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By using the characteristic properties of the anti-Hermitian generalized anti-Hamiltonian matrices, we prove some necessary
and sufficient conditions of the solvability for algebra inverse eigenvalue problem of anti-Hermitian generalized anti-Hamiltonian
matrices, and obtain a general expression of the solution to this problem. By using the properties of the orthogonal projection
matrix, we also obtain the expression of the solution to optimal approximate problem of an n×n complex matrix under spectral restriction.
Foundation item: Project(10171031) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China 相似文献
讨论了给定矩阵X和对角阵Λ,求广义反自反矩阵广义特征值反问题AX=BXΛ的解(A,B),利用矩阵的奇异值分解和矩阵分块法,给出了其解的一般表达式.记上述问题解的集合为SAB,讨论了给定任意矩阵A~,B~求矩阵(A^,B^)∈SAB,使得在F—范数意义下(A^,B^)为(A~,B~)的最佳逼近问题,证明了此问题存在惟一解,并给出了解的表达式. 相似文献
讨论了基于反埃尔米特广义哈密顿矩阵谱约束的逼近问题解,分析了最佳逼近解的扰动性,最后给出了一个数值实例,数值试验表明理论结果与试验结果一致。 相似文献
讨论了广义反次对称矩阵问题的最小二乘解 ,得到了解的一般表达式 ,并就该问题的特殊情形 :矩阵反问题 ,得到了可解的充分必要条件及解的通式 .此外 ,证明了最佳逼近问题解的存在惟一性 ,并给出了其解的具体表达式 . 相似文献
肖庆丰 《吉林化工学院学报》2012,29(1):78-81
讨论了线性流形上广义反次对称矩阵反问题的最小二乘解及其逼近问题,得到了最小二乘解的一般表达式.给出了线性流形上矩阵反问题可解的充分必要条件,得到了最佳逼近问题解的表达式. 相似文献
It has been extensively recognized that the engineering structures are becoming increasingly precise and complex,which makes the requirements of design and analysis more and more rigorous.Therefore the uncertainty effects are indispensable during the process of product development.Besides,iterative calculations,which are usually unaffordable in calculative efforts,are unavoidable if we want to achieve the best design.Taking uncertainty effects into consideration,matrix perturbation methodpermits quick sensitivity analysis and structural dynamic re-analysis,it can also overcome the difficulties in computational costs.Owing to the situations above,matrix perturbation method has been investigated by researchers worldwide recently.However,in the existing matrix perturbation methods,correlation coefficient matrix of random structural parameters,which is barely achievable in engineering practice,has to be given or to be assumed during the computational process.This has become the bottleneck of application for matrix perturbation method.In this paper,we aim to develop an executable approach,which contributes to the application of matrix perturbation method.In the present research,the first-order perturbation of structural vibration eigenvalues and eigenvectors is derived on the basis of the matrix perturbation theory when structural parameters such as stiffness and mass have changed.Combining the first-order perturbation of structural vibration eigenvalues and eigenvectors with the probability theory,the variance of structural random eigenvalue is derived from the perturbation of stiffness matrix,the perturbation of mass matrix and the eigenvector of baseline-structure directly.Hence the Direct-VarianceAnalysis(DVA)method is developed to assess the variation range of the structural random eigenvalues without correlation coefficient matrix being involved.The feasibility of the DVA method is verified with two numerical examples(one is trusssystem and the other is wing structure of MA700 commercial aircraft),in which the DVA method also shows superiority in computational efficiency when compared to the Monte-Carlo method. 相似文献
