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A model of 2-person interaction in psychological counseling, which is derived from A. Schutz's (1967) phenomenological theory of social relations, and a computer-assisted metalanguage based on case-grammar theory are presented, and their applicability to the analysis of natural language in counseling is argued. The model specifies that counselor and client work to make each other's natural-language displays informative by tacitly expecting that any display of talk or other conduct will have as its context of interpretation the counselor or client's prior knowledge of (a) typical relationships of social interaction, and (b) methods of speaking that provide a recognizable structure to an utterance. Some preliminary findings are presented from a metalanguage analysis of the patterns of verb usage by a counselor and client in an actual series of counseling interviews. Findings are discussed in terms of the model and are treated as initial evidence of concerted action and of how the informative display of recognizable linguistic structures may act to bring about such coordinating actions. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Making an ideal animal model of cochlear microcirculatory disorders is an important method in studying inner ear microcirculation. After intravenous injection of Rose bengal (30 mg/kg), the lateral wall of the cochlea of guinea pigs was illuminated with green light (wavelength: 550 +/- 20 nm). The Rose bengal photoactivatedly produces oxygen radicals and oxygen singlets, which subsequently damage the endotheliocytes to cause adhesion and aggregation of platelets in the small vessels. After the photo-illumination, cochlea blood flow reduced sharply, and CAP amplitude decreased in 10 min and disappeared completely in about 20-40 min. With prolongation of time, stria vascularis, Corti's organ and spiral ganglion cells showed further disintegration due to ischemia, which resembled the histopathological changes of the cochlea with microcirculatory disorders. Therefore, this animal model may be considered an ideal one for studying the mechanisms of hearing loss that was caused by microcirculatory disorders and also for evaluating the effects of drugs on microcirculation of damaged cochlea.  相似文献   

Discusses several methodological issues related to R. R. Carkhuff's human relations training model with an emphasis on developing research guidelines. The problems of unclear treatment and control procedures and the lack of placebo controls are presented, followed by measurement issues concerning the proper choice of response measures, limitations of present measures, and the use of rating scales. The issues of individual vs group assessment and training-group follow-up are considered. Each discussion of an issue is accompanied by research guidelines for evaluating the present literature and conducting further research. Several research suggestions are offered which might resolve logical gaps as well as extend the model. (53 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It is argued that the clasisc prediction model is grossly oversimplified and has resulted in corresponding oversimplifications in the design of most validation studies. A modified and more complex prediction model is presented. Implications for future validation research are discussed in the context of the kinds of behaviors to be predicted, the necessity for investigating heterocedastic and nonlinear relationships, and the important advantages in prediction which may be realized by discovering homogeneous subsets of jobs, tests, people, and behavior within which prediction equations may be developed and crossvalidated. (32 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Genetic research increasingly focuses on population-specific human genetic diversity. However, the naming of a human population in public databases and scientific publications entails collective risks for its members. Those collective risks can be evaluated and protections can be put in place by the establishment of a dialogue with the subject population, before a research study is initiated. Here we describe an agreement to undertake genetic research with a Native American tribe. We identified the culturally appropriate public and private social units within which community members are accustomed to make decisions about health. We then engaged those units in a process of communal discourse. In their discourses about our proposed study, community members expressed most concern about culturally specific implications. We also found that, in this population, private social units were more influential in communal decision making than were public authorities. An agreement was reached that defined the scope of research, provided options for naming the population in publications (including anonymity), and addressed the distribution of royalties from intellectual property, the future use of archival samples, and specific cultural concerns. We found that informed consent by individuals could not fully address these collective issues. This approach may serve as a general model for the undertaking of population-specific genetic studies.  相似文献   

The stability (with respect to encapsulated carboxyfluorescein release) of liposomes made from various fluorocarbon 1,2-or 1,3-di-O-alkylglycerophosphocholines (ether-connected) and their membrane permeability have been investigated in buffer and in human serum. Membranes and liposomes, whether formulated with fluorocarbon/fluorocarbon or mixed fluorocarbon/hydrocarbon, 1,2- or 1,3-di-O-alkylglycerophospholipids, display lower permeability coefficients and are able to retain more efficiently encapsulated CF, even when incubated in human serum, than any of their conventional counterparts. These fluorinated liposomes are as stable as the first generation of liposomes formulated with their fluorocarbon ester-connected 1,2-di-O-acylglycerophosphocholine analogs. These results further confirm that a fluorinated intramembranar layer reduces the permeability of membranes (more significantly when they are in a fluid state), protects them from the destabilizing effects of serum components and increases even the stability of the fluorinated liposomes whose membranes are in the gel state when incubated in human serum. The impact of the modular structure of the fluorinated phospholipids (number of fluorocarbon chains, ether vs. ester bond, 1,2- vs. 1,3-isomer, etc...) and structure/permeability/ stability relationships are also presented.  相似文献   

