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在基于可满足性模理论(SMT)的限界模型检测中,限界深度对于程序验证结果的可信性和程序验证效率具有重要影响。传统串行检测方法由于单机处理性能和内存的限制,不能在限界较深的条件下进行验证。针对该问题,在Spark环境下提出一种分布式限界模型检测方法。将源程序的LLVM中间表示(LLVM-IR)构造为Spark内置的数据结构Pair RDD,利用MapReduce算法将Pair RDD转化为表示验证条件的弹性分布式数据集(VCs RDD),VCs RDD转化为SMT-LIB并输入SMT求解器进行验证。实验结果表明,与传统串行检测方法相比,该方法提高了验证过程中的限界深度和验证结果的正确率,并且对于复杂度较高的程序在限界相同的情况下其验证速度也有所提升。  相似文献   

In this paper we describe an algorithm for distributed, BDD-based bounded property checking and its implementation in the verification tool SymC. The distributed algorithm verifies larger models and returns results faster than the sequential version.The core algorithm distributes partitions of the state set to computation nodes after reaching a threshold size. The nodes proceed with image computation on the nodes asynchronously. The main scalability problem of this scheme is the overlap of state set partitions. We present static and dynamic overlap reduction techniques.  相似文献   

We show how LTL model checking can be reduced to CTL model checking with fairness constraints. Using this reduction, we also describe how to construct a symbolic LTL model checker that appears to be quite efficient in practice. In particular, we show how the SMV model checking system developed by McMillan [16] can be extended to permit LTL specifications. The results that we have obtained are quite surprising. For the specifications which can be expressed in both CTL and LTL, the LTL model checker required at most twice as much time and space as the CTL model checker. We also succeeded in verifying non-trivial LTL specifications. The amount of time and space that is required is quite reasonable. Based on the examples that we considered, it appears that efficient LTL model checking is possible when the specifications are not excessively complicated.  相似文献   

为了增强模型检测工具的检测能力,拓宽模型检测技术的应用范围,对基于时间自动机的LTL性质模型检测进行了研究,对自动机的状态空间的存储方式和状态空间的展开过程进行了分析,讨论了LTL性质模型检测工具的检测流程和检测算法的实现策略对工具检测性能的影响,针对制约模型工具的检测能力和检测效率的因素,采取了一些相应的优化改进策略.采用了BDD(二叉决策图)共享存储技术和位编码压缩存储,较有效地减小了空间消耗,缓解了模型检测中状态爆炸引起的内存空间不足问题.与DTSpin等著名的模型检测工具进行了实验比较,取得了较好的实验结果.  相似文献   

Bounded Model Checking of CTL   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Bounded Model Checking has been recently introduced as an efficient verification method for reactive systems. This technique reduces model checking of linear temporal logic to propositional satisfiability. In this paper we first present how quantified Boolean decision procedures can replace BDDs. We introduce a bounded model checking procedure for temporal logic CTL* which reduces model checking to the satisfiability of quantified Boolean formulas. Our new technique avoids the space blow up of BDDs, and extends the concept of bounded model checking.  相似文献   

有界模型检测的优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
G(p)和G(p→F(q))是有界模型检测(bounded model checking,简称BMC)中的两个重要的常用模态算子.对验证G(p)和G(p→F(q))编码转换公式进行优化.通过分析当验证这些模态算子时FSM(finite state machine)的状态转移和线性时序逻辑(linear-time temporal logic,简称LTL)的语义特征.在现有的编码公式的基础上,给出了简洁、高效的递推公式,该公式有利于高效编码成SAT(satisfiability)实例;证明了递推公式和原转换公式的逻辑关系.通过实验比较分析,在生成SAT实例规模和易求解方面都优于BMC中求解这些模态算子的现有的两种重要方法AA_BMC和Timo_BMC.所给出的方法和思想对于BMC中验证其他模态算子时的编码优化也有参考价值.  相似文献   

雷丽晖  王静 《计算机科学》2018,45(4):71-75, 88
分布式模型检测是一种缓解状态空间爆炸的有效途径,已有文献提出了定性的分布式模型验证算法,然而定量LTL验证算法并行化问题还未得到有效解决。对此,展开两个方面的工作:提出一种新的动态系统状态空间划分方法;在定性LTL分布式验证算法的基础上给出了定量模型检测并行化验证算法。首先,将系统模型转化为可能的Kripke结构并选取一个并发分量,依据状态之间的关系完成系统状态的分割,使得关系紧密的状态尽可能分布在同一个计算节点上;其次,调整划分结果以使得计算负载平衡;然后,将划分结果与其他并发分量的状态进行叉乘,以完成系统状态空间的划分;最后,将待检测性质用自动机表示,在两者的乘积上,利用扩展的基于嵌套DFS的分布式验证算法完成系统的定量验证。  相似文献   

