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以青岛即墨某超市为例,分析冷凝水的生成量和影响生成量的各个因素,并结合该项目,介绍冷凝水回收用于空调冷却塔补水的思路和方案,最后验证冷凝水用于冷却塔补水的经济效益和可行性. 相似文献
浅谈空调冷凝水的回收和利用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着建设绿色城市、绿色生态呼声的日益高涨,要求节约更多的资源和能源。空调冷凝水已形成水资源之一,对空调冷凝水进行回收和利用,正是贯彻了"节能、节水、节地、治污"八字方针,亦是获取生态效益、社会效益和经济效益的方法。 相似文献
本文以江苏省张家港市某办公大楼为例,分析了空调冷凝水的生成董,介绍了方案阶段计算空调循环水量和空调冷凝水水量的方法;并结合该项目研究了空调冷凝水作为冷却塔补水的可行性。 相似文献
针对通信枢纽楼空调系统的冷凝水量大、运行时间长、运行稳定性高的特点,分析了通信枢纽楼空调冷凝水回收的基本条件,并结合实际枢纽楼的运行情况对回收系统的经济效益、投资成本、水资源循环利用的经济、社会和环境效益进行了分析,提出了枢纽楼冷凝水回收的技术措施和基本方案,为枢纽楼空调冷凝水水资源循环提供了基本思路. 相似文献
针对分体空调冷凝水的浪费和无规律排放,回收冷凝水用于预冷冷凝器进风具有实际的节能潜力,笔者通过制作的一套冷凝水回收预冷装置,将该装置应用于某实验室单体空调,并进行了3种工况下的试验测试,分别为未装预冷装置、提供足够冷水预冷装置,以及空调器提供自身冷凝水预冷装置。计算和分析结果表明装有预冷装置前后,无论提供足够冷水还是自身产生的冷凝水,其性能系数COP分别提高了12.94%和9.52%。同时发现冷凝水产生量与需水量具有一定的差距,仅为需水量的56.26%。最后,结合试验现状和结果,对该预冷装置的应用和推广给出了相应的建议。 相似文献
本文讨论了空调冷凝水的回收应用,空调冷凝水降低冷凝温度对制冷系数的影响,并对其进行了经济计算,对冷凝水其他回收利用方式的可行性讨论进行了研究。 相似文献
本文讨论了空调冷凝水的回收应用,空调冷凝水降低冷凝温度对制冷系数的影响,并对其进行了经济计算,对冷凝水其他回收利用方式的可行性讨论进行了研究。 相似文献
就青岛乾豪国际广场空调冷凝水的余热回收利用问题进行计算、方案比较,探讨空调冷凝水余热回收的可行性、经济性。 相似文献
针对永济电机厂大量供暖蒸汽凝结水回收利用存在的问题,提出了凝结水热能利用与水资源利用方案,并对各方案进行了技术可行性分析和经济效益分析,实现了资源利用最大化。 相似文献
Clinton E. Parker 《The International journal of environmental studies》2013,70(1-2):87-108
Results from the operation of a 37.8 m3/d extended aeration and sand filtration system in the closed‐loop treatment of water closet flush water are presented. The system has operated for four and one‐half years at 95 percent recycle. During this period over 30,000 m3 of flush water was treated and reused. Water inputs into the recycle system resulted from liquid human wastes plus wastage form potable water uses. Wasted potable water inputs were from wash basins, water fountains, and custodial services. Operation of both the biological treatment unit and the pressure sand filter followed acceptable conventional practice. Chemicals were not required to adjust pH, aid solids settleability or enhance treatment efficiency. Equilibrium concentrations followed predicted values except for pH, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. The concentration of these constituents was governed by urine content after flushing, agitation before biological treatment, temperature and biological oxidation. Variations in nitrogen (ammonia, nitrite and nitrate), pH and alkalinity that were observed could be accounted for through fundamental biological, chemical and physical relationships. The pH throughout the entire recycle system varied between 5.5 and 8.4. Recycled water pH rose from a preflush pH of approximately 7.0 to a pH of 8.4 immediately after flushing. The biological unit lowered the pH and functioned between pH values of 5.5 and 7.0. A slight rise in pH between the biological unit (through storage and filtration) and water closets was observed. The predominate biomass in the biological unit was fungi. Biological solids were threadlike; however, they readily separated by gravity settling. Wastage of biological solids from the biological unit in the recycle‐reuse system was the same experienced for a comparable biological unit used to treat water closet wastewater that was not recycled. Results from this study have conclusively demonstrated on a full‐scale basis the acceptability of using biological oxidation and sand filtration as a treatment train in the reuse of water closet wastewater with a recycle ratio of 20. 相似文献
介绍了太化集团水厂污水回用水工程厂外输水管线 ,穿越晋祠路及西干渠时 ,采用D82 0× 10钢管做外套管进行顶进的施工工艺。并对其施工方案、工艺流程、施工方法、顶进质量的预控和安全注意事项作了详细的阐述。经认真研究、精心组织施工 ,取得了良好的经济和社会效益 ,对类似工程有一定的参考价值。 相似文献
A raw water source heat pump air-conditioning system 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Raw water source is one of the promising new heat sources that researchers are looking into along with various others water-based sources such as ground, lake, river and sewage water. Generally, the water that is taken from the environment and supplied to a water treatment facility is called raw water. In this study, the heating and cooling performance of a heat pump utilizing the heat energy of raw water supplied to a water treatment facility is investigated. The two heat pumps being investigated have a heating capacity of 65.2 kW and were installed at the site for the heating and cooling of the central control room. A brazed plate heat exchanger was used for obtaining heat energy from the raw water. The raw water source provides a favorable heat source compared to the ambient air source except in spring. In the seasons of spring and autumn, the heating and cooling load are extremely low, this is the main reason for the poor performance of the raw-water heat pump system for those seasons. The average unit COP during the heating season is 3.3, and the average unit COP for the cooling season is 7.2. 相似文献
冷却水系统一般是开式系统,在空调制冷诸系统中相对比较简单.结合工程实际,建议冷却水系统选型时要考虑设备的承压要求;确定水泵扬程时,因为冷却塔自带集水盘,所以只要计入冷却塔底盘和布水管的高差;多台冷却塔并联运行时,要注意水位平衡和水量的平衡问题;同时需要采取变频控制措施来降低水输送能耗. 相似文献