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李宝宏  曹文平 《洁净煤技术》2007,13(6):82-84,91
以某污水处理厂二级氧化沟工艺处理产生的剩余污泥和二级处理后的污水再进行中水处理工艺中产生化学污泥等性能进行了比较,并对两者进行混合处理的混合比与沉降效果的关系进行了研究;实验研究发现:剩余污泥和化学污泥性能差距较大,当剩余污泥和化学污泥混合比越大,混合污泥的沉淀浓缩效果越差。  相似文献   

以微生物燃料电池技术资源化利用剩余污泥的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了剩余污泥存在的问题与剩余污泥资源化利用方法,重点介绍以微生物燃料电池技术资源化利用剩余污泥的研究进展,包括直接利用剩余污泥与间接利用剩余污泥为燃料的微生物燃料电池技术方面的最新研究进展。直接利用剩余污泥作为微生物燃料电池的燃料,介绍了该方法的产电输出功率密度、污泥中总化学需氧量(TCOD)等的去除情况、污泥的减量效果等;间接利用剩余污泥作为燃料,包括剩余污泥微波预处理上清液作为燃料与剩余污泥发酵产生的挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)作为燃料,这些微生物燃料电池技术都能有效地资源化利用剩余污泥,同时达到污泥减量的目的,该方法具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

钱伯章 《水处理技术》2007,33(12):53-53
随着我国社会经济和城市化的迅猛发展,城市污水和工业废水处理后产生的大量污水污泥的处理成为一个棘手问题。北京天地人环保科技有限公司从德国汉堡大学引进的超声波污泥处理技术提供了一个理想解决方法。据介绍,该技术在德国等国家已经有50多个实际工程应用,对于处理污水厂污泥效果显著。  相似文献   

利用超声波对剩余污泥进行破解,采用正交试验方法,选择超声时间、超声频率、超声功率和超声脉冲比作为试验因素,考察各因素对污泥破解效果的影响。选择破解后污泥上清液中溶解性化学需氧量(SCOD)、总磷(TP)、氨氮、硝氮、蛋白质、核酸和肽聚糖的质量浓度作为评价指标,分别采用综合平衡法和综合评分法进行分析,结果表明:超声波破解污泥的最佳参数组合为超声时间10 min,超声频率20 kHz,超声功率600 W,超声脉冲比2∶1;所考察的4个因素对污泥破解效果的影响顺序为超声时间>超声脉冲比>超声频率>超声功率;超声时间对肽聚糖质量浓度的影响非常显著,超声频率对肽聚糖质量浓度的影响显著,超声脉冲比对肽聚糖和总磷质量浓度影响显著。  相似文献   

超声波预处理城市剩余污泥脱水性能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市剩余污泥脱水是处理污泥的重要步骤之一。以超声波频率、声能密度、超声时间、pH值等影响因素为考察对象,通过选取的表征污泥脱水性能的参数,分析了超声波处理对城市剩余污泥脱水性能的影响,介绍了超声波与其他方法耦合改善污泥脱水性能的研究现状,着重研究了超声波处理污泥脱水性能的机理,并对今后超声波处理污泥脱水性能的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

剩余污泥零排放技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于城市污水处理率逐年提高,城市污水处理厂的污泥产量急剧增加.传统的剩余污泥的处理方法存在投资大,处理成本高等局限性,在污泥减量化的基础上总结了剩余污泥零排放的各种技术的研究应用现状.  相似文献   

研究了污泥停留时间对剩余污泥产量的影响。结果表明:污泥停留时间由7d增至14d时剩余污泥产量下降36.13%,而污泥停留时间由7d增至21d时剩余污泥产量下降78.04%。污泥停留时间的延长对COD cr的去除能力没有明显的影响,但使出水NH3-N浓度和TP浓度均升高,通过调整碳氮磷源的比例可以消除这种负面影响,SRT为14d的工艺BOD5∶N∶P的最佳比例为100∶4.4∶0.96,SRT为21d的工艺BOD5∶N∶P的最佳比例为100∶4.0∶0.9,SRT的延长使污泥沉降性能稍变差。  相似文献   

