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This paper compares finite element model (FEM) simulations with experimental and analytical findings concerning precision radial turning of AISI D2 steel. FEM machining simulation employs a Lagrangian finite element-based machining model applied to predict cutting and thrust forces, cutting temperature and plastic strain distribution. The results show that the difference between the experimental and simulated cutting force is near 20%, irrespectively of the friction coefficient used in the simulation work (approximately 19.8% for a friction of 0.25% and 18.4% for the Coulomb approach). Concerning the thrust force, differences of about 22.4% when using a friction coefficient of μ?=?0.25 and about 56.9% when using the Coulomb friction coefficient (μ?=?0.378) were found. The maximum cutting temperature obtained using the analytical model is 494.07°C and the difference between experimentation and simulation methods is 15.2% when using a friction coefficient of 0.25 and when using the Coulomb friction only 3.1%. Regarding the plastic strain, the differences between analytical calculations and FEM simulations (for the presented friction values) suggest that the finite element method is capable of predictions with reasonable precision.  相似文献   


Sustainability is a concept which is widely considered nowadays, including in factories where machining operations are present. The search for methods able to improve the performance of industrial processes without damaging the environment or the worker’s health has been the main goal of several investigations. In this context, cryogenic machining is a technique that has been studied as an alternative to the use of mineral oil-based cutting fluids, mainly in the machining of titanium and nickel alloys. Investigations on the cryogenic machining of hard tool steels are still scarce in the literature. This article presents results from a series of turning trials under dry and cryogenic conditions using a hardened AISI D6 tool steel bar (57 HRC) as the workpiece. For the cryogenic machining tests, liquid nitrogen was delivered to the flank face, rake face and on both faces of PCBN inserts. The main cutting parameters (cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut) were kept constant during the trials. Tool wear and chip morphology were the output variables studied. The results show that the liquid nitrogen was able to reduce the cutting tool wear, providing a tool lifetime around 50% longer compared with the dry process. Moreover, the frequency of chip segmentation was diminished under cryogenic conditions in comparison with the dry process.  相似文献   

使用硬质合金刀具、陶瓷刀具和PCBN刀具对渗碳淬硬钢20CrMnTi进行干式车削试验,通过测量不同切削条件下的表面粗糙度值,得出切削速度、进给量对表面粗糙度的影响规律,验证了以车代磨的干式切削渗碳淬硬钢20CrMnTi的可行性.  相似文献   

Hardened steel turning has received special attention in recent years due to its many applications in modern industries. The characteristics that define its machinability—expressed in terms of multiple response problems—are usually represented by experimental model building strategies like response surface methodology (RSM). Such strategies, however, have a particular drawback when multiple correlated regression functions are present. The optimization of multiple process characteristics without considering the variance–covariance structure among the responses may lead to an inadequate optimum. To deal with this constraint, this paper presents a novel multiobjective optimization method; it correctly focuses the multiple correlated characteristics of the AISI 52100 hardened steel, based on the concept of multivariate mean square error. This novel approach combines principal component analysis with RSM focusing a multidimensional nominal-the-best problem. In this kind of optimization, all the characteristics (tool life, cutting time, cost, material removal rate, and surface roughness) have a specific target while maintaining a strong correlation structure. Transforming the original responses and respective targets to the plane of a multivariate principal component scores, an optimization routine is capable of finding out a compromise solution that attends all the established targets. The following AISI 52100 turning process variables were considered in this study: cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut. Theoretical and experimental results were convergent and confirmed in a case study.  相似文献   

Surface finish has a vital influence on functional properties such as wear resistance and power loss due to friction on most of the engineering components. Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) is one of the advanced finishing process in which a surface is finished by removing the material in the form of microchips by abrasive particles in the presence of magnetic field in the finishing zone. In this study an electromagnet with four poles has been used which was found to give better performance in terms of achieving surface quality in lesser processing time. Voltage, mesh number, revolutions per minute (rpm) of electromagnet, and percentage weight of abrasives have been identified as important process parameters affecting surface roughness. The experiments were planned using response surface methodology and percentage change in surface roughness (??Ra) was considered as response. Analysis of experimental data showed that percentage change in surface roughness (??Ra) was highly influenced by mesh number followed by percentage weight of abrasives, rpm of electromagnet, and voltage. In this study, the least surface roughness value obtained was as low as 51?nm in 120?s processing time on a hardened AISI 52100 steel workpiece of 61 HRC hardness. In order to study the surface texture produced and to identify finishing mechanism, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy were also conducted. Shearing and brittle fracture of small portion of peaks of grounded workpiece have been found to be finishing mechanisms during MAF of AISI 52100 steel.  相似文献   

