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Field experiments with rice-wheat rotation were conducted during five consecutive years on a coarse-textured low organic matter soil. By amending the soil with 12t FYM ha–1, the yield of wetland rice in the absence of fertilizers was increased by 32 per cent. Application of 80 kg N ha–1 as urea could increase the grain yield of rice equivalent to 120 kg N ha–1 on the unamended soil. Although the soil under test was low in Olsen's P, rice did not respond to the application of phosphorus on both amended and unamended soils. For producing equivalent grain yield, fertilizer requirement of maize grown on soils amended with 6 and 12 t FYM ha–1 could be reduced, respectively to 50 and 25 per cent of the dose recommended for unamended soil (120 kg N + 26.2 kg P + 25 kg K ha–1). Grain yield of wheat grown after rice on soils amended with FYM was significantly higher than that obtained on unamended soil. In contrast, grain yield of wheat which followed maize did not differ significantly on amended or unamended soils.  相似文献   

The quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium supplied by an average African soil cleared from bush fallow, assuming no losses, were approximated. Values ranged from 23 to 120 Kg N ha–1, 1.8 to 12 Kg P ha–1, 47 to 187 Kg K ha–1, depending on type of fallow, length of fallow, drainage and extent of depletion of native supplies. Additional amounts of 4 to 5 Kg N ha–1, 4 to 6 Kg P ha–1 and 14 to 20 Kg K ha–1 are obtained from the ash.Using crop nutrient removal data and approximate efficiencies of native and fertilizer N, P and K, fertilizer requirements at the reconnaissance level were estimated for selected target yields. For newly cleared uplands at cropping/fallow ratio of 2:7, N fertilizer requirements for cassava (30 t ha–1), maize (4 t ha–1), and sweet potato (16 t ha–1), were 138, 98, 42 kg ha–1 respectively. Wetland rice (4 t ha–1) required 55 kg N ha–1. Corresponding P fertilizer requirements for cassava, maize, sweet potato, upland rice (1.5 t ha–1) and ground-nut (1 t ha–1) were 190, 80, 30, 30 and 16 kg P ha–1 respectively. Wetland rice required 83 kg P ha–1. Substantial residual values of applied P are to be expected. Cassava required 60 kg ha–1 of K on newly cleared land. In soils of lowered nutrient status higher N, P, and K fertilizer requirements were indicated for all crops.Land use data from Sierra Leone were used to illustrate how the total quantities of N, P and K fertilizers in a country in the forest zone of Africa can be approximated. Fertilizer needs in Sierra Leone were in decreasing order P > N K. N, P and K requirements were estimated to be 10,000 t, 20,000 t and 4,000 t respectively. The nutrient balance sheet method described in this paper is a useful tool to estimate the order of magnitude of fertilizer requirement at selected target yields for countries in Africa.  相似文献   

This study consisted of a survey on the nutritional status of rice plants in relation to nutrient application and yield in 70 farmers' fields in four provinces of Bangkok plain during the 1977 wet season. In addition a series of fertilizer experiments were carried out on rice experimental stations in the same provinces to study yield response to N and P fertilization and to develop a fertilizer recommendation system based on plant analysis.The average grain yield in the survey was 3.2 t ha–1 and the early (high yielding varieties), medium (local) and late maturity (local) types yielded 3.3, 2.8 and 3.0 t ha–1, respectively. The average amount of fertilizers applied to these maturity types were 33, 15 and 7 kg N ha–1 and 15, 8 and 6 kg P ha–1, respectively. Regression analysis indicated only a slight correlation between yield and any level of fertilizer application. On experimental stations yields over 6 t ha–1 were obtained with applications of N over 100 kg ha–1 and P over 22 kg ha–1. Evaluation of nutritional status of plants based on plant analysis showed that in all provinces there were strong and widespread nutrient deficiences primarily of N and secondarily of P, and possibly of some other nutrients. Fertilizer application based on plant analysis gave high yield responses. It was concluded that the major constraints of yield on Bangkok plain are too low fertilizer application especially of N, and unbalanced fertilization of N and P.  相似文献   

