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本文根据《水质监测》(第四版)等资料提供的操作方法,对水样预处理、不同的提取时间等几方面提出了自己试验中的心得体会,采用三色分光法来计算水中叶绿素a的含量。并就质控措施提出建议。  相似文献   

测定叶绿素a方法的改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对水体中叶绿素a的国家规范分析方法进行改进。结果表明,方法经改进后,减少了前处理过程中样品的损失,提高了分析的精密度,避免了丙酮对人体的伤害。  相似文献   

针对环境监测中叶绿素a测定的重要性及其意义,探讨了叶绿素a的分光光度法及荧光法的不同,对不同厂家、不同型号荧光法仪器测定叶绿素a进行了比较,并且指出在实际工作中,荧光法测定仪应经常与实验室测量方法进行比对。  相似文献   

由于叶绿素a外环境极性的不同,其荧光行为有很大的改变。通过小球藻体内叶绿素荧光光谱特性的研究,发现其体内叶绿素的激发波长有在丙酮溶剂中的相同,均为430 nm,但发射波长为680 nm,红移了13 nm。利用小球藻的叶绿素荧光强度进行水体中叶绿素a的定量检测,在浓度为1~100μg/L的浓度范围内,相对荧光强度与叶绿素浓度有很好的相关性,线性方程为y=0.5338x+1.8515,线性相关系数R2为0.9974。  相似文献   

利用海洋卫星HY-1数据反演叶绿素a的浓度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用去包络线法分析了叶绿素的光谱特征,构造了一种新的指数NDPI(Normalized Difference Pigment Index)反映海洋中的浮游植物。以辽东湾为研究区,通过我国第一颗海洋水色卫星HY-1数据获得NDPI值,再根据实测数据建立了叶绿素a浓度反演模型。和波段比值法及类似SeaWiFS的OCAv4算法比较,NDPI算法优势明显,算法稳定。根据该算法反演整个海区的叶绿素a分布,和前人的现场调查有很好的一致性。结果表明HY-1可用于海洋叶绿素反演,用NDPI算法能获得实时大面积海域叶绿素a浓度。  相似文献   

本文介绍了能够实现对海水中叶绿素a浓度在线测量的全光纤荧光测量系统。系统将荧光法、光纤技术相结合 ,采用超高亮度蓝色发光二极管作为激发光源 ,并配合有效的微弱信号检测技术。  相似文献   

本文通过阐述研究西南某气田的大气对该气田常见绿色植物叶片叶绿素总含量(ct)的影响。通过实验研究对比发现,污染严重的是某厂区周边区域几个大气采样点,栽种的植物叶片叶绿素总含量ct较低;无污染的对照区域,其叶绿素总含量ct较高。通过数据分析,不同污染地点植物的叶绿素含量随着污染程度加剧而减少。  相似文献   

在生产力叶绿素a测定方法中,对叶绿素a提取、提取液保存时间、滤膜对样品影响等进行比较实验,并提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

通过根据糖海带(Laminaria saccharina)叶绿素 a/c 结合蛋白基因 lhcf6 的 cDNA 序列设计的引物和 PCR 方法获得了海带(L.japonica)配子体 llwf6 基因的 cDNA 全长序列(GenBank 登录号:DQ250739).该序列的开放阅读框(ORF)与糖海带 lhcf6 编码序列的相似性高达 99%,而两非翻译区(UTR)序列的相似性只有94%.经推测,海带配子体 lhcf6基因序列的 ORF 编码一个含 218 个氨基酸的前体蛋白 LHCF6,其氨基端的 40 个氨基酸组成跨质体内质网和叶绿体膜的信号肽,跨膜酶切后变为含 178 个氨基酸的成熟蛋白,它的分子量为 19.3 kD,等电点为 4.88.预测的成熟蛋白 IJ-ICF6 高级结构存在 2 个保守性的β折叠和 3 个跨类囊体膜的 a 螺旋区.根据海带配子体 LHCF6 成熟蛋白以及 GenBank 中 12 个同源蛋白质的氨基酸序列所构建的 Neighbor-joining 分子进化树,显示藻类在光捕获蛋白氨基酸序列水平上存在着蓝藻与红藻、杂色藻类、裸藻与绿藻等三个方向的演化途径,其中裸藻和绿藻与高等植物的亲缘关系更近.  相似文献   