The present work deals with a comparative study on flank wear, surface roughness, tool life, volume of chip removal and economical feasibility in turning high carbon high chromium AISI D2 steel with multilayer MTCVD coated [TiN/TiCN/Al2O3/TiN] and uncoated carbide inserts under dry cutting environment. Higher micro hardness of TiN coated carbide samples (1880 HV) compared to uncoated carbide (1430 HV) is observed and depicts better resistance against abrasion. The low erosion rate was observed in TiN coated insert compared to uncoated carbide. The tool life of TiN coated insert is found to be approximately 30 times higher than the uncoated carbide insert under similar cutting conditions and produced lower surface roughness compared to uncoated carbide insert. The dominant wear mechanism was found to be abrasion and progression of wear was steady using multilayer TiN coated carbide insert. The developed regression model shows high determination coefficient i.e. R2 = 0.977 for flank wear and 0.94 for surface roughness and accurately explains the relationship between the responses and the independent variable. The machining cost per part for uncoated carbide insert is found to be 10.5 times higher than the multilayer TiN coated carbide inserts. This indicates 90.5% cost savings using multilayer TiN coated inserts by the adoption of a cutting speed of 200 m/min coupled with a tool feed rate of 0.21 mm/rev and depth of cut of 0.4 mm. Thus, TiN coated carbide tools are capable of reducing machining costs and performs better than uncoated carbide inserts in machining D2 steel.  相似文献   

着重说明了车削淬火钢件时,如何通过合理地选用刀具材料、刀具几何参数及切削用量达到理想的切削效果,并提出车削淬火钢件时应注意的若干问题.  相似文献   


Powder mixed EDM (PMEDM) is recognized as an advanced and innovative technique with enhanced performance and limited drawbacks in comparison to conventional EDM method. This study investigates the effect of powder particle size, various powder concentrations (Cp), and surfactant concentrations (Cs) on the performance of EDM. Since the machining characteristics are highly dependent on the dielectric performances, significant attention has been directed to introduce Cr powder and Span-20 surfactant into the dielectric fluid to achieve higher productivity and enhanced surface integrity. The EDM machining was carried out on AISI D2 hardened steel through ´Plug & Plaý dielectric circulating system attached to the main machine in order to evaluate the machining performances (i.e. MRR, EWR, and Ra). Interestingly, machining performance was improved with combination of Cr powder mixed and span-20 surfactant. By comparing the performance of span-20 surfactant and micro-nano chromium, the result within selected parameters shows that the span-20 surfactant and nano-chromium is the better choice for the EDM of AISI D2 hardened steel. In the machinability studies, the EDM machining of AISI D2 hardened steel by using span-20 surfactant and nano-chromium has exhibited the excellent machining performances, which led to 45.08% MRR enhancement and 68.89% Ra enhancement comparing to micro-chromium powder and span-20 surfactant led to 35.28% MRR and 28.96% Ra. Furthermore, cost analysis revealed that the nano-Cr powder size was approximately 4 times more economical than micro-Cr powder in machining of AISI D2 hardened steel, although the price for 1?kg is quite expensive.  相似文献   

The machining of hardened materials with hardness over 45 HRC has been an alternative to grinding since the 1970s, with the commercial availability of cubic boron nitride (cBN) and ceramic tools. However, the low toughness of these types of tool materials makes them very sensitive to damages caused by vibrations, which are critical for operations like internal turning, where the tool resembles a cantilever beam and therefore is susceptible to large deflections. This work aims to contribute to the study of tool performance in internal turning of long holes in hardened AISI 4340 steel in finishing conditions. Different machining conditions, two different tool holders (steel and carbide), and several tool overhangs were tested. The surface finish, acceleration (vibration) signals, and tool wear of cBN inserts were evaluated. The results show that vibration and the material of the tool holder may play a secondary role in the surface finish for stable turning, but the use of carbide tool holders makes the process stable for longer tool overhangs. Moreover, when the cutting becomes unstable, surface roughness is increased severely.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of a special carbide tool design on the process viability of the face milling of hardened AISI D3 steel (with a hardness of 60 HRC), in terms of surface quality and tool life. Due to the advances in the manufacturing of PVD AlCrN tungsten carbide coated tools, it is possible to use them in the manufacturing of mould and die components. Experimental results show that surface roughness (Ra) values from 0.1 to 0.3 μm can be obtained in the workpiece with an acceptable level of tool life. These outcomes suggest that these tools are suitable for the finishing of hardened steel parts and can compete with other finishing processes. The tool performance is explained after a tool wear characterization, in which two wear zones were distinguished: the region along the cutting edge where the cutting angle (κ) is maximum (κmax) for a given depth of cut, and the zone where the cutting angle is minimum (κ?=?0) that generates the desired surface. An additional machining test run was made to plot the topography of the surface and to measure dimensional variations. Finally, for the parameters optimal selection, frequency histograms of Ra distribution were obtained establishing the relationship between key milling process parameters (Vc and fz), surface roughness and tool wear morphology.  相似文献   

