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建筑外墙保温体系防火安全性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在目前条件下,提高建筑外墙保温体系防火安全性,应从体系防火构造措施人手。而非一味追求保温材料的高阻燃性。墙角火和窗口火两种试验能较真实地反映外墙外保温体系在实际火灾中的整体抗火能力。锥型量热计试验可用于外保温工程的常规检验。  相似文献   

基于耗氧原理,开展了不同尺寸木垛的热释放速率测定试验,得到不同尺寸木垛的热释放速率曲线。进一步分析得到,研究范围内木垛燃烧热释放速率峰值与外表面面积之间为不含常数项的二次多项式关系,以及木垛单位外表面面积的热释放速率强度与外表面面积间为线性正比例关系。并得到了特定热释放速率强度木垛尺寸的确定方法,方便了试验人员设计及使用木垛火火源。  相似文献   

为了探讨不同保温系统的防火性能,本文进行了2组小尺寸外墙外保温系统的锥型量热计试验。第1组试验结果表明胶粉聚苯颗粒外墙外保温系统和岩棉外墙外保温系统对火反应性能一致并大大优于聚苯板外墙外保温系统。第2组试验结果表明复合后的系统整体燃烧性能相当于A级,可作为不燃材料使用。  相似文献   

锥形量热计的发展及其在火灾科学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文回顾了锥形量热计20年来的发展历史和利用它所开展的研究及其成果,并对锥形量热计将来的应用领域进行了展望.  相似文献   

针对大尺度量热计装置,在隧道量热计内开展试验对正庚烷油池火热释放速率、热释放总量进行校正。利用冷流场校正了解排烟管道气体流量的稳定性及均匀性,分别针对不同油盘个数、排列方式条件下进行正庚烷油池火校正试验。结果表明:在冷流场校正试验中,排烟管道内的烟气体积流量维持在27.9 m3/s;通过对实测热值与理论热值的误差比较分析,7组试验中有6组试验的实测热值与理论热值之间的误差低于10%。  相似文献   

本文通过研究测定燃料质量损失速率和出口的烟气流速,建立小火荷试验的火灾热释放速率与烟气生成量的关系,从而获得实体火灾试验中的地下商业街火灾热释放速率(Heat Release Rate)数据和烟气质量流量数据。  相似文献   

本文回顾了锥形量热计 2 0年来的发展历史和利用它所开展的研究及其成果 ,并对锥形量热计将来的应用领域进行了展望  相似文献   

对通风控制房间发生火灾后壁面痕迹与火源位置的关联性进行了试验研究,分析了火源位置不同时壁面材料燃烧痕迹的异同,并给出了不同火源位置时的热释放速率,壁面温度及辐射热分布情况。实验结果与理论分析是相吻合的,墙角火源引起的火灾比中心火源壁面位置的各项火灾参数偏大,墙角火的热释放速率是中心火的4倍,壁面受损更严重,痕迹更明显,可用于指导火灾调查工作。试验测得的各项参数也可为火灾模拟提供较为可靠的基础数据。  相似文献   

季广其  邱玲 《工业建筑》1997,27(9):46-49
新型复合材料的发展,对现行的材料防火分级体系提出了质疑.而如何科学地确定复合材料的燃烧等级,已越来越引起人们的关注.根据理论分析和试验结果,提出了以标型量热计试验为基础的材料防火分级新体系及评估方法。  相似文献   

系统调研国内外单个小汽车全尺寸火灾试验结果,对点火时间、持续燃烧时间、火灾发展到HRR峰值所用时间和火灾HRR峰值进行统计分析,重点分析热释放速率的影响因素。结果表明,影响小汽车火灾试验结果的因素主要有:小汽车本身的燃烧性能、点火部位和点火方式、试验空间的围合状态以及油箱材质和油料数量等。  相似文献   

《Fire Safety Journal》2001,36(3):205-223
This paper reports on some further results of the CFD simulations of large-scale compartment fires previously reported in Wen et al. (Proceedings of the Combustion Institute , vol. 27, 1998) and Wen and Huang (Fire Safety J 2000;34(1)). It focuses on the use of the laminar flamelet approach and highlights the effect of microscopic radiation on the field predictions of temperature and species concentrations in compartment fires. The flamelet calculations with and without microscopic radiation are performed using RUN-1DL (Rogg. RUN-1DL Manual, 1099) . Radiative properties in the flamelet are calculated by a modified exponential wide band model. Global radiation is coupled with the field calculation through the discrete transfer radiation method (Shah. Ph.D. thesis, Imperial College of Science and Technology, 1979) and Hubbard and Tien's (ASME J Heat Transfer 1978;100:235–9) mean emission and absorption coefficient concept. The soot model of Leung et al. (Combust Flame 1991;87;289–305) is used for soot predictions. Improved agreement with experimental data on temperature distributions has been achieved by including the microscopic radiation in the flamelet calculation. Microscopic radiation is also found to have significant effect on the predictions of soot and OH radical but its effect on the predictions of CO2, CO and H2O are found to be marginal. The present study recommends that radiative heat exchange at microscopic level (within the laminar flamelet) should be included when using the laminar flamelet approach to compute turbulent reacting flows.  相似文献   