In the development of short fallow systems as alternatives to shifting cultivation in West Africa, a long-term trial was established at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) on an Alfisol in the forest-savanna transitional zone of southwestern Nigeria, comparing three fallow systems; natural regrowth fallow, cover crop fallow and alley cropping on soil productivity and crop yield sustainability. The natural fallow system consisted of natural regrowth of mainly Chromolaena odorata shrub as fallow vegetation. The cover crop fallow system consisted of Pueraria phaseoloides, a herbaceous legume as fallow vegetation. The alley cropping system consisted of woody hedgerows of Leucaena leucocephala as fallow vegetation. The fallow lengths were 0 (continuous cropping), 1, 2 and 3 years after 1 year of maize/cassava intercropping. Biomass produced from natural fallow and cover crop fallow was burnt during the land preparation. Fertilizer was not applied throughout the study. Without fertilizer application, maize yield declined from above 3.0 t ha–1 to below 0.5 t ha–1 during 12 years of cultivation (1989–2000) on a land cleared from a 23-year old secondary forest. Temporal change in cassava tuber yield was erratic. Mean maize grain yields from 1993–2000 except for 1999 were higher in cover crop fallow system (1.89 t ha–1) than in natural fallow system (1.73 t ha–1), while natural fallow system outperformed alley cropping system (1.46 t ha–1). During the above 7 years, mean cassava tuber yield in cover crop system (7.7 t ha–1) did not differ from natural fallow system (8.2 t ha–1), and both systems showed higher cassava tuber than the alley cropping system (5.7 t ha–1). The positive effect of fallowing on crop yields was observed for both crops in the three systems, however, insignificant effects were seen when fallow length exceeded 1 year for cover crop and alley cropping, and 2 years for natural fallow. Soil pH, organic carbon, available P and exchangeable Ca, Mg and K decreased considerably after 12 years of cultivation, even in a 3-year fallow subplot. After 12 years, soil organic carbon (SOC) within 0–5 cm depth in alley cropping (13.9 g kg–1) and natural fallow (13.7 g kg–1) was higher than in cover crop fallow (11.6 g kg–1). Whereas significant increase in SOC with either natural fallow or alley cropping was observed only after 2 or 3 years of fallow, the SOC in the 1-year fallow alley cropping subplot was higher than that in continuous cropping natural fallow subplot. It can be concluded from our study that in transforming shifting cultivation to a permanent cropping, fallow with natural vegetation (natural fallow), herbaceous legumes (cover crop fallow) and woody legumes (alley cropping) can contribute to the maintenance of crop production and soil fertility, however, length of fallow period does not need to exceed 2 years. When the fallow length is reduced to 1 year, a better alternative to natural regrowth fallow would be the cover crop for higher maize yield and alley cropping for higher soil organic matter. For fallow length of 2 years, West African farmers would be better off with the natural fallow system.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on sandy loam soils of Tirupati campus of Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University for two rainy seaons of 1980 and 1981 to study the effect of split application of NPK fertilizers on Spanish bunch groundnut. The fertilizer doses were 40 N, 20 P and 40 K kg ha–1 in 1980 and 30 N, 10 P and 25 K kg ha–1 in 1981.In 1980, uptake of N (48 kg ha–1), P (7 kg ha–1) and K (37 kg ha–1) was maximum with the application of 10 N, 5 P and entire 40 K kg ha–1 as basal and 30 N and 15 P kg ha–1 at 30 days after sowing, leading to highest pod yield (0.76 t ha–1). In 1981, application of 20 N, 10 P and 25 K kg ha–1 as basal dose and 20 N kg ha–1 at 30 days after seeding resulted in highest uptake of N (114 kg ha–1), P (17 kg ha–1) and K (58 kg ha–1) and hence the pod yield (2.36 t ha–1).Differences in the uptake of NPK and pod yield in 1980 and 1981 was due to variation in total rainfall and its distribution during the crop period. Rainfall was equally distributed throughout the crop period in 1981, whereas there were two prolonged dry spells of more than 40 days in 1980.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted during wet season of 1980, 1981 and 1982 to determine the direct and residual effect of liming on yield and nutrient uptake of maize in moderately acid soils (pH -H2O; 5.0–5.4) at three locations viz Kontagora, Tumu and Yandev in the savanna zone of Nigeria. Maize crop was grown at five lime rates 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 t ha–1 and two N sources (calcium ammonium nitrate and urea). Liming at a rate of 2 t ha–1 maintained high maize yield for three years after application at Kontagora and Yandev. At Tumu 1 t ha–1 was sufficient to get high yield of maize for three years. Higher rates of lime significantly depressed yield. Uptake of N, P and K was increased significantly with lime application upto 2 t ha–1 lime at Kontagora and Yandev but at Tumu it increased only upto 1 t ha–1. The response of P uptake to liming was higher in comparison to N and K uptake. Calcium and magnesium uptake responded upto 4 t ha–1 lime at Kontagora & Yandev and upto 2 t ha–1 at Tumu. The residual effect of liming lasted longer than 2 years. High lime rates reduced maize yields and crop nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

