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This paper deals with the observability and controllability properties of the linearized tangent dynamic model of (bio)chemical processes in isothermal stirred tank reactors (STRs). It is shown that a necessary condition for the observability (controllability) of isothermal (bio)chemical processes is that the number of measured components (the number of control inputs) is larger than or equal to the number of process components minus the number of reactions involved in the process. This gives a simple test for detecting possible lack of observability and/or controllability of isothermal STRs.  相似文献   

This article studies the controllability and observability of discrete-time linear time-delay systems, so that the two properties can play a more fundamental role in system analysis before controller and observer design is engaged. Complete definitions of controllability and observability, which imply the stabilisability and detectability, respectively, and determine the feasibility of eigenvalue assignment, are proposed for systems with delays in both state variables and input/output signals. Necessary and sufficient criteria are developed to check the controllability and observability efficiently. The proofs are based on the equivalent expanded system, but the criteria only involve the delays and matrices of the same dimension as the original system. Finally, the duality between the suggested controllability and observability is presented.  相似文献   

为了研究多智能体系统的一致性特点及能控、能观性保持策略,分析了具有时变拓扑结构的多智能体系统在一阶邻居协议和二阶邻居协议下的一致性速度,针对拓扑结构的特殊性,利用结构能控性性质和拉普拉斯矩阵第二小特征值与一致性速度之间存在的关系设计出一种使能控性和能观测性保持的控制策略。此外,得出多智能体系统在二阶邻居协议下,具有更快的一致性速度的结论。文中2个主要定理分别通过算例和仿真进行验证,算例和仿真结果与定理结论一致。  相似文献   

It is shown, for general nonlinear systems, that asymptotic controllability and observability are sufficient for semiglobal practical asymptotic stabilization by output feedback. Indeed, as previously shown in the literature, asymptotic controllability implies the existence of a (discontinuous in general) state feedback that, when implemented by sample and hold, is semiglobally practically stabilizing and robust to measurement disturbance; moreover, a weak form of observability allows reconstruction of the state with arbitrary precision in an arbitrarily short amount of time. So, we can build an output feedback that operates periodically in two modes: an initial, small fraction of a sampling period is used to estimate the state, and the remainder of the sampling period is used to implement the state feedback control using the state estimate. Our stabilization results are presented not only for compact target sets (e.g., the origin) but also for noncompact target sets.  相似文献   

In this investigation, Model Order Reduction (MOR) of second-order systems having cubic nonlinearity in stiffness is developed for the first time using Krylov subspace methods and the associated symmetric transfer functions. In doing so, new second-order Krylov subspaces will be defined for MOR procedure which avoids the need to transform the second-order system to its state space form and thus the main characteristics of the second-order system such as symmetry and positive definiteness of mass and stiffness matrices will be preserved. To show the efficacy of the presented method, three examples will be considered as practical case studies. The first example is a nonlinear shear-beam building model subjected to a seismic disturbance. The second and third examples are nonlinear longitudinal vibration of a rod and vibration of a cantilever beam resting on a nonlinear elastic foundation, respectively. Simulation results in all cases show good accuracy of the vibrational response of the reduced order models when compared with the original ones while reducing the computational load.  相似文献   

We propose a kinematic model of a system moving in an (m?+?1)-dimensional euclidean space and consisting of n rigid bars attached successively to each other and subject to the nonholonomic constraints that the instantaneous velocity of the source point of each bar is parallel to that bar. We prove that the associated control system is controllable and feedback equivalent to the m-chained form around any regular configuration. As a consequence, we deduce that the n-bar system is flat and show that the Cartesian position of the source point of the last (from the top) bar is a flat output. The n-bar system is a natural generalisation of the n-trailer system and we provide a comparison of flatness properties of both systems.  相似文献   

Ping   《Automatica》2008,44(12):3120-3125
The notions of the practical stability in probability and in the pth mean, and the practical controllability in probability and in the pth mean, are introduced for some stochastic systems with Markovian jump parameters and time-varying delays. Sufficient conditions on such practical properties are obtained by using the comparison principle and the Lyapunov function methods. Besides, for a class of stochastic nonlinear systems with Markovian jump parameters and time-varying delays, existence conditions of optimal control are discussed. Particularly, for linear systems, optimal control and the corresponding index value are presented for a class of quadratic performance indices with jumping weighted parameters.  相似文献   

We propose a general method for determining the theoretical microstructure in one-dimensional elastic bars whose internal deformation energy is given by nonconvex polynomials. We use nonconvex variational principles and Young measure theory to describe the optimal energetic configuration of the body. By using convex analysis and classical characterizations of algebraic moments, we can formulate the problem as a convex optimal control problem. Therefore, we can estimate the microstructure of several models by using nonlinear programming techniques. This method can determine the minimizers or the minimizing sequences of nonconvex, variational problems used in one-dimensional, nonlinear elasticity.  相似文献   

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