采用现场实测和室内培养两种方式测定了甲藻、赤潮异弯藻、叉角藻赤潮和新月菱形藻、海洋蓝绿藻、叉鞭金藻、塔胞藻、扁藻和小球藻等非赤潮藻类光谱曲线。采用度量太阳激发的叶绿素荧光峰高度的基线荧光高度法 ,建立了不同藻类基线荧光高度与叶绿素浓度的关系。基线荧光高度法所用的 3个荧光高度波段分别为 6 6 5nm、6 80nm和86 5nm。在采用线性方程对不同藻类水体基线荧光高度与叶绿素浓度进行回归分析时 ,不同藻类产生了明显不同的结果。其中赤潮异弯藻、海洋蓝绿藻和甲藻为负相关 ,其余为正相关。在正相关的藻类中 ,小球藻最低 ,为 0 .4 6 92。结果偏差主要来自于两个方面 :一是藻类荧光峰位置变化影响 ;二是浮游植物红光和近红外波段高反射率的影响  相似文献   

The sequential filtering scheme provides a suitable framework for estimating and tracking geophysical states of systems as new data become available online. Mathematical foundations of sequential Bayesian filtering are reviewed with emphasis on practical issues for both particle filters and Kalman-based filters. In this study, we further investigate the study of Kim (2005) such that the sequential Importance resampling method (SIR), Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF), and the Maximum Entropy Filter (MEF) are tested in a relatively high dimensional ocean model that conceptually represents the Atlantic thermohaline circulation. The model exhibits large-amplitude transitions between strong (thermo-dominated) and weak (salinity-dominated) circulations that represent climate states between ice-age and normal climate.The performance of the particle-based schemes is compared with the convergent results from SIR based on measurement errors, observation locations, and particle sizes in various sets of twin experiments. The sensitivity analysis shows strength and weakness of each filtering method when applied to multimodal non-linear systems. As the number of particles is increased, SIR achieves the convergent results that are mathematically optimal solutions. EnKF shows suboptimal results regardless of sample sizes, and MEF achieves the optimal solution even with a small sample size. Both EnKF, and MEF produces robust results with a relatively small sample size or increased measurement locations. Small measurement errors or short intervals of observations (or, more frequent observations) significantly improve the performances of SIR and EnKF, and MEF still show robust results even with a relatively small sample size or sparse measurement locations when the system experiences the transition between one region to the other region.  相似文献   

The modellization of mechanical systems with non‐linearities of impact type leads to discontinuities in the velocity. In this paper, we study some numerical methods adapted to the occurrence of such discontinuities from a single‐degree‐of‐freedom vibro‐impact system. Theoretical results of consistency are given for numerical methods valid for smooth ordinary differential equations, with several kinds of procedures for approximating impact times. The algorithms are applied to classical Newmark and Runge–Kutta schemes, and the numerical behaviour is investigated for two categories of periodic response, either with finite or infinite number of impacts per cycle. These numerical methods are compared to a scheme without explicit computation of impact times. We show that high orders of convergence can be obtained with appropriate schemes, and we discuss the time of computation needed in each case. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A finite volume (FV) scheme is proposed in order to compute different probabilistic measures for systems from dynamic reliability field. The FV scheme is tested on a small but realistic benchmark case stemmed from gas industry [Labeau PE, Dutuit Y. Fiabilité dynamique et disponibilité de production: un cas illustratif. Proceedings of λμ 14, Bourges, France, vol. 2. 2004. p. 431–6 [in French]]. The point is to compute the production availability and the annual frequency of loss of nominal production (among other quantities) for a system of gas production. The results of the FV method are compared to those obtained by Monte Carlo simulation, showing the accuracy of the method.  相似文献   

