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On the capacity of two-dimensional run-length constrained channels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two-dimensional binary patterns that satisfy one-dimensional (d, k) run-length constraints both horizontally and vertically are considered. For a given d and k, the capacity Cd,k is defined as Cd,k=limm,n→∞log2Nm,n d,k/mn, where Nm,nd,k denotes the number of m×n rectangular patterns that satisfy the two-dimensional (d,k) run-length constraint. Bounds on Cd,k are given and it is proven for every d⩾1 and every k>d that Cd,k=0 if and only if k=d+1. Encoding algorithms are also discussed  相似文献   

Double series representation of bounded signals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Series representations of the form f(t)~Σn=-∞Σ k=-∞an,kν(t-n)e kts/ for bounded signals f(t) are studied, as are conditions on the unit function ν(t), such that coefficients an,k reveal the energy content of f(t) in the time interval n-(1/2)⩽tn+(1/2) and frequency interval 2π(k-(1/2))⩽ω⩽2π(k+(1/2)). These conditions turn out to be orthogonality and integrability. Based on these conditions a number of properties of the expansion are derived, including summability of the double series and energy and power estimations. Some examples of the expansion are presented  相似文献   

Multicast connections are used in broad-band switching networks as well as in parallel processing. We consider wide-sense and strict-sense nonblocking conditions for multi-log2 N switching networks with multicast connections. We prove that such networks are wide-sense nonblocking if they are designed by vertically stacking at least t · 2n-t-1 + 2 n-2t-1 planes of a log2 N networks together, where 1 ⩽ t ⩽ [n/2] and t defines the size of a blocking window K = 2t. For t = [n/2] and n even, and for [n/2] ⩽ t ⩽ n the number of planes must be at least t · 2n-t-1 + 1 and 2t + (n - t - 1) · 2n-t-1 - 22t-n-1 + 1, respectively. In the case of strict-sense nonblocking switching networks, the number of planes is at least N/2. The results obtained in this paper show that in many cases number of planes in wide-sense nonblocking switching networks is less than those for t = [n/2] considered by Tscha and Lee (see ibid., vol.47, p.1425-31, Sept. 1999). The number of planes given in the paper is the minimum number of planes needed for wide-sense nonblocking operation provided that Algorithm 1 is used for setting up connections. The minimum number of planes for such operation in general is still open issue  相似文献   

Let 𝒮(n.k) denote the set of all words of length n over the alphabet {+1,-1}, having a k th order spectral-null at zero frequency. A subset of 𝒮(n,k) is a spectral-null code of length n and order k. Upper and lower bounds on the cardinality of 𝒮(n,k) are derived. In particular we prove that (k-1) log2 (n/k)⩽n-log2 |𝒮(n,k)|⩽O(2klog2n) for infinitely many values of n. On the other hand, we show that 𝒮(n.k) is empty unless n is divisible by 2m, where m=[log2k]+1. Furthermore, bounds on the minimum Hamming distance d of 𝒮(n,k) are provided, showing that 2k⩽d⩽k(k-1)+2 for infinitely many n. We also investigate the minimum number of sign changes in a word x∈𝒮(n,k) and provide an equivalent definition of 𝒮(n,k) in terms of the positions of these sign changes. An efficient algorithm for encoding arbitrary information sequences into a second-order spectral-null code of redundancy 3 log2n+O(log log n) is presented. Furthermore, we prove that the first nonzero moment of any word in 𝒮(n,k) is divisible by k!. This leads to an encoding scheme for spectral-null codes of length n and any fixed order k, with rate approaching unity as n→∞  相似文献   

Based on the inequality, sin θ ≥ (2θ/π) + (θ/12π) [π2- 4θ2] for 0 ≤ θ ≤ π/2 a lower bound greater than that of Papoulis is obtained.  相似文献   