Quantification of heat release rate is crucial to many fire research works. Under certain conditions, such as very large fires and fire tests with sprinklers, measurements of fire heat release rate can be a challenging problem. This study attempted to develop a methodology of estimating chemical heat release rate using flame volume. This method is based on the theory that heat release rate per unit flame volume is relatively invariant, as long as the combustion is controlled by diffusion in buoyant fires under well-ventilated conditions. Test data were examined from a variety of fire experimental conditions to evaluate the proposed method. The results demonstrate that the flame-volume based method can provide reasonable estimation of heat release rate compared to oxygen-consumption based method.  相似文献   

Smoke densities and rates of smoke production have been measured when different wall lining materials (chipboard, fibre insulating board, hardboard, polystyrene, plasterboard, and glass reinforced polyester) were exposed to fire in a full-scale compartment.A wooden crib was used as the main fire load, of a size equivalent to burning the contents of a lightly furnished room, which produced a level of radiation intensity on the walls similar to that used with the National Bureau of Standards test.Implications of the smoke released by the different linings are discussed, with some reservations because only a single test was carried out with each wall lining, and because in tests of this kind fire development and smoke production relate to environmental conditions and to the exact nature of the material examined.  相似文献   

针对不同罐径、油层上不同空余罐壁高度进行了油罐火灾实验,发现油罐空余罐壁在水平和竖直方向上都削弱了油品蒸气与周围空气的热质交换,油罐空余罐壁越高,热释放速率值越低。研究空余罐壁无量纲高度对油罐火灾热释放速率的影响,对热释放速率均值计算公式进行修正。结果表明,在一定范围内,充分发展阶段的释放速率均值与公式计算值有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   

建筑火灾过程中烟气与热排放作用分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了建筑火灾过程中烟气与热排放的目的,我国相关技术规范与欧共体及德国标准相比的不足之处,在此基础上系统地介绍了烟气与热排放的工程方法及烟气与热排放的计算方法,并通过工程实例分析了烟气与热排放的作用效果。  相似文献   

《Fire Safety Journal》2001,36(6):569-596
Many tunnels are equipped with longitudinal ventilation systems to control smoke in the event of a fire. However, the influence of such ventilation on fire development and fire spread has rarely been considered. This paper presents the results of a study using a Bayesian methodology to estimate the effect of forced longitudinal ventilation on heat release rate (HRR) for fires in tunnels. The behaviour of car and heavy goods vehicle (HGV) fires with a range of forced ventilation velocities is investigated. Results are presented and the implications are discussed. It has been found that forced ventilation has a great enhancing effect on the HRR of HGV fires, but has little effect on the HRR of car fires.  相似文献   

A new model for compartment fires is proposed in which the new concept of combustion efficiency based on the mixing process of the fuel gas and air has been considered. This new concept was formulated by the mixing parameter, μ. It was defined as μ1 − exp(−τ*) and τ* was related to the residence time tR and mixing time tM, that is, τ* = tR/tM.

A simple one zone model was used in order to demonstrate the effect of the mixing process. Theoretical results were in good agreement with the experimental results of methanol and PMMA compartment fires, and especially the scale effect of the compartment was predicted successfully. Further, the similarity law for this scale effect was investigated, and the upper and lower limits of flashover were defined using a new number F. This F number was found to be the key parameter for the prediction of the compartment fire behavior.  相似文献   

《Fire Safety Journal》1999,32(3):273-296
Limits have been developed, in specifications and regulations, for heat release rate of individual products, most frequently items of upholstered furniture or mattresses in different occupancies. These can be found, in the USA, in the Life Safety Code (NFPA 101), California Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation (CA TB 129 and CA TB 133), or Boston Fire Department regulations, and in recommendations by the European Combustion Behaviour of Upholstered Furniture (CBUF) project. Some of these criteria are based on fire hazard assessments and others solely on expert judgement.This work surveys test methods used for several individual furnishings, as well as usual acceptance criteria and the scientific bases for the threshold values used. In particular, this work investigates the concept of self-propagating fire, often ignored when setting arbitrary limits. Moreover, this work also considers the relationship between the thermal insult applied to the product and its potential impact on fire hazard, especially in view of some potential techniques utilized for obtaining product approval.This work also compares some results obtained using a small scale heat release technique, the cone calorimeter, and its efficacy in predicting actual full scale test results, mainly in terms of fire hazard, rather than the satisfaction of individual test requirements.Finally, the work also investigates, briefly, the relative criteria to assess the probability of an interior finish material to cause a self-propagating fire. For such materials, requirements are in place frequently, but heat release rate is rarely used as the basis of requirements.In conclusion, this work demonstrates that heat release rate test criteria can be used to assess fire hazard from many, if not most, individual furnishings.  相似文献   

Modelling of compartment fires   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides a brief review of the modelling of fire growth in compartments and explains the main lines of development and some of the questions raised by each type of modelling.

Much of the work is from the USA and Japan, but European countries are becoming more interested in this subject and there is strong international co-operation both informal and within CIB.  相似文献   

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