分块矩阵的Dra2in逆不仅在矩阵理论上被广泛研究而且在自动控制、广义系统、概率统计等方面有重要的应用.给出了当广义Schur补S=D- CADB可逆时,分块矩阵M=[A B C D]∈ C m×n(A,D是方阵)在满足下列条件之一时的Drazin逆表示;1)BCAπ=O,BDCAπ=O,D2 CAπ=O;2)CAπA2 =O,CAπBC =O,CAπBD=O,CAπAB=O.这些结果推广了文献[9-10,12]的结论. 相似文献
2×2分块矩阵的Drazin逆表示不仅在广义逆理论中有重要的理论价值,而且在控制理论中的广义系统解析表示中也有重要应用.设M=[A B C D]是复数域上2x2分块矩阵,s=D- CADB是分块矩阵M的广义Sehur补.利用分块矩阵M的广义Sehur补给出分块矩阵的Drazin逆表示是近期的一个研究热点问题.这篇文章... 相似文献
曾祝明 《福建建筑高等专科学校学报》2009,(3):301-303
利用n阶对称Toeplitz矩阵的结构特点和对称性,给出了计算该类矩阵所有特征值的一个快速算法,该算法的计算复杂度仅为O(n^2logn)。 相似文献
在块对角占优矩阵和块广义对角占优矩阵定义的基础上,利用矩阵分块技术,对矩阵元素进行比较,给出判定块广义对角占优矩阵的充分条件,并利用此结论给出判定矩阵是否可逆的充分条件. 相似文献
为了给出M矩阵及与其逆的Hadamard积的最小特征值的准确下界,在M.Fiedler等人研究工作基础上,结合n阶行或列严格对角占优矩阵的一些性质,给出了M矩阵及与其逆的Hadamard积的最小特征值的一个新的下界。算例结果表明,该结果优于已有的结果。 相似文献
对角阵非齐次特征值问题的讨论 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
李昆 《天津城市建设学院学报》2003,9(4):273-276
一些工程问题,例如:工程结构计算、投入产出模型,常常遇到对角阵非齐次特征值的问题,给出了不同条件下,非齐次问题的特征值、特征向量的存在性,并给出相应的计算方法,最后通过实例验证所述理论及计算方法的正确性和有效性。 相似文献
设K是一个体, Km×n表示m×n上所有K矩阵的集合.对矩阵A∈K 若存在矩阵X∈Kn×n使AXA=A,XAX=X,AX=XA,则称X为A的群逆.研究分块矩阵广义逆的表达式是矩阵广义逆理论中研究的重要问题.分块矩阵的群逆表达式在奇异微分和差分方程、马尔可夫链、迭代方法和密码学等领域有广泛应用.这里给出了体上分块矩阵[ABB0](A,B∈Kn×n,B2=B,((I-B)A)#存在)的群逆的存在性及表示形式. 相似文献
Since China power grids have a hierarchical architecture in operation and management, centralized computation patterns are
difficult to meet the demands of small-signal-stability analysis of the bulk interconnected power systems. A distributed eigenvalue
algorithm derived from the inverse iteration method is proposed. It can not only obtain eigenvalues and eigenvectors from
power system state matrix but also provide participation factors of all generators. In the computing process, the algorithm
only requires exchanging data of boundary nodes and a small amount of other information of different regions. Therefore, it
is very suitable to be deployed in a WAN (wide area network) based distributed environment. The algorithm has been tested
on an IEEE39 system.
Recommended by Prof. LU Qiang, Member of Editorial Committee of Science in China, Series E: Technological Sciences
Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2004CB217903) 相似文献
设A,B∈Cn ×n为广义二次矩阵, C∈Cn ×n, 并定义广义Jordan积为AC+CB. 应用广义二次矩阵和幂等矩阵的互为确定的关系,得到了由两个不同的幂等矩阵确定的广义二次矩阵A和B与任意矩阵C的广义Jordan积的秩不变性.该结果改进了已有二次矩阵的相关结果. 相似文献
结式矩阵的逆阵及广义逆阵的快速算法 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4
提出了求结式矩阵的逆阵、群逆及Moore Penrose逆的多项式快速算法.由于该算法仅用到结式矩阵的第一行元素,只有舍入误差,因此在理论上是精确的. 相似文献
利用矩阵的奇异值分解讨论了一类广义反对称矩阵反问题 ,得到了此类矩阵反问题有解的充分必要条件及通解的表达式 相似文献