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In order to investigate the possibility of pulmonary first-pass metabolism of nicotine inhaled in tobacco smoke, the absorption and disposition of 14C-nicotine were studied in an isolated perfused rabbit lung preparation after nicotine administration directly into the perfusing blood and tobacco smoke administration via in the inspired tracheal air. After administration into the perfusing medium, the rate of nicotine metabolism was first-order and dose-independent at the two doses studies (0.1 and 1.0 mg) but lung metabolic clearance was quite low (3 ml/min) relative to whole body clearance (140 ml/min) measured by administering 14C-nicotine to intact rabbits. Accumulation of nicotine by lung was not extensive (13-23% of the dose administered). After administration of tobacco smoke from 14C-nicotine-spiked cigarettes, absorption of nicotine was rapid but the rate of metabolism was markedly reduced compared to the studies in which drug was administered in the perfusing medium. This reduction in the rate of metabolism was apparently caused by some component of tobacco smoke but was shown to be unrelated to the level of carbon monoxide in the perfusate. The slow clearance of nicotine by rabbit lung (which is further reduced after smoke administration) compared to a high pulmonary blood flow rate makes unlikely the possibility of significant first-pass lung metabolism in smokers.  相似文献   

Throughout the adult vertebrate central nervous system (CNS) gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) mediates transient Cl- conductances commonly identified as fast, Cl(-)-dependent inhibitory synaptic signals [Prog. Neurobiol., 36 (1991) 35-92]. In the rat hippocampus Cl(-)-dependent excitatory transients mediated by GABA emerge during the first postnatal week superimposed on a steady-state baseline that is also Cl(-)- and GABA-dependent [Int. J. Dev. Neurosci., 8 (1990) 481-490]. Here we report that many embryonic rat hippocampal neurons cultured for hours to days exhibit random fluctuations in Cl- channel activity that are mediated by continuous secretion of GABA in the absence of transients. Thus, GABA is broadcast tonically before it is released transiently.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is a regulator of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and a coordinator of the gastrointestinal response to stress. In addition to its central effects, CRH has peripheral effects on the immune system. CRH is present in several human tissues, such as the brain, spinal cord, adrenal medulla, lung, liver, peripheral blood leukocytes, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. The current study examined the local production of CRH in the normal human colon. METHODS: Normal human colonic tissues obtained by endoscopic biopsy were immunostained with anti-CRH and anti-5-hydroxytryptamine antibody and analyzed for CRH messenger (m)RNA by a reverse-transcribed polymerase chain reaction method and by in situ hybridization. RESULTS: Immunoreactive CRH and CRH mRNA were detected in the colonic mucosal cells in the neighborhood of the base of the crypts. The mucosal cells that expressed CRH mRNA also immunostained with anti-5-hydroxytryptamine antibody. CONCLUSIONS: Normal human colonic mucosal enterochromaffin cells produce CRH. CRH in the colonic mucosa may play a role in the modulation of the intestinal immune system and/or other gastrointestinal functions basally during stressful conditions.  相似文献   

Nonparallel discharge of digestive enzymes by the in vitro rabbit pancreas has been previously reported and this observation has been used to challenge the mass transport theory of enzyme synthesis and secretion by the exocrine pancreas. The current investigation reexamines the pattern of enzyme secretion from the in vitro rabbit pancreas. Secretion of alpha-amylase, trypsinogen, and chymotrypsinogen was studied from the unstimulated gland and from glands stimulated with either methacholine, cholecystokinin-pancreozymin, or the active octapeptide of cholecystokinin-pancreozymin. In all cases, only parallel discharge of alpha-amlyse, trypsinogen, and chymotrypsinogen was noted. These observations are consistent with the mass-transport theory.  相似文献   

