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Partitioning of dioxins, dibenzofurans and the dioxin-like coplanar PCBs was determined by congener-specific high resolution gc-ms analysis of compounds in 6 tissue samples each from 5 women. Samples were whole blood obtained prior to delivery; maternal adipose tissue, cord blood and placenta obtained during cesarean section delivery; and whole blood and milk taken at the time of first obstetrical follow-up examination, one to two months following delivery. All women lived in upstate New York. Specimens were collected in late 1995 and early 1996. Mean measured levels of total PCDDs, PCDFs and coplanar PCBs were 352 pg/g for adipose tissue, 526 pg/g for predelivery blood, 182 pg/g for placenta, 165 pg/g for cord blood, 352 pg/g for postpartum blood and 220 pg/g for milk. Mean total TEQ levels were 11.6 pg/g TEQ for adipose tissue, 12.1 pg/g TEQ for predelivery blood, 10.5 pg/g TEQ for placenta, 5.8 pg/g TEQ for cord blood, 10.0 pg/g TEQ for postpartum blood and 10.2 pg/g TEQ for milk.  相似文献   

Placental transfer and metabolism of carbamazepine (CBZ) was studied in a dual recirculating placental cotyledon perfusion system and was also evaluated in 16 pairs of maternal venous and cord blood samples. Among the parameters studied as possible indicators of a successful perfusion, volume changes in perfusate divided the perfusions into two groups, whereas no significant differences between perfusions were noted in blood gas analysis or in antipyrine transfer. CBZ added into the maternal circulation crosses the placenta in the beginning quicker than antipyrine which is in agreement with the different lipid solubilities of these compounds. Because the transfer rates of antipyrine and CBZ were about the same, the mechanism of transfer of CBZ is probably similar to that of antipyrine (passive diffusion). No metabolites of CBZ could be detected in the perfusate by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. With the improved HPLC methodology for CBZ metabolites, six metabolites were detected in clinical samples, including 10-hydroxy-10,11-dihydro-CBZ (10-OH-CBZ), which has been described earlier in only 1 uremic patient. Relative levels of metabolites showed significant individual differences. CBZ crosses perfused placenta rapidly, but this does not contribute to CBZ metabolites detected in maternal and fetal circulation.  相似文献   

We set out to determine the extent to which two groups of patients reported having been informed about the adverse effects of NSAIDs. These consisted of 50 patients who had suffered an acute gastrointestinal bleed while taking a NSAID, and 100 age, sex and drug matched controls who had not. Eight (16%) of the index patients, and 41 (41%) of the control patients remembered having been informed of potential adverse effects, an odds ratio of 3.65 (95% CI 1.55-8.58, P < 0.002). Two (4%) of the index patients recalled having been advised what to do should adverse symptoms develop, whereas 21 (21%) of the control patients did so, an odds ratio of 6.38 (95% CI 1.4-28.4, P < 0.01). Eighteen (36%) of patients who bled had experienced gastrointestinal pain prior to the bleed, but of these only two (11%) admitted reduced compliance with NSAID therapy. In contrast, 10 (67%) of the 15 control patients who had suffered epigastric discomfort admitted reduced compliance, an odds ratio of 16.0 (95% CI 2.6-98.8, P < 0.001). Our results suggest that patients who report not having been informed of adverse effects of NSAIDs are less likely to reduce intake in response to epigastric pain than patients who report having received such information. If the patients who bled had reduced their intake of NSAIDs to the same extent as apparently better informed control patients in response to epigastric pain, it is possible that some episodes of acute gastrointestinal bleeding would have been avoided.  相似文献   

Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) is highly concentrated in neuroendocrine tissues and is the only carboxypeptidase detected in mature secretory vesicles. Carboxypeptidase D (CPD), a carboxypeptidase with CPE-like activity, is widely distributed in tissues and is present in the trans-Golgi network. Previous work had shown that both CPE and CPD are expressed in the human placenta and that CPD is expressed at much higher levels than CPE. The present work provides evidence for the co-localization of CPE and CPD to basal plate extravillous trophoblasts and maternal uteroplacental vascular endothelial cells, chorionic villous endothelial cells, amnionic epithelial cells, and umbilical venous and arterial smooth muscle cells. Whereas the intensity of CPD immunostaining is similar in the placenta and umbilical cord, CPE staining in the placenta is much weaker than in the umbilical cord, suggesting that CPD plays a more important role in the processing of placental peptides. Immunoelectron microscopy of umbilical venous smooth muscle cells shows subcellular localization of both enzymes to the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, CPE is present just subjacent to the cell membrane. The difference in cellular and subcellular localization between the two enzymes indicates that they perform distinct functions in the processing of placental peptides and proteins.  相似文献   

1. It has been suggested that a deficiency of nitric oxide (NO) may explain many of the pathophysiological features of pre-eclampsia (PE) and intra-uterine (foetal) growth retardation (IUGR). To elucidate further the role of NO in the pathophysiology of pregnancy we have determined the relative amount and activity of NO synthase (NOS) in first trimester and normal-term placental tissues, as well as in the placenta and umbilical cord in pregnancies complicated by PE and IUGR, using NG-nitro-L-[2,3,4,5(-3)H]-arginine ([3H]-L-NOARG) binding, quantitative in vitro autoradiography, [3H]-arginine to [3H]-citrulline conversion and Western blotting. 2. Specific, high affinity (KD = 38 nM) [3H]-L-NOARG binding was demonstrated in the villous trophoblast of normal-term placentae. Binding was calcium-independent, stereoselective and exhibited a rank order of inhibition by NOS inhibitors and substrate (L-NOARG > or = L-NMMA > or = 7-NI > L-NAME > L-Arg > or = L-NIO > ADMA). 3. [3H]-L-NOARG binding density and NOS activity were both significantly greater in placental tissues from first trimester and PE or IUGR complicated pregnancies compared to normal-term placentae. 4. Western blotting, using an endothelial NOS peptide antiserum, demonstrated a approximately 140 KDa protein band in placental extracts and indicated that the amount of immunoreactive material was significantly greater in first trimester compared to normal-term placentae. 5. Specific [3H]-L-NOARG binding was also localized to the endothelial lining of umbilical arteries and veins, binding density being greater in the artery than the vein. [3H]-L-NOARG binding to the umbilical artery endothelium was significantly lower in PE and IUGR complicated pregnancies compared to normal-term controls. 6. The role of trophoblast-derived NO in human placental pathophysiology remains to be established, but differences in the amount of placental [3H]-L-NOARG binding, NOS activity and immunoreactive material indicate that expression of NOS in the villous trophoblast falls during pregnancy. Conversely, the apparent reduction in NOS in the umbilical artery endothelium in PE and IUGR complicated pregnancies may be indicative of endothelial dysfunction.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship in human placenta between polycyclic aromatic hydrocabon (PAH)-DNA adduct levels and two biomarkers of cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1): gene induction evidenced by CYP1A1 mRNA, and a genetic polymorphism, the CYP1A1 MspI RFLP. CYP1A1 codes for an inducible enzyme system that catalyzes the bioactivation of PAHs. Prior research found a high correlation in human lung tissue between CYP1A1 activity and DNA damage from PAHs. The CYP1A1 Mspi RFLP has been linked in some studies to risk of lung cancer. The relationships in human placenta between DNA damage, CYP1A1 activity and genotype have not been well characterized and may be relevant to risks from transplacental PAH exposure. The study cohort consisted of 70 newborns from Krakow, Poland, a city with elevated air pollution, and 90 newborns from nearby Limanowa, an area with lower air pollution but greater indoor coal use. Contrary to results seen previously in lung tissue, CYP1A1 mRNA was not significantly correlated with PAH-DNA adduct levels in the placenta. Smoking (self-reported maternal and infant plasma cotinine) was significantly associated with CYP1A1 mRNA levels (P < 0.01), but not with PAH-DNA adduct levels. Placental PAH-DNA adduct levels were significantly higher in infants with the CYP1A1 MspI restriction site compared with infants without the restriction site (P < 0.01), implicating a genetic factor in inter-individual variation in DNA damage in human placenta. Further studies are needed to determine the relevance of this finding to risk of transplacental carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: Umbilical cord blood is an alternative source for allogeneic transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells from related and unrelated donors. It can easily be collected, cryopreserved and stored in cord blood banks for later use. In Switzerland, cord blood banks for related and unrelated stem cell transplantation are being established. The aim of the study was to evaluate previous knowledge of the possible medical use of cord blood and acceptance of cord blood banking in pregnant women. METHODS: We performed a prospective open study using a structured, anonymous questionnaire at the University of Basel Women's Hospital pregnancy outpatient clinic. After concise information on the use of cord blood for transplantation, questions were asked concerning previous knowledge of the use of placenta and cord blood in general, concerning the attitude to donation of cord blood for transplantation, and the respondent's willingness to donate cord blood of her own child. Women of different ethnic background were compared. RESULTS: From 300 questionnaires handed out to pregnant women of different ethnic background attending our outpatient clinic, 250 (83%) were returned, and 245 could be evaluated for final analysis. Only 40% indicated that they did know what usually happens to the placenta after birth. In contrast, the vast majority (95%) supported the idea of umbilical cord blood for banking and later use for stem cell transplantation. Similarly, 93% stated that they would agree to donate the cord blood from their own child for this purpose, while no statistically significant differences could be identified either between women with or without previous knowledge or of different ethnic background. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows the high acceptance of umbilical cord blood donation for banking and stem cell transplantation purposes in pregnant women, irrespective of previous knowledge. As there are no major differences between women of different ethnic background, a high degree of diversity of HLA-types of donated cord blood samples can be expected and may offset the underrepresentation of ethnic minorities in bone marrow donor registries.  相似文献   

