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Local damage to reinforced concrete structures caused by impact of aircraft engine missiles Part 2. Evaluation of test results 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
T. Sugano H. Tsubota Y. Kasai N. Koshika C. Itoh K. Shirai W. A. von Riesemann D. C. Bickel M. B. Parks 《Nuclear Engineering and Design》1993,140(3):407-423
Three sets of impact tests, small-, intermediate-, and full-scale tests, have been executed to determine local damage to reinforced concrete structures caused by the impact of aircraft engine missiles. The results of the test program showed that (1) the use of the similarity law is appropriate, (2) suitable empirical formulas exist for predicting the local damage caused by rigid missiles, (3) reduction factors may be used for evaluating the reduction in local damage due to the deformability of the engines, (4) the reinforcement ratio has no effect on local damage, and (5) the test results could be adequately predicted using nonlinear response analysis. 相似文献
Werner Riedel Elmar Straßburger Ekkehard Fehling 《Nuclear Engineering and Design》2010,240(10):2633-2642
The impact of an aircraft engine missile causes high stresses, deformations and a severe local damage to conventional reinforced concrete. As a consequence the design of R/C protective structural elements results in components with rather large dimensions.Fiber reinforced Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) is a concrete based material which combines ultra high strength, high packing density and an improved ductility with a significantly increased energy dissipation capacity due to the addition of fiber reinforcement. With those attributes the material is potentially suitable for improved protective structural elements with a reduced need for material resources.The presented paper reports on an experimental series of scaled aircraft engine impact tests with reinforced UHPC panels. The investigations are focused on the material behavior and the damage intensity in comparison to conventional concrete. The fundamental work of
[Sugano et al., 1993a] and [Sugano et al., 1993b] is taken as reference for the evaluation of the results. The impactor model of a Phantom F4 GE-J79 engine developed and validated by Sugano et al. is used as defined in the original work. In order to achieve best comparability, the experimental configuration and method are adapted for the UHPC experiments. With ‘penetration’, ‘scabbing’ and ‘perforation’ all relevant damage modes defined in
[Sugano et al., 1993a] and [Sugano et al., 1993b] are investigated so that a full set of results are provided for a representative UHPC structural configuration. 相似文献
Analytical studies on local damage to reinforced concrete structures under impact loading by discrete element method 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Yoshikazu Sawamoto Haruji Tsubota Yoshiyuki Kasai Norihide Koshika Hiroshi Morikawa 《Nuclear Engineering and Design》1998,179(2):157-177
This paper proposes a new analytical approach for assessing local damage to reinforced concrete structures subjected to impact load, by applying the discrete element method (DEM). It first outlines the basis concept and analytical formulation of the DEM. Next, it discusses the results of simulation analyses of concrete material tests, uni-axial compression tests and tensile splitting tests conducted to determine appropriate analytical parameters such as material constants, failure criteria and strength increase factors depending on strain rate. Finally, the adaptability of the DEM to local damage to reinforced concrete structures impacted by rigid and deformable missiles is verified through simulation analyses of various types of impact tests. Furthermore, the various impact response characteristics and failure mechanisms, such as impact forces, penetration behavior, reduction in missile velocity and energy transfer process, which are difficult to obtain experimentally, are analytically evaluated by the DEM. 相似文献
Tomonori Ohno Takashi Uchida Noriyuki Matsumoto Yoshihiko Takahashi 《Nuclear Engineering and Design》1992,138(1)
This study is to get informations about the local damage of reinforced concrete slabs by the impact of deformable projectiles. Five types of projectiles with different magnitudes of axial strength were employed for the impact tests. The target specimen were 0.6 m square reinforced concrete slabs with different thickness ranging from 7.0 to 15.0 cm. The striking velocity was kept at 200 m/s in all tests. And the effects of the projectile nose shape on the extent of local damage were also investigated experimentally. 相似文献
Analysis of aircraft impact to concrete structures 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Analysis of aircraft impact to nuclear power plant structures is discussed utilizing a simplified model of a “fictitious nuclear building” to perform analyses using LS-DYNA software, representing the loading: (i) by the Riera force history method and (ii) by modeling the crash by impacting a model of a plane similar to Boeing 747-400 to the structure (i.e., “missile–target interaction method”). Points discussed include: (1) comparison of shock loading within the building as obtained from the Riera force history analysis versus from the missile–target interaction analysis, (2) sensitivity of the results on the assumed Riera force loading area, (3) linear versus nonlinear modeling and (4) on failure criteria. 相似文献
