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Abookasis D  Rosen J 《Applied optics》2006,45(25):6533-6538
We describe various techniques to synthesize three types of computer-generated hologram (CGH): the Fresnel-Fourier CGH, the Fresnel CGH, and the image CGH. These holograms are synthesized by fusing multiple perspective views of a computer-generated scene. An initial hologram is generated in the computer as a Fourier hologram. Then it can be converted to either a Fresnel or an image hologram by computing the desired wave propagation and imitating an interference process of optical holography. By illuminating the CGH, a 3D image of the objects is constructed. Computer simulations and experimental results underline the performance of the suggested techniques.  相似文献   

Li Y  Abookasis D  Rosen J 《Applied optics》2001,40(17):2864-2870
We propose a method of synthesizing computer-generated holograms of real-life three-dimensional (3-D) objects. An ordinary digital camera illuminated by incoherent white light records several projections of the 3-D object from different points of view. The recorded data are numerically processed to yield a two-dimensional complex function, which is then encoded as a computer-generated hologram. When this hologram is illuminated by a plane wave, a 3-D real image of the object is reconstructed.  相似文献   

Matsushima K 《Applied optics》2005,44(22):4607-4614
Digitally synthetic holograms of surface model objects are investigated for reconstructing three-dimensional objects with shade and texture. The objects in the proposed techniques are composed of planar surfaces, and a property function defined for each surface provides shape and texture. The field emitted from each surface is independently calculated by a method based on rotational transformation of the property function by use of a fast Fourier transform (FFT) and totaled on the hologram. This technique has led to a reduction in computational cost: FFT operation is required only once for calculating a surface. In addition, another technique based on a theoretical model of the brightness of the reconstructed surfaces enables us to shade the surface of a reconstructed object as designed. Optical reconstructions of holograms synthesized by the proposed techniques are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Kim SC  Hwang DC  Lee DH  Kim ES 《Applied optics》2006,45(22):5669-5676
A novel method of using stereoscopic video images to synthesize the computer-generated hologram (CGH) patterns of a real 3D object is proposed. Stereoscopic video images of a real 3D object are captured by a 3D camera system. Disparity maps between the captured stereo image pairs are estimated and from these estimated maps the depth data for each pixel of the object can be extracted on a frame basis. By using these depth data and original color images, hologram patterns of a real object can be computationally generated. In experiments, stereoscopic video images of a real 3D object, a wooden rhinoceros doll, are captured by using the Wasol 3D adapter system and its depth data are extracted from them. Then, CGH patterns of 1280 pixels x 1024 pixels are generated with these depth-annotated images of the wooden rhinoceros doll, and the CGH patterns are experimentally displayed via a holographic display system.  相似文献   

When a digital hologram is reconstructed, only points located at the reconstruction distance are in focus. We have developed a novel technique for creating an in-focus image of the macroscopic objects encoded in a digital hologram. This extended focused image is created by combining numerical reconstructions with depth information extracted by using our depth-from-focus algorithm. To our knowledge, this is the first technique that creates extended focused images of digital holograms encoding macroscopic objects. We present results for digital holograms containing low- and high-contrast macroscopic objects.  相似文献   

We report here on design and computer simulation of computer-generated holograms for three dimensional (3D) imaging and display. Angular spectrum of general polygon patches was calculated in closed analytical form that includes angular dependence of the intensity and linear gradient of phase at each polygon. Special attention was paid to reduction of the dynamic range in the amplitude transmittance of the hologram by proper random choices of slopes and initial phases of each polygon. Numerical computer simulation results proved that our polygon-patched design demonstrates halftones of object shades and shows expected sharp focusing of different parts of the reconstructed 3D images in their different cross-sections.  相似文献   

Computer-generated holograms of images reconstructed on curved surfaces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rosen J 《Applied optics》1999,38(29):6136-6140
When one illuminates a computer-generated hologram by a plane wave, the obtained two-dimensional image is usually displayed on a planar plane. Other possibilities for reconstructing images on arbitrary curved surfaces are discussed herein. As an example, the reconstruction of an image on a virtual spherical surface is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Shrauger VE  Erwin LL  Ahn JL  Warde C 《Applied optics》1994,33(23):5318-5327
High-efficiency phase-only computer-generated holograms (CGH's) were produced expediently and inexpensively by a color-encoded discrete-phase-level process. Computer-generated-hologram gray levels were mapped to color with a high-resolution color printer, and color was mapped to phase by a broad-spectral-sensitivity high-resolution black-and-white film. Experimental results illustrating colorto optical-density and color-to-phase mapping are presented for Kodak 649F film. A variety of optical interconnection elements exhibiting high diffraction efficiencies and high contrast ratios for both on- and off-axis performance were fabricated by this technique. Typical experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

We propose a task-specific digital holographic capture system for three-dimensional scenes, which can reduce the amount of data sent from the camera system to the receiver and can effectively reconstruct partially occluded objects. The system requires knowledge of the object of interest, but it does not require a priori knowledge of either the occlusion or the distance the object is from the camera. Subwindows of the camera-plane Fresnel field are digitally propagated to reveal different perspectives of the scene, and these are combined to overcome the unknown foreground occlusions. The nature of the occlusions and the effect of subwindows are analyzed thoroughly by using the Wigner distribution function. We demonstrate that a careful combination of reconstructions from subwindows can reveal features that are not apparent in a reconstruction from the whole hologram. We provide results by using optically captured digital holograms of real-world objects and simulated occlusions.  相似文献   