Let (X,Y) be a pair of discrete random variables with X taking one of M possible values, Suppose the value of X is to be determined, given the value of Y, by asking questions of the form “Is X equal to x?” until the answer is “Yes”. Let G(x|y) denote the number of guesses in any such guessing scheme when X=x, Y=y. We prove that E[G(X|Y)ρ]⩾(1+lnM)Σy xPX,Y(x,y)1/1+ρ] 1+ρ for any ρ⩾0. This provides an operational characterization of Renyi's entropy. Next we apply this inequality to the estimation of the computational complexity of sequential decoding. For this, we regard X as the input, Y as the output of a communication channel. Given Y, the sequential decoding algorithm works essentially by guessing X, one value at a time, until the guess is correct. Thus the computational complexity of sequential decoding, which is a random variable, is given by a guessing function G(X|Y) that is defined by the order in which nodes in the tree code are hypothesized by the decoder. This observation, combined with the above lower bound on moments of G(X|Y), yields lower bounds on moments of computation in sequential decoding. The present approach enables the determination of the (previously known) cutoff rate of sequential decoding in a simple manner; it also yields the (previously unknown) cutoff rate region of sequential decoding for multiaccess channels. These results hold for memoryless channels with finite input alphabets  相似文献   

We establish the range of values of ρ, where 0⩽ρ⩽m(q-1), for which the generalized Reed-Muller code RFq(ρ, m) of length qm over the field Fq of order q is spanned by its minimum-weight vectors  相似文献   

Let R(r,m) be the rth-order Reed-Muller code of length 2m and let ρ(r,m ) be its covering radius. R(2,7), R(2,8), R (3,7), and R(4,8) are among those smallest Reed-Muller codes whose covering radii are not known. New bounds for the covering radii of these four codes are obtained. The results are ρ(2,7)⩾40, ρ(2,8)⩾84, 20⩽ρ(3,7)⩽23, and ρ(4,8)⩾22. Noncomputer proofs for the known results that ρ(2,6)=18 and that R(1,5) is normal are given  相似文献   

In this paper, reverse converters for two recently proposed four-moduli sets {2n - 1,2n,2n + 1,2n+1 - 1} and {2n - 1, 2n, 2n + 1, 2n+1 + 1} are described. The reverse conversion in the three-moduli set {2n - 1,2n,2n + 1} has been optimized in literature. Hence, the proposed converters are based on two new moduli sets {(2n(22n-1)),2n+1-1} and {(2n(22n-1)), 2n+1+1} and use mixed radix conversion. The resulting designs do not require any ROM. Both are similar in their architecture except that the converter for the moduli set {2n - 1, 2n, 2n + 1, 2n+1 + 1} is slightly complicated due to the difficulty in performing reduction modulo (2n+1+1) as compared with modulo (2n+1-1). The proposed conversion techniques are compared with earlier realizations described in literature with regard to conversion time as well as area requirements.  相似文献   

The residue number system (RNS) appropriate for implementing fast digital signal processors since it can support parallel, carry-free, high-speed arithmetic. A development in residue arithmetic is the quadratic residue number system (QRNS), which can perform complex multiplications with only two integer multiplications instead of four. An RNS/QRNS is defined by a set of relatively prime integers, called the moduli set, where the choice of this set is one of the most important design considerations for RNS/QRNS systems. In order to maintain simple QRNS arithmetic, moduli sets with numbers of forms 2n+1 (n is even) have been considered. An efficient such set is the three-moduli set (22k-2+1.22k+1.22k+2+1) for odd k. However, if large dynamic ranges are desirable, QRNS systems with more than three relatively prime moduli must be considered. It is shown that if a QRNS set consists of more than four relatively prime moduli of forms 2n+1, the moduli selection process becomes inflexible and the arithmetic gets very unbalanced. The above problem can be solved if nonrelatively prime moduli are used. New multimoduli QRNS systems are presented that are based on nonrelatively prime moduli of forms 2n +1 (n even). The new systems allow flexible moduli selection process, very balanced arithmetic, and are appropriate for large dynamic ranges. For a given dynamic range, these new systems exhibit better speed performance than that of the three-moduli QRNS system  相似文献   

