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The electrochemical behavior of Mengzi lead-silver-zinc ore flotation system was studied. Based on the electrochemical characteristics of sulfide mineral flotation system, a stage potential control flotation was developed with the main parameters of pulp potential(φp), pH value and collector dosage. Using N,N' diphenylamino-dithiolphosphoric acid(NNDDC) as a collector, which has good selectivity for galena flotation at pH 8.8 and pulp potential 330 mV, DDTC is used as secondary collector to improve both the grade and recovery of Pb and Ag. The pulp potential values significantly influence the floatability of practical minerals and single minerals when using NNDDC as the collector. The flotation recovery of galena reaches 85% at about 0.3 V and pH8.8. With the usage of pulp potential control during grinding and flotation, the new pulp electrochemical technology for Mengzi lead-silver-zinc ore flotation was developed. The results show that the grades of Pb and Ag of galena concentrate are 55% and 1 800 g/t, respectively, while the recoveries of Pb and Ag are 86.5% and 65%, respectively, the grade of Zn of marmatite concentrate is 42.5%, and the recovery of Zn is 91.25%.  相似文献   

The effects of Z11 and AP407 collectors as well as AF65 and AF70 frothers were evaluated in the rougher flotation circuit of the Sungun copper concentrator plant using 2 4 full factorial design.Response functions were produced for both Cu grade and recovery and optimized within the experimental range.The optimum reagent dosages were found to be 12.01 g/t Z11,11 g/t AP407,3 g/t AF65 and 5 g/t AF70 to attain the maximum Cu grade(8.17%).The reagent dosages of 12 g/t Z11,11 g/t AP407,3 g/t AF65 and 15 g/t AF70 produced the maximum Cu recovery(86.44%).The collector distribution demonstrated that the distribution pattern of(32%,32%,20%,16%)can produce the best recovery(87.75%)in comparison to other examined distribution patterns.  相似文献   

国内某厂含锑金矿的选矿回收率偏低。为提高选矿回收率,有效利用矿产资源,增加企业经济效益,进行了磨矿细度、浮选药剂捕收剂、抑制剂、活化剂种类和用量的实验研究。结果表明,在磨矿细度为-0.045 mm粒级占93.52%,抑制剂焦亚硫酸钠+新型药剂GT-1用量(200+200) g/t,活化剂硝酸铅用量400 g/t,捕收剂丁基钠黄药用量500 g/t、乙硫氮200 g/t,新型药剂GT-2用量400 g/t,起泡剂2#油用量30 g/t条件下,经一粗四扫三精浮选闭路流程,锑回收率达77.33%,金回收率59.16%。结合闭路试验结果,对工业选矿生产流程进行了优化改进,技术指标提升明显。  相似文献   

The froth features in the batch flotation of a sulphide ore were investigated by using the digital image parameters of the froth, the small number emphasis(Nsne), the average grey level(Dagl) and the instability number (Nins), under different conditions of impeller speeds and aeration rates. It is found that the value of Nsne is strongly dependent on the average bubble size of the froth and Dagl on the volume fraction of solid in the froth, and the froth features during the batch flotation are influenced by impeller speed and aeration rate. A kinetic model of the concen- trate solid flux was developed which relates the flotation process to the image parameters, Nsne and Dagl of the froth and predictions are well consistent with the experimental data.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Flotation electrochemistry and modern surface analytical techniques have enhanced our understanding of reagent-mineral interaction mechanism. Great progress has been made by applying various electrochemical techniques to investigate the int…  相似文献   

为了消除硫化铜镍矿物表面的氧化膜,抑制蛇纹石等含镁脉石矿泥对浮选影响,在硫化铜镍矿的酸性浮选工艺的基础上研究了羧甲基纤维素(CMC)对硫化铜镍矿浮选过程的优化效果,并探讨了CMC的作用机理。结果表明:1×10^?3 mol/L盐酸溶液及20 min超声预处理可以显著强化硫化铜镍矿的可浮性,酸性浮选体系可以在更宽的pH范围内取得较好的回收率;在pH=3的酸性体系中添加20 mg/L CMC,硫化铜镍矿浮选精矿镍品位提高至19.42%,回收率提高至60.05%;分别比同等条件下不添加CMC的浮选指标分别提高了1.78%和22.79%;CMC对蛇纹石矿泥选择性抑制是其优化硫化铜镍矿浮选过程的主要原因;浊度及表面动电位测试表明CMC加入量必须控制于20 mg/L以内,过量的CMC产生有团聚作用,不利于矿泥颗粒间的分散。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONPyrrhotite(Fe1-xS ,0 相似文献   

