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Potassium antimonate was used to precipitate calcium in the cochlea of the guinea-pig. The distribution of the calcium antimonate precipitates was analysed by electron microscopy. The precipitate density was determined in different cell types in the organ of Corti by counting the number of calcium binding sites in a 10-μm2 area. The size of the precipitates varied considerably, and thus the relative amount of the precipitable calcium was estimated only semi-quantitatively. As the prominent carbon signal is superimposed over the nearby small Ca2+ -edge signals, the combined signal of the antimony M4,5-edge and the oxygen K-edge of the calcium antimonate salt formed was chosen for the semi-quantitative estimation. Images of the inelastically scattered electrons of the precipitates at ΔE = 570 eV were recorded by electron spectroscopic imaging. The area covered by the calcium precipitates within a given cell type was determined in different ultrathin sections of the same organ of Corti by an image processing system.  相似文献   

Ca2+ was precipitated with potassium antimonate in vitellogenic follicles of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and the distribution of the precipitates formed was studied by electron microscopy. The microvilli of the oolemma in mid- and late vitellogenic follicles were lined with precipitates. The chemical composition of the precipitates was analysed by electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI). The images produced by inelastically scattered electrons at specific ionization edges were compared, and the nonspecific background signals were subtracted by an image processing system. The presence of Ca2+, antimony and oxygen in the precipitates formed could be demonstrated. The elemental composition of the precipitates and of yolk spheres was also analysed by electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). With respect to the precipitates, signals at the calcium L2,3-edge, the oxygen K-edge and the antimony M4,5-edge were recorded without deconvolution and background subtraction. The yolk spheres, which were free of precipitates, gave the characteristic signal of the nitrogen K-edge. The applied techniques combine good ultrastructural resolution with the possibility of analysing the elemental composition of histochemical reaction products and cellular structures.  相似文献   

We have developed a high energy resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) microscope, which can take spectra from specified small specimen areas and specified small reciprocal space areas to investigate detailed electronic structures. The EELS microscope is equipped with retarding Wien filters as the monochromator and the analyser. The filters are designed to achieve a stigmatic focus. The energy resolutions are 12 meV and 25 meV for cases without and with a specimen, respectively. Spatial and momentum resolutions are 30–110 nm in diameter and 1.1 nm−1 in angular diameter, respectively. EELS spectra are presented to show the performance of this instrument.  相似文献   

A method for the characterization of surface-treated asbestos fibres with electron microscopy is presented. Electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) of organosilane-treated chrysotile asbestos fibres has been carried out. Initially, the region below the carbon edge was inspected in ESI mode for its effectiveness as a background correction. Elemental mapping was performed on standard untreated fibres to take into account non-characteristic signals from extrapolation errors and camera artefacts. The highest resulting pixel value that results from non-characteristic signals was used as a threshold for further background correction in the net images. Samples for electron energy-loss spectroscopy were prepared in two different ways, either by gluing on grids, or by using perforated carbon foils. The results show that the use of a conducting carbon film is necessary for the analysis of such electrically insulating asbestos fibres. Focusing of the electron beam on the individual fibres results in a thermal effect promoting the evaporation of the organosilane reaction products.  相似文献   

As techniques for electron energy‐loss spectroscopy (EELS) reach a higher degree of optimization, experimental detection limits for analysing biological structures are approaching values predicted by the physics of the electron scattering. Theory indicates that it should be possible to detect a single atom of certain elements like calcium and iron contained in a macromolecular assembly using a finely focused probe in the scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). To test this prediction, EELS elemental maps have been recorded with the spectrum‐imaging technique in a VG Microscopes HB501 STEM coupled to a Gatan Enfina spectrometer, which is equipped with an efficient charge‐coupled device (CCD) array detector. By recording spectrum‐images of haemoglobin adsorbed onto a thin carbon film, it is shown that the four heme groups in a single molecule can be detected with a signal‐to‐noise ratio of ~10 : 1. Other measurements demonstrate that calcium adsorbed onto a thin carbon film can be imaged at single atom sensitivity with a signal‐to‐noise ratio of ~5 : 1. Despite radiation damage due to the necessarily high electron dose, it is anticipated that mapping single atoms of metals and other bound elements will find useful applications in characterizing large protein assemblies.  相似文献   

The dielectric properties of LaB6 crystals and the plasmonic behavior of LaB6 nanoparticles, which have been applied to solar heat-shielding filters, were studied by high energy-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy (HR-EELS). An EELS spectrum of a LaB6 crystal showed a peak at 2.0 eV, which was attributed to volume plasmon excitation of carrier electrons. EELS spectra of single LaB6 nanoparticles showed peaks at 1.1-1.4 eV depending on the dielectric effect from the substrates. The peaks were assigned to dipole oscillation excitations. These peak energies almost coincided with the peak energy of optical absorption of a heat-shielding filter with LaB6 nanoparticles. On the other hand, those energies were a smaller than a dipole oscillation energy predicted using the dielectric function of bulk LaB6 crystal. It is suggested that the lower energy than expected is due to an excitation at 1.2 eV, which was observed for oxidized LaB6 area.  相似文献   

