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The overall quality of network connections has a significant impact on the performance of networked applications. As a result, Quality-of-Service (QoS) management for networked multimedia applications over IP is a significant and immediate challenge. While differentiated services (DiffServ) provide a sense of resource allocation and QoS, they do not guarantee QoS. This paper presents the design, implementation and evaluation of a content-aware bandwidth broker (CABB) that manages QoS for multimedia applications in a DiffServ environment. CABB allocates network resources to multimedia flows based on client requirements, the adaptability of the application, and its tolerance to network level parameters such as bandwidth, delay, and latency. It has been implemented and evaluated using the NS-2 simulator toolkit. Evaluations show that CABB improves network resource allocations and increases overall throughput. Furthermore multimedia application flows are better managed and controlled, improving perceived QoS and avoiding possible congestion at core routers.  相似文献   

Internet综合服务模型和分类服务模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
文章介绍了未来Internet中存在的两种服务模型,综合服务(Int-Serv)和分类服务(Diff—Serv),并对它们进行了评价。  相似文献   

通过对三层服务器的构架分析,突破了常用的传递函数方法,建立了基于区分服务的MIMO系统状态空间模型,并在此基础上应用控制理论中的极点配置和状态反馈方法设计控制器,对不同优先级在不同Web层次上进行资源分配,实现其比例延迟保证。实验证明,原系统可近似为一组低阶线性方程,且在所设计的控制器作用下可达到良好的区分效果。  相似文献   

主要介绍了提供IPQos的区分服务(DifferentiatedServices)体系。DS系统在IETF中正在经历一个热烈讨论和规范的过程。很有可能成为为下一代INTERNET提供Qos保障的框架体系。该文深入阐述了DS系统进行通讯速率管理和资源分配的原理和算法,并举出了相应的例子。文章认为,将流量调节和资源分配单元分离是DS系统优于其它Qos保障系统的重要原因。这使得DS系统具有极佳的可扩展性。随着性能更好的调度算法的出现,DS系统的性能可以得到进一步的提高。  相似文献   

Internet区分服务及其几个热点问题的研究   总被引:87,自引:2,他引:87  
综述了Internet在区分服务(Differentiated services,Diffserv)研究方面的一些最新的工作,分析了Diffserv的体系结构、Diffserv的典型服务与技术,并着重论述了Internet Diffserv所面临的问题,包括Diffserv与综合服务(Integrated services,Intserv)相结合的端到端服务质量(QoS)提供机制、Diffserv  相似文献   

基于QoS域代理在移动无线互联网中区分服务的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着用户数和应用业务的快速发展,对新一代Internet的服务质量提出了更高的要求。然而,在Internet中引入无线接入方式使得提供QoS面临更大挑战。文章基于区分服务(DiffServ)框架结构,并结合移动管理协议———移动IP(MobileIP)协议来研究和解决如何在新一代移动无线互联网中提供QoS控制。同时在每个自治域中引入一个新的概念———QoS域代理(QoSDomainAgent,QDA),并利用QDA进行资源管理并参与和移动主机/用户(MobileHost,MH)或其它QDA进行动态SLS的协商,同时采用组播方式把QDA中的QoSSLS内容信息传输给域内的每一个第一跳和边界路由节点。通过对相关协议和功能进行必要的修改和扩充,从而有效地解决了MH和网络的动态服务级别协议(SLA)的协商和在MobileIP切换中各入口节点动态建立SLS的问题,同时可以有效减少信令交互,节省无线资源和减少移动终端的电池消耗,并且有利于MH在域内漫游时进行无缝切换。最后给出作者的结论及进一步的研究内容。  相似文献   

We present an adaptive rate-controlled scheduler for heterogeneous applications running on general purpose computers. Our scheduler can effectively support diverse application requirements. It employs uniform rate-based sharing. Application heterogeneity is satisfied by partitioning CPU capacity into service classes, each with a different criterion for admission control. As a result, we are able to provide at once guaranteed performance, flexible allocation of rates with excellent scalability and intermediate service classes offering tradeoffs between reserved rate utilization and the strength of guarantees. Our scheduler has been implemented in Solaris 2.5.1. It runs existing applications without modifications. We present experimental results showing the scalability, efficiency, guaranteed performance, and overload performance aspects of our scheduler. We demonstrate the importance of priority inheritance implemented in our scheduler for stable system performance.  相似文献   

IP流量规划与区分服务结合是增强网络服务质量保证的新方法.在分析区分服务对流量规划需求的基础上,设计了区分服务与流量规划结合的功能框架,提出了适合流量规划要求的队列调度方法和流量分割与映射的原理与方法.流分割方法基于表对数据流进行分割.该方法既能体现区分服务数据包的转发优先级的差异,又能保证数据流的延迟与同步要求.  相似文献   

随着互联网应用的增长,目前提供尽力服务的互联网体系结构越来越不能满足这些新的服务要求。通过设计出一种新的路由器缓冲区管理策略,探讨一种基于分类服务的新一代互联网体系结构的实现方式。  相似文献   

基于动态缓冲阈值的Internet区分服务   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
林闯 《软件学报》2000,11(7):938-944
该文提出了一种将Internet网络分组传输延时和丢失控制的区分服务要求合并在一起的综合方案.在这个方案中,分组丢失控制是基于动态缓冲阈值(dynamic buffer threshold,简称DBT)方案.在DBT方案中,缓冲控制阈值基于分组丢失行为而动态地变化.在静态缓冲阈值(static buffer threshold,简称SBT)方案中,分组丢失变化没有控制,丢失率变化大.对于缓冲控制阈值的确定,没有简明的数学表达方式.由于SBT不能随着传输突发特性的变化而变化,从而影响网络的系统性能.该文提出的DBT方案不但可以克服这些问题,而且可以确定和控制标志分组与非标志分组丢失率之间的比例关系.文章给出了所提出方案的随机Petri网性能模型、不同分组级别之间的丢失比例数学公式以及此方案重要性能的模拟和分析结果.  相似文献   

