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卢兰英  潘太军  牛焱 《金属学报》2011,(8):1026-1031
研究了Ni-10Al和Ni-xCr-10Al (x=3,5,10)合金在700-800℃的H2-H2S-CO2混合气氛中的腐蚀行为.结果表明,添加Cr可降低Ni-10Al合金的腐蚀速率;在700℃,Ni-10Al合金氧化动力学曲线遵循直线规律,而Ni-xCr-10Al合金的氧化动力学曲线则为多段抛物线;在800℃,所有...  相似文献   

用熔盐电化学方法,结合各种物相分析手段,研究了预氧化处理和表面涂覆CeO_2后预氧化处理对HK40和Cr12熔盐腐蚀过程的影响,测量经各种处理的合金在75%(NaK)_2SO_4~25%NaCl熔盐中的自腐蚀电位E_(corr)、极化阻力R_p,并计算腐蚀电流密度I_(corr)。结果表明:稀土Ce以CeO_2的形式存在于合金表面,能通过促进稳定氧化铬膜的形成,降低氧化和在熔盐中的溶解度等方式增强合金氧化膜的保护性能,提高合金的热腐蚀抗力。  相似文献   

王立生  林涛  侯婷  邵慧萍  郭志猛 《表面技术》2010,39(5):19-21,25
采用热浸镀技术在Q235钢表面制备了镍基合金涂层,采用XRD和SEM-EDS研究了涂层腐蚀前后的相组成、形貌和成分,并探讨了腐蚀机理.结果表明:涂层中有多种形态的析出物,涂层与基体之间存在宽5~8μm的过渡带;盐雾试验后,涂层表面腐蚀产物为Ni(OH)2,Fe3O4和Fe+3O(OH),平均腐蚀速率大约为1.18×10-7g/(h·mm2);腐蚀首先发生在显微孔洞或析出相边界处,表现为局部腐蚀特征.  相似文献   

利用箱式电阻炉、SEM等手段,研究了一种定向凝固Co基合金在不同介质中的热腐蚀行为及机理。研究结果表明:合金在Na2SO4中的热腐蚀最为严重,在75%Na2SO4+25%NaCl中的热腐蚀程度最轻。合金在Na2SO4中的热腐蚀过程中主要发生了酸性熔融反应,形成了Al2(SO4)3,Cr2Ni3,Cr4Ni15W和Al4CrNi15等腐蚀产物,而在NaCl中的热腐蚀主要发生了活性氧化反应,合金在75%Na2SO4+25%NaCl中热腐蚀时,部分酸性熔融反应和活性氧化反应受到抑制,主要形成了一系列的Ni-S化合物。  相似文献   

采用X射线(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM/EDAX)等手段,研究了一种镍基合金在850℃和950℃熔融Na Cl的热腐蚀行为。结果表明:腐蚀期间,合金发生了高温氧化和热腐蚀行为;合金表面腐蚀产物分为3层,外层氧化物由Al2O3、Al Ta O4和Ni Cr2O4组成,中间层氧化物为Cr Ta O4、Ni WO4和WO3,而内层形成Al2O3内氧化物;且随腐蚀温度提高,合金表面的腐蚀层厚度及Al2O3内氧化层深度增加。  相似文献   

通过对镍基合金进行不同温度的恒温熔融硫酸盐热腐蚀试验,对腐蚀产物横断面进行形貌观察及微区成分分析,研究了一种高铬镍基合金在恒温热腐蚀期间腐蚀产物分布特征及内氧化、内硫化行为。结果表明,该高铬镍基合金在900和950℃腐蚀100 h期间,合金氧化和硫化同时发生,且腐蚀产物中出现分层结构,由表及里各层中的主要氧化物分别为:Al2O3和Cr2O3,Al2O3,CrS。该合金在各温度的恒温热腐蚀期间,均发生Al元素的内氧化和Cr元素的内硫化;与外氧化膜相邻的区域为Al元素的内氧化区,远离外氧化膜的基体内部形成Cr元素的内硫化区;随腐蚀温度升高,内氧化区和内硫化区深度增加,内氧化物和内硫化物的尺寸增大。  相似文献   

