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HKS在阿布扎比设计了一座一流的妇幼医院,床位有160张,同时还设有一座饭店和温泉以及餐饮店等。这座名为Um Danat AI-Emarat(意为“酋长国之珠”)的医院将是阿联酋国家医疗体系中的旗舰医院,为阿联酋的妇女儿童提供更好的医疗服务,并成为一座医疗保健和建筑上的地标。  相似文献   

阿布扎比紫檀木大厦坐落于阿布扎比的Al Maryah岛新金融区,位于阿布扎比证券交易所和克利夫兰诊所之间,是一家新建成的奢华综合开发项目,总面积达1099000平方英尺(102000平方米).这座综合体包含一家拥有189间客房的五星级酒店——紫檀木酒店、131间酒店式公寓、宴会设施、会议设施、水疗中心、健身中心、零售空间、餐厅以及停车场.  相似文献   

据报道,法国总统萨科奇和阿布扎比王储等参加了罗浮宫阿布扎比馆的开工典礼。这是阿布扎比修建的第一座综合性博物馆,位于Saadiyat岛的新文化区。  相似文献   

房地产项目的开发将把阿联酋7个酋长国之一阿布扎比从一个穷乡僻壤变成一个国际度假胜地。8.3km2的艾尔里姆岛(Al Reem Island)是阿联酋首都阿布扎比目前在建的最大的开发项目。1座距阿布扎比岛东北海岸600m的住宅、商业和  相似文献   

正由弗兰克·盖里(Frank Gehry)设计的阿布扎比古根海姆博物馆终于要在波斯湾的萨迪亚特岛动工兴建了。古根海姆博物馆项目自2007年首次公布以来,已经在阿联酋准备了十几年。这座雕塑项目与阿布扎比卢浮宫相毗邻,里面将在一座由石膏块和自冷式半透明锥堆成的大山中展示来自世界各地的艺术作品。所罗门·r·古根海姆博物馆和基金会主任理查德·阿姆斯特朗(Richard Armstrong)采访时说,在今年的阿布扎比  相似文献   

在阿布扎比附近的沙漠中.一座没有汽车的生态城市——“太阳城”(Masda)正在建设中。作为临近阿布扎比空港的新城市,其规划人口为5万人,规划面积约6.0平方公里(2.3平方英里),这里将成为清洁能源科技研究的中心,因此定位为生态上自给自足的独立社区。根据Foster+Partners公司的设计,  相似文献   

Agence France—Museums和阿布扎比旅游开发和投资公司(TDIC)宣布.Nathalie Criniere将担任阿布扎比卢浮宫的展览设计师。这座博物馆是阿布扎比文化区Saadiyat岛上规划的5大文化设施之一。Nathalie公司将把它的展览设计与努维尔设计的博物馆结合起来。  相似文献   

国外媒体2008年10月20日报道,阿布扎比城的“翡翠”广场(EmeraldPlaza)解决了在非常炎热的环境下,即中东地区人工建造的无连贯性开发项目中城市空间的问题。由Emergent建筑公司设计的翡翠广场创造了设计要求中三个关键要素之间的连接:一座花园、一座中心雕塑群和一个由遮阳篷组成的网络。从大的方面讲,这个工程是连接3座高层建筑的要素,受到北非露天剧场的影响,创造了被动制冷的内部空间。  相似文献   

美国GP建筑设计有限公司(GP)被Mubadala DevelopmentCompany委任为沙瓦哈广场进行建筑设计,这是他们在阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比沙瓦哈海岛的旗舰商业项目.项目共计3 125 500平方英尺的办公面积,标志性的阿布扎比证券交易所总部被4座办公塔楼所包围,并可俯瞰其下的水景.此外,项目还包括两层的零售空间和两层的地下停车空间.阿布扎比最近推出了命名为“阿布扎比2030”的都市规划计划,选定了沙瓦哈岛和毗邻的Mina Zayed、Reem岛作为城市的新中央商业区.  相似文献   