Umbilical cord blood is considered an alternate source of hematopoietic stem cells in bone marrow transplantation. However, its use might be hampered by contamination of neonatal blood with maternal cells, which could contribute unacceptably to graft-vs.-host disease (GVHD) after transplant. In a previous study (Socié et al., Blood 83:340, 1994), we used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of minisatellite sequences (sensitivity 1-0.1%) to address the question of this contamination. In a single case among 47 analyzed, we were able to detect a maternal-specific allele in the cord blood sample. We have now studied the same cord samples using a highly sensitive, allele-specific PCR amplification method. A maternal allele could be discriminated from neonate alleles in 10 cases and maternal cells were detected in all 10 cord blood samples. These cells amounted to 10(-4) to 10(-5) of cord blood nucleated cells. In three cases, cord blood separated cell subpopulations could be analyzed and were found to contain maternal cells at about the same level. The presence of maternal cells at such a low level in cord blood samples probably would have no effect on GVHD in a clinical setting of transplantation but raises interesting questions in terms of materno-fetal immune tolerance and transmission of viruses (in particular human immunodeficiency virus) from infected mother to child.  相似文献   

The sequence encoding the truncated core protein (amino acids 1-98) of hepatitis C virus (HCc) was expressed in E. coli for production of HCc(1-98), or fused with the truncated core antigen (HBcAg) and segments from the preS1 and preS2 regions from hepatitis B virus (HBV) for production of HBcPreS1PreS2HCc(1-98). The HCc(1-98) and HBcPreS1PreS2HCc(1-98) proteins reacted with sera from HCV-infected individuals by immunoblot analyses, while the latter protein also exhibited HBV core antigenicity. They induced antibodies against HBcAg and/or HCV core protein in rabbits and in mice. Moreover, HBcPreS1PreS2HCc(1-98) is more immunogenic than HCc(1-98) in terms of anti-HCc induction. An ELISA that employed recombinant HCV core antigens of either HCc(1-98) or HBcPreS1PreS2HCc(1-98) to detect anti-HCc and/or anti-HBc antibodies was developed. Evaluation of serum samples with different status of HBV and HCV infections suggested that HCc(1-98) might be suitable for the determination of antibodies against HCV core protein, while HBcPreS1PreS2HCc(1-98) might be of value to detect HCV and/or HBV infection in donated blood in HBV low-prevalence countries.  相似文献   

