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G. Tegge 《Starch - St?rke》1972,24(11):375-379
Processing Properties of Local Maize. 3. Direct Saccharification. The corn grits obtained by dry degermination of 15 grades of corn grown in West Germany were subjected to direct enzymatic saccharification. In comparison with two overseas corn grades, the suitability for hydrolysis of the starch contained in the lowfat grit products has been investigated. Two-step enzymatic hydrolysis with bacterial alpha-amylase and glucoamylase was preceded by a steeping extraction with SO2 water to remove undesired soluble corn components. Although from the technological point of view results cannot be regarded as optimum, it was demonstrated that the starch of domestic corn grades is as suitable for hydrolysis or even more suitable than overseas grades. It was also found that the lowfat products of the medium-early grades permit a larger starch turnover and, consequently, larger sugar yields than that of the medium-late grades although the average starch content of the latter was higher.  相似文献   

Enzymatic Direct Saccharification of the Starch of Intermediate Products of Maize Starch Industry . A new process for direct enzymatic saccharification of starch in wet-milled, degermed steeped maize is proposed. Utilization of this product instead of dry-degermed maize fractions is of advantage as maize germs are obtained in pure form about 50% fat in DS. Moreover, highest possible extraction of soluble maize components by the steeping process and simultaneous optimal loosening of the starch-gluten structure are achieved.  相似文献   

Experience in Potato Pulp Washing without Water Addition. In order to reduce the quantity of waste water from potato starch factories many have tried to keep the amount of water, required for washing out the starch from the pulp as low as possible. Our process is based on utilization of the water contained in the potatoes (approx. 80%, including soluble components) for starch extraction, in such a way that undiluted fruit water is separated and further treatment can be carried out in a comparatively economical way. Most of today's starch factories are tied up with production methods that make it impossible to utilize the water contained in the potatoes, as there is firstly no possibility of recirculating the fruit water and secondly there are foaming problems causing a negative effect on the efficiency. A continuous process guaranteeing a direct flow, excluding accumulation of foam, was installed and tested in both a Swedish and in a Dutch factory. The experience obtained showed that starch extraction with fruit water has no negative influence on the efficiency of the extraction (approx. 1 % free starch in the pulp DS/DS) and that up to 80% of the fruit water could be removed in a concentrated form. By extending the extraction process, and by using 300 l of process water from the refining section per ton of potatoes, separation of the fruit water can be increased up to 97%.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Dihydroxyaceton, das Oxidationsprodukt von Glycerin durch Essigsäurebakterien, kann in einem Reaktionsansatz mit NADH and Glycerindehydrogenase bestimmt werden. Durch hohe Konzentrationen von Glycerin wird der Test nicht beeinflußt. Weitere in Gärungsgetränlem vorkommende oder vermutete Substanzen werden von dem verdünnten Enzym nicht umgesetzt.
Enzymatic determination of dihydroxyacetone in the presence of glycerol
Summary Dihydroxyacetone, the oxidation product of glycerol by acetic acid bacteria can be determined by Glyceroldehydrogenase and NADH. The reaction is not influenced by high concentrations of glycerol. Other substances in fermentation products are not converted by the diluted enzyme.

Zusammenfassung Es wird ein Verfahren zur Freisetzung von Reaktivfarbstoffen beschrieben, die bei Akkumulationsversuchen mit Fischen an das Organmaterial gebunden werden und ohne unspezifischen und daher weitgehenden Abbau des Proteins nicht quantitativ analytisch erfaßt werden können. Es wird die Abtrennung der freigesetzten Farbstoffe aus den Hydrolysaten und ihre quantitative Bestimmung beschrieben.
Enzymatic separation of reactive dyes from fish tissue
Summary A procedure has been described for the isolation of reactive dyes that stick to the fish tissue after accumulation tests. The dyes cannot be determined quantitatively without unspecific and therefore complete destruction of the protein. The separation of the dyes released into solution and their quantitative determination is carried out following methods already published.