分析了基于有效带宽理论(effectivebandwidththeory)的静态资源分配方案的弊端。在此基础上,提出了一种基于流量预测的资源动态管理算法,并且把资源动态管理算法具体应用到QoS的区分服务(DifferentiatedService)体系中,算法在区分服务网络的边缘路由器上实现。最后,在ns 2的仿真环境下对两种算法进行了比较,试验结果证明无论在丢包率还是链路利用率上,资源动态管理算法都比静态资源分配方案有明显的优势。  相似文献   

Differentiated Services (DiffServ), which are currently being standardized in the IETF DiffServ working group, is a solution that can provide different qualities of service to different network users. DiffServ aggregates network packets at edge routers and forwards the aggregated packets to core routers with different priorities. In this paper, we propose methods using the SNMP framework for monitoring edge-to-edge traffic aggregates in a DiffServ domain, which consists of a set of DiffServ-enabled routers. In order to manage each DiffServ router, we have analyzed the DiffServ MIB and instrumented it in the router. Further, we propose monitoring behaviors of edge-to-edge traffic aggregates by combining topology and performance information from MIB II and DiffServ MIB. Construction procedures and graphical representation of the edge-to-edge traffic aggregates are explained in detail. We also extend our efforts to implement a DiffServ domain monitoring system that monitors a set of DiffServ-enabled routers and traffic aggregates between every edge router pair. We believe that the proposed monitoring methods can serve as useful building blocks for managing DiffServ networks.  相似文献   

基于支持向量机的Internet流量分类研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
准确的网络流量分类是众多网络研究工作的基础,也一直是网络测量领域的研究热点.近年来,利用机器学习方法处理流量分类问题成为了该领域一个新兴的研究方向.在目前研究中应用较多的是朴素贝叶斯(naive Bayes,NB)及其改进算法.这些方法具有实现简单、分类高效的特点.但该方法过分依赖于样本空间的分布,具有内在的不稳定性.因此,提出一种基于支持向量机(sulbport vector machine,SVM)的流量分类方法.该方法利用非线性变换和结构风险最小化(structural risk minimization,SRM)原则将流量分类问题转化为二次寻优问题,具有良好的分类准确率和稳定性.在理论分析的基础上,通过在实际网络流集合上与朴素贝叶斯算法的对比实验,可以看出使用支持向量机方法处理流量分类问题,具有以下3个优势:1)网络流属性不必满足条件独立假设,无须进行属性过滤;2)能够在先验知识相对不足的情况下,仍保持较高的分类准确率;3)不依赖于样本空间的分布,具有较好的分类稳定性.  相似文献   

介绍了我国的交通现状:随着家用汽车数量急剧增加,城市交通拥堵现象尤为突出,城市交通管理效率低下。物联网技术的到来为智能交通的发展带来了新的动力。列举了国外先进的智能交通技术及其发展状况,分析了我国发展智能交通的应用领域,得出了发展智能交通的瓶颈所在,探讨了我国智能交通的发展与展望。  相似文献   

流量工程通过对IP网流量的优化以更有效利用网络资源。现有研究的一个重要方向是把流量工程问题用线性规划建模,并利用传统的Simplex算法求得最优解,文章提出了一种基于遗传算法的求解方法,从一组随机选取的解(染色体)出发,经过交叉、突变等基因进化操作和多代的选择,最终达到预先设定的适应度准则;给出仿真结果和相关讨论;显示该文算法在运算量,处理动态流量需求等方面有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

A vital requirement for next generation IP networks is the provision of services with differentiated behavior and characteristics. The basic reason for that is the need to provide Quality of Service (QoS) to the different types of user traffic produced by applications that are different in nature and behavior, analogously to the IP network services. The Differentiated Services (DiffServ) paradigm is still one of the major outcomes of the research community toward the provision of QoS to individual customer needs and applications. This paper addresses the definition and deployment of specific network services in a DiffServ environment. We reuse and extend the fundamental concepts of the Expedited Forwarding and Assured Forwarding per hop behaviors in order to define four new network services, apart from the well known Best Effort one, which introduce a specific traffic handling implementation along with an Admission Control methodology. These are analyzed and simulated in the paper in order to evaluate their performance and confirm the correctness of their fundamental principles.  相似文献   

The management of Highly Dynamic Services implies the necessity for fast reconfiguration and provisioning. One important feature for this management is its supporting information model able to capture both temporal and aggregate information. Such a model is proposed in this paper. More specifically, we address the management of Dynamic Virtual Private Networks (DVPNs) as a special case of highly dynamic services.  相似文献   

区分服务网络中SCTP协议的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘辉  唐扬 《计算机工程》2009,35(6):113-115
针对双窗口算法难以判断包丢弃类型的问题,提出一种新的包丢弃类型判断方法,对SCTP协议的确认块进行扩展,从确认块中获取包丢弃类型信息。在NS2上进行仿真实验,实验结果表明,改进后的SCTP协议在吞吐率方面有显著提高。  相似文献   

通用无线分组业务 (GPRS)中服务质量 (Qo S)管理机制是当前 GPRS研究的热点 ,它包含四大部分 :业务源特性描述、整形与监管 (Shaping/Policing)、调度 (Scheduling)和接纳控制 (CAC) ,其中 CAC是核心 .本文对每一部分的机理和实现算法进行了描述 ,且给出了相应的试验方案 ,包括业务源选择和仿真语义、分组类型和比率的定义 .  相似文献   

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