In 1997, the Harvard School of Public Health College Alcohol Study resurveyed colleges that participated in a 1993 study. The findings revealed little change in binge drinking: a slight decrease in percentage of binge drinkers and slight increases in percentages of abstainers and frequent binge drinkers. Two of 5 students were binge drinkers (42.7%); 1 in 5 (19.0%) was an abstainer, and 1 in 5 was a frequent binge drinker (20.7%). As was true in 1993, 4 of 5 residents of fraternities or sororities were binge drinkers (81.1%). Asian students showed a greater increase and White students a greater decrease in binge drinking from 1993 to 1997, compared with all other students. Among students who drank alcohol, increases in frequency of drinking; drunkenness; drinking to get drunk; and alcohol-related problems, including drinking and driving, were reported. Binge drinkers in both 1993 and 1997 were at increased risk of alcohol-related problems, and nonbingers at colleges with high binge drinking rates had increased risks of encountering secondhand effects of binge drinking.  相似文献   

The colon contains large numbers of endocrine cells. Insight into their physiological function is limited. This is due to the fact that no sufficient model of isolated endocrine colon cells is available. In the present study we introduce an isolated vascularly perfused colon model for in vitro studies. This model offers the advantage that it keeps the endocrine cells in their physiological orientation and environment. The gut mucosa is highly sensitive to ischemia. Therefore, a careful validation of its viability is crucial in gut organ preparations. This study demonstrates that, by utilizing an oxygenated vascular medium supplemented with 25% washed bovine erythrocytes, a perfusion of the colon is achieved for at least 1 h without obvious tissue injuries. During this time parameters such as perfusion pressure, venous lactate dehydrogenase release, glucose consumption, lactate output, oxygen consumption, perfusate loss by the preparation and morphology were analyzed. Dependent on stimulation, the endocrine L cells of the colon released glucagon-like peptide-I upon arterial perfusion of methacholine or gastrin-releasing peptide. In conclusion, a model for the isolated perfusion of the colon is introduced which is suitable for studies of endocrine colon cells.  相似文献   

Rat peritoneal mast cells were incubated with serum from highly mite-sensitive patients. It was demonstrated that exposure of passive sensitized mast cells to allergen from mites Dermatophagoides farinae induced the release of histamine. Exposure of mast cells to 10 micrograms/ml and 50 micrograms/ml mite allergen resulted in an increase of histamine secretion to 48% of the basal level. The allergoid (formaldehyde-modified mite allergen) had poor histamine-releasing activity compared to allergen. The allergoid (50 micrograms/ml) induced a 2.5-fold decrease in histamine release. The allergen at the same concentrations and the same release as allergen in dose 0.1 microgram/ml.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine whether prostaglandin E2 can directly affect sodium transport across isolated perfused rabbit renal collecting tubules. Changes in transepithelial potential and isotopic sodium fluxes in response to peritubular prostaglandin E2 were measured. In addition, changes in transepithelial potential of the outer medullary collecting tubule in response to prostaglandin E2 were also measured. With few exceptions, all rabbits received 5 mg/day desoxycorticosterone acetate for 4-11 days before experimentation. The results of the experiments show that: (a) prostaglandin E2 inhibits the negative transepithelial potential in the cortical collecting tubule as well as the outer medullary collecting tubule; (b) prostaglandin E2 inhibits net sodium transport out of the lumen by inhibiting efflux while backflux is unaffected; (c) prostaglandin E2 produces this inhibition within 15 min, and the effects are dose dependent and reversible. These results suggest that prostaglandin E2 may modulate sodium transport in vivo and may contribute to the final regulation of sodium excretion.  相似文献   

