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The present research was aimed to compare the traditional white vinification with a combined cryomaceration–vinification in reductive conditions, by evaluating their effects on chemical and physical indices and on antioxidant compounds of ‘Falanghina’ and ‘Bombino bianco’, two wine grape cultivars of southern Italy. According to the results, the two cultivars showed similar behaviour in response to the same vinification protocol. The processing conditions mainly affected physico-chemical characteristics such as titratable acidity, pH, SO2, tartaric and malic acids, phenolic concentrations, and antioxidant activity. Titratable acidity decreased with cryomaceration due to the tartrate precipitation, whereas the malic acid was greatly extracted from pulps and skins. In the reductive conditions applied, the SO2 was protected by the presence of ascorbic acid; thus, the wines exhibited higher free/total SO2 ratio. Cryomaceration combined with vinification in reductive conditions allowed a greater extraction of phenolic compounds from skins and, consequently, a greater antioxidant activity compared to the traditional winemaking. This behaviour was due to both the protection exerted by the low temperatures and the solubilisation of proanthocyanidins and flavans reactive with vanillin favoured by the high free SO2 content.  相似文献   

A growing sector of ‘minimally processed’ vegetables market is represented by sweet peppers, whose quality may be affected by enzymatic activities. Among these, polyphenol oxidase leads to browning reactions, which is a major cause of quality loss. This research aimed at assessing the changes in PPO activity, total phenolics and ascorbic acid throughout a 30-days cold storage in minimally processed green (cv. ‘California Wonder’), yellow and red (cv. ‘Quadrato d'Asti’) sweet peppers. At day 0 PPO was active in red and yellow fruits but not in green ones, where it started to show relevant activity from the 3rd week of storage. At the end of the storage period (day 30), PPO activity was 1.36, 0.94 and 0.61 U/g d.m. in yellow, red and green peppers, respectively. Total phenols content was highest in green peppers, followed by red and yellow ones. In green fruits it increased up to the 3rd week of storage, decreasing afterwards, whilst in red and yellow fruits phenols content progressively declined after the 2nd week. Yellow fruits showed the highest ascorbic acid content, followed by red and green ones.Results confirm that green peppers ‘California Wonder’ are more suitable to minimal processing than yellow and red fruits.  相似文献   

Using a business model as a means of analysis of competitive advantage is a new concept that includes classic elements, such as resources and strategy, adding the creation of value for customers and the appropriation of a part of it by the company. This paper studies the relation between the business model and performance in the Spanish wine industry. For this study, a survey was conducted of all the wineries in Spain; 339 responses were obtained, 14% of the total sample universe. In line with the recent literature, a business model is shaped as a consequence of the definition of the business strategy. To analyse the different business models, the core strategy and their interaction with the decisions of the company in the value chain have been analysed. The study empirically points out four successful business models in the Spanish wine industry, and notes the set of decisions in the value chain that each business model uses. The results and conclusions presented should provide a way for the managers of Spanish wineries to evaluate the congruence between their core strategies and their decisions in the value chain in order to achieve a better business performance. In addition, this can benefit wine sector firms in aligning their resources and decisions and in achieving greater efficiency. The study provides a global analysis that has not been made in the wine sector before and its conclusions allow one to know which core strategies are related to a better performance and which are not.  相似文献   

冷水猪肚与京都骨是广东最普遍最受欢迎的两款美味佳肴。现将这两款佳肴的制作技术介绍给广大的读者。  相似文献   

为了解乌龙茶品种的贵州珠形绿茶适制性,以贵州主栽品种福鼎大白茶为对照,对国家级茶树良种‘金牡丹’和‘铁观音’春、夏梢所制珠形绿茶进行主要生化成分测定及感官审评。结果表明:‘金牡丹’和‘铁观音’的春、夏茶(珠形绿茶)的水浸出物、茶多酚、氨基酸和咖啡碱含量为43.54%±0.78%~46.14%±0.42%、21.27%±0.60%~27.65%±0.11%、3.37%±0.18%~4.83%±0.09%和3.11%±0.07%~4.35%±0.06%,其中春茶的水浸出物、咖啡碱、茶多酚均显著高于对照,而氨基酸总量均显著低于对照(P<0.05)。其夏茶除茶多酚显著高于对照外,均与对照无显著差异(P>0.05)。感官审评发现,‘金牡丹’春茶品质优于对照,‘铁观音’低于对照。‘金牡丹’和‘铁观音’夏茶品质得分与对照相当。‘金牡丹’和‘铁观音’均为清香带花香,滋味则更浓醇。综合主要生化成分及感官审评,珠形绿茶‘金牡丹’和‘铁观音’香高馥郁带花果香,滋味浓醇。其鲜爽味物质不及‘福鼎大白茶’,但浓厚(强)度的物质含量高于对照。  相似文献   