研究Ni-Cr-Al-Fe基合金粉末在600 ℃空气中的高温抗氧化性能,分析铝含量和预氧化处理对合金粉末高温抗氧化行为的影响.利用水雾化法制备不同铝含量的Ni-Cr-Al-Fe基合金粉末,利用静态质量增加法研究不同铝含量合金粉末的氧化动力学,分别利用FE-SEM(EDS)和XRD观察分析不同合金粉末氧化膜的形貌及成分,结合氧化动力学及氧化膜的组成进一步分析不同合金粉末的高温氧化机理.结果表明:Ni-Cr-Al-Fe基合金粉末在600 ℃时的氧化质量增加遵循抛物线规律,铝含量的增加及预氧化处理均可提高合金粉末的抗氧化能力;铝含量的增加使氧化膜的组成由Cr2O3和Al2O3的混合结构转变为单一的Al2O3氧化膜结构,这有利于提高合金粉末的抗氧化性能;预氧化处理所形成的氧化膜有效地抑制Ni-Cr-Al-Fe基合金粉末的进一步氧化.  相似文献   

采用复合电镀技术,通过向普通硫酸镍电镀液中加入纳米Cr和Al颗粒,在Ni基材上制备了一种Ni-7Cr-4Al(质量分数,%)纳米复合涂层,对其在800°C下的空气氧化和750°C下75%Na2SO4+25%Na Cl混合熔盐热腐蚀性能进行研究。作为对比,对相同工艺制备的Ni-11Cr纳米复合镀层和纯Ni镀层的氧化和热腐蚀性能进行分析。Cr和Al纳米颗粒弥散分布在20~60 nm的纳米Ni中,与Ni-11Cr纳米复合镀层和纯Ni镀层相比,Ni-7Cr-4Al纳米复合镀层由于能快速形成氧化铝膜而表现出更优异的抗氧化性能,同时氧化铝膜的快速形成也提高了涂层的热腐蚀性能。  相似文献   

表面有Na2SO4沉积时铁基合金的低温热腐蚀行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了工业纯铁、Fe-Cr和Fe-Al合金表面有Na_2SO_4沉积时于O_2/SO_2/SO_3气氛中的低温热腐蚀行为。测定腐蚀动力学曲线,研究温度、气体组成及合金元素对腐蚀动力学的影响,并对腐蚀产物的形貌和组成进行观察与分析。结果表明,在工业纯铁、Fe-Cr和Fe-Al合金的低温热腐蚀过程中都发生金属表面致密氧化层的快速成长和疏松的Fe_2O_3在盐膜中的沉积,且前者对腐蚀的贡献居大。以实验结果为依据,初步提出了电化学机理模型,并用以阐述铁基合金低温热腐蚀过程。  相似文献   

研究了Co-10Cr、Co-25Cr和Co-10Cr-5Al合金涂敷Na2SO4盐膜后在900℃空气中的热腐蚀行为.结果显示,Co-10Cr合金的腐蚀增重最大,Co-10Cr-5Al的腐蚀增重其次,Co-25Cr合金腐蚀增重最少,抗热腐蚀性能最好.Co-10Cr合金腐蚀膜可分为3层,外层是CoO,中间层是Cr2O3,内层有少量的Cr2S3.Co-10Cr-5Al合金腐蚀膜可分为3层,外层是CoO,中间层是Cr2O3和Al2O3,内腐蚀区有Cr和Al的硫化物.Co-25Cr合金外层是CoO和Cr2O3,内层是单一的Cr2O3,无明显的内硫化现象.  相似文献   