Maize is the primary food crop grown by farmers in the coastal savanna region of Togo and Benin on degraded (rhodic ferralsols), low in soil K-supplying capacity, and non-degraded (plinthic acrisols) soils. Agronomic trials were conducted during 1999–2002 in southern Togo on both soil types to investigate the impact of N and P fertilization and the introduction of a mucuna short fallow (MSF) on yield, indigenous N supply of the soil, N recovery fraction and internal efficiency of maize. In all plots, an annual basal dose of 100 kg K ha–1 was applied to the maize crop. Maize and mucuna crop residues were incorporated into the soil during land preparation. Treatment yields were primarily below 80% of CERES-MAIZE simulated weather-defined maize yield potentials, indicating that nutrients were more limiting than weather conditions. On degraded soil (DS), maize yields increased from 0.4 t ha–1 to 2.8 t ha–1 from 1999 to 2001, without N or P application, in the absence of MSF, with annual K application and incorporation of maize crop residues. Application of N and P mineral fertilizer resulted in yield gains of 1–1.5 t ha–1. With MSF, additional yield gains of between 0.5 and 1.0 t ha–1 were obtained at low N application rates. N supply of the soil increased from 10 to 42 kg ha–1 from 1999 to 2001 and to 58 kg N ha–1 with MSF. Application of P resulted in significant improvements in N recovery fraction, and greatest gains were obtained with MSF and P application. MSF did not significantly affect internal N efficiency, which averaged 45 kg grain (kg N uptake)–1. On non-degraded soils (NDS) and without N or P application, in the absence of MSF, maize yields were about 3 t ha–1 from 1999 to 2001, with N supply of the soil ranging from 55 to 110 kg N ha–1. Application of 40 kg P ha–1 alone resulted in significant maize yield gains of between 1.0 (1999) and 1.5 (2001) t ha–1. Inclusion of MSF did not significantly improve maize yields and even reduced N recovery fraction as determined in the third cropping year (2001). Results illustrate the importance of site-specific integrated soil fertility management recommendations for the southern regions of Togo and Benin that consider indigenous soil nutrient-supplying capacity and yield potential. On DS, the main nutrients limiting maize growth were N and probably K. On NDS, nutrients limiting growth were mainly N and P. Even on DS rapid gains in productivity can be obtained, with MSF serving as a means to allow farmers with limited financial means to restore the fertility of such soils. MSF cannot be recommended on relatively fertile NDS.  相似文献   

Field studies on the substitution of N and P fertilizers with farm yard manure (FYM) and their effect on the fertility status of a loamy sand soil in rice—wheat rotation are reported. The treatments consisted of application of 12 t FYM ha–1 in combination with graded levels of N and P. Application of fertilizer N, FYM and their different combinations increased the rice yield significantly. There was no significant response to P application. The magnitude of response to the application of 12 t FYM and its combined use with each of 40 kg and 80 kg N ha–1 was 0.7, 2.2 and 3.9 t ha–1 respectively. Application of 120 kg N ha–1 alone increased the yield by 3.9 t ha–1, and was comparable to rice yield obtained with 80 kg N and 12 t FYM ha–1. This indicated that 12 t FYM ha–1 could be substituted for 40 kg N as inorganic fertilizer in rice. In addition FYM gave residual effects equivalent to 30 kg N and 13.1 kg P ha–1 in the succeeding wheat. The effect of single or combined use of inorganic fertilizers and FYM was significantly reflected in the build up of available N, P, K and organic carbon contents of the soil. The relationship for predicting rice yield and nutrients uptake were also computed and are discussed.  相似文献   