比较了两种改进的晶粒生长的Monte Carlo方法。通过比较晶粒形貌演化图和晶粒尺寸随时间的变化,发现这两种方法不仅都能够给出比Metropolis抽样更加改进的晶粒生长指数,且明显加快了模拟速度,而且晶粒大小的分布更加合理。这与正常晶粒拓扑演化和理论分析的生长动力学相符合。最后给出了两种改进的方法和Metropolis方法得到的晶粒尺寸分布曲线。  相似文献   

刘鑫  金晅宏 《光电工程》2018,45(8):170665-1-170665-8
为了能在复杂环境下快速、准确地对多个目标进行检测及追踪,本文结合四帧间差分算法与光流算法,提出了一种更高效的运动目标检测算法。本算法为了提升光流法的处理速度并降低光照等环境所带来的影响,首先对视频序列进行四帧间差分处理,然后将得到的差分视频序列进行光流处理,以实现对视频中目标的准确检测。最后将该算法与粒子滤波、ViBe等算法进行比较,并在不同场景下对不同运动目标、不同个数目标进行捕获处理,结果表明,本方法不仅具有较好的鲁棒性,而且能够更快速、准确的对目标进行检测与追踪。  相似文献   

测量了6种东海常见的浮游植物在两个温度(20℃,15℃)、三个光照(7000Lux,4100Lux,1100Lux)下的不同生长期的三维激发/发射荧光光谱,研究了光谱特征提取方法。对去除散射干扰后的三维光谱进行了奇异值分解,得到的相应于激发光谱的第一主成分具有区分藻种的能力,可作为三维光谱的特征光谱。分析结果表明,实验条件下,等鞭金藻(Isochrysis galbana)、岛国大扁藻(Platymonas helgolanidica)和中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatuma)的特征光谱相似度高,塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamarense)、东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum dentatum)和尖刺拟菱形藻(Pseudo—nitzschia pungens)光谱相似度稍差。  相似文献   

A comparison is made between two internationally accepted methods to determine the explosion limits of gases at atmospheric pressure and room temperature (20 l sphere — DIN 51649). Significant differences (about 1 vol.%) in the upper explosion limits (UEL) values are found for four hydrocarbons tested. A new criterion is proposed which leads to close agreement between the UEL values obtained by the two methods.  相似文献   

It is of great significance to develop an efficient photocatalyst through simple methods for solar energy conversion and environmental pollution treatment. In this research, chlorophyll (Chl) and Mg co-modified hierarchical BiOCl microsphere photocatalyst with high performance was synthesized using a simple low temperature wet-chemical method. The synthesized photocatalyst with the optimal content of Chl and Mg showed superior photocatalytic performance for CO2 reduction, where the maximum yield of methanol was 100.2 µmol/(h·gcat), which was about three times superior than that of pure BiOCl. Besides, the Chl-Mg/BiOCl also showed high performance (93.7%) for degradation of ciprofloxacin (CIP, a kind of antibiotic). Various characterization techniques were applied to determine the structure and evaluate the origin of the improved performance of Chl-Mg/BiOCl. Meanwhile, a possible mechanism for the excellent photocatalytic performance of Chl-Mg/BiOCl was proposed. Notably, Chl on the surface of BiOCl can lead to the formation of singlet state of Chl-Mg* after absorbing light and act as an electron donor which can enhance the stability and activity of the photocatalyst. What’s more, Mg not only acts as an electron capture site to inhibit the photogenerated carrier recombination, but also forms a complex with Chl to improve the stability of catalyst. This study would represent a promising candidate organic–inorganic hybrid photocatalyst for solar energy conversion and antibiotic pollution treatment.  相似文献   

食品中金黄色葡萄球菌定量检测方法比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究食品中金黄色葡萄球菌定量检测方法。方法:比较Baird—Parker平板、显色培养基A、显色培养基B、Petrifilm TM测试片等4种计数方法的生长率、选择性、检出限及人工污染食品的检验效果。结果:金黄色葡萄球菌在显色培养基A上的生长率最高,PetrifilmTM测试片的选择性最强,4种计数方法的检出限相当,检出结果与实际含菌量无显著差异。结论:选择显色培养基作为日常检验的辅助手段可大大提高检测灵敏度、缩短检验周期、节约检验成本,值得在日常检验中推广应用。  相似文献   

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