以石化污水处理厂剩余污泥为对象,考察了超声波破解过程中有机物及氮磷的释放特性。实验结果表明,超声波可以有效的破解污泥,使污泥细胞内的有机物和氮磷等营养物质大量释出。污泥上清液中溶解性化学需氧量(SCOD)随着超声声强的增加和破解时间的延长而显著升高,在4种不同的超声声压(50 V,100 V,150 V,200 V)作用下破解25 min,上清液SCOD值分别为初始的3.0,5.7,8.2,9.9倍。超声破解石化水厂剩余污泥有机物的溶出效果要比破解城市污水厂剩余污泥差。在相同的超声波声强和超声时间下,40 KHz和21 KHz两种超声频率的超声波对石化水厂剩余污泥的破解效果可近似认为相等。  相似文献   

章继龙 《现代化工》2021,(5):191-196
酶对剩余污泥进行预处理能加速厌氧消化.采用α-淀粉酶、枯草杆菌蛋白酶、中性蛋白酶及其复合酶系处理石化剩余污泥.结果 表明,酶的最优投加量为40 mg/(g TSS),筛选出2种效果最佳的单酶并按比例复合,结果发现,m(α-淀粉酶)∶m(中性蛋白酶)为1∶3时,35℃作用16 h后,SCOD增加至3 775.84 mg/...  相似文献   

祁振 《广东化工》2013,40(3):118-119
介绍了人类生活生产中产生了大量污泥,体积庞大,易腐化发臭,不利运输和处置,剩余污泥的各种无害化及资源化处理技术,指出剩余污泥的处理应走一条保护环境、节约资源和能源的可持续发展的道路。  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of ultrasound pretreatment on sludge anaerobic digestion, the ultrasound disintegration of residual sludge in water treatment of petrochemical plant was studied, and the mechanisms of ultrasound and medium were introduced. Experimental results indicate that ultrasound cavitation induces the rise of sludge temperature, which improves ultrasound disintegration on sludge. Ultrasound pretreatment can advance observably the quantity of chemical oxygen demand in sludge supernatant fluid (SCOD), which increases with ultrasound intensity and sonication time. The degree of ultrasound disintegration increases with the specific energy input. When the specific energy input is 10 000 kJ/kg of total dry solids, the degree of ultrasonic sludge disintegration reaches 40%. __________ Translated from Chemical Engineering, 2006, 34(11): 64–67 [译自: 化学工程]  相似文献   

超声波-复合絮凝剂对石化厂剩余污泥脱水的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以污泥含水率为考察指标,研究了超声波-复合絮凝剂对石化厂剩余污泥脱水效果的影响.实验结果表明,复合絮凝剂的脱水效果优于单一絮凝剂;污泥采用复合絮凝剂PAM-PAFC进行絮凝脱水,在投加质量浓度190 mg/L、m(PAM)∶m(PAFC)=1∶1条件下,再经20 kHz、400 W/m2超声处理2.5 min后,污泥含水率从97%降至79%,污泥体积缩小86%左右,比仅投加PAM处理时污泥含水率降低5%左右.可见,超声波-复合絮凝剂可以强化污泥脱水,在提高污泥脱水效果的同时,减少了有机絮凝剂PAM的用量,降低了污泥处理成本.  相似文献   

超声功率对超声破解污泥的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
薛玉伟  季民  李文彬 《化工学报》2007,58(4):1037-1041
超声破解是促进污泥厌氧消化的一项新技术,超声功率直接影响污泥破解的效率和能耗。本文通过探头式和槽式超声波反应器不同功率组合成单功率模式、双功率模式和三功率模式破解污泥的试验,得出低功率长时间利于污泥超声破解,但速率较低,低功率组合可提高破解速率。综合分析比较,得出三功率模式中,低功率组合更利于污泥超声破解。  相似文献   

采用超声波技术分解石化污水厂剩余活性污泥(以下简称“污泥”),考察了超声波对污泥后续厌氧消化的影响。研究表明,超声波可有效分解污泥,提高污泥中溶解性化学需氧量(SCODC r),加速污泥的水解速度,提高污泥厌氧消化效率。在2 000 W/m2超声声强下处理60 m in的污泥,厌氧消化25 d累积产生的气体比未处理污泥产生的气体提高了60%以上。厌氧消化10 d,有机物去除率达到40%,比未处理污泥提前约10 d完成厌氧消化。  相似文献   

何静  王海滨 《聚酯工业》2011,24(5):41-43
对影响PTA装置能耗的主要因素进行分析,并在电耗,高低、压蒸气消耗,冷却水消耗等方面采取相应措施,有效降低装置能耗,降低生产成本,提高PTA产品市场竞争力。  相似文献   