At two phosphate (P) responsive sites in hill country the effectiveness of Sechura phosphate rock (SPR) as a direct application P fertilizer for permanent pasture was evaluated. Sechura was applied at two rates, in three different application strategies. The treatments were 16.7 and 50 kgP ha–1 annually, 25 and 75 kgP ha–1 biennially, and 50 and 150 kgP ha–1 triennially giving a total of 50 and 150 kgP ha–1, respectively, over three years. Single superphosphate (SSP) served as the standard P fertilizer. A comparison was also made between SPR and Chatham Rise phosphorite (CRP), another reactive PR. Total pasture and legume production and P uptake by pasture was measured with all fertilizer treatments over a three year period.In the year of application, SPR was as effective as SSP in stimulating total pasture and legume production and P uptake by pasture. This reflects the very reactive nature of this PR. In the second and third years of measurement, SPR did not show superior residual efffects to SSP. The ability of CRP to stimulate legume growth more than SPR in the second year following application demonstrates the danger of generalizing about the residual effects of reactive PR materials. Of the application strategies evaluated, a biennial appplication of 25 kgP ha–1 as SPR maintained legume growth at a higher level than a smaller (16.7 kgP ha–1) annual dressing. The biennial strategy also increased total pasture yield, in addition to legume production to a greater extent in the second and third years than a single (50 kgP ha–1) triennial application.  相似文献   

In 1977, a field trial was set up at Ropsley (UK) to study the effects of 8 nitrogen and 2 phosphate and potassium application rates on the response of crops grown in rotation and on the soil nutrient balance. An application of 87.3 and 166.0 kg ha–1 P and K fertilizer did not significantly increase the yield or nutrient offtake of winter wheat in comparison to 21.8 and 41.5 kg ha–1 P and K fertilizer. However, a build-up in available soil P and K reserves was observed.The high P and K application rate was terminated in 1981 and a progressive net fixation of P into non-available forms was subsequently observed. High available soil P resulted in greater rates of fixation but high N application rates effectively reduced the rate of fixation by imposing a high plant uptake demand. This paper describes simulation models of the soil phosphate dynamics observed under rotational cropping over a period of 7 years.  相似文献   

Brazil has approximately 30 million hectares of lowland areas, known locally as Varzea, but very little is known about their fertility and crop production potential. A field experiment was conducted for three consecutive years to evaluate response of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in rotation with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) on a Varzea (low, Humic Gley) soil. Rice was grown at low (no fertilizer), medium (100 kg N ha–1, 44 kg P ha–1, 50 kg K ha–1, 40 kg FTE-BR 12 ha–1), and high (200 kg N ha–1, 88 kg P ha–1, 100 kg K ha–1, 80 kg FTE-BR 12 ha–1 fritted trace element-Brazil 12 as a source of micronutrients) soil fertility levels. Green manure with medium fertility was also included as an additional treatment. Average dry matter and grain yields of rice and common bean were significantly (P < 0.01) increased with increasing fertilization. Across the three years, rice yield was 4327 kg ha–1 at low fertility, 5523 kg ha–1 at medium fertility, 5465 kg ha–1 at high fertility, and 6332 kg ha–1 at medium fertility with green manure treatment. Similarly, average common bean yield was 294 kg ha–1 at low soil fertility, 663 kg ha–1 at medium soil fertility, 851 kg ha–1 at high fertility, and 823 kg ha–1 at medium fertility with green manure treatment. Significant differences in nutrient uptake in bean were observed for fertility, year, and their interactions; however, these factors were invariably nonsignificant in rice.  相似文献   

Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) is increasingly grown in the tropics for its heart-of-palm and fruit. Determining fertilization response and diagnosing nutrient status in peach palm may require methods that consider the particularities in nutrient acquisition and recycling of perennial crops. Responses to nutrient additions, and the diagnostic value of soil and foliar analyses were examined in three field experiments with three-year old peach palm stands on Oxisols in Central Amazonia. To diagnose P-deficiency levels in soils, samples from 0–5 cm and 5–20 cm depth were analyzed for available P by different methods (Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and Modified Olsen). The second and fifth leaves were analyzed to assess N, P and K deficiencies. Field experiments involved several combinations of N (from 0 to 225 kg ha–1 yr–1), K (from 0 to 225 kg ha–1 yr–1) and P (from 0 to 59 kg ha–1 yr–1). Palms on control plots (unfertilized) and those receiving 225 kg ha–1 yr–1 N and 2 Mg ha–1 of lime yielded between 4 and 19% of the maximum growth which was obtained with N, P and K applications. In one of the experiments, yield of heart-of-palm was positively related to N additions at the lowest levels of P (8.6 kg ha–1 yr–1) and K (60 kg ha–1 yr–1) additions. In one experiment, critical leaf N level was 2.5% for the second leaf and 2.2% for the fifth leaf. Some growth responses to P additions at constant N and K levels were observed (e.g., 797 kg ha–1 yr–1 of heart-of-palm with 39.3 kg ha–1 yr–1 of applied P, and 632 kg ha–1 yr–1 of heart-of-palm with 10.9 kg ha–1 yr–1 of applied P in one experiment, and 2334 kg ha–1 yr–1 of heart-of-palm with 39.3 kg ha–1 yr–1 of P and 1257 kg ha–1 yr–1 of heart-of-palm with 19.7 kg ha–1 yr–1 of P in another trial). In the experiment for fruit production from peach palm, total plant height did not respond to P additions between 19.7 and 59 kg ha–1 yr–1 and K additions between 75 and 225 kg ha–1 yr–1. Leaf P levels were found to be above the proposed critical levels of 0.23% for the third leaf and 0.16% for the fifth leaf. Plants in this experiment, however, showed evident symptoms of Mg deficiency, which was associated with a steep gradient of increasing Mg concentration from the fifth leaf to the second leaf. Standard leaf diagnostic methods in most cases proved less useful to show plant N and P status and growth responses to N and P additions. Soil P determined by common extractions was in general too variable for prediction of growth.  相似文献   

Sixteen experiments were carried out on maincrop potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in the main growing areas of the United Kingdom to compare broadcast, sideband placed and split applications of compound fertilizer. In experiments without irrigation, yield increased up to about 1250 kg ha–1 of compound fertilizer (N:P:K 15:6.6:15.8 or 15:8.3:15.8), while with full irrigation there was a response to at least 1875 kg ha–1. Placement gave a higher yield than broadcast at 625 kg ha–1, while at 1250 kg ha–1 and 1875 kg ha–1 broadcast, placed and split applications gave similar yields.  相似文献   

A case study on the nutrient input-output budget of slash and burn agriculture was carried out in Northeast-Pará, Brazil, where such a land-use system has been practised for about 100 years. A common cropping period lasts for two years and the fields lie fallow for 4 to 8 years. We quantified rates of deposition, fertilization, and losses due to the burn, harvest and leaching. Six fields of different phases in the rotational cycle were under study during a 19 month period. During the fallow period, the input of Na, K, Mg, N, P and S via deposition exceeded the estimated losses with the seepage water. The Ca budget was almost balanced. The balance of fields in the transition from the fallow to the cropping phase was negative for Na, K, Ca, Mg, N, and S. The P balance was positive when NPK fertilizer was applied, and negative without fertilizer application. The nutrient balance for K, Mg, Ca, N, and P was also negative on the field in transition from the cropping to the fallow period. The nutrient budget for an entire land-use cycle of 9 years was estimated by the false time series approach. In the case of an NPK fertilization during the cropping period there were net losses of 75 kg K ha–1, 125 kg Ca ha–1, 16 kg Mg ha–1, 285 kg N ha–1 and 13 kg S ha–1. Na (86 kg ha–1) and P (11 kg ha–1) were accumulated. The harvest was the most important flux for the K (61%) and P (62%) output. The element transfer into the atmosphere during the burn caused the main losses of N (60%), S (65%), Ca (58%) and Mg (41%). The most important path of Na loss was leaching (92%). The net K losses were severe as they represented 45% of the K store found extractable in the soil down to 1m depth and in the above ground biomass. The presented results may be useful in planning a sustainable and environmentally protective method of land-use within a shifting cultivation system. It is strongly recommended that slash burning be abandoned in order to keep the nutrients in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