Recent advances in electrochemistry of sulfide mineral flotation   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1 ELECTROCHEMISTRYOFFLOTATIONItisnowover 4 0yearssinceNixonproposedanelectrochemicalmechanismtoexplaintheinteractionofthiolflotationcollectorswithsulfidemineralsur facesandprovideameansofreconcilingthedifferenttheoriesthathad previouslybeenresolutelyad v…  相似文献   

从微泡浮选理论出发,结合微泡浮选法研究中常见的五种方法:溶解气体浮选法、真空浮选法、射流浮选法、以及电解和超声波浮选法的微泡生成机制及优缺点。通过微泡浮选法处理微细粒矿物的可行性分析,认为微泡浮选法将是未来微细粒选别的重要手段,有广泛得应用前景。  相似文献   

The effect of sodium butyl xanthate (NaBX) and dodecylamine (DDA) as combined collector on the sulphidizing flotation of copper oxide was investigated by flotation test, fluorescent pyrene probe, zeta potential, and infrared spectroscopy analyses. The micro-flotation results show that combined use of NaBX+DDA yields better effect than using NaBX at pH 7-11 only, and the optimal molar ratio of NaBX to DDA is 2: 1. The actual ores flotation shows that when the dosage of NaBX+DDA is (100+54) g/t, the copper concentrate grade and recovery are 15.93% and 76.73%, respectively. The fluorescent pyrene probe test demonstrates that the NaBX+DDA can reduce the micelle concentration in the pulp. The zeta potential and the infrared spectroscopy analyses indicate that chemical adsorption, hydrogen-bonding and electrostatic interaction can help to adsorb NaBX+DDA on the surface of malachite. Meantime, copper xanthate and copper-amine complexes may be generated during the adsorption process.  相似文献   

铅塔冷凝器中锌蒸气冷凝过程的传热数学模型及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究铅塔冷凝器内锌蒸气冷凝过程对冷凝器内壁的传热情况,通过对锌蒸气冷凝过程传热机理的分析、推导,得出了铅塔冷凝器内锌蒸气冷凝过程传热数学模型。由该模型可知,锌蒸气冷凝过程的传热量主要决定于冷凝器内锌蒸气的温度和冷凝器内壁温度,要提高锌蒸气冷凝过程的传热量,可以通过降低冷凝器内壁温度来达到目的,但其温度值的优化值为800℃左右。韶关冶炼厂铅塔冷凝器实际运行情况表明,该模型能较好地反映铅塔冷凝器内锌蒸气冷凝过程中向铅塔冷凝器内壁面的传热,这将对铅锌冷凝器的设计以及生产操作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

氯化钠对铝硅矿物浮选的影响及其作用机理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用季铵盐DTAL作捕收剂,研究了氯化钠对一水硬铝石和叶蜡石浮选的影响及其作用机理.随着氯化钠浓度的增加,叶蜡石的浮选回收率显著提高,而一水硬铝石的可浮性受其影响很小.机理研究表明:氯化钠对一水硬铝石的zeta-电位没有影响,而能显著降低叶蜡石的zeta-电位,增强捕收剂与叶腊石的静电作用,促进捕收剂的吸附而活化其浮选;叶蜡石表面电位的降低是因为氯离子对叶蜡石存在选择性吸附作用并对其结构进行插层,使得叶蜡石的层间距从0.93 nm增大至1.40 nm.溶液化学计算表明:氯化钠改变溶液的离子强度,显著降低了季铵盐阳离子表面活性剂的临界胶束浓度,使得吸附了捕收剂的矿物表面更容易疏水上浮.  相似文献   

山东某含金硫铁矿原矿金品位为3.06 g/t、含硫量为2.65%。工艺矿物学研究表明,金主要以自然金等独立金矿物形式存在,其次以黄铁矿为载体,少量以磁黄铁矿为载体。采用快速浮选和常规浮选组合的工艺流程,以硫酸铜做活化剂,MA-1做捕收剂,HX-609做起泡剂,分别获得了金品位为34 g/t、32 g/t的快速浮选精矿和常规浮选精矿,金总回收率达到90%以上。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the improvement possibilities of the floatability of galena with ultrasonic application in the presence of potassium ethyl xanthate (KEX). For this purpose, micro-flotation experiments were carried out in addition to surface chemistry studies including zeta potential, contact angle, and bubble-particle attachment time measurements at various ultrasonic power levels and conditioning time. The results showed that, the maximum micro-flotation recovery of 77.5% was obtained with 30 W ultrasound power and 2 min conditioning time. In addition, more negative zeta potential values were obtained with ultrasound as well as higher contact angle and lower bubble-particle attachment time, which indicated the increased hydrophobicity of galena with ultrasound.  相似文献   

Interaction and flotation of diaspore with alkylamine hydrochlorides   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
INTRODUCTIONFlotationisoneofthemostversatiletechnologiesusedinmineralprocessing .Theseparationofminer alsbyflotationhasbeenproveneffectivewhenparti clestobefloatedcanbemadeselectivelyhydropho bic .Thehydrophobicityisofteninducedbythead sorptionofcollect…  相似文献   

