at elevated and room temperatures. This provides useful information to understand the degradation and annealing mechanisms in JFET-input op-amps under total ionizing radiation. Moreover, the annealing of oxide trapped charges should be taken into consideration, when using elevated temperature methods to evaluate low-dose-rate damage.  相似文献   

The elevated and room temperature annealing behavior of radiation damage in JFET-input operational amplifiers (op-amps) were investigated. High-and low-dose-rate irradiation results show that one of the JFET-input op-amps studied in this paper exhibits enhanced low-dose-rate sensitivity and the other shows time-dependent effect. The offset voltage of both op-amps increases during long-term annealing at room temperature. However, the offset voltage decreases at elevated temperature. The dramatic difference in annealing behavior at room and elevated temperatures indicates the migration behavior of radiation-induced species at elevated and room temperatures. This provides useful information to understand the degradation and annealing mechanisms in JFET-input op-amps under total ionizing radiation. Moreover, the annealing of oxide trapped charges should be taken into consideration, when using elevated temperature methods to evaluate low-dose-rate damage.  相似文献   

A new phenomenon, for the first time, shows that radiation-induced body effect factor decrease in NMOS transistors is presented. The results indicate that body effect factor shift decreases as the total ionizing dose (TID) level increases in NMOS transistors, especially in the narrow-channel ones, which can be considered as one of the radiation-induced narrow-channel effect (RINCE). A first-order model is developed by applying charge conservation principle. Good agreement is obtained by comparing the modeling with experimental results. Finally, some implications to mitigate the RINCE effect are discussed.  相似文献   

开展不同温度下碳化硅(SiC)金属-氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(MOSFET)总剂量效应研究。采用60Coγ射线对三款国内外生产的SiC MOSFET器件进行总剂量辐照试验,获得器件阈值电压、击穿电压、导通电阻、漏电流等参数分别在25℃,100℃,175℃下的辐射损伤特性,比较器件在不同温度下辐照后器件的退化程度。仿真实验结果表明,不同器件的阈值电压、静态漏电流以及亚阈特性等辐射损伤变化都表现出对环境温度的敏感性,而导通电阻、击穿电压等则相对不敏感。此外SiC MOSFET总剂量辐射响应特性对环境温度的敏感性,还随生产厂家的不同而呈现明显差异性。分析认为,在其他条件相同情况下,器件的阈值电压、静态漏电等参数的退化程度随着辐照温度的升高而降低,主要是由于高温辐照时器件发生隧穿退火效应引起。  相似文献   

The effect of ion implantation dose rate and implant temperature on the transient enhanced diffusion (TED) of low energy boron implants into silicon was investigated. The implant temperature was varied between 5 and 40°C. The beam current was varied from 0.035 to 0.35 mA/cm2. Three different defect regimes were investigated. The first regime was below the formation of any extended defects (5 keV B+ 2 × 1014/cm2) visible in the transmission electron microscope. The second regime was above the {311} formation threshold (2×1014/cm2) but below the subthreshold (type I) dislocation loop formation threshold. The final regime was above both the {311} and dislocation loop formation threshold (10 keV 5×1014/cm2). TED for these conditions is shown to be over after annealing at 750°C for 15–30 min. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy results for the three different damage regimes indicate that there is no measurable effect of dose rate or implant temperature on TED of boron implanted silicon for any of the damage regimes. It should be emphasized that the dose and energy of the boron implants is such that none of these implants approached the amorphization threshold. Above amorphization dose rate and implant temperature have dramatic effects on TED, but it appears that below the amorphization threshold there is little effect. These results suggest that for a given energy it is the ion dose not the extent of the implant damage that determines the extent of TED in boron implanted silicon.  相似文献   

为了深入研究H2和H2O进入氧化层后对双极器件辐射效应的影响机制,以栅控双极晶体管为研究载体,分别开展了不同浓度H2浸泡中的辐照试验和温湿度试验后的总剂量辐照试验。试验结果表明,随着氢气浸泡浓度的增加,器件的抗辐射能力逐渐降低;而温湿度试验后,由于水汽的进入,器件在随后的辐照试验过程中辐射损伤呈增大趋势。在此基础上,利用栅控栅扫描法进行氧化层辐射感生缺陷的定量分离,发现H2和H2O进入器件氧化层后,均会造成辐射感生界面陷阱电荷Nit的增加,并在一定程度上降低辐射感生氧化物陷阱电荷Not的量,结合理论分析进一步给出了H2和H2O造成器件损伤增强的潜在机制。研究成果对于辐射环境用电子系统的抗辐射性能评价和应用具有参考意义。  相似文献   

《Optical Fiber Technology》2013,19(5):428-431
In this paper, the influence of the word length (WL) of a pseudo-random bit sequence (PRBS) and the input laser power on nonlinear crosstalk induced by the different hybrid optical amplifiers (HOAs) has been examined. It is found that the crosstalk is strongly dependent on the WL and very sensitive to the relative powers of the input signals at 0.2 nm and 0.4 nm of the channel spacing. It is shown that the proposed hybrid Raman–EDFA induces lesser crosstalk as compared to other HOAs. The performance of Raman–EDFA HOA is also investigated for 16 × 10 Gbps dense wavelength division multiplexed (DWDM) system at 0.2 nm of channel spacing.  相似文献   