To clarify the localized corrosion mechanism associated with precipitates containing Mg in Al alloys, the simulated bulk precipitates of S and β were synthesized through melting and casting. Their electrochemical behaviors and coupling behaviors with α(Al) in NaCl solution were measured. Meanwhile, simulated Al alloys containing S and β particles were prepared and their corrosion morphologies were observed. It's found that there exist two kinds of corrosion mechanisms associated with precipitates containing Mg. The precipitate of β is anodic to the alloy base, resulting in its anodic dissolution and corrosion during the whole corrosion process. While, there exists a corrosion conversion mechanism associated with the S precipitate, which contains active element Mg and noble element Cu simultaneously. At an initial stage, S is anodic to the alloy matrix at its periphery and the corrosion occurs on its surface. However, during its corrosion process, Mg is preferentially dissolved and noble Cu is enriched in the remnants. This makes S become cathodic to a(Al) and leads to anodic dissolution and corrosion on the alloy base at its periphery at a later stage.  相似文献   

采用等温平面压缩试验研究Al3Zr颗粒在不同温度(400500°C)以及应变速率(0.0110s-1)条件下对Al-Cu-Li基合金热压缩行为以及加工图的影响。通过金相观察(OM)、电子背散射衍射(EBSD)以及透射电镜(TEM)系统地表征不同变形条件下合金的显微组织。结果表明,在软化过程中相对于动态再结晶,动态回复起主导作用。在低温条件下,亚稳态Al3Zr颗粒能够有效抑制动态回复以及动态再结晶的长大。当温度达到500°C时,晶界附近的Al3Zr颗粒发生熔解,随Zr元素在晶界快速扩散,Al3Zr颗粒在晶界再次析出,并呈链状分布。这些链状分布的Al3Zr颗粒在热变形过程中导致宏观裂纹,在加工图中形成不安全区域(490500°C,0.01 s-1)。  相似文献   

The type II hot corrosion behavior of the alloys NiCr20, NiCr20Co10, and NiCr20Fe10 is investigated at 700°C in synthetic air + 0.5% SO2 for up to 300 hr. Pure Na2SO4 and a eutectic mixture of MgSO4–Na2SO4 are applied as deposits. The kinetics are investigated via dimensional metrology and correlated to the microstructural progression of the corrosion by examining the cross-sections. All alloys exhibit two-stage corrosion kinetics, with initially low and subsequently increased metal losses. Independent of the deposit composition, the metal loss after the longest exposure time is increased by the alloying element cobalt, whereas it is decreased for the iron-containing alloy. All alloys show increased metal losses when exposed to the MgSO4–Na2SO4 deposit. The time to the propagation stage is similar for all tests. During the stage of low metal loss, all alloys develop a chromia scale and internal chromium sulfides. When the propagation stage is reached, chromium and nickel can be found along with oxygen and sulfur within the pit. Nickel is dissolved into the deposit, where it precipitates.  相似文献   

The hot corrosion Type II of the alloys FeCr20, FeCr20Ni10, FeCr20Ni20, and FeCr20Co10 is investigated at 700°C in air + 0.5% SO2 with deposits consisting of Na2SO4 and a eutectic mixture of Na2SO4 and MgSO4 for 24, 100, and 300 h. The alloying elements nickel and cobalt have a positive influence when tests are conducted using a MgSO4‐Na2SO4 deposit. In this case, they reduce the metal loss and increase the time to the propagation stage. In contrast, when the alloys are exposed with a Na2SO4 deposit, these alloying elements increase the metal loss and allow for the transition to the propagation stage because they can form molten phases with the Na2SO4. During the incubation stage an oxide scale forms on the FeCr20 alloy, which is thicker than the one formed during exposure without a deposit, and iron oxides are observed, which precipitate in the deposit. The propagation stage occurs by a dissolution and precipitation mechanism forming localized pitting attack. Iron is the main species that dissolves and precipitates, while chromium remains mainly as an oxide beneath the initial surface. The additional elements are found in the pit and in the salt deposit.  相似文献   