Information on road injury with analyses on the epidemiological features and determinants of fatality rate with prevention and control of road injury was presented in this paper. From 1951 to 1994, road injury and motor vehicle deaths had a continuous increase by 43 and 78 times respectively. Since 1987 about 250,000 cases, 5000 deaths and 15,000 trauma cases caused by road crashes year after year. The fatality rate increased by an average of 12.9% increase per year from 1984 to 1994 (from 2.43 to 5.56 per 100,000 pop). Zhejiang, Guangdong, Liaoning, Sichuan and Jiangsu occupied the first five places in 30 provinces, accounted for over 45% of total road injuries and one thirds of road fatalities. Both incidence and death rate were lowest in Beijing City and highest in Zhejiang Province. Three-quarters of the fatality on road injury were occurred on smooth and straight pavement in sunny days. Over 60% of the motor vehicle deaths were young males (age 20-50 yrs). Classified by occupation, majority of the victims were peasants (55%) and workers (19%). Two thirds of the road fatalities were pedestrians, bicycle riders and passengers. Human factors including driver's irresponsibility, non-licensing, bicycle rider and pedestrian carelessness, etc. were notified that accounted for over 90% of the causes for road injury. Primary causes from the drivers were rules and regulations violation, absent-mindedness, driving after drinking alcohol. The risk factors of road injuries were the increase of motor vehicles and traffic congestion. It is also necessary to improve the traffic safety knowledge among residents.  相似文献   

Addition of cortisol (10(-6) to 10(-8) M) and related glucocorticoid congeners to cultures of rat parathyroid glands stimulated dose-related increases in parathyroid hormone secretion; the addition of deoxycorticosterone or cortexolone was without effect. Cortexolone, however, inhibited the stimulatory activity of cortisol when both were added to the culture medium. This direct stimulatory effect of cortisol on parathyroid gland secretion may account in part for the increased concentration of parathyroid hormone in the serum of cortisol-treated animals.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate the role of exogenous and endogenous angiotensin II (Ang II) in ovarian steroidogenesis and production of prostaglandin (PG) in in vitro perfused rabbit ovaries. The addition of 100 or 10 micrograms Ang II at 2-h intervals to the perfusate did not stimulate progesterone production, but significantly stimulated estradiol (E2) production by perfused rabbit ovaries. When the specific antagonist of Ang II, saralasin at 2 x 10(-6) M, was added to the perfusate 30 min before the onset of Ang II administration, Ang II-stimulated production of E2 was significantly blocked. Ang II also significantly stimulated both PGE2 and PGF2 alpha production, while the addition of saralasin to the perfusate significantly inhibited the Ang II-stimulated production of PG. The levels of PGs in ovaries perfused with saralasin plus 100 micrograms Ang II did not differ significantly from those in control ovaries perfused with medium alone. Exposure to human CG (hCG) significantly stimulated production of progesterone and E2 by perfused rabbit ovaries, while the concomitant administration of 2 x 10(-6) M saralasin significantly reduced only E2 production. Addition of saralasin to the perfusate inhibited hCG-stimulated PG production in a dose-dependent manner. The ovulatory efficiency in ovaries treated with hCG alone or hCG plus saralasin was significantly correlated with PG production by perfused rabbit ovaries at 12 h after exposure to hCG. The production of PG stimulated by Ang II was completely reduced by indomethacin treatment during the entire perfusion period. Indomethacin completely blocked Ang II-induced ovulation, but not Ang II-stimulated oocyte maturation. Concurrent administration of staurosporine, a protein kinase C inhibitor, at 10(-6) M significantly inhibited Ang II-stimulated meiotic maturation of ovulated ova and follicular oocytes. In conclusion, these results indicate that Ang II has a direct role in ovarian production of E2 and PG. An intrinsic renin-angiotensin system in the rabbit ovary may act as an intermediary of gonadotropin-stimulated PG production. Locally produced Ang II may induce ovulation in the rabbit ovary, at least in part, by stimulating PG production.  相似文献   