通过分析砷化镓(GaAs)器件的电离辐射剂量率辐照机理和效应,结合电路结构,描述了砷化镓10 bit数模转换器(DAC)的电离辐射剂量率辐射效应、抗辐射设计和辐照实验。在电路设计上,10 bit DAC由两个5 bit DAC组成,通过芯片内部合成10 bit DAC,有效降低了芯片面积和制造工艺难度;通过分析电路的电离辐射剂量率辐射效应,针对敏感电路进行局部电路的抗辐射设计,提高电路抗辐射能力;结合实验条件和器件引线分布,设计合理的辐照实验方案,开发辐照实验电路板,进行辐照实验,获得科学的实验结果,验证电路的抗辐射能力。实验结果表明该数模转换器能够抗3×1011rad(Si)/s剂量率的瞬时辐照。  相似文献   

针对纳米金属-氧化物-半导体(MOS)器件中采用的高介电常数Hf栅介质,开展电离总剂量效应对栅介质经时击穿特性影响的研究。以HfO2栅介质MOS电容为研究对象,进行不同栅极偏置条件下60Co-γ射线的电离总剂量辐照试验,对比辐照前后MOS电容的电流-电压、电容-电压以及经时击穿特性的测试结果。结果显示,不同的辐照偏置条件下,MOS电容的损伤特性不同。正偏辐照下,低栅压下的栅电流显著增大,电容电压特性的斜率降低;零偏辐照下,正向高栅压时栅电流和电容均显著增大;负偏辐照下,栅电流均有增大,正向高栅压下电容增大,且电容斜率降低。3种偏置下,电容的经时击穿电压均显著减小。该研究为纳米MOS器件在辐射环境下的长期可靠性研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

本文对采用0.18?m工艺制造的NMOS器件辐射总剂量效应进行了研究。对晶体管进行了不同剂量的60Co辐射实验,同时测试了辐照前后晶体管电学参数随漏、衬底偏压的变化的规律。采用STI寄生晶体管模型来解释晶体管的关态漏电流及阈值电压漂移性质。3D器件仿真验证了模型的准确性。  相似文献   

This paper focusses on the physical conditions for a degradation mechanism of photovoltaic modules, known as potential‐induced degradation. The analysis was made on several levels. At first, the influence of humidity and temperature on the potential‐induced leakage current has been investigated, the second step consists of an accelerated test scheme in a climatic chamber and the third one is outdoor exposure with high voltage stress in two different climate regions. The humidity has a huge impact on the leakage current. Therefore, a test in the climate chamber accelerates the stress found in the field of some orders of magnitude. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用金属有机化学气相沉积对GaN的高速生长进行了研究.结果表明,随着GaN生长速率的提高,其非故意掺杂的C含量也在提高,并且呈现出良好的线性关系.当生长速率由2μm/h增加至7.2μm/h时,利用SIMS测量发现其GaN中的C含量由2.9×1017增加至5.7×1018 cm-3 .研究表明,N空位的存在与C浓度之间存在紧密的联系。在高氨气分压生长条件下,N空位的浓度也在急剧下降。此时,与具有相近生长速率的常规样品相比,其C含量几乎下降了一个数量级。.光致发光光谱表明,黄带以及蓝带的强度与C污染存在线性关系.这个结果也证实了与C相关的缺陷是导致黄带以及蓝带发光的主要来源。  相似文献   

两种高温老化方式对功率白光LED光热参数的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
测试和比较了大功率白光LED在高温耐电(HTCD)和高温存储(HTS)两种老化条件的光热性能变化。结果表明,在HTCD老化下,光通量衰减达到40~60%;而HTS下的衰减只有10~14%。这说明,电流应力对LED的寿命影响比较大。利用热阻瞬态响应法测试和结构函数理论分析两种高温老化条件下LED的热特性,结果表明,在HTCD老化下LED热阻的变化较HTS更为明显,并且热阻变化大多体现在导热Ag胶层。这主要是由于高温条件下电流应力引起Ag颗粒的空间分布不均,使粘结界面产生空隙导致热阻发生不同程度的改变。  相似文献   

In this paper, the effect of temperature and strain rate of the lead-free solder alloy Sn99.3Cu0.7(Ni) was investigated. Tensile properties of this lead-free solder Sn99.3Cu0.7(Ni) at various temperatures and strain rates were determined and compared with those of the typical Pb-containing solder Sn63Pb37. During tensile tests of different temperatures and strain rates, the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and 0.2% yield stress of the lead-free solder alloy Sn99.3Cu0.7(Ni) decreased with increasing test temperatures and decreasing strain rate. It was noted that mechanical properties of Sn99.3Cu0.3(Ni) showed strong temperature dependence and strain rate sensitivity in the tensile tests of various temperatures and strain rates. Temperature and strain rate impacted rigorously flowing behaviors of the lead-free solder Sn99.3Cu0.7(Ni) in the course of tensile deformation. The microstructure and fracture morphology of the lead-free solder Sn99.3Cu0.7(Ni) were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). In the SEM micro-graph of the fracture surface of this lead-free solder specimen tested, it was noted that increasing temperature affected the microstructure and morphology of fracture surface.  相似文献   

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