The response of crops to added P in Vertisols is generally less predictable than in other soil types under similar agroclimatic conditions. Very few studies have considered the residual effects of P while studying responses to fresh P applications. Field experiments were conducted for three years to study the response of sorghum to fertilizer P applied at 0, 10, 20 and 40 kg P ha–1, and its residual value in a Vertisol, very low in extractable P (0.4 mg P kg–1 soil), at the ICRISAT Center, Patancheru (near Hyderbad), India. In order to compare the response to fresh and residual P directly in each season, a split-plot design was adopted. One crop of sorghum (cv CSH6) was grown each year during the rainy season (June-September).The phenology of the sorghum crop and its harvest index were greatly affected by P application. The days to 50% flowering and physiological maturity were significantly reduced by P application as well as by the residues of fertilizer P applied in the previous season. In the first year of the experiment, sorghum grain yield increased from 0.14 t (no P added) to 3.48 t ha–1 with P added at the rate of 40 kg P ha–1. Phosphorus applied in the previous year was 58% as effective as fresh P but P applied two years earlier was only 18% as effective as fresh P.  相似文献   

The sustainability of cropping systems is closely related to the judicious use of fertilizers. Little research has been conducted on the management of P in rotations in Morocco. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of direct, cumulative, and residual P on wheat (Triticum aestivum) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) yields under field conditions in two cropping systems: continuous wheat (W-W) and chickpea-wheat (CP-W). Experiments were conducted in 1994–96 at two locations in the arid and semiarid regions of Morocco. Phosphorus was applied the first year at rates of 0, 9, 18, and 27 kg P ha–1 on both wheat and chickpea. The second year, plots were split into treatments with P and without P fertilizer. The changes in NaHCO3-P in soil showed that after two years of cropping, P rates of 9 and 18 kg P ha–1 were needed to increase and maintain soil test P level in the range where a third successive crop could be grown without fertilization at locations 1 and 2, respectively. Also, soils with the same initial NaHCO3-P soil test levels required different amounts of fertilizer P to produce maximum yields. Inclusion of chickpea in the rotation resulted in a greater response to residual P by wheat at location 2. Differences in wheat grain yield between rotations were not significant. The maximum increase in yields above the nil-P treatment due to the highest amount applied in the the previous year was 1.3 t ha–1, obtained for continuous wheat at location 2. Though the residual P effect was evident in this study, it did not produce maximum yields. Yields (GY, DM) could be predicted by the inclusion of both P applied in previous year (PR) and P applied in the current year (CP) by the following model: GY or DM = a + b*Ln(RP+1) + c*Ln(CP+1). Based on the range of P rates used in this study, a single P application for a 2-year rotation is not a suitable practice in these soils. The application of 18 kg P ha–1 each year is recommended for continuous wheat, and 9 kg P ha–1 the first year plus 18 kg P ha–1 the second year is recommended for chickpea-wheat rotations. We suggest that either using single large applications of P or performing repeated applications should take into account the range of targeted application rates.  相似文献   

Seasonal runoff estimation of N and P in a paddy field of central Korea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The present study was carried out during a period of one year (from May 1, 1997 to April 30, 1998) to quantify seasonal runoff of N and P in a rice field with an area of 5,000 m2. The total amount of runoff water was 1,043 mm during the cropping season and 281 mm during the non-cropping season. Nutrient concentrations in runoff water increased significantly during the period of fertilizer application and then decreased. During the non-irrigation period after harvest, however, the concentrations of tota -N were 3 to 4 mg l–1. The annual runoff loading of total-N and total-P was 157.9 and 4.5 kg ha yr–1. The runoff loading was 109.9 kg ha–1 for total-N and 3.5 kg ha–1 for total-P during the fertilizer application period (from May 13 to August 3, 1997). During the rainy season (from June 20 to July 20, 1997), the runoff loading was 66.1 kg ha–1 for total-N and 1.9 kg ha–1 for total-P. The runoff loading was 5.6 kg ha–1 for total-N and 0.2 kg ha–1 for total-P during the fallow stage (from October 1, 1997 to March 20, 1998) while it was 6.7 kg ha–1and 0.4 kg ha–1 for each nutrient during the plowing stage (March 20 to May 10, 1998). The loss of total-N and total-P was 68.2% and 63.9% of annual runoff loading during the fertilizer application stage, respectively. During the non-cropping season after harvest, however, the loss was 30.4% of total-N and 22.3% of total P. In summary, intensive long-term studies on various sites of nutrient management planning during the fertilizer application and rainy seasons are needed.  相似文献   