酚类物质对葡萄和葡萄酒的品质至关重要,以‘黑比诺’、‘马瑟兰’和‘北红’为试材,分别于转色初期、盛期、成熟期和采收期采样,测定果实中总酚、黄烷醇和黄酮醇等指标,并进行主成分分析(principal component analysis, PCA)和正交偏最小二乘判别分析(orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis, OPLS-DA)。结果表明,3个品种总酚、总单宁和总花色苷含量因品种特性在成熟过程中呈不同变化趋势;采收时,3个品种中黄烷醇为主要单体酚,‘黑比诺’显著高于‘马瑟兰’和‘北红’,分别高63.97%和66.77%,儿茶素为主要成分;羟基苯甲酸为3个品种中含量第二高类酚,‘北红’显著高于‘黑比诺’和‘马瑟兰’,分别高12.27%和28.31%,主要成分为香草酸;‘马瑟兰’中黄酮醇显著高于‘北红’和‘黑比诺’,是‘北红’和‘黑比诺’的1.91倍和3.13倍;白藜芦醇表现为‘马瑟兰’>‘北红’>‘黑比诺’。对3个品种采收期单体酚含量进行PCA和OPLS-DA,筛选出差异物质主要为黄烷醇类。该研究针对不同品...  相似文献   

为了比较石河子产区‘赤霞珠’和‘美乐’干红葡萄酒的品质,检测总酚、花色苷、单宁和色度等指标。结果表明,‘赤霞珠’和‘美乐’干红葡萄酒的总酚含量分别为2.29 g/L和2.33 g/L,花色苷含量分别为219.38 mg/L和240.83 mg/L,单宁含量分别为2.28 g/L和2.49 g/L,色度分别为14.19和14.94。‘美乐’干红葡萄酒各项指标的含量都优于‘赤霞珠’干红葡萄酒,石河子产区的两种葡萄酒表现出了各自不同的风格。  相似文献   

李星民 《美食》2012,(5):62-62
头脑是太原名吃之首,为明末清初傅山先生创制,流传至今,已被列入国家级非物质文化遗产保护名录。傅山精通医术,尤善妇科。母亲陈氏晚年多病,傅山潜心研究发明"八珍汤",为老母滋补调养之用。八珍汤原为元明时的一味疗病中药,元代忽思慧《饮膳正要》说妇孕、老弱直"常用八珍汤",明代薛己撰的中医辞典《正体类要》记为  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种长方形或片状的‘体育’食品。此食品含有等量的可快速和可慢速同化的糖,并涂有功克力层。此制品标准配方有以下成分(%):葡萄糖17.84;沙  相似文献   

以3年生‘SA15’为砧木的‘赤霞珠’和‘脆光’嫁接苗为试材,研究砧木‘SA15’对‘赤霞珠’和‘脆光’葡萄生长、光合特性及果实品质的影响。结果表明:与自根苗相比,‘赤霞珠’和‘脆光’葡萄嫁接苗新梢长度分别降低6.5%和7.58%,叶片净光合速率分别提高11.75%和12.06%,枝条节间粗度分别提高16.70%和15.04%,枝条可溶性糖含量分别提高15.48%和11.86%,枝条淀粉含量分别提高13.7%和7.49%。果实品质方面,‘赤霞珠’嫁接苗的果实可溶性固形物含量比自根苗提高4.73%,果皮花色苷、类黄酮、黄烷醇含量分别比自根苗提高了7.38%、5.99%、18.22%;‘脆光’嫁接苗的可溶性固形物含量比自根苗提高了3.44%,果皮花色苷、类黄酮、黄烷醇含量分别比自根苗提高了44.12%、14.45%、20.43%。综上所述,‘SA15’砧木嫁接降低了‘赤霞珠’和‘脆光’枝条节间长度,提高了接穗叶片叶绿素含量和净光合能力,增加了节间粗度和枝条储藏营养,提高了越冬抗寒能力、果实可溶性固形物含量及果皮次生代谢物质含量。  相似文献   

本研究利用2对SSR标记引物对62株‘新郁’与‘无核白鸡心’葡萄杂交群体的遗传多样性和特异性进行研究,了解葡萄在杂交中基因的遗传规律,为葡萄杂交真伪性鉴定和指纹图谱构建奠定基础。结果表明,引物Vchr4a与Vchr15a分别在‘新郁’与‘无核白鸡心’之间扩增出了6条与5条多态性条带,‘无核白鸡心’的特异条带均为2条,在‘新郁×无核白鸡心’F1代的遗传上分别表现为7种与4种类型。两者标记的母本所具有的特异条带均分布于整个群体。而标记的父本所具有的条带,前者分布于群体的66.13%单株中,后者分布于群体的22.58%单株中。认为该杂交群体母本的遗传存在广泛性,父本的遗传存在特异性。2对SSR标记可以用来鉴定该组合的杂交真伪性,但存在局限性。  相似文献   