为了研究氯化物熔盐对Cr-Al-N涂层热腐蚀性能的影响,采用反应磁控溅射的方法在Ti3Al合金表面制备了Cr0.82Al0.18N涂层,研究了涂层在Na2SO4+25%K2SO4和Na2SO4+25%Na Cl(质量分数)2种熔盐中的热腐蚀行为,采用XRD和SEM分析了涂层热腐蚀产物的相组成和形貌。结果表明:涂层在含有氯化物盐的熔盐中腐蚀时表现为失重而在硫酸盐中腐蚀时表现为增重;Cr0.82Al0.18N涂层在2种熔盐中的腐蚀都主要由Cr2O3和θ-Al2O3组成。氯化物熔盐和腐蚀产物的挥发导致了在含有氯化物熔盐中腐蚀时的失重现象。当含有氯化物盐时会增加熔盐中氧离子的活度,从而加速Cr2O3在熔盐中的溶解。此外,热腐蚀过程中产生的氯气也会参与腐蚀反应,从而加速涂层的消耗。  相似文献   

Cu-Cr合金在H_2-H_2S混合气中的腐蚀行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了Cu Cr合金及纯铜、纯铬在 5 0 0~ 60 0℃ ,硫分压为 10 -5Pa时的硫化腐蚀。两种Cu Cr合金的腐蚀速度均介于两种纯金属之间 ,并随温度的升高而增大 ,但在两种Cu Cr合金的表面均形成了复杂的腐蚀产物膜 ,外层为Cu2 S层 ,有时不连续甚至剥落 ,中间层为二元Cu Cr硫化物CuCrS2 ,内层为二元Cu Cr硫化物Cu Cr2 S4和CrS的混合物 ,有时也包含未被腐蚀的金属铬颗粒。在腐蚀区以下的合金基体中没有铬的贫化现象发生。这种腐蚀膜结构的形成是合金中存在两相的结果  相似文献   

The function mechanism of different types of aging precipitates in localized corrosion of Al alloys was studied. The function mechanism of the precipitates of θ (Al2Cu) and η (MgZn2) is validated. The precipitate of θ containing noble element Cu is cathodic to the alloy base, resulting in the anodic dissolution and corrosion of the alloy base at its adjacent periphery. The precipitate of η containing active element Mg is anodic to the alloy base, anodic dissolution and corrosion occur on its surface. Meanwhile, a localized corrosion mechanism conversion associated with the precipitate of T1 (Al2CuLi) is advanced, which contains noble element Cu and active element Li simultaneously. The precipitate of T1 is anodic to the alloy base and corrosion occurs on its surface at the beginning. However, during its corrosion process, the preferential dissolution of Li and the enrichment of noble element Cu make its potential move to a positive direction. As a result, the corroded T1 precipitate becomes cathodic to the alloy base at a later stage, leading to the anodic dissolution and corrosion of the alloy base at its adjacent periphery.  相似文献   

The electrolytic reduction of a spent oxide fuel involves the liberation of the oxygen in a molten LiCl electrolyte, which is a chemically aggressive environment that is too corrosive for typical structural materials. Accordingly, it is essential to choose the optimum material for the process equipments such as the electroreducer and the salt purification vessel in the pyrochemical process. In this study, the corrosion behaviors of superalloys N-1, N-2 and N-3 in a molten LiCl-Li2O salt under an oxidizing atmosphere were investigated at 650 °C for 72 h to 216 h. Superalloy N-1 showed the highest corrosion resistance among the examined alloys. The corrosion products of superalloys N-1 and N-2 were NiO, Cr2O3, and NiCr2O4, while NiO, Cr2O3, LiAl2Cr3O8 were identified as the corrosion products of superalloy N-3. For superalloy N-1, its outer corrosion layer was more continuous, dense and adherent compared to those of N-2 and N-3.  相似文献   

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