Yield response of dryland wheat to fertilizer N application in relation to components of seasonal water (available soil moisture and rainfall) and residual farm yard manure (FYM) was studied for five years (1983–84 to 1987–88) on a maize-wheat sequence on sandy loam soils in Hoshiarpur district of Punjab, India. Four rates of N viz. 0, 40, 60 and 80 kg ha–1 in wheat were superimposed on two residual FYM treatments viz. no FYM (F0) and 15 t ha–1 (F15) to preceding maize. FYM application to maize increased the residual NO3-N content by 19–30 kg ha–1 in the 180 cm soil profile. For a given moisture distribution, F15 increased attainable yields. Over the years, F15 increased wheat yield by 230 to 520 kg ha–1. Response to fertilizer N was lower in FYM amended plots than in unamended plots. Available soil moisture at wheat seeding and amount and distribution of rainfall during the vegetative and the reproductive phases of crop development affected N use efficiency by wheat. Available soil moisture at seeding alone accounted for 50% variation in yield. The residual effect of FYM on wheat yield could be accounted for by considering NO3-N in 180 cm soil profile at seeding. The NO3-N and available soil moisture at wheat seeding along with split rainfall for two main phases of crop development and fertilizer N accounted for 96% variation in wheat yield across years and FYM treatments.  相似文献   

Even though K is an essential nutrient, the response of upland rice to K fertilization under field conditions has not been adequately documented. This research was conducted to examine the influence of K fertilization on yield of upland rice (Oryza sativa L.). In the first three years, K was broadcast at rates of 0, 42, 84, 126 and 168 kg K ha–1. In the last two years K was banded at rates of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 kg K ha–1. The experiment was conducted on an Oxisol (Typic Haplustox) during five consecutive years. Potassium significantly increased grain yields and dry matter production but response varied from cultivar to cultivar and year to year. Drought and panicle neck blast played an important role in limiting upland rice yield response to K fertilization. Potassium application rates associated with maximum grain yield varied from 83 to 127 kg K ha–1 when K was broadcast and from 47 to 67 kg K ha–1 when K was banded. Previous broadcast K, favorable weather and blast resistant cultivars probably contributed to higher yields with K banding in the fourth and fifth growing seasons.  相似文献   

Data from long-term experiments at 11 sites in Asia with a wide range of nutrient input treatments and yield levels were used to quantify crop P requirements of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and the P balance in intensive, irrigated rice systems. Uptake of 1.8–4.2 kg P was required to produce one ton of grain yield. Physiological P use efficiency varied between 220 to 900 kg grain kg P-1. Without added P, there was a net loss of 7 to 8 kg P ha-1 per crop; with added P there was a net gain of 4 to 5 kg P ha-1 per crop. Phosphorus adsorption kinetics on mixed-bed ion-exchange resin capsules provided an integrative measure of soil P status, P diffusion, and acid-induced P solubilization. The resin capsule was a sensitive tool to characterize buildup or depletion of soil P as a result of different P balances. Both Olsen-P and the resin capsule were suitable methods to predict P uptake of tropical lowland rice. It is hypothesized that both methods measure a similar soil P pool which is soluble under alkaline, aerobic conditions but transformed into acid-soluble P froms as a result of submergence and reduction. Present recommendations for P fertilizer use on rice of 20–25 kg P ha-1 are adequate to maintain yields of 5–6 t ha-1, but sustaining higher yields of 7–8 t ha-1 will require farm-specific management strategies based on knowledge of the long-term P balance and soil P-supplying capacity.  相似文献   

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