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Direct dose calculations are a crucial requirement for Treatment Planning Systems. Some methods, such as Monte Carlo, explicitly model particle transport, others depend upon tabulated data or analytic formulae. However, their computation time is too lengthy for clinical use, or accuracy is insufficient, especially for recent techniques such as Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy. Based on artificial neural networks (ANNs), a new solution is proposed and this work extends the properties of such an algorithm and is called NeuRad.Prior to any calculations, a first phase known as the learning process is necessary. Monte Carlo dose distributions in homogeneous media are used, and the ANN is then acquired. According to the training base, it can be used as a dose engine for either heterogeneous media or for an unknown material. In this report, two networks were created in order to compute dose distribution within a homogeneous phantom made of an unknown material and within an inhomogeneous phantom made of water and TA6V4 (titanium alloy corresponding to hip prosthesis).All NeuRad results were compared to Monte Carlo distributions. The latter required about 7 h on a dedicated cluster (10 nodes). NeuRad learning requires between 8 and 18 h (depending upon the size of the training base) on a single low-end computer. However, the results of dose computation with the ANN are available in less than 2 s, again using a low-end computer, for a 150×1×150 voxels phantom. In the case of homogeneous medium, the mean deviation in the high dose region was less than 1.7%. With a TA6V4 hip prosthesis bathed in water, the mean deviation in the high dose region was less than 4.1%.Further improvements in NeuRad will have to include full 3D calculations, inhomogeneity management and input definitions.  相似文献   

Dosimetric measurements close to radioisotope sources, such as those used in brachytherapy, require high spatial resolution to avoid incorrect results in the steep dose gradient region. In this work the Fricke Xylenol Gel dosimeter was used to obtain the spatial dose distribution. The readings from a 137Cs source were performed using two methods, visible spectrophotometer and CCD camera images. Good agreement with the Sievert summation method was found for the transversal axis dose profile within uncertainties of 4% and 5%, for the spectrophotometer and CCD camera respectively. Our results show that the dosimeter is adequate for brachytherapy dosimetry and, owing to its relatively fast and easy preparation and reading, it is recommended for quality control in brachytherapy applications.  相似文献   

A new type of normoxic polymer gel dosimeter, named MAGAT responses well to absorbed dose even when manufacturing in the presence of normal levels of oxygen. The aim of this study was to evaluate dose response, diffusion effect and cumulated dose response under multiple fractional irradiations of the MAGAT gel dosimeter using Multiple Spin-Echo (MSE) Magnetic Resonance (MR) sequence. Dose response was performed by irradiating MAGAT-gel-filled testing vials with a 6 MV linear accelerator and a linear relationship was present with doses from 0 to 6 Gy, but gradually, a bi-exponential function result was obtained with given doses up to 20 Gy. No significant difference in dose response was present between single and cumulated doses (p > 0.05). For study of diffusion effect, edge sharpness of the R2 map imaging between two split doses was smaller than 1 cm of dose profile penumbra between 20% and 80%. In conclusion, the MAGAT polymer gel dosimeter with MSE MR imaging is a promising method for dose verification in clinical radiation therapy practice.  相似文献   

The objectives of this work were to calculate the cellular doses and the lineal energies of low-energy electrons in liquid water for different source-target geometry in a cell. Calculated specific cellular doses and their variations were analyzed for the dependences on electron energy, source-target geometry, elastic interaction, and type of energy depositions, i.e. starter, stopper, insider and crosser. Two approaches, i.e. the probabilistic method and the mixed method, were applied. In the probabilistic method, the Monte Carlo Penelope code was used. In the mixed method, the range-energy relation and the sampling of electron paths were applied. It was found that for N ← Cy elastic interactions led to a change of the specific cellular dose by about 30% for electron energies below 10 keV. Here N ← Cy denotes electrons emitted from the source region, Cy (cytoplasm), to deposit energy in the target region, N (cell nucleus). The variation of specific cellular dose was found greater (more than 10%) for N ← Cy than N ← N, C ← C and C ← CS, where C and CS denote the cell and cell surface, respectively. The lineal energy distribution varied substantially with electron energy, source-target geometry, and target size. The maximum values of the relative dose-mean lineal energy for 1, 5 and 10 keV electrons, relative to 36 keV reference electrons used to define the relative biological effectiveness, occurred at target radii of several tens, hundreds and thousands nanometers, respectively.  相似文献   