To investigate whether atherosclerotic vascular disease in the microswine model can be induced by atherogenic diet alone and does not require balloon injury or endothelial denudation as widely stated in the literature, 28 female Yucatan microswine were fed a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet, including 2% sodium cholate, for an average of 310 +/- 13 days. Four control swine were placed on a regular diet for an average of 287.2 +/- 7.8 days. Selective coronary arteriography and morphologic and histologic studies were performed at the end of this period. Coronary arteries were fixed in vivo by pressure perfusion of formalin. Angiograms and sequential histologic sections were reviewed by a double-blind team. The angiography did not show apparent disease in all vessels but generally revealed mild irregularity. Quantitatively, there was a 30.5 +/- 3.5% stenosis (mean +/- standard error, P < 0.05 vs. control) in left anterior descending (LAD), 40.7 +/- 4.5% of stenosis in right coronary artery (RCA) (P < 0.01 vs. control), and 24.8 +/- 3.7% of stenosis in left circumflex artery (LCX). The lesions were eccentric in 95% of LCA, 95.8% of RCA, and 75% of LCX, and the remainder were concentric lesions. Typical lesions were characterized by significant intimal proliferation, cholesterol clefts, necrotic cores, heavy extracellular fat deposition, and calcification. Control animals had only occasional, minimal intimal lipid deposition in coronary arteries. These findings suggest that the Yucatan microswine is an ideal coronary atherosclerosis animal model for vascular research. Lesions can be induced by atherogenic diet alone. Cholesterol uptake is increased by adding sodium cholate to the feed. Moreover, balloon injury of the intima or media is not required to induce significant atherosclerotic lesions in coronary arteries.  相似文献   

The research for biological-genetic markers of alcoholism is discussed in the context of a multifactorial, heterogeneous, developmental model of the disease. It is suggested that the strategies used in both linkage and association studies require modification to accommodate this more complex model. It is also suggested that several extant associations of genetic markers with alcoholism represent true secondary interactive phenomena that alter the outcome of primary alcoholism genotypes at the phenotype level. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The syndrome produced by septal lesions in animals can serve as a functional research model of human disinhibitory psychopathology which appears to span several traditionally separate psychological categories—psychopathy, hysteria, hyperactivity, antisocial and impulsive personality, and alcoholism. It is proposed that these categories are separate manifestations of the same genetic diathesis and that the "septal syndrome" may constitute a valid model of behavioral aspects of this diathesis. A program of experimentation utilizing this animal model is outlined. (65 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The social relations model presented in this article provides a solution to some of the problems that plague group psychotherapy research. The model was designed to analyze nonindependent data and can be used to study the ways in which group members interrelate and influence one another. The components of the social relations model are the constant (i.e., group effect), the perceiver effect, the target effect, the relationship effect, and error. By providing estimates of the magnitude of these 5 factors and by examining the relationships among these factors, the social relations model allows investigators to examine a host of research questions that have been inaccessible. Examples of applications of the social relations model to issues of group leadership, interpersonal feedback, and process and outcome research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cochlear frequency selectivity in lower vertebrates arises in part from electrical tuning intrinsic to the sensory hair cells. The resonant frequency is determined largely by the gating kinetics of calcium-activated potassium (BK) channels encoded by the slo gene. Alternative splicing of slo from chick cochlea generated kinetically distinct BK channels. Combination with accessory beta subunits slowed the gating kinetics of alpha splice variants but preserved relative differences between them. In situ hybridization showed that the beta subunit is preferentially expressed by low-frequency (apical) hair cells in the avian cochlea. Interaction of beta with alpha splice variants could provide the kinetic range needed for electrical tuning of cochlear hair cells.  相似文献   