采用先超声波对取自SBR的剩余污泥进行物理破碎,然后投加ClO_2进行化学氧化溶胞破解污泥,通过单因素试验考察主要影响因素对污泥破解效果的影响;通过正交试验研究超声波联合ClO_2对剩余污泥细胞破解的效率,得出各主要因素的影响规律及最佳污泥破解条件。结果表明,污泥上清液各相关指标的变化幅度与声能密度、ClO_2投加量正相关,但随着时间的延长及ClO_2投加量的增加,变化幅度趋缓。最佳处理条件为:超声波声能密度为1.0 W/m L,作用时间为6 min,ClO_2投加量为6 mg/g[干泥],能使SCOD增幅达2 213%,TN增幅达203.67%,TP增幅达827.08%,MLSS减幅达6.48%。  相似文献   

超声能量密度对污泥脱水性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
<正>引言近年来,生物法在城市污水处理中得到广泛的应用,然而在处理过程中产生了大量的污泥,污泥中含有50%~70%的有机物和较多的氮、磷等营养成分以及致病菌、寄生虫卵等有害物质。其化学  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Specific energy consumption (SEC) is an important factor in electrochemical treatment of wastewaters. SEC during electrochemical treatment of food industry wastewaters, specifically deproteinated whey wastewater (DWW), simulated sugar beet factory wastewater (SFW) and fruit juice factory wastewater (FJW), were investigated in this study. The effects of operational parameters applied voltage, and electrolyte and wastewater concentrations on SEC were assessed and optimized. RESULTS: SEC values were found in the range of 0.27–148.65, 0.94–375.76 and 0.20–636.40 kWh (kg COD)?1 for DWW, SFW and FJW, respectively, after 8 h of reaction. Operational parameters were optimized at 25 °C through response surface methodology (RSM) where applied voltage was kept in the range (2–12 V), wastewater concentration and COD removal percent were maximized electrolyte concentration and SEC were minimized. Optimum conditions were estimated as 7.73 V applied voltage and 100% wastewater concentration in the presence of 27.11 g L?1 supporting electrolyte concentration to achieve 25.02, 67.74 and 43.10% COD removal for DWW, SFW and FJW with corresponding SEC values of 17.85, 22.79 and 80.47 kWh (kg COD)?1, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Providing further research on the reduction of SEC values, application of electrochemical treatment to food industry wastewaters with non‐biodegradable components may become an alternative to conventional methods. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Phytoplankton over‐blooming and consequent die‐off is one of the major contributory factors for ammonia and chemical oxygen demand (COD) loadings. In this work, electrolysis technology was applied to determine its ability to remove ammonia and total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) in both laboratory‐scale batch and continuous systems. Under an initially set voltage of 5 V, a constant current of 0.1 A was applied and different retention times were used for ammonia‐removal experiments. Results showed that these conditions are not satisfactory in removing TCOD loadings contributed by algal cells. However, a retention time of 35.7 min was sufficient to remove 100% ammonia from algal‐uncontaminated waters. Ammonia removals in waters containing Chlorella spp and Isochrysis spp were 87 and 68%, respectively, after 140 min of electrolysis. Energy consumption for ammonia removal in algal‐free water was 50 W mg?1 of ammonia. For waters containing Chlorella spp and Isochrysis spp energy consumptions were 67 and 85 W mg?1 of ammonia, respectively. Interestingly, the applied mild electrolysis condition was just sufficient to control excess algal blooming and ammonia without increasing the dissolved COD and chlorine in shrimp grow‐out ponds. This minimizes operating costs due the process requiring less energy. Furthermore, it was also found that electrolysis does not lower alkalinity. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Disposal of oil sludges poses an environmental pollution problem due to the presence of high molecular weight hydrocarbons which are hydrophobic and hence non-biodegradable in nature. In-situ transformation of hydrophobic hydrocarbons into hydrophilic moieties using surfactants and further degradation of solubilized hydrocarbons by microorganisms could be the viable solution for disposal of these sludges. Treatment of oil sludge with the synthetic surfactant polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate indicated the release of hydrocarbons in the aqueous phase. Increase in soluble chemical oxygen demand with increase in concentration of surfactant and contact time was observed indicating enhancement in solubility of hydrocarbons in the aqueous phase. The optimum ratio of sludge to surfactant was found to be 10: 1. While a two-fold increase in solubility of hydrocarbons was observed due to agitation of sludge samples, variation in pH did not affect the solubilization.  相似文献   

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