GP(Goettsch Partners)接受Mubadala发展公司的委托,设计该公司在阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比Sowwah岛上的旗舰商业开发项目——Sowwah广场。项目包含总计约29万m^2的办公空间,特色是被四座办公塔楼所环绕的阿布扎比证券交易所新总部,人们在此可以俯瞰开阔的水面。此外,该项目还整合了2层的零售空间和2个地下停车场。阿布扎比最近出版的《阿布扎比2030规划》的城市规划大纲中,  相似文献   

Notwithstanding the role of cross‐national transfer of planning knowledge globally, there is a dearth of in‐depth research that examines the transfer process. In recent years, Vancouver has garnered international acclaim as one of the world's emerging “eco‐cities,” and the planning model applied there has begun to be emulated in numerous foreign contexts. As the capital of the United Arab Emirates and an emerging global business center, Abu Dhabi has sought the expertise of leading Vancouverite planners to develop a design and regulatory framework that is culturally distinctive. This article examines the knowledge transfer process with particular emphasis on the authority hierarchies formed and their impact on the adaptation of transferred knowledge. Using in‐depth interviews and an analysis of the planning documents, this article provides a micro‐level investigation of the interpersonal and institutional relationships. Such relationships explicate the tools utilized by the transfer agents in their attempts to contextualize, adapt, and operationalize imported knowledge. We propose a model that maps the various levels of authority and links them to the knowledge flow between local acquiring agents and foreign transferring agents. The application of this model to the Abu Dhabi scenario reveals a complex web of interactions between the local and foreign planners involved, across multiple institutional levels.  相似文献   

This study develops an empirical approach that underlines the effect of land use mix and development grain on pedestrian movement in the streets and public spaces of urban neighborhoods. The study begins with the end in mind; it compares two urban sectors in Abu Dhabi city with broadly recognized contrasting levels of pedestrian movement. The research works backward to identify the combination of built environment attributes that result in differing levels of pedestrian activity between the eastern and western sectors of Abu Dhabi city center. Using Geographic Information Systems maps/data files, direct observations, and field metrics, the study computes various indices related to land use mix, density, and street connectivity for Abu Dhabi central business district. The findings of this study highlight the land use, spatial and street network configurations that enhance pedestrian activity in urban centers. From a local perspective, the research outcome would inform future visions aimed at transforming the city of Abu Dhabi into a global metropolis that provides its citizens and visitors with unique and vibrant urban settings conducive to intra- and inter-neighborhood walkability.  相似文献   

德累斯顿车站重建工程 经过重建的德累斯顿车站.拥有一个面积达3万m^2的半透明穹顶,现已正式对外开放。它曾是19世纪欧洲最壮观的火车站,同时也是1945年二战空袭之后幸存下来的极少数建筑之一。重建后,建筑的原有结构被展现出来.并且恢复了从前的宏伟。  相似文献   

Neighbourhoods designed for Emirati citizens form more than 50% of Abu Dhabi’s urbanized land. As a result of planning strategies that neglect regionalism, these percentages are likely to grow in an unsustainable manner. This study traces these neighbourhoods’ morphological evolution towards the goal of identifying urban attributes that encourage cohesive growth. The analysis identifies three periods in Abu Dhabi’s neighbourhood morphology: the Inception Period (1967–1975), characterized by diversity, close-knit neighbourhoods, environmentally sensitive planning and integration with adjacent neighbourhoods and the city fabric; the Dispersion Period (1975–2007), characterized by fragmentation, massive expansion, parcel inflation and restricted integration with existing fabrics; and the Redemption Period (2007–present), characterized by nostalgic historicism, densification, parcel deflation and sparse regional integration. Neighbourhood typologies developed after the 1980s failed to conceive of physical planning at different scales. This failure led to a lack of environmental stewardship in efforts to meet citizens’ housing needs. Future development must take into account both cultural affinities and environmental effects and create effective compromises between these two priorities. Instead of relying on foreign experts, Abu Dhabi must involve local planners and academics in the construction of a new policy agenda that promotes the integration of different planning scales.  相似文献   