Endothelin (ET) level was measured in 48 cases of normal pregnancies and in 29 cases of pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The results indicate that the difference of ET values between maternal and fetal umbilical cord vein was nonsignificant in normal pregnancy. Though a slight increase in maternal ET level was found in mild and moderate PIH, however the difference was nonsignificant when compared with normal pregnancy. ET increased significantly in plasma of patients with severe PIH. ET levels of fetal umbilical cord vein in different groups showed no much change. It suggests that ET increasing in plasma of patients with PIH may play a role in pathogenesis of PIH.  相似文献   

Donor T-lymphocytes are thought to play a crucial role in both acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), pathological conditions that frequently complicate allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. These diseases are described as occurring with a lower incidence and lesser severity when human umbilical cord blood (HUCB) cells, which have recently emerged as a potential source of hematopoietic progenitors, are used for transplantation. This condition is probably related to the immaturity of neonatal HUCB T cells. Lymphocyte blastogenic response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA), evaluated by means of flow cytometry, is a useful tool for testing the functional ability of T-cells to display an immune response against allo-antigens, reproducing in vitro the in vivo mechanism of activation. This study was designed to verify whether an impairment in HUCB T-cell ability to undergo an in vitro blastogenic response to mitogens could explain their reduced in vivo ability to induce GvHD.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) concentrations were determined in plasma of 64 mothers at delivery, 58 nonpregnant women, 64 neonates, and 12 infants, aged 2-12 mo. Se and Zn concentrations in mothers at delivery were significantly lower, and Cu higher than in nonpregnant women. Mean Se and Cu concentrations in newborns were statistically lower than those in mothers at delivery, and Zn and Cu concentrations in preterm infants (n = 13) were significantly higher than in fullterm infants (n = 51). Maternal parity had no significant influence on the distribution of plasma trace element levels. No significant differences were observed in Se and Zn levels in maternal and cord blood plasma according to birth weight, contrary to maternal Cu concentration. Significant correlations were found between maternal and cord blood Se content, and between maternal plasma Cu concentration and birth weight of neonates.  相似文献   

To welcome the transitions in management and leadership roles, a leader may consider developing the skills necessary to promote the success of interdisciplinary point-of-service teams. The author discusses factors that contribute to success in leading a point-of-service team. Key strategies and leader behaviors are addressed. A case study describing one point-of-service team for patient care redesign is presented and analyzed. The experience was viewed very positively by the leaders of the team; opportunities for further improvement are offered.  相似文献   

In six pediatric patients with postoperative low-output-syndrome (LOS), uni-(LVAD) and biventricular (ECMO) assist systems with Biomedicus centrifugal pump were used. ECMO was applied in 5 children aged between 3 days and 16 years, one infant with an age of 16 months was implanted with LVAD. One patient from the ECMO-group and the patient with LVAD-support survived. Analysis of vital organ functions during ECMO and LVAD support are presented and characteristics of both support systems for use in pediatric patients with postcardiotomy LOS based on worldwide experience discussed. In conclusion, both, uni- (LVAD) and biventricular circulatory support (ECMO) using Biomedicus centrifugal pump can be safely applied for management of postcardiotomy LOS even in neonates, however, ECMO support in comparison to LVAD is a more aggressive approach associated with a higher complication rate.  相似文献   

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