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The results are presented of the clinico-experimental studies conducted in patients with diseases of the respiratory organs. Providing with tocopherol, lipid metabolism and peroxidation parameters were studied in these patients in the time course of combined drug therapy. Different variants of providing with vitamins A and E were simulated in rats. It was shown that both under clinical and experimental conditions, administration of xenobiotics produced the devitaminizing effect which was manifest in tocopherol and retinol deficiency, activation of lipid peroxidation in the blood, bronchoalveolar lavage, in the lungs and liver. The authors have recommended the control over providing with vitamins A and E during the drug therapy of such patients, as well as differential approach to the corrective dietotherapy with the rations enriched with vitamins A and E; the vitamins are especially necessary for the patients with chronic broncho-pulmonary diseases in the presence of obesity and lipid metabolism disorders.  相似文献   

The content of A, E, C, B2 and PP vitamins and their metabolites in the blood and urine as well as microsigns of vitamin deficiency were studied in workers engaged in chrome industry. Microsigns of vitamin deficiency were observed along with low levels of vitamins. This appears to be associated with increased physiological requirements in vitamins due to specific work of chrome industry personnel.  相似文献   

The present investigation uncovered certain changes in the intensity of the acetylating processes, in the blood and urine levels of the pyruvic acid and in the urinary excretion of thiamine in a number of persons engaged in the production of phenol-formaldehyde resins. An enrichment of medico-prophylactic ration No 4 with thiamine and calcium pantothenate led to normalization of the study characteristics. The results thus made available bear proof to the prophylactic effectiveness of a supplementary vitaminization of the special diet accorded to workers handling phenol-formaldehyde resins.  相似文献   

The energy requirement of workers engaged in the underground repair of oil wells has been evaluated. The energy expenditure during the 8-hour shift with the use of manual and mechanized labor was determined on the basis of the 7-day chronometric charts of their labor activity. The power consumption of 32 descending-lifting and preparative-conclusive operations was evaluated by the indirect calorimetry. Energy expenditure in the time off was studied by the questionnaire method during a week. It was established that, as it was calculated for standard body mass (70 kg), the daily energy expenditure of an operator comprised 3190 kcal (fluctuations depended on the use of mechanization means, 3125-3398 kcal), of his assistant--3487 kcal (3434-3644 kcal), machine driver of the tractor-elevator--3013 kcal (2965-3100 kcal). On the basis of the data obtained the work of the operator and machine driver has been referred to the III, and that of the operator's assistant to the IV occupational group with respect to the intensity of their labor.  相似文献   

Providing with vitamins was studied in workers of the main shops of coal-tar chemical industry at the Karaganda Metallurgic Plant. Insufficient providing of workers with vitamins A, C, P and B was recorded. The results of the study have necessitated measures aimed at correcting vitamin-deficiency among these workers with due account for the data obtained.  相似文献   

The authors considered the problem on the issue relative to the requirements of sailors in vitamin C during tropical and arctic sailings. The objects of investigations were routine seagoing-dietary and a trial ration elaborated in conformity with the standard requirements in energy and in basic nutrients. Subject to determination were the vitamin C level in the blood and urine and the resistence of the capillaries. It has been found that within the framework of the trial ration the requirement of sailors for vitamin C comprises 100 mg in the Tropics and 150 mg in the Arctics per man/day.  相似文献   

Supply of the main and doubling crews of cosmonauts with vitamins C, A, D, E, B1, B2, B6, PP, and B12, folic acid and carotinoids was studied during training and after the completion of short-term space flights (from 4 to 13 days). As the result of the investigation conducted during the intensive training, 1 month before the space flight some cases of certain vitamins deficiency were revealed. Administration of additional vitamins during 2 weeks before the flight led to a rise in the cosmonauts' supply with vitamins. The findings obtained after the short-term space flights evidence an intensive metabolization of vitamins and increased vitamin requirements during this period.  相似文献   

The author investigated the vitamin status of workers engaged in steel-smelting at the Karaganda Metallurgy Plant. It was found that the workers of the main occupational groups at the plant were insufficiently provided with vitamins A, C and B due to their low content in the food. The system of medico-prophylactic vitamin administration used for steel workers is ineffective.  相似文献   