A silver ion source was designed by focusing the fundamental and harmonics of Q-switched Nd:YAG laser pulses onto a silver target and simultaneously applying an electric potential in an argon environment. The silver ions were detected at a distance of 2 cm from the target surface using a Faraday cup ion probe after letting them pass through a retarding mesh grid (copper electrode). We aim to produce and characterize the silver ions generated by the laser radiation of different wavelengths and pulse energy, ambient gas pressure and the electrode spacing under applied electric field. In addition to this, the effect of laser radiation on plasma under vacuum and at different argon gas pressures was investigated. The velocity distribution function of the plasma emitted from the silver target was investigated under argon discharge. These measurements demonstrated clearly that the velocity distribution function and current signals depend on laser power, laser wavelength and argon pressure. We observed a ten fold increase in the plume current with increase in the applied voltage and ion velocity in the presence of a laser field. The surface morphology of the laser irradiated samples was investigated using reflection optical microscopy.  相似文献   

On-line targets of silicon carbide have been used to produce radioactive ion beams (RIB) at TRIUMF’s ISAC facility. Surface ionized beams of Li, Na and Al from SiC targets have been delivered to a variety of experiments. While yields of Li and Na radionuclide beams have been high enough to meet experimental requirements, the yields of radio-aluminums have been very low in comparison to in-target production estimates. The properties of SiC relevant to radioactive Al ion beam production are reviewed and on-line measurements of radiogenic Li, Na and Al from SiC are presented. Diffusion, effusion and formation of stable phases are found to strongly affect the release of radio-aluminum from SiC, greatly reducing overall Al RIB production efficiency. In comparison, the production of radio-sodium beams from SiC is found to be relatively efficient.  相似文献   

An intense beam of 26gAl has been developed for accelerated beam experiments at TRIUMF’s ISAC facility. Studies of the on-line production of Al radionuclides from thick silicon carbide targets have been performed as part of a program of beam development for astrophysical reaction studies at ISAC. While the release of short-lived Al nuclides from SiC was found to be slow, development of new target material forms and high-power target containers has allowed operation of SiC targets with proton currents of up to 70 μA on target. In addition, operation with the TRIUMF resonant ionization laser ion source (TRILIS) has produced 26gAl beam intensities of 5.1 × 1010 s−1.  相似文献   

The excitation functions of proton induced reactions on Sc targets (100% 45Sc), leading to the formation isotopes 43K, 43Sc, 44mSc, 44gSc and 44Ti were studied by the stacked foil activation technique up to 37 MeV. High-resolution gamma-spectrometry measurements were performed on an HPGe detector in order to determine the activity of the irradiated Sc2O3 pellets and Ti monitor foils. The reaction cross-sections were measured from their respective thresholds up to Ep = 36.4 MeV and were compared with previous values reported in literature. Possible batch yields and optimal irradiation parameters for generator 44Ti -44gSc in high current accelerators are discussed.  相似文献   

Excitation functions of alpha induced reactions on enriched 114Cd and 116Cd targets, leading to the formation of the 117m,119mSn, 114m1,115m,116m,117m,gIn, 115gCd isotopes, were studied by the stacked foil activation technique. Reaction cross-sections were measured from their respective thresholds up to Eα = 38.9 MeV. Quantification of induced isotopes has been made by gamma and X-ray spectrometry. The experimental cross-sections are compared, where available, with values reported previously in literature. Thick target yield for the medically important radionuclide 117mSn is calculated based on discrete values of measured cross-sections.  相似文献   