Generalized Kasami Sequences: The Large Set   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this correspondence, new binary sequence families Fk of period 2n-1 are constructed for even n and any k with gcd(k,n)=2 if n/2 is odd or gcd(k,n)=1 if n/2 is even. The distribution of their correlation values is completely determined. These families have maximum correlation 2n/2+1 and family size 23n/2 + 2n/2 for odd n/2 or 23n/2+2n/2-1 for even n/2. The proposed families include the large set of Kasami sequences, where the k is taken as k=n/2+1.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel analytical approach to compute the switching activity in digital circuits at the word level in the presence of glitching and correlation. The proposed approach makes use of signal statistics such as mean, variance, and autocorrelation. It is shown that the switching activity αf at the output node f of any arbitrary circuit in the presence of glitching and correlation is computed as αfi=1S-1α(f i,i+1)=Σi=1S- 1p(fi+1)(1-p(fi))(1-ρ(fi,i+1 )) (1) where ρ(fi,i+1)=ρ(fi,i+1)=(E[fi(Sn)f i+1(Sn)]- p(fi)p(fi+1))/(√(p(f i)-p(fi)2)(p(fi+1)- p(fi+12))) (2). S number of time slots in a cycle; ρ(fi,+1) time-slot autocorrelation coefficient; E[x]=expected value of x; px=probability of the signal x being “one”. The switching activity analysis of a signal at the word level is computed by summing the activities of all the individual bits constituting the signal. It is also shown that if the correlation coefficient of the higher order bits of a normally distributed signal x is ρ(xc), then the bit P0 where the correlation begins and the correlation coefficient is related hy ρ(xc)=erfc{(2(P0-1)-1)/(√2σx )} where erfc(x)=complementary error function; σx=variance of x. The proposed approach can estimate the switching activity in less than a second which is orders of magnitude faster than simulation-based approaches. Simulation results show that the errors using the proposed approach are about 6.1% on an average and that the approach is well suited even for highly correlated speech and music signals  相似文献   

Asymptotically optimal zero-delay vector quantization in the presence of channel noise is studied using random coding techniques. First, an upper bound is derived for the average rth-power distortion of channel optimized k-dimensional vector quantization at transmission rate R on a binary symmetric channel with bit error probability ϵ. The upper bound asymptotically equals 2/sup -rRg(ϵ,k,r/). where k/(k +r) [1 - log2(l +2√(ϵ(1-ϵ))] ⩽g(ϵ,k,r)⩽1) for all ϵ⩾0, limϵ→0 g(ϵ,k,r)=1, and limk→∞g(ϵ,k,r)=1. Numerical computations of g(ϵ,k,r) are also given. This result is analogous to Zador's (1982) asymptotic distortion rate of 2-rR for quantization on noiseless channels. Next, using a random coding argument on nonredundant index assignments, a useful upper bound is derived in terms of point density functions, on the minimum mean squared error of high resolution, regular, vector quantizers in the presence of channel noise. The formula provides an accurate approximation to the distortion of a noisy channel quantizer whose codebook is arbitrarily ordered. Finally, it is shown that the minimum mean squared distortion of a regular, noisy channel VQ with a randomized nonredundant index assignment, is, in probability, asymptotically bounded away from zero  相似文献   

A neural network that retrieves stored binary vectors, when probed by possibly corrupted versions of them, is presented. It employs sparse ternary internal coding and autocorrelation (Hebbian) storage. It is symmetrically structured and, consequently, can be folded into a feedback configuration. Bounds on the network parameters are derived from probabilistic considerations. It is shown that when the input dimension is n, the proportional activation radius is ρ and the network size is 2νn with ν>1-h2(ρ), the equilibrium capacity is at least 2αn/8nρ(1-ρ) for any α<1-h2(ρ), where h2(·) is the binary entropy. A similar capacity bound is derived for the correction of errors of proportional size ρ or less, when ρ⩽0.3. The performance of a finite-size symmetric network is examined by simulation and found to exceed, at the cost of higher connectivity, that of the Kanerva (1988) model, operating as a content addressable memory  相似文献   

Minimum bias multiple taper spectral estimation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Two families of orthonormal tapers are proposed for multitaper spectral analysis: minimum bias tapers, and sinusoidal tapers {υ (k/)}, where υsub n//sup (k/)=√(2/(N+1))sin(πkn/N+1), and N is the number of points. The resulting sinusoidal multitaper spectral estimate is Sˆ(f)=(1/2K(N+1))Σj=1K |y(f+j/(2N+2))-y(f-j/(2N+2))|2, where y(f) is the Fourier transform of the stationary time series, S(f) is the spectral density, and K is the number of tapers. For fixed j, the sinusoidal tapers converge to the minimum bias tapers like 1/N. Since the sinusoidal tapers have analytic expressions, no numerical eigenvalue decomposition is necessary. Both the minimum bias and sinusoidal tapers have no additional parameter for the spectral bandwidth. The bandwidth of the jth taper is simply 1/N centered about the frequencies (±j)/(2N+2). Thus, the bandwidth of the multitaper spectral estimate can be adjusted locally by simply adding or deleting tapers. The band limited spectral concentration, ∫-ww|V(f)|2df of both the minimum bias and sinusoidal tapers is very close to the optimal concentration achieved by the Slepian (1978) tapers. In contrast, the Slepian tapers can have the local bias, ∫½f 2|V(f)|2df, much larger than of the minimum bias tapers and the sinusoidal tapers  相似文献   