Kim SC  Kim ES 《Applied optics》2008,47(19):D55-D62
Several approaches for increasing the speed in computation of the digital holograms of three-dimensional objects have been presented with applications to real-time display of holographic images. Among them, a look-up table (LUT) approach, in which the precalculated principal fringe patterns for all possible image points of the object are provided, has gained a large speed increase in generation of computer-generated holograms. But the greatest drawback of this method is the enormous memory size of the LUT. A novel approach to dramatically reduce the size of the conventional LUT, still keeping its advantage of fast computational speed, is proposed, which is called here a novel LUT (N-LUT) method. A three-dimensional object can be treated as a set of image planes discretely sliced in the z direction, in which each image plane having a fixed depth is approximated as some collection of self-luminous object points of light. In the proposed method, only the fringe patterns of the center points on each image plane are precalculated, called principal fringe patterns (PFPs) and stored in the LUT. Then, the fringe patterns for other object points on each image plane can be obtained by simply shifting this precalculated PFP according to the displaced values from the center to those points and adding them together. Some experimental results reveal that the computational speed and the required memory size of the proposed approach are found to be 69.5 times faster than that of the ray-tracing method and 744 times smaller than that of the conventional LUT method, respectively.  相似文献   

A nonlinear model for holographic recording materials is used to evaluate the signal-to-noise ratio in diffuse-object holograms. A comparison of this model with the linear model proposed by Upatnieks and Leonard [J. Opt. Soc. Am. 60, 297 (1970)] shows that our model justifies the experimental results obtained for dieletric holograms at high density before bleaching.  相似文献   

Fang X  Hobson PR 《Applied optics》1998,37(15):3206-3214
The real image of a line object, located in water of refractive index n(w) and recorded on an in-line Fraunhofer hologram, is calculated by use of the Huygens-Fresnel principle. The presence of the water-glass and glass-air interfaces or the change in effective wavelength between recording and replay introduce wave-front aberrations. Spherical aberration dominates for a perfectly aligned finite-aperture hologram, and its effect on the replayed image of a finite-width line object is evaluated. Numerical results are compared with experimental data of a 10-mum wire located in water 50.0 mm from a 10-mm-thick glass window, and good agreement is demonstrated. It is shown that the error on the linewidth is less than 1.5%, and the shift in focal plane from the Gaussian plane is less than 16 mum, for a replay-to-recording wavelength ratio mu in the range 0.98< mun(w) < 1.02.  相似文献   

The possibility of information storage using the angular speckle-selectivity of volume holograms is analyzed. It is demonstrated that such holograms can be used to construct high-capacity memory elements. Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 24, 88–93 (April 12, 1998)  相似文献   

Influence of the angular mismatch between the hologram and the reconstructing beam in the direction perpendicular to the plane of dispersion on the efficiency of diffraction was studied. It is demonstrated that angular detuning in this direction can lead to substantial increase of the intensity of the diffracted beam if the Bragg conditions are met. The results of calculation of the “anomalous” behavior of the diffraction efficiency are in good agreement with the experimental data for holograms recorded in the layers of a photopolymer.  相似文献   

We propose to use optical multichannel correlation in various chromatic systems to obtain a setup for recognition of polychromatic three-dimensional (3-D) objects based on Fourier-transform profilometry. Because red-green-blue color components are not able to split the luminance information of objects in a defined component, when the 3-D objects are brighter than the reference objects the correlation result gives false alarms. We demonstrate that it is possible to use different color spaces that can split luminance from chromatic information to yield adequate recognition of polychromatic 3-D objects. We show experimental results that prove the utility of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Matsushima K  Takai M 《Applied optics》2000,39(35):6587-6594
A method for accelerating the synthesis of computer-generated three-dimensional (3-D) holograms, based on conventional ray tracing, is proposed. In ray tracing, computers expend almost all of their resources in calculating the 3-D distances between each one of the point sources composing an object and a sampling point on the hologram. We present recurrence formulas that precisely compute the distances and reduce the computation time for synthesizing holograms to one half to one quarter, depending on the processor type. We demonstrate that a full-parallax hologram with an area of 4800 x 4800 pixels, synthesized for a 3-D object containing 966 point sources of light, is computed within 17 min and is optically reconstructed.  相似文献   

An automatic method for rotation-invariant three-dimensional (3-D) object recognition is proposed. The method is based on the use of 3-D information contained in the deformed fringe pattern obtained when a grating is projected onto an object's surface. The proposed method was optically implemented by means of a two-cycle joint transform correlator. The rotation invariance is achieved by means of encoding with the fringe pattern a single component of the circular-harmonic expansion derived from the target. Thus the method is invariant for rotations around the line of sight. The whole experimental setup can be constructed with simple equipment. Experimental results show the utility of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Optical image recognition of three-dimensional objects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Poon TC  Kim T 《Applied optics》1999,38(2):370-381
A three-dimensional (3-D) optical image-recognition technique is proposed and studied. The proposed technique is based on two-pupil optical heterodyne scanning and is capable of performing 3-D image recognition. A hologram of the 3-D reference object is first created and then is used to modulate spatially one of the pupils of the optical system; the other pupil is a point source. A 3-D target object to be recognized is then scanned in two dimensions by optical beams modulated by the two pupils. The result of the two-dimensional scan pattern effectively displays the correlation of the holographic information of the 3-D reference object and that of the 3-D target object. A strong correlation peak results if the two pieces of the holographic information are matched. We analyze the proposed technique and thereby lay a theoretical foundation for optical implementations of the idea. Finally, computer simulations are performed to verify the proposed idea.  相似文献   

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