Given a timed automaton M, a linear temporal logic formula φ, and a bound k, bounded model checking for timed automata determines if there is a falsifying path of length k to the hypothesis that M satisfies the specification φ. This problem can be reduced to the satisfiability problem for Boolean constraint formulas over linear arithmetic constraints. We show that bounded model checking for timed automata is complete, and we give lower and upper bounds for the length k of counterexamples. Moreover, we define bounded model checking for networks of timed automata in a compositional way.  相似文献   

Bounded Model Checking Using Satisfiability Solving   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
The phrase model checking refers to algorithms for exploring the state space of a transition system to determine if it obeys a specification of its intended behavior. These algorithms can perform exhaustive verification in a highly automatic manner, and, thus, have attracted much interest in industry. Model checking programs are now being commercially marketed. However, model checking has been held back by the state explosion problem, which is the problem that the number of states in a system grows exponentially in the number of system components. Much research has been devoted to ameliorating this problem.In this tutorial, we first give a brief overview of the history of model checking to date, and then focus on recent techniques that combine model checking with satisfiability solving. These techniques, known as bounded model checking, do a very fast exploration of the state space, and for some types of problems seem to offer large performance improvements over previous approaches. We review experiments with bounded model checking on both public domain and industrial designs, and propose a methodology for applying the technique in industry for invariance checking. We then summarize the pros and cons of this new technology and discuss future research efforts to extend its capabilities.  相似文献   

Bounded Model Checking (BMC) searches for counterexamples to a property with a bounded length k. If no such counterexample is found, k is increased. This process terminates when k exceeds the completeness threshold (i.e., k is sufficiently large to ensure that no counterexample exists) or when the SAT procedure exceeds its time or memory bounds. However, the completeness threshold is too large for most practical instances or too hard to compute.Hardware designers often modify their designs for better verification and testing results. This paper presents an automated technique based on cut-point insertion to obtain an over-approximation of the model that 1) preserves safety properties and 2) has a which is small enough to actually prove using BMC. The algorithm uses proof-based abstraction refinement to remove spurious counterexamples.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the effect of BDD-based under-approximation on a hybrid approach using BDDs and SAT-BMC for error detection on a computing grid. We experimentally study effect of under-approximation approaches on a non-traditional parallelization of BMC based on state space partitioning. This parallelization is accomplished by executing multiple instances of BMC independently from different seed states, that are selected from the reachable states in different partitions. Such states are spread out across the state space and can potentially be deep. Since all processors work independently of each other, this scheme is suitable for bug hunting using a grid-like network. Our experimental results demonstrate improvement over existing approaches, and we show that the method can effectively utilize a large grid network.  相似文献   

周筱羽  顾斌  赵建华  杨孟飞 《软件学报》2015,26(10):2485-2503
针对一类中断驱动的航天控制系统,给出了有界模型检验的算法.这类系统由中断处理程序和操作系统调度的任务组成.当中断发生时,对应的中断处理程序响应中断事件,并可以修改控制变量值,以便在系统任务中完成后续工作.操作系统周期性地调度任务序列处理日常事务以及中断事件的后续工作.使用了带中断标记的时间自动机对中断事件和任务调度事件进行建模,并使用中断向量表和中断处理程序的伪代码模型共同描述中断的处理过程.控制变量将中断处理过程和系统任务相关联,中断处理程序可以设定某个控制变量,而系统任务则通过检查该控制变量来确定是否需要进行后续处理.对于这样的形式化模型,给出了检验关键时序性质的有界模型检验算法.该算法使用深度优先的方式遍历所有长度小于等于K的可行路径,并使用SMT Z3实现了对时间约束和规约的处理.  相似文献   

Accelerating Bounded Model Checking of Safety Properties   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bounded Model Checking based on SAT methods has recently been introduced as a complementary technique to BDD-based Symbolic Model Checking. The basic idea is to search for a counterexample in executions whose length is bounded by some integer k. The BMC problem can be efficiently reduced to a propositional satisfiability problem, and can therefore be solved by SAT methods rather than BDDs. SAT procedures are based on general-purpose heuristics that are designed for any propositional formula. We show how the unique characteristics of BMC invariant formulas (G p) can be exploited for a variety of optimizations in the SAT checking procedure. Experiments with these optimizations on real designs prove their efficiency in many of the hard test cases, in comparison to both the standard SAT procedure and a BDD-based model checker.  相似文献   

以吴方法为理论基础,提出一种针对高层次设计验证的定界模型检验方法.通过使用多项式等式建模高层次设计和待验证性质,将定界模型检验问题转化为定理证明问题,并用吴方法有效地解决该定理证明问题.实验结果表明,与基于布尔SAT、基于LP的RTL SAT以及基于非线性求解器的性质检验方法相比,该方法在时间消耗上具有相当大的优势.  相似文献   

引入模型检查方法对可执行文件进行脆弱性分析.对可执行文件形式化建模,采用有界模型检查技术验证可执行文件的安全属性,并在X86体系结构上开发了一个用于可执行文件的模型检查器.实验以内存泄漏和栈溢出漏洞为例,将其属性描述为线性时序逻辑公式,在可执行文件的状态迁移系统模型中验证公式是否能满足,实验结果表明对可执行文件的有界模型检查是一种有效的静态分析方法.  相似文献   