Ca2+ cations were precipitated with potassium antimonate in the cochlea of the guinea pig, and the formed precipitates were localized by electron microscopy using either elastically or inelastically scattered electrons. The elemental composition of the precipitates was determined by electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). It was found that calcium, antimony and oxygen were the dominating elements in the precipitates formed in different cell types in the inner ear.  相似文献   

Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is based on the ability of the non‐radioactive isotope 10B to capture thermal neutrons and to disintegrate instantaneously. This reaction opens a way to selectively destroy tumour cells after specific uptake of 10B. In this paper, a method based on electron energy‐loss spectroscopy is presented for detecting and quantifying boron in freeze‐dried cryosections of human melanoma cells. A practical detection limit of around 6 mmol kg?1 in 0.1‐µm2 areas is estimated using specimens prepared from standard boron solutions. Preliminary results of boron mapping in the spectrum‐imaging acquisition mode reveal boron penetration and probably spot‐like accumulation within melanoma cells when exposed to culture medium containing sodium borocaptate.  相似文献   

The discovery of the superconducting electron-doped compound Nd185Ce015CuO4?δ has stimulated great interest in its micro- and crystal structure, since the superconducting properties depend on parameters such as nonstoichiometry, phase composition, heat treatment and microstructure. The work presented herein is focused on the determination of the oxygen environment in the undoped parent compound Nd2CuO4 and in the structural modification Nd2CuO35 The analysis of the oxygen K (O 1s) edge extended electron energy-loss fine structure (EXELFS) of the tetragonal parent compound Nd2CuO4 and of the orthorhombic modification Nd2CuO35 is reported by using electron energy-loss spectroscopy in combination with transmission electron microscopy. Nd2CuO35 is produced by in situ heating and reduction of Nd2CuO4 in the transmission electron microscope. The EXELFS of the O 1s electron energy-loss edges is analysed with the classical extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) treatment and compared with ab initio multiple scattering EXAFS calculations for both structural modifications. Highly accurate information on the local atomic environment of the oxygen atoms in Nd2CuO35 is obtained from EXELFS analysis using Nd2CuO4 as a standard. The results are in accordance with the structural data gained from X-ray diffraction analysis. This applies especially to the more complicated structure of Nd2CuO35 determined recently.  相似文献   

This paper presents the shapes of the electron energy-loss near-edges structure (ELNES) on the N K-edge of the group IVA (Ti, Zr, Hf) and group VA (V, Nb, Ta) transition metal mononitrides close to stoichiometry. With the exceptions of NbN and TaN, these compounds have the rock-salt (B1) structure when close to stoichiometry. NbN exists with both the rock-salt structure and a hexagonal structure. Two distinct ELNES shapes were observed from it, one of which corresponds closely with previously published data from the rock-salt structure. Under normal conditions, TaN is considered to exist only in the hexagonal form, the rock-salt form being a high-temperature/high-pressure phase although it has been reported as the result of plasma jet heating of the hexagonal form. Again two distinct ELNES shapes were observed, one of which appeared to fit into the pattern of the shapes from the other compounds with the rock-salt structure. The systematic changes of shape observed are very similar to those observed in the equivalent carbides and qualitatively follow the behaviour expected from theoretical band structures. The change in the chemical shift of the N K-edge on going from a group IVA nitride to a group VA nitride is ~-0·8 eV while that on going from a group IVA carbide to a group VA carbide is ~+0·8 eV. This difference in behaviour is explained as the result of differences in the densities of states at the Fermi levels of the compounds. The position of the first peak in the ELNES also shows a systematic change in its energy relative to the core state as the number of valence electrons in the compound increases and also as the transition series of the metal species changes. The energies, Er, of the peaks in the ELNES relative to the threshold follow a relationship similar to that predicted by Natoli, i.e. (Er - V)a = const. where V is the ‘muffin tin’ potential and a is the lattice parameter. The first peak gives a negative constant in the relationship. The value of constant increases for each subsequent peak up to the sixth becoming positive for the fourth and higher peaks but drops slightly on going from the sixth to the seventh peak. Each peak gives a different value of V in the relationship. The data sets for the carbides and the nitrides are systematically different in a similar way for each peak and there are deviations from linearity within each set. The systematic difference is minimized and the linearity significantly improved if the difference in the energies of two prominent peaks is used instead of Er. This systematic variation of peak energy with lattice parameter can be used to predict the lattice parameter. If both the nitride and the carbide data for the energy of a prominent peak relative to the threshold are used, this results in a maximum deviation of 4% (or ~0·02 nm). However, if the differences in the energies of two prominent peaks are used and the data for the carbides and the nitrides are treated independently, the maximum deviation drops to 0·4% (or ~0·002 nm). At this level, uncertainties in the lattice parameters themselves come into play and better characterized materials are required to set true limits to the accuracy of the predictions. Finally some applications in the microanalysis of materials are outlined briefly.  相似文献   

