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A great challenge for cognitive neuroscience is studying human behavior in its complexity as it manifests in the real world. The field of aviation provides a unique opportunity to investigate how perception, action and cognition interact in complex yet controlled ecologically valid environments. We suggest a novel cross-domain approach that combines insights from ecological psychology and embodied cognition with a neurophysiological framework to explain patterns of human performance across a variety of aviation contexts. Specifically, we argue that studying the interaction between an agent and the environment, as manifest in the Mirror Neuron system as a neural correlate, is key to understanding complex behavior. We can describe the experience and skills involved with task-relevant actions – like flying an airplane – using brain mechanisms of motor simulation of the observed action. With this direct coupling between perception and action, the automatic implicit nature of the Mirror Neuron system can be harnessed to improve human factor and ergonomics. This analysis offers three areas for future study and application: (1) enhancing flight training by isolating specific agent-environment relations; (2) tracking training progression based on brain signatures of flight expertise; and (3) neuroscientific-inspired ecological design of next-generation human–machine interfaces in flight decks.  相似文献   

Whether from government policies, customer expectations or personal beliefs, there is increasing pressure on firms and their supply chains to adopt sustainable practices. Manufacturing companies are particularly targeted, for example, to reduce CO2 emissions, offer sustainable products, etc. Research in this field has significantly increased in recent years. Most research states the importance of collaboration with upstream and downstream entities as a critical success factor when aiming for a sustainable supply chain and proposes various collaborative mechanisms (CMs) to enable firms in the implementation of a sustainability-oriented initiative. The goal of this paper is to investigate the role of collaboration in these initiatives and explore the proposed CMs via a systematic literature review method. A total of 404 articles were reviewed and the multitude of CMs proposed in the literature were classified into seven categories: relationship management, contractual and economic practices, joint practices, technological and information sharing practices, governance practices, assessment practices, and supply chain design. This systematic mapping of the field provides an in-depth view of the current state of research as well as research gaps. It also intends to help practitioners by highlighting the role played by these mechanisms in four phases of sustainable supply chain deployment.  相似文献   

Fires in terrestrial ecosystems produce large amounts of charcoal that persist in the environment and represent a substantial pool of sequestered carbon in soil. The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of charring on mid-infrared spectra of materials likely to be present in forest fires in order to determine the feasibility of determining charred organic matter in soils. Four materials (cellulose, lignin, pine bark, and pine wood) and char from these materials, created by charring for various durations (1 to 168 h) and at various temperatures (200 to 450 degrees C), were studied. Mid-infrared spectra and measures of acidity (total acids, carboxylic acids, lactones, and phenols as determined by titration) were determined for 56 different samples (not all samples were charred at all temperatures/durations). Results showed spectral changes that varied with the material, temperature, and duration of charring. Despite the wide range of spectral changes seen with the differing materials and length/temperature of charring, partial least squares calibrations for total acids, carboxylic acids, lactones, and phenols were successfully created (coefficient of determination and root mean squared deviation of 0.970 and 0.380; 0.933 and 0.227; 0.976 and 0.120; and 0.982 and 0.101 meq/g, respectively), indicating that there is a sufficient commonality in the changes to develop calibrations without the need for unique calibrations for each specific material or condition of char formation.  相似文献   

An essential assumption for the usefulness of basing accident prevention measures on minor incidents is the common cause hypothesis: that causal pathways of near misses are similar to those of actual accidents (such as injuries and damages). The idea of a common cause hypothesis was originally proposed by Heinrich in his seminal book "Industrial Accident Prevention" [McGraw-Hill, New York]. In this paper, it is argued that the hypothesis of similarity of causes for major and minor accidents has become confounded with the interdependence of the ratio relationship between severity and frequency. This confounded view of the hypothesis has led to invalid tests of the hypothesis and erroneous conclusions. The evidence from various studies is examined and it is concluded that the hypothesis has not been properly understood or tested. Consequently, such a proper test was carried out using data from the UK railways which were analysed using the confidential incident reporting and analysis system (CIRAS) 21 cause taxonomy. The results provide qualified support for the common cause hypothesis with only three out of the 21 types of causes having significantly different proportions for the three consequence levels investigated: 'injury & fatality', 'damage' and 'near miss'.  相似文献   

The investigation of the atomistic mechanisms of processes in complex systems constitutes a major challenge to both theory and experiment. While experimental studies offer a wide variety of insights at the macroscopic scale, the atomistic level of detail often remains elusive. On the other hand, molecular simulation approaches may easily achieve microscopic resolution and hence appear particularly suited for detailed mechanistic analyses. However, the computational effort is typically quite considerable and in many cases special simulation strategies are needed to make simulations possible. This review is dedicated to special approaches for tackling the time/length-scale problem inherent to molecular dynamics simulations. Employing these techniques opened a series of new perspectives. The latter are illustrated with the example of recent simulation studies of the atomistic mechanisms involved in complex processes like crystal nucleation, phase transitions and reactions in solution. Along this line, we discuss the reaction mechanisms for He insertion into C60 fullerenes, nucleation events and domain morphogenesis in pressure-induced phase transitions in solids and ion aggregation from solution.  相似文献   

Density and specific surface area (SSA) are fundamental parameters determining the physical and chemical properties of porous materials like snow. The SSA of snow can be measured directly, using stereology, gas adsorption techniques, X-ray micro-tomography, or indirectly by optical methods deducing the SSA from the snow reflectance. Traditional stereological methods are unbiased only for convex shapes and isotropic snow. We applied new design- and model-based stereological principles, combined with digital image processing, to measure SSA without bias. The new approach only requires vertical sections and a simple, specific sampling design to estimate the SSA of snow. The SSA of thirty snow samples covering all typical snow types and a wide range of density was analyzed using micro-tomography and unbiased stereology. The results show that the SSA of all snow types, even of very complex shape, can be determined with very high precision. The SSA values determined using gas adsorption, X-ray micro-tomography, and stereology were directly compared. They were highly correlated and no systematic deviation was found between these methods. We show that the density and SSA of vertically inhomogeneous and finely layered snow can be analyzed precisely using this new technique. The technical requirements are modest compared to other methods, with similar or better precision. We suggest that this stereology-based method can be the laboratory method of choice to analyze density and SSA of snow in layered samples.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the experimental investigation related to removal of arsenic from a simulated contaminated ground water by the adsorption onto Fe(3+) impregnated granular activated carbon (GAC-Fe) in presence of Fe(2+), Fe(3+), and Mn(2+). Similar study has also been done with granular activated carbon (GAC) for comparison. The effects of shaking time, pH, and temperature on the percentage removal of As(T), As(III), As(V), Fe(2+), Fe(3+), and Mn have been discussed. The shaking time for optimum removal of arsenic species has been noted as 8h for GAC-Fe and 12h for GAC, respectively. As(T) removal was less affected by the change in pH within the pH range of 2-11. Maximum removal of As(V) and As(III) was observed in the pH range of 5-7 and 9-11, respectively, for both the adsorbents. Under the experimental conditions at 30 degrees C, the optimum removal of As(T), As(III), As(V), Fe, and Mn are 95.5%, 93%, 98%, 100%, and 41%, respectively, when GAC-Fe is used. For GAC these values are 56%, 41%, 71%, 99%, and 98%. The adsorbent dose (AD) and its particle size (PS) for both GAC and GAC-Fe were 30 g/l and 125-150 mum, respectively. The initial arsenic concentration in the synthetic water sample was 200 ppb.  相似文献   

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