Bounded Model Checking (BMC) is a successful refutation method to detect errors in not only circuits and other binary systems but also in systems with more complex domains like timed automata or linear hybrid automata. Counterexamples of a fixed length are described by formulas in a decidable logic, and checked for satisfiability by a suitable solver.In an earlier paper we analyzed how BMC of linear hybrid automata can be accelerated already by appropriate encoding of counterexamples as formulas and by selective conflict learning. In this paper we introduce parametric datatypes for the internal solver structure that, taking advantage of the symmetry of BMC problems, remarkably reduce the memory requirements of the solver.  相似文献   

This paper first identifies some of the key concerns about the techniques and algorithms developed for parallel model checking; specifically, the inherent problem with load balancing and large queue sizes resultant in a static partition algorithm. This paper then presents a load balancing algorithm to improve the run time performance in distributed model checking, reduce maximum queue size, and reduce the number of states expanded before error discovery. The load balancing algorithm is based on generalized dimension exchange (GDE). This paper presents an empirical analysis of the GDE based load balancing algorithm on three different supercomputing architectures—distributed memory clusters, Networks of Workstations (NOW) and shared memory machines. The analysis shows increased speedup, lower maximum queue sizes and fewer total states explored before error discovery on each of the architectures. Finally, this paper presents a study of the communication overhead incurred by using the load balancing algorithm, which although significant, does not offset performance gains.  相似文献   

谭锦豪  李国强 《软件学报》2020,31(8):2388-2403
基本并行进程是一个用于描述和分析并发程序的模型,是Petri网的一个重要子类.EG逻辑是一种在Hennessy-MilnerLogic的基础上增加EG算子的分支时间逻辑,其中的AF算子表示从当前的状态出发性质最终会被满足,因此EG逻辑是能够表达活性的逻辑.然而,基于基本并行进程的EG逻辑的模型检测问题是不可判定的.由此,提出了基本并行进程上EG逻辑的限界模型检测方法.首先给出了基本并行进程上EG逻辑的限界语义,然后采用基于约束的方法,将基本并行进程上EG逻辑的限界模型检测问题转化为线性整数算术公式的可满足性问题,最后利用SMT求解器进行求解.  相似文献   

徐亮 《计算机系统应用》2010,19(7):1491-1502
基于SAT的限界模型检测在处理实时系统时具有很高的复杂度.SMT求解器在计算可满足性的同时,还能处理算术和其他可判定性理论.在对实时系统进行检测时,用SMT求解器代替SAT求解器,系统里的时钟就可以用整型或实型变量表示,时钟约束则可以直接表示成线性算术表达式,从而使整个检测过程更加高效.带时间参数的计算树逻辑(timed computation tree logic,简称TCTL)被用来描述实时系统里的性质.同时,还对检测方法作了相应的改进.  相似文献   

We present a syntactic scheme for translating future-time LTL bounded model checking problems into propositional satisfiability problems. The scheme is similar in principle to the Separated Normal Form encoding proposed in [Frisch, A., D. Sheridan and T. Walsh, A fixpoint based encoding for bounded model checking, in: M.D. Aagaard and J.W. O'Leary, editors, Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design; 4th International Conference, FMCAD 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2517 (2002), pp. 238–254] and extended to past time in [Cimatti, A., M. Roveri and D. Sheridan, Bounded verification of past LTL, in: A.J. Hu and A.K. Martin, editors, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD 2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2004)]: an initial phase involves putting LTL formulae into a normal form based on linear-time fixpoint characterisations of temporal operators.As with [Cimatti, A., M. Roveri and D. Sheridan, Bounded verification of past LTL, in: A.J. Hu and A.K. Martin, editors, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD 2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2004)] and [Latvala, T., A. Biere, K. Heljanko and T. Junttila, Simple bounded LTL model checking, in: Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design; 5th International Conference, FMCAD 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3312 (2004), pp. 186–200], the size of propositional formulae produced is linear in the model checking bound, but the constant of proportionality appears to be lower.A denotational approach is taken in the presentation which is significantly more rigorous than that in [Frisch, A., D. Sheridan and T. Walsh, A fixpoint based encoding for bounded model checking, in: M.D. Aagaard and J.W. O'Leary, editors, Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design; 4th International Conference, FMCAD 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2517 (2002), pp. 238–254] and [Cimatti, A., M. Roveri and D. Sheridan, Bounded verification of past LTL, in: A.J. Hu and A.K. Martin, editors, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD 2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2004)], and which provides an elegant alternative way of viewing fixpoint based translations in [Latvala, T., A. Biere, K. Heljanko and T. Junttila, Simple bounded LTL model checking, in: Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design; 5th International Conference, FMCAD 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3312 (2004), pp. 186–200] and [Biere, A., A. Cimatti, E. M. Clarke, O. Strichman and Y. Zhu, Bounded model checking, Advances in Computers 58 (2003)].  相似文献   

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