Predentine is a collagen-rich extracellular matrix between the odontoblasts and the dentine with a width of about 15–20 μm. Electron energy-loss spectroscopy of rat incisors shows a significantly higher calcium content in the predentine at the predentine-dentine border than in the middle region of the predentine. At the predentine-dentine border in the dentine, the calcium and the phosphate groups combine to form apatite crystallites. Electron spectroscopic diffraction with zero-loss filtering revealed that the earliest crystallites contain only Debye-Scherrer rings of apatite, which are fewer in number and more diffuse than the diffraction rings from the mature crystallites. We therefore conclude that the early crystallites still contain lattice defects, which are annealed out to some degree with crystal growth. Electron spectroscopic imaging with zero-loss filtering also showed that the earliest crystallites are chains of dots (or small islands); they build up strands composed of islands, which rapidly acquire a needle-like character and coalesce laterally to form ribbon- or plate-like crystallites. The parallel strands sometimes appear to reinforce the macroperiod of the collagen microfibrils (67 nm) by tiny holes without any crystal-substance lined up perpendicular to the parallel strands of the crystallites.  相似文献   

The energy-filtering electron microscopical modes of electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) and electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) have been applied to the cytochemical detection of Ca2+ -ATPase activity in synaptic terminals in the brain of a cichlid fish. Using a recently developed modification of an enzyme-histochemical method, cerium phosphate was precipitated as a marker of high-affinity Ca2+ -ATPase activity. This is considered to be a marker for the plasmalemma-bound calcium pump, an enzyme which plays a crucial role in the regulation of the cytoplasmic calcium concentrations and therefore of the reactivity of nerve cells. High-affinity Ca2+ -ATPase activity is located preferentially at the inner side of synaptic plasma membranes and enables a discrimination of different types of synapse. It is only by using EELS and ESI that the very small amounts of high-affinity Ca2+ -ATPase reaction product can be analysed reliably and located precisely. These new electron microscopical techniques offer powerful tools for cytochemical studies.  相似文献   

An absolute quantitative standardization technique has been developed to measure Ca and K weight fractions (WF) in the otolithic membrane of the saccule and utricle by scanning electron microscopy and electron probe X-ray analysis using the peak-to-background (P/B) ratio method. Microcrystalline salt standards were used to calibrate Ca and K Kα P/B or Y = (P/B) · Z2/A (Z = atomic number; A = atomic weight) against WF at 10, 15, 20 and 25 kV accelerating voltage. The effect of voltage on the calibration, plotting the coefficient of correlation (r) as a function of voltage, was not dependent on the voltage in the range 10–25 kV for Ca standards. K standards were also independent when P/B was corrected for Z2/A. Background counts in the otoconia (Bo) were obtained at 5, 25, 50, 100, 200 and 500 s and used to test the electron beam sensitivity of saccular and utricular otoconia. Bo was not dependent on the spectra acquisition time, with the exception of Bo under Kα K peak in the saccule at 10 kV. Ca and K WF were determined at 10, 15, 20 and 25 kV in the saccule and utricle, showing similar values regardless of the voltage used. This method of calibration offers several advantages, such as stability, homogeneity, known composition of the standards, high reproducibility at different voltages even without Z2/A correction and the similarity between the otoconia and crystal standards. We recommend the application of this method for other elements and biomineral systems.  相似文献   

A field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) equipped with the standard secondary electron (SE) detector was used to image thin (70–90 nm) and thick (1–3 μm) sections of biological materials that were chemically fixed, dehydrated, and embedded in resin. The preparation procedures, as well as subsequent staining of the sections, were identical to those commonly used to prepare thin sections of biological material for observation with the transmission electron microscope (TEM). The results suggested that the heavy metals, namely, osmium, uranium, and lead, that were used for postfixation and staining of the tissue provided an adequate SE signal that enabled imaging of the cells and organelles present in the sections. The FESEM was also used to image sections of tissues that were selectively stained using cytochemical and immunocytochemical techniques. Furthermore, thick sections could also be imaged in the SE mode. Stereo pairs of thick sections were easily recorded and provided images that approached those normally associated with high-voltage TEM.  相似文献   

Ma C  Xiao RJ  Geng HX  Yang HX  Tian HF  Che GC  Li JQ 《Ultramicroscopy》2008,108(4):320-326
The fine structures of the electron energy-loss spectra (EELS) for the B-K edge have been examined in NbB(2) and superconducting Nb(0.75)Mg(0.25)B(2). The experimental results are analyzed based on the calculations of density functional theory (DFT) using the Wien2k code. The results of the EELS spectra and the angular decomposition of the density of states (DOS) reveal that both the B p(z) and B p(x)+p(y) states in NbB(2) have large weights at the Fermi energy due to intersheet covalent bonding with notable hybridization between the Nb 4d and B 2p states. This kind of hybridization also results in different core-hole behaviors for the B-K edge in two orthogonal crystallographic orientations. The best fit between experimental and theoretical data is achieved with consideration of the core-hole effect of the B 1s states, in particular for the q perpendicular c spectra. Analysis of the electronic structure of the Nb(1-)(x)Mg(x)B(2) superconductors suggests that confinement of the intersheet covalent bonding is likely to be favorable for the improvement of superconductivity in this kind of materials.  相似文献   

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