The selectivity of a hot cavity resonance ionization laser ion source (RILIS) is most often limited by contributions from competing surface ionization of the hot walls of the ionization cavity. In this article we present investigations on the properties of designated high temperature, low work function materials regarding their performance and suitability as cavity material for RILIS. Tungsten test cavities, impregnated with a mixture of barium oxide and strontium oxide (BaOSrO on W), or alternatively gadolinium hexaboride (GdB6) were studied in comparison to a standard tungsten RILIS cavity as being routinely used for hot cavity laser ionization at ISOLDE. Measurement campaigns took place at the off-line mass separators at ISOLDE/CERN, Geneva and RISIKO/University of Mainz.  相似文献   

Experimental excitation functions for deuteron induced reactions up to 40 MeV on mono-isotopic Ta (181Ta) were measured with the activation method using a stacked foil irradiation technique. From high resolution gamma spectrometry and X-ray analysis cross-section data for the production of 181W, 177,178g,180g,182m+gTa, and 179m2,180mHf were determined. Comparison with the scarce earlier published data are presented and results for values predicted by different theoretical codes, adapted for more reliable calculations for d-induced reactions, are included. Thick target yields for 182m+g,180g,178gTa and 181W were calculated from a fit to our experimental excitation curves. Using dose conversion factors and irradiation scenarios, possible occupational doses to maintenance or scientific personnel around high power accelerators where Ta based structural elements (collimators, beam stoppers, shielding) are present could be derived.  相似文献   

The paper presents some important problems related to the practical aspect of employing the bremsstrahlung radiation generated by linear accelerators used in the irradiation technological processes, namely:
The optimization of the electron-bremsstrahlung conversion output by optimizing the target thickness and
the study on the influence of some variable parameters of the accelerator (i.e. the beam current, the magnetron frequency and the injection voltage) on the dosimeter characteristics of the bremsstrahlung radiation.
The measurements have been performed with the 3.5 and 10 MeV linear electron accelerators in NILPRP-Electron Accelerator Laboratory.  相似文献   

An ion extractor system has been designed for the steady state superconducting tokamak (SST-1) neutral beam injector (NBI) for an experiment using a prototype ion source with fully integrated regulated high voltage power supply (RHVPS) and data acquisition and control system (DACS) developed at Institute for Plasma Research (IPR) to obtain experience of NB operation. The extractor system is capable of extracting positive hydrogen ion beam of ∼10 A current at ∼20 kV. This paper presents the beam optics study for detailed design of an ion extraction system which could meet this requirement. It consists of 3 grid accel-decel system, each of the grid has 217 straight cylindrical holes of 8 mm diameter. Grids are placed on a specially designed G-10 block; a fiber reinforc plastic (FRP) isolator of outer diameter of 820 mm and 50 mm thickness. Provisions are made for supplying high voltage to the grid system through the embedded feed-throughs. Extractor system has been fabricated, mounted on the SST-1 neutral beam injector and has extracted positive hydrogen ion beam of 4 A at 20 kV till now.  相似文献   

A feasibility study was performed to generate new sufficient mirror cusp magnetic field (CMF) by using the coils of the existing room temperature traditional 18 GHz electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) at RIKEN. The CMF configuration was chosen because it contains plasma superbly and no multipole magnet is needed to make the contained plasma quiescent with no magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) instability and to make the system cost-effective. The least magnetic field, 13 kG is achieved at the interior wall of the plasma chamber including the point cusps (PC) on the central axis and the ring cusp (RC) on the mid-plane. The mirror ratio calculation and electron simulation were done in the computed CMF. It was found to contain the electrons for longer time than in traditional field. It is proposed that a powerful CMF ECRIS can be constructed, which is capable of producing intense highly charged ion (HCI) beam for light and heavy elements.  相似文献   

One of the radioisotopes for which a growing interest exists in nuclear medicine is 64Cu. Its branched decay makes it suitable for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Activation cross sections of the proton induced reaction on enriched 64Ni have been studied using the stacked foil technique up to 24 MeV. The experimental cross sections are compared with values available from literature. Thick target yields, based on the discrete measured values of the cross sections are calculated and allow a better estimation of the optimum production parameters.  相似文献   

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