Viele der in Dubai und Abu Dhabi in den letzten Jahren im Zuge des Goldrausches für Projektentwickler und Planer konzipierten Bauvorhaben beeindrucken nicht nur durch ihr immenses Volumen, sondern auch durch die engen für die Realisierung zur Verfügung stehenden Zeitrahmen. Insbesondere ist das der Fall, wenn es sich um Bauten für die Formel 1 handelt. Am Rande Abu Dhabis entsteht auf Yas Island, einer ursprünglich unbebauten Insel in der Einflugschneise des internationalen Flughafens, ein neuer Formel 1‐Kurs nach dem Masterplan des Ingenieurbüros Tilke GmbH & Co. KG aus Aachen. Auf und um das Streckengelände werden bis zum ersten Rennen im November 2009 vielfältige Einrichtungen realisiert, die umfassende Infrastrukturmaßnahmen einschließen. Eines Tages wird man von dort aus das ebenso neu entstehende Kulturzentrum auf Saadiyat Island mit seinen Vorzeigebauten erreichen. Hier geht es nicht um Einbindung in ein bestehendes städtebauliches Gefüge, alles ist neu entwickelt, alles beansprucht für sich Einmaligkeit. Yas Island Marina Hotel – Pole position in Abu Dhabi. Many of the projects conceived for Dubai and Abu Dhabi as part of the development and design goldrush of the past years are not only impressive by their enormous scale, but also their demanding delivery dates. This is especially the case when building for the Formula 1 with a race date delivery. In the outer skirts of Abu Dhabi, next to the international airport on Yas Island, a previously empty island, construction for a new Formula 1 racecourse master planned by Tilke GmbH & Co. KG is underway. On and around the racecourse massive developments are being delivered for the first race in November 2009 including vast infrastructure projects. One day Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi's much talked about new cultural district equally built from scratch, will be accessed from here. Not the existing urban fabric or context is the theme, everything is newly developed and everything claims individuality.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the impact of implementing HOT lanes and/or cordon pricing as two types of congestion pricing policies on traveller's willingness to pay and travel behaviour in the city of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the MENA Region. In addition, the paper investigates the potential equity implication of implementing a cordon pricing policy. Trip conditions, travellers' socioeconomic characteristics, and mode shift are used as benchmarks to evaluate the impacts of implementing these policies. Different numerical indicators are selected to evaluate each strategy, such as willingness to pay, trip urgency, trip speed and distance, travellers' income, age, gender, nationality, and vehicle ownership. Data are collected through stated preference and revealed preference survey questionnaires. The results show that travellers from different socioeconomic groups are willing to pay to use HOT lanes to escape congestion and that willingness to pay increases as the trip conditions worsen. However, the overall effect of cordon pricing would be regressive. High-income travellers benefit the most, and they are willing to pay the charges to save travel time. Low-income travellers have to pay the toll or use public transportation more often.  相似文献   

《Progress in Planning》2007,68(4):201-256
This paper evaluates the applicability of international environmental policy guidelines and prevalent strategic, project and action-based models and typologies in the context of high-income developing countries, particularly in their impact on the private business community. Utilizing the case of Abu Dhabi, the paper argues the need for adoption of a new approach to environmental planning in developing countries, recognizing their developmental and income levels, that may allow greater flexibility in adoption and application of policies driven by internal needs and dynamics, rather than imposed as part of financial donor packages by international agencies. The paper adapts existing theories on ecological modernization and institutional analysis to develop a bespoke conceptual tool to examine the relationship between economic development and environmental protection in Abu Dhabi, with more general application to both developing and developed economies.  相似文献   

Journal of Housing and the Built Environment - Although Abu Dhabi and Dubai have similar political and planning systems, the two cities’ neighborhoods feature different morphological layouts....  相似文献   

街道设计导则是一个城市交通政策的重要组成部分,对道路交通基础设施建设和城市公共空间环境营造起着指引战略方向和明确技术思路的作用,很大程度上决定了城市的形象特色和市民出行文化.本文首先介绍了世界城市街道设计导则的最新发展动态.然后,选取阿联酋阿布扎比、英国伦敦、美国纽约、美国洛杉矶四个典型世界城市为例,详细介绍了各自街道设计导则的编制背景、内容框架和技术亮点.最后,阐述对中国的启示,并提出中国城市街道设计导则的综合框架.  相似文献   

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