Adrenomedullin (ADM), a vasodilatatory peptide contained in adrenal medulla, was found to induce a dose-dependent increase in aldosterone (ALDO) and corticosterone (B) release by the in situ perfused rat adrenal gland, along with a rise in the flow rate of the perfusion medium. The minimal effective dose for ALDO response was three and two orders of magnitude less than those able to evoke B and medium flow rate responses. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), another vasodilatatory peptide contained in adrenal medulla and showing a slight homology in its amino acid sequence with ADM, elicited similar effects. CGRP (8-37), a specific antagonist of CGRP1 receptors, annulled all the effects of both ADM and CGRP, whereas l-alprenolol, a beta-adrenoceptor antagonist, partially reversed only ALDO response to the peptides. In light of these findings the following conclusions are drawn: i) ADM and CGRP stimulate rat adrenals in vivo to release B by raising blood flow rate; ii) ADM and CGRP enhance ALDO secretion via an indirect mechanism probably requiring the release of catecholamines by medullary chromaffin cells; and iii) the effects of ADM and CGRP on the rat adrenal gland are mediated by a common receptor of the CGRP1 subtype.  相似文献   

To better understand the characteristics of amyloid deposition in the choroid plexus, we examined autopsied brain by routine histology, immunohistochemistry, and electron microscopy in three group of patients: primary systemic amyloidosis (n = 7), cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA, n = 6), and controls (n = 3). Three of the CAA patients had Alzheimer's disease. Congophilic, birefringent amyloid deposits of the choroid plexus were seen in six of the seven cases of systemic light chain amyloidosis. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the deposited amyloids had reactivity for immunoglobulin light chain and amyloid P component. Accumulation of macrophages labeled with monoclonal antibodies against CD 68 and major histocompatibility complex class II antigens were observed around the massive amyloid deposits. The presence of approximately 10 nm amyloid fibrils along the epithelial basement membrane as well as in the vascular walls was ascertained by electron microscopy. In CAA, Congo red-positive amyloid deposits were consistently present in meningeal blood vessels and were often found in senile plaques of the cerebral parenchyma; congophilic amyloid deposits were absent in the choroid plexus. Choroid plexus epithelial cells exhibited immunostaining for beta amyloid precursor protein (APP) with N-terminal- and C-terminal-specific antibodies; in particular, consistent staining was obtained for the latter antibody. Immunoreactivity for amyloid beta protein (A beta) with monoclonal antibodies (6E10, 4G8) was often found in choroid plexus epithelial cells. These findings suggest that amyloid deposition of the choroid plexus depends on the major component protein in amyloidosis, and that the choroid plexus may produce APP and A beta protein although A beta amyloidosis is not evident in the choroid plexus.  相似文献   

We describe a 9-year-old white boy with systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) who developed pancytopenia and hypersplenism at the age of 13 years. He underwent splenectomy and 3 years later he developed Coombs' positive hemolytic anemia, alopecia, juvenile warts, and multiple bacterial infections. At that time, investigations were compatible with severe hypogammaglobulinemia associated with common variable immunodeficiency. Concomitantly with this condition he experienced complete remission of his inflammatory arthritis. Immunologic studies of B and T lymphocyte function showed that the number of circulating T and B lymphocytes were normal, while T cell function was depressed, as evidenced by markedly reduced proliferative responses to mitogens and antigens, and ability to mediate B cell help. In addition, his circulating B cells were unable to secrete IgM or IgG. He also exhibited anergy to intradermal challenge with a battery of common antigens. The literature dealing with this clinical association is reviewed, and possible immunologic mechanisms involved are discussed.  相似文献   

Cutaneous surgeons frequently evaluate and manage soft tissue tumors arising on the head and neck of adults. Of these, the most common tumor is the lipoma, and specific mesenchymal variants of lipoma occur classically on the head and neck. We describe a case of a large spindle cell lipoma of the posterior scalp, in order to highlight the classic location and differential diagnosis of the lipoma variants presenting commonly in this anatomic region. In addition, we review the role of preoperative imaging studies of scalp soft tissue tumors and discuss how imaging may assist the dermatologic surgeon in establishing the diagnosis and designing a rational surgical approach.  相似文献   

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