第十二届中国国际地面材料及铺装技术展览会主办单位——上海万耀企龙展览有限公司已经确认,距离2010年3月23日开展还有约4个月,目前展会招展工作相当顺利,全部展位的90%已经售出。  相似文献   

中国的小球历来就是中国奥运军团金牌目标的重中之重.羽毛球和乒乓球在中国都有狂热的爱好者。运动专家红双喜(DHS)2001年正式涉入羽毛球领域。迄今羽毛球拍、羽毛球、配件三部分已各成体系。目前.红双喜(DHS)以羽毛球拍作为重点研发产品.继承了红双喜一贯注重的工艺结构设计和精密制造两大优势;  相似文献   

The effects of fruit bagging on anthocyanins, sugars, organic acids, and color properties of ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ were investigated in this study. Young fruits were bagged 40 days after flowering (DAF) with paper bags. The bagged fruits of ‘Golden Delicious’ were uncovered and exposed to light 120 DAF, while those of ‘Granny Smith’ 160 DAF. The fruits were harvested after 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 15 day of bag removal, respectively. The development of anthocyanins, sugars, organic acids, and color properties in the flesh of ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ was determined. After bag removal, the ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ turn red, a* was consequently augmented, while L*, b*, C*, and h0 reduced. Cyanidin 3-galactoside and cyaniding 3-arabinoside were identified in ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ as the two constituents responsible for red color of apple peel, and with cyanidin 3-galactoside being the most abundant anthocyanin in these non-red cultivars. Fructose, sucrose, and sorbitol were the major sugars and sugar alcohol, and malic acid was the major organic acid. Concentrations of most sugars and all organic acids quickly increased during 0–4 DABR, suggesting that synthesis of these sugars and organic acids was inhibited by fruit bagging. Furthermore, the cy3-gal and cy3-ara accumulation of all tested cultivars was significantly correlated with sucrose, indicating that sucrose may be the more important factors in the biosynthesis of anthocyanin.  相似文献   

The effect of different treatments on drying behaviour and colour of mature and immature cherries (Napolitana var.) has been studied. Drying was carried out at 70 °C with air at 4 m/s speed and 8 % relative humidity, and fruits were subjected to the following pretreatments: B (blanching), F (freezing), P (pitting), B?+?Dip1 (blanching and immersion in acid solution) and B?+?Dip1?+?Dip2 (blanching and immersion in saline acid solution) which affected the drying behaviour and the colour retention of fruits for both maturity degrees. Regarding skin colour in terms of chroma and hunter a parameters, the anthocyanin retention and the evaluation of anthocyanin degradation index, both B?+?dip1 and B?+?dip1?+?dip2 pretreatments led to better-quality dry products, mainly in mature cherries. Moreover, the incorporation of blanching in the combined pretreatments significantly reduced drying time. Lewis, Page and Logarithmic models were selected to represent in a simple way the thin-layer drying characteristics of pretreated cherries and to predict the process times required to reduce the moisture content to about 0.3–0.4 kg water/kg dm (a w?≤?0.6). Logarithmic model provided the best fit to experimental data for each drying curve, based on the statistical tests used for evaluation.  相似文献   

《Food microbiology》2001,18(2):151-158
The microbiological, chemical and biochemical characteristics of Tetilla raw cow's-milk cheese produced in Galicia (NW Spain) were studied. The identification of the main microbial groups of technological interest was carried out. Mean log mesophilic counts, lactic acid bacteria on M17, citrate-utilizing bacteria and enterococci in 24 cheese samples were 10·60, 10·34, 9·35 and 7·30, respectively. High mean log counts of total coliforms (6·09),Micrococcaceae (5·68) and yeasts (4·44) were also measured. On the other hand, moulds (<2·60),Staphylococcus aureus (<1·79) and Escherichia coli (<1·72) counts were low. Listeria monocytogenes was detected in two samples. None of the samples yielded Salmonella spp. Isolates of technological-interest bacteria were characterized as enterococci (39·8%), lactococci (19·0%), lactobacilli (12·3%) and leuconostocs (7·6%). Micrococci (8·0%) were also isolated.Enterococcus faecalis and Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis were the species most frequently found. In accordance with the results of pH and chemical composition, only nine samples fulfil the specifications of the Appellation of Origin. β -casein content was higher than αs 1-casein content for all cheeses analysed and a low peptide αs 1-I/αs 1-casein ratio and nitrogen soluble fraction content were found. High volatile free fatty acid and long chain free fatty acid contents were measured, which can be attributed to the action of native lipase. A high level of diacetyl-acetoin was also determined.  相似文献   

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