高速铣削淬硬钢刀具磨损机理的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过工具显微镜、扫描电镜以及能谱分析的方法对K30刀具高速铣削淬硬钢的磨损形态和磨损机理做了研究,从试验结果看出由于粘结磨损、磨料磨损、扩散磨损以及其他磨损等原因使得硬质合金刀具高速铣削淬硬钢时刀具的磨损主要发生在刀具的后刀面,主要的磨损形态是片状剥落、微崩刃以及边界磨损等,前刀面的磨损和常规切削下磨损形态不一样,主要集中在刀刃处,距离刀刃一段距离有较小剥落现象出现.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of cutting speed, depth of cut, feed, workpiece hardness (51, 55, 58, 62, and 65?±?1 HRC), tool flank wear, and nose radius on three-component forces in finish dry hard turning (FDHT) of the hardened tool steel AISI D2 were experimentally investigated by utilizing the PCBN inserts. Experimental results showed that the feed force is the lowest in three-component forces and influence of cutting parameters on it is less than two others in the FDHT of AISI D2. Values of the radial force are higher than those of the cutting force when cutting speed, depth of cut, and feed range from 75 to 301 m/min, and 0.10 to 0.40 and 0.05 to 0.20 mm, respectively, but lower in the range between 0.8- and 1.6-mm nose radius. Values of the cutting force are higher than those of the radial force as the workpiece hardness varies from 51 to 58?±?1 HRC while lower in the range between 62 and 65?±?1 HRC. Besides, there are relations between the changing laws of three-component forces and the softening effect of chip, cohesion effect in the tool–chip junction zone, and intenerating effect of metal in the workpiece surface. The high flank wear formation increases the contact with workpiece surface and hence induces tearing–drawing and welding effect duo to instantaneous high temperature.  相似文献   

通过采用PCBN刀具对45淬硬钢进行普通车削和超声振动车削的正交试验,研究切削用量对工件表面质量和切削温度的影响.通过两种车削方式的对比研究发现,在较小切削用量下,与普通车削相比,超声振动车削可以获得较好的表面质量和较低的切削温度.对超声振动车削切削参数进行优化,得到试验最佳切削参数.  相似文献   

A commercially available insert has been used to turn an AISI 4340 steel at speeds placed between 325 and 1000 m/min. The flank wear was measured in connection to cutting time. This is to determine the tool life defined as the usable time that has elapsed before the flank wear has reached the criterion value.It is shown that an increase in cutting speed causes a higher decrease of the time of the second gradual stage of the wear process. This is due to the thin coat layer which is rapidly peeled off when high-speed turning.The investigation included the realization of a wear model in relation to time and to cutting speed. An empirical model has also been developed for tool life determination in connection with cutting speed.On the basis of the results obtained it is possible to set optimal cutting speed to achieve the maximum tool life.  相似文献   

AISI 304不锈钢具有低导热性和高韧性等特性,切削加工性较差。研究采用复合涂层硬质合金铣刀,对AISI 304不锈钢进行了端铣实验研究,考察后刀面磨损情况。实验表明,进给率对磨损的影响大于切削速度。针对刀具后刀面磨损,给出了相对较好的切削条件组合。  相似文献   

The interaction effect of parameters to surface topography and cutting forces is investigated, and the magnitudes of these parameters are determined in the micro-milling of AISI D2 steel. The results show that the feed per tooth has a prominent impact on the surface topography. Due to the low feed per tooth to cutting edge radius ratio, a high surface roughness and a high amount of burrs are obtained in micro-milling. In micro cutting, the cutting forces present are small; in addition, the radial thrust cutting forces are greater than the principal cutting forces. This research proves that the micro-milling process can be applied to the manufacturing of AISI D2 steel micro parts and presents experimental evidence and possible solutions to the cutting parameters.  相似文献   

Surface roughness of the workpiece is an important parameter in machining technology. Wiper inserts have emerged as a significantly class of cutting tools, which are increasingly being utilized in last years. This study considers the influence of the wiper inserts when compared with conventional inserts on the surface roughness obtained in turning. Experimental studies were carried out for the carbon steel AISI 1045 because of its great application in manufacturing industry. Surface roughness is represented by different amplitude parameters (Ra, RzD, R3z, Rq, Rt, Ra/Rq, Rq/Rt, Ra/Rt). With wiper inserts and high feed rate it is possible to obtain machined surfaces with Ra < 0.8 μm (micron). Consequently it is possible to get surface quality in workpiece of mechanics precision without cylindrical grinding operations.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to define the cutting conditions that allow the dry drilling of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy (CFRE) composite materials taking into consideration the quality of the drilled holes (the exit delamination factor and the cylindricity error) and the optimum combination of drilling parameters. A further aim is to use grey relational analysis to improve the quality of the drilled holes. The machining parameters were measured according to 33 full factorial parameter designs (27 experiments with independent process variables). The experiments were carried out under various cutting parameters with different spindle speeds and feed rates. Drilling tests were done using WC carbide, high-speed steel (HSS), and TiN-coated carbide drills. The experiment design was accomplished by application of the statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results show that the thrust force is mainly influenced by the tool materials and the feed rate, which has a strong influence on the exit delamination factor. On the other hand, the spindle speed particularly affects the cylindricity error of the holes. Correlations were established between spindle speed/feed rate and the various machining parameters so as to optimize cutting conditions. These correlations were found by quadratic regression using response surface methodology (RSM). Finally, tests were carried out to check the concordance of experimental results.  相似文献   

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