The effect of conventional thermal pretreatment on the surface properties of ilmenite and its accompanied gangue minerals was investigated using flotation experiments (microflotation and laboratory cell flotation), XRD, XPS and FT-IR analysis and zeta potential and contact angle measurements. After treatment at 600 °C for 25 min as optimal condition, the floatability of ilmenite is improved from 73.5% to 91% at a pH value of 6.3. As demonstrated by XRD and XPS analysis, under this pretreatment condition, the Fe3+ content increases by almost 16.5% without any phase decomposition and structural changes in ilmenite. FT-IR analysis and contact angle and zeta potential measurements give evidences that the improvement of ilmenite floatability can be related to the enhancement of collector adsorption and the formation of a more insoluble hydrophobic layer of ferric iron oleate. The ore flotation experiments show that the thermal pretreatment process without making a significant change in TiO2 content of ilmenite concentrate enhances the TiO2 recovery from 65.4% to 73.7%.  相似文献   

拜耳法氧化铝生产工艺已在我国大规模应用,其中铝土矿选矿是关键环节,而对于我国中低品位的铝土矿资源,需要研究一种更适合我国铝土矿选矿使用的浮选药剂.本文讨论了羟肟酸类捕收荆在中低品位铝土矿浮选中的应用与适用条件.分别用苯甲羟肟酸、对甲苯甲羟肟酸、1-羟基-2-萘甲羟肟酸三种物质作捕收剂进行了铝土矿浮选试验,得出了羟肟酸类捕收剂的浮选性能与pH值的关系,讨论了在适宜的pH值下三种药荆的浮选性能与药荆用量的关系.比较了三种药剂的浮选效果,并解释了三种药剂的浮选性能的差别.  相似文献   

磁化对浮选药剂及浮选过程的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过磁场对水及药剂溶液的磁化处理,使得水及药剂溶液的光学、电学及其它性质发生变化,研究磁化处理对药剂和矿物作用的影响,以及对浮选过程的影响.测试分析结果表明:水系磁化处理能够引起水及药剂溶液体系的吸光度、pH值、溶氧量和电导率等性质的变化;水和黄药溶液经磁处理后,黄药的吸光度增加,有利于化学反应的发生;同时磁化处理增加了水和药剂溶液体系中的溶氧量,促进黄药的氧化分解,使电解质和自由移动的离子数目增多,迁移率加大,溶液的pH值和电导率升高等.而矿物浮选试验结果表明:水系磁化处理对纯黄铜矿的浮选过程影响显著,磁化水时随着磁场强度从0增加到300 mT时,黄铜矿的回收率从86.74%提高到90.19%,而磁化丁基黄药时,黄铜矿的回收率从86.90%提高到90.44%.  相似文献   

铝土矿反浮选体系分散与凝聚理论   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
在铝土矿反浮选脱硅过程中,矿浆悬浮液的分散和凝聚状态对微细粒-水硬铝石的回收和精矿铝硅比有显著影响。要使各种硅酸盐矿物混合物达到有效的选择性分离,首先必需使矿浆悬浮液处于最佳分散状态,避免各种矿物细粒间的相互混杂和矿泥罩盖。针对高硅铝土矿反浮选脱硅过程,根据经典DLVO理论,从颗粒间的相互作用分析了微细粒-水硬铝石在各种含硅脉石矿物表面的粘附情况。结果表明:一水硬铝石与含硅脉石矿物颗粒间的范德化相互作用总是吸引;而它们间的静电相互作用在弱碱性条件下时为排斥,在弱酸性条件下时为吸引,一水硬铝石的夹带上浮较为严重,不利于铝土矿的反浮选。  相似文献   

A copper–molybdenum iso-flotability flotation process has been developed to efficiently improve the recovery of molybdenite from Duobaoshan porphyry Cu–Mo ores. The effects of flotation approach, type of collector, feed particle size distribution, rougher pH value and reagent dosage on the recovery of molybdenite were evaluated systematically. The results suggest that compared with kerosene and diesel oil, transformer oil has stronger dispersion capability in water media and better flotation selectivity for molybdenite, providing a higher molybdenum recovery under low reagent dosage. Moreover, compared with bulk flotation approach, the iso-flotability flotation approach using transformer oil as a collector can obtain superior Mo recovery (90.77%) and grade (0.80%) in the cleaner concentrate, and increase the Mo recovery and grade by over 18% and 5% in the final Mo concentrate, respectively. The results of commercial flotation further indicate that the iso-flotability flotation approach is a rational and effective route to beneficiate the porphyry Cu–Mo ores.  相似文献   

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