It has been shown that satisfactory cream crackers can be made, both in a pilot bakery and on commercial cracker plants, from doughs which have been mechanically developed to about 5 Wh/lb
  • 1 Throughout this paper 1 lb = 0.454 kg.
  • and subsequently fermented for 30 min at 100°F (37.8°C). Evidence is presented to support the suggestion that the amount of separation of the laminations during the baking of cream cracker doughs is related to the rate at which carbon dioxide is being produced in the dough at the end of the fermentation process. Taste panels were unable to distinguish between crackers made from doughs prepared by long and short fermentation procedures.  相似文献   

    王璇 《纺织学报》2005,26(4):126-128
    通过探讨服装放松量设计的科学性与艺术性,分析研究了影响放松量的主要因素,并提出了在常用服装中放松量取值的参考范围与设计技巧,为科学合理地设计服装的放松量提供了有效的方法和理论依据。  相似文献   

    It has been found that according to the value of daily energy consumption the coal miners engaged in open-cast mining should be referred to group III-IV of work intensity. The determining component of daily energy consumption is energy consumption during the working period the value of which depends on the character of working activity and duration of the working shift. The method of strict evaluation of the calorific value of the food taken and the control of body mass is acceptable for the assessment of daily energy consumption.  相似文献   

    Eight Cheddar cheeses with 2 levels of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P), residual lactose, and salt-to-moisture ratio (S/M) were manufactured. All cheeses were made using a stirred-curd procedure and were replicated 3 times. Treatments with a high level of Ca and P were produced by setting the milk and drawing the whey at a higher pH (6.6 and 6.3, respectively) compared with the treatments with a low level of Ca and P (pH of 6.2 and 5.7, respectively). The lactose content in the cheeses was varied by adding lactose (2.5% by weight of milk) to the milk for high lactose cheeses, and washing the curd for low lactose cheeses. The difference in S/M was obtained by dividing the curds into halves, weighing each half, and salting at 3.5 and 2.25% of the weight of the curd for high and low S/M, respectively. All cheeses were salted at a pH of 5.4. Modifications in cheese-making protocols produced cheeses with desired differences in Ca and P, residual lactose, and S/M. Average Ca and P in the high Ca and P cheeses was 0.68 and 0.48%, respectively, vs. 0.53 and 0.41% for the low Ca and P cheeses. Average lactose content of the high lactose treatments at d 1 was 1.48% compared with 0.30% for the low lactose treatments. The S/M for the high and low S/M cheeses was 6.68 and 4.77%, respectively. Mean moisture, fat, and protein content of the cheeses ranged from 32.07 to 37.57%, 33.32 to 35.93%, and 24.46 to 26.40%, respectively. The moisture content differed among the treatments, whereas fat and protein content on dry basis was similar.  相似文献   

    本文系统论述了清洁生产的起源,在木糖生产中应用的必要性和意义,提出了推行清洁生产是木糖行业发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

    Examination of children aged 3 to 17 years and adult population including parturients living in Naryan-Mar and northern settlements of the Nenets national district revealed the reduced calcium and elevated phosphorus concentrations in the blood serum of the examinees as compared with respective parameters in analogous population groups living in the middle zone of Russia (Moscow and Kazan). These changes, particularly marked in winter and spring, are determined by national and local features of the diet poor in calcium and containing excess amount of phosphorus. The concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the blood serum of the population living in the Extreme North was 2 times lower than that in the population of the middle zone, constituting 15-20 and 30-40 ng/ml, respectively. The reason for a lower vitamin D supply in the North is insufficient insulation.  相似文献   

    上衣原型与成衣纸样放码放缩量的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    严燕连 《纺织学报》2008,29(4):99-103
    针对目前服装小批量、多品种的生产特点和高科技信息化生产,成衣纸样放码是服装工业生产中的瓶颈环节,也是工业样板设计过程中重要的技术环节。通过对上衣原型放码放缩量的分析,以人体黄金分割为比例,推算出上衣原型纸样各放码点的最佳数值分配,应用于成衣生产纸样放码,从而找出女装衬衫纸样在放码时各放码点的最佳放缩量;进一步探讨服装CAD放码规则中各点最佳输入值,正确合理地分配数值,由纸样制作出来的"型"就不会走样。  相似文献   

    The market for fermented milks is expanding as more consumers become interested in the possible health aspects of the product. This paper reviews the types of bacteria that are currently being used in the manufacture of biofermented milks. The requirements of a starter culture in terms of ability to ferment milk to a stable product and to provide the necessary sensory properties for consumer demands are outlined. The paper also discusses and highlights some of the problems encountered in developing milks for the health market using probiotic organisms such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and species of Bifidobacterium.  相似文献   

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