The local polynomial approximation (LPA) of the time-varying phase is used to develop a new form of the Fourier transform and the local polynomial periodogram (LPP) as an estimator of the instantaneous frequency (IF) Ω(t) of a harmonic complex-valued signal. The LPP is interpreted as a time-frequency energy distribution over the t-(Ω(t), Ω1(t)),...,Ωm-1(t) space, where m is a degree of the LPA. The variance and bias of the estimate are studied for the short- and long-time asymptotic behavior of the IF estimates. In particular, it is shown that the optimal asymptotic mean squared errors of the estimates of Ωk-1(t) have orders O(N-(2k+1)) and O(N-/2(m-k+1)2m+3), k=1.2,...,m, respectively, for a polynomial Ω(t) of the degree m-1 and arbitrary smooth Ω(t) with a bounded mth derivative  相似文献   

Dembo et al. (see ibid., vol. 35, pp. 1206-1212, 1989) showed that an N×N positive definite Toeplitz matrix T could be embedded in a 2M×2M nonnegative definite circulant matrix S with M=O[κ(T)N 2]. This paper shows that the size of the embedding can be reduced to M=O[κ(T)1/2N5/4] and that this is best possible for the technique presented by Dembo et al  相似文献   

Saturable absorbers based on impurity and defect centers incrystals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Saturation of near-infrared absorption and transmission dynamics are investigated in tetravalent-chromium-doped Gd3Sc2 Ga3O12, Gd3Sc2Al3 O12, and Mg2SiO4 crystals, as well as in reduced SrTiO3 using 20 ps 1.08 μm laser pulses. An absorption cross section of (5±0.5)×10-18 cm2 in garnets and (2.3±0.3)×10-18 cm2 in forsterite is estimated for the 3A 2-3T2 transition of tetrahedral Cr4+. Q-switched and ultra-short pulses are realized in neodymium lasers using chromium-doped crystals as the saturable absorbers. Saturation of free-carrier absorption with ultra-short relaxation time is observed in SrTiO3 at 108-10 10 W/cm2 pump intensities, while at 1010-1011 W/cm2 three-photon interband transitions predominate. The free-carrier absorption cross section is estimated to be (2.7±0.3)×10-18 cm2  相似文献   

“特洛伊”消息攻击是Andreeva等针对MD结构杂凑函数提出的一种攻击方法,首次将其应用于不同于MD结构的一类杂凑函数,即联接杂凑。结合联接杂凑的特点,综合利用Joux的多碰撞和深度为n?l的“钻石树”结构多碰撞,构造出了2n-bit联接杂凑函数的长度为 块的“特洛伊”消息,并据此首次提出了对其的固定前缀“特洛伊”消息攻击,其存储复杂性为 块消息,时间复杂性为 次压缩函数运算,远低于理想的时间复杂性 。  相似文献   

Very high-speed MSM photodiodes have been fabricated on Er-doped GaAs over a doping range of 1018-1020 cm-3 . The impulse response (characterized by photoconductive sampling) of these diodes, with finger widths/spacings of 2 μm, has been found to be tunable over a range of about 3 ps-22 ps. Electro-optic sampling was used to characterize MSM diodes with finger widths/spacings of 0.5 μm and 1 μm on a sample with [Er]=1019 cm-3, resulting in 3-dB bandwidths of 160 GHz and 140 GHz, respectively, corresponding to pulse widths of 2.7 ps and 3.3 ps. Correlation measurements were also done on the GaAs:Er samples, using an all-electronic Sampling Optical Temporal Analyzer (SOTA) structure  相似文献   

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