A. J. Wieg 《Starch - St?rke》1984,36(4):135-140
Enzymatic Treatment of Waste Water from Wheat Starch Industry . In this contribution a new process for treatment of waste waters from wheat starch industry is presented. The principle of this new process is based on the evaporation and simultaneous enzymatical treatment, thus enabling the evaporation itself. After an initial heat treatment solid matter is separated and then followed by enzymatic treatment with amylase, cellulase, hemi-cellulase, ß-glucanase and pentosanase. The new process results in water of poor BOD-content which can either be drained off or recirculated. At the same time valuable byproducts can be obtained.  相似文献   

Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Heat Coagulated Potato Protein. I. Literature Review. Present review article deals with the possibilities improving functional properties of heat coagulated potato protein by treatment with proteolytic enzymes and the problems involved. Because of the poor knowledge in potato protein hydrolysis other proteins of plant and animal origin which are more or less insoluble in water are also considered.  相似文献   

Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Heat Coagulated Potato Protein. II. Parameters Determining the Reaction. Some test parameters of the enzymatic hydrolysis of heat coagulated potato protein were investigated. Reducing and eliminating, resp., the influence of proteinlike inhibitors by selection of specific enzymes or by application of proper pretreatment methods was of major importance.  相似文献   

Enzymatic Processes in the Processing of Potatoes. The enzymatically convertable components of potatoes – starch, protein, fibres and pectins – are presented and especially the application of amylases (bacterial α-amylase, glucoamylase) in liquefaction and saccharification of pure potato starch, in direct enzymatic saccharification of potatoes and in the potato distillery is demonstrated. The use of bacterial α-amylase is also recommended for production of potato juice with dietetic effectiveness and in a quite new process for the conversion of wastes from convenient product plants (chips, pommes frites). The latter enables optimal results in pig-breeding or alternatively in obtaining of potable resp. power alcohol. Finally some other results in the treatment of potato pulp – waste material from potato starch manufacture – with pectinases, cellulases and amylases are given and the possibilities to modify potato protein described.  相似文献   

Results of investigations show that boards with particulary decorative surface can be made from sunflower peels. Using UF- or PMDI-resins board with good bonding quality were produced. PF-resin was unsuitable for gluing sunflower peels. The fat content, due to its hydrophobic properties, may be one reason of extremly low strengths of PF-bonded peels. Important is, moreover, the high content water soluble extractives. Here are further investigations necessary. The bending strength of one-layer-boards of coarse structured peels could be improved by using wood flakes for the surface layer.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In Weißweinen kann ohne besondere Vorbereitung die Bernsteinsäure mit Succinatdehydrogenase als Katalysator und Kaliumhexacyanoferrat(III) als Elektronenacceptor enzymatisch bestimmti werden. Die Dehydrogenase gewinnt man aus den Muskelsträngen vonAscaris suum, sie ist in gefrorenem Zustand recht gut beständig. Die auf enzymatischem Wege gefundenen Gehalte an Bernsteinsäure in deutschen Weißweinen stimmen mit den Ergebnissen aus einer Säulenchromatographie an Kieselgel gut überein.
Enzymatic determination of succinic acid in wine
Summary The determination of succinic acid in white wine — using succinat-dehydrogenase fromAscaris scum and potassium hexacyanoferrat (III) — was carried out without preparation of the wine, excepted a dilution of the sample. The results of this enzymatic method agreed very well with the contents of succinic acid, formerly found by a fractionation method on silica gel.

Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die enzymatische Oxydation der Linolsäure durch Fruchthomogenate verschiedenerCucurbitaceae —Honig-, Ogen- und Wassermelone, sowie Kürbis und Zucchini - untersucht. Eine Analyse der Fettsäurezusammensetzung zeigte, daß die wichtigsten Substrate der enzymatischen Fettoxydation, Linol- und Linolensäure, im extrahierbaren Gesamtfett des Fruchtfleisches der hier untersuchtenCucurbitaceae in Mengen von 20–60% enthalten sind.Als Hinweis für eine Substratoxydation diente zunächst die Messung der Sauerstoffaufnahme nach Zugabe von Linolsäure zu den Fruchthomogenaten. Das mit dieser Methode ermittelte pH-Optimum der Linolsäureoxydation liegt im schwach sauren bis neutralen Bereich. Nach Incubation der Fruchtfleischhomogenate mit Linolsäure (1 Std, 25 °C) wurden die Oxydationsprodukte extrahiert, dünnschichtchromatographisch getrennt und gereinigt. Ihre Strukturaufklärung erfolgte mit Hilfe der Glascapillargaschromatographie-Massenspektrometrie mit Elektronenstoßionisation und chemischer Ionisation mit verschiedenen Reaktantgasen.Als Folgeprodukte der enzymatischen Linolsäureoxydation konnten in Fruchthomogenaten von den hier untersuchtenCucurbitaceae Mono-, Di-, Trihydroxy-und Oxo-Verbindungen nachgewiesen werden. Die Primärprodukte der Linolsäureoxydation, die Hydroperoxide, konnten von uns nicht gefunden werden.
Enzymatic oxidation of linoleic acid in cucurbitaceae
Summary The enzymatic oxidation of linoleic acid was studied in raw homogenates of various Cucurbitaceae, such as honeydew-, ogden- and water melons, as well as in pumpkin and zucchini. Analysis of fatty acid composition showed that the main substrates of enzymatic oxidation, namely linoleic and linolenic acid, are present in the cucurbitaceae examined in amounts ranging from 20–60%.Oxygen uptake after the addition of linoleic acid to the homogenates was used as a preliminary measurement of substrate oxidation.The optimum pH for linoleic acid oxidation as determined by this method is from weakly acidic to neutral.After one hour incubation of linoleic acid with fruit homogenates at 25 °C the oxidation products were extracted, and separated and purified by thin layer chromatography. Structure analysis was performed by means of glass capillary gas chromatography mass spectrometry utilizing electron impact and chemical ionization with various reactant gases.The enzymatic oxidation products of linoleic acid in fruit homogenates were identified as mono-, di-, trihydroxy, and oxo compounds of unsaturated octadecanoic acids. The primary oxidation products of linoleic acid oxidation, the hydroperoxides, could not be detected.

Teile der Ergebnisse wurden auf dem 14. Weltkongreß der International Society for Fat Research vom 18.9.–23.9.1978 in Brighton (England) vorgetragen  相似文献   

The results of these tests demonstrated moreover that the low sulfur dioxide contents of the starch which had been achieved in laboratory extraction methods are not achieved by industrial process, even with an elimination of sulfur dioxide during the refining steps. The reason for these differences may be seen in the fact that during industrial processing a starch-water-ratio has to be checked for of technological, ecological and economical reasons, which is impossible to achieve during laboratory tests. Adsorption of SO2 During Swelling of Maize. Results of Plant Tests. During investigations in four German starch plants the already experienced results could nearly be fully confirmed even without an addition of sulfur dioxide during the refining steps. At a high variability of the plant results a general mean value of 23,7 mg SO2/kg had been found for dried starch. In these investigations the highest test value for the sulfur dioxide content was still at almost 47 mg/kg. By comparison, with unaltered processing the general mean value of three plants came to 46,6 mg SO2kg.  相似文献   

Beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L.) was digested in organosolv processes using ethanol/water (EtOH/H2O) and propandiol-(1,2)/water (PDO/H2O). The pulping qualities of both agents were compred. The pulp yield is lower for PDO/H2O than for EtOH/H2O. While almost the whole lignin can be recovered in a simple manner from the EtOH spent cooking liquor, the lignin from the PDO-liquors can only be partly isolated. Due to its high boiling point the recovery of PDO from the spent pulping liquors is more difficult than that of EtOH. Schemes of the recovery of pulps and lignins as well as lignin and carbohydrate balances demonstrate the results of the pulping experiments.  相似文献   

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