An impression formed about someone on the basis of direct observation of him and/or communication from him is basically different from one formed on the basis of a third individual's report. The analysis of the variables involved leads to a general model of "personication." Twelve specific hypotheses are derived from this model and discussed in terms of "person perception" experiments. E is shown to be always one of several "personicators" who form and communicate impressions about others and necessarily influence each other in the impression forming process. E is also the subject of the impression forming process of others. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Contends that in the literature on the vocal expression of emotion, there is a discrepancy between reported high accuracy in vocal-auditory recognition and a lack of evidence for the acoustic differentiation of vocal expression. The latter is explained by (a) a paucity of research on voice quality, (b) neglect of the social signaling functions of affect vocalization, and (c) insufficiently precise conceptualization of the underlying emotional states. A component-patterning model of vocal affect expression is proposed that attempts to link the outcomes of antecedent event evaluation to biologically based response patterns. The likely phonatory and articulatory correlates of the physiological responses characterizing different emotional states are described in the form of 3 major voice types (narrow/wide, lax/tense, full/thin). Specific predictions about changes in acoustic parameters resulting from changing voice types are compared with the pattern of empirical findings yielded by a comprehensive survey of the literature on vocal cues in emotional expression. Although the comparison is largely limited to the lax/tense voice type (because acoustic parameters relevant to the other voice types have not yet been systematically studied), a high degree of convergence is revealed. (120 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Research Nurse Intern program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center is designed to support the development of research-based nursing practice and to foster the professional development of staff nurses. The activities of the 2-year program are based on a model that blends research dissemination and utilization with the change process. The authors' purpose is to describe a staff nurse-focused program and its successes in accomplishing these two standards of clinical nursing practice.  相似文献   

Cochlear implants use a fixed or FO dependent stimulation rate, whatever the sound analysed (vowel or consonant) and its analysis procedure (fixed filters or FFT). We present a procedure which varies as a function of the nature of the input signal. This method is based on FFT analysis using a variable with analysis window. Short windows are applied on the transient part of the signal, providing poor frequency resolution but good time resolution; they accurately permit to follow the speech signal in time during its fast temporal variations. Large windows are applied on the stationary parts of the signal, providing better frequency resolution, but poor time resolution. Transient parts of the speech order this window switching; they are detected using the statistical properties of the FFT; moreover the narrow windowing is coupled with an increase of the stimulation frequency. This strategy has been implemented using the Digisonic cochlear implant software, and clinically assessed on 6 regular cochlear implant users, owing to a consonant-vowel-consonant test. This Asynchronous-Interleaved-Stimulation (AIS) strategy provides the patients with better discrimination than fixed window FFT analysis. The coding protocol are described and results presented.  相似文献   

Recently it has been suggested that the stretching nonlinearity of the basilar membrane might be responsible for the observed nonlinear behaviour of basilar membrane motion. In the present study this type of nonlinearity is investigated, both by estimating its influence in an analytical manner, and by calculating its effect numerically, using a regular pertubation method. The conclusion reads that the stretching nonlinearity does not explain the observed nonlinear phenomena; not only is stretching negligible at normal sound levels, but it also fails to fit the data qualitatively, because of its typical hard-spring effect. In consequence, the origin of cochlear nonlinearity is not to be sought in the macromechanics of the inner ear, but in the more detailed processes in th organ of Corti-tectorial membrane complex.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a model of the process of empowerment. The notion of empowerment is compelling and much employed across many subfields inside and outside of psychology, but the lack of consistency in the ways prior literature has defined it is an obstacle to meaningful synthesis of findings and consistent application in practice. Our empowerment process model builds on prior work in taking the following steps: articulating empowerment as an iterative process, identifying core elements of that process, and defining the process in a way that is practically useful to both researchers and practitioners with terms that are easily communicated and applied. The components of the model are personally meaningful and power-oriented goals, self-efficacy, knowledge, competence, action, and impact. Individuals move through the process with respect to particular goals, doubling back repeatedly as experience promotes reflection. We make specific recommendations for research and practice and discuss applications to social justice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper describes a framework used by the National Institute for Nursing in Oxford to integrate research, development and practice. With the increasing attention given to the topic of how research findings are implemented into clinical practice, it was felt important to share the challenges that have arisen in attempting to combine traditional research activities with more practice based development work. The emerging conceptual framework, structures and functions are described highlighting the variety of partnerships to be established in order to achieve the goal of integrating research into practice. While the underpinning principles of the framework--generating knowledge, implementing research into practice and evaluating the effectiveness of programmes--are not new, it is the way they have been combined within an organisational structure that could be helpful to others considering such a strategy. Both the strengths and weaknesses of the model are discussed, a number of conclusions drawn as to its robustness and consideration given to its replication.  相似文献   

A center for research on psychological practice was developed in order to train practitioner psychologists to do applied mental health research and provide a research resource to the provider community. The center's organization, funding, practice experiences, research opportunities, and results dissemination are described. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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