Masatoshi Ueda Tetsuo Shirai Yasuo Doi Masato Otaki Hiroshi Saito 《Nuclear Engineering and Design》1992,138(1)
A numerical constitutive model representing the behavior of concrete material is proposed in this paper. The stress-strain relations are kept in accordance with the updated information, such as stress, strains, strain rates in the principal directions of stress, crack states, yield states, rupture states. The algorithm of the constitutive model was implemented to the explicit impact analysis code DYNA3D. The experimental tests were also held, in which a 100 kg weight with 8 m/s velocity drops onto a reinforced concrete structure. The results of the DYNA3D analysis were compared with those of the tests and show a good agreement. 相似文献
This paper discusses a coordinated experimental/analytical program designed to provide information needed for making margins-to-failure assessments of Category I reinforced concrete structures. The experimental program is emphasized and background information that lead to this particular experimental approach is presented. Analytical tools being developed to supplement the experimental program are discussed. 相似文献
Study of the perforation of reinforced concrete slabs by rigid missiles —Experimental study, part II
Within the frame work of surveys concerning the perforation of reinforced concrete walls carried out by Electricité de France, the Direction Centrale du Genie has been red to carry out perforation tests on slabs, at the scale of one-half. With the help of the national Navy equipment (guneery base and gun), the experimentation began in 1975. This paper is only a short summary of these experimentations, the results of which are still under way. The aim is to give a rough idea how the tests were developed for the performed shots and some of the main results. 相似文献
The work described below is a contribution to the assessment of aircraft hazards for nuclear power plants. A series of tests was performed to outline the behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs impinged by rigid missiles. Prediction of results was tried by means of finite element computation with elastic-plastic constitutive law for the concrete. Although results are encouraging, no general correlation was carried out. 相似文献
Verification method for durability of reinforced concrete structures subjected to salt attack under high temperature conditions 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Immersion tests of concrete specimens, corrosion tests of reinforced concrete specimens and combination tests of carbonation and chloride ion penetration of concrete specimens were conducted under high temperature. Verification method of durability against salt attack to reinforced concrete structures under high temperature was discussed. The obtained results were summarized as follows. (a) Diffusion coefficient of chloride ion in concrete increased as temperature rose. The relationship between the logarithm of diffusion coefficient and the reciprocal of temperature showed linearity. (b) The chloride ion concentration of reinforcing steel corrosion initiation did not decrease at high temperature. (c) Diffusion coefficient of chloride ion might be larger in carbonated concrete. (d) Based on the test results, a verification method of durability against salt attack on reinforced concrete structures under high temperature up to 65 °C, for avoiding steel corrosion, was proposed. 相似文献
Investigation of response of reinforced concrete (RC) structures due to axisymmetric macrocell corrosion of rebars is of concern after propagation of microcracks within the concrete medium. The geometry, boundary and interfaces conditions of the present problem are identical to those stated in part I. As seen in the companion paper, the exact solution to the boundary value problem corresponding to the uncracked steel–rust–concrete composite was possible. After appearance of the microcracks the concrete behavior becomes nonlinear anisotropic with post-cracking softening, and the associated problem is analytically intractable. Therefore, it is proposed to employ a novel meshless method, namely gradient reproducing kernel particle (GRKPM), in the cylindrical coordinates. The analytical and numerical solutions pertinent to the uncracked concrete are in good agreement. Subsequently, the effects of the parameters associated with the mechanical behavior of concrete and properties of rust on the time of surface cracking, the maximum values of consumed rebar per unit area of anode and crack width openings at the time of surface cracking, and the maximum value of radial stress at the rust–concrete interface are scrutinized in some detail. 相似文献
Assessment of the macrocell corrosion which deteriorates reinforced concrete (RC) structures have attracted the attention of many researchers during recent years. In this type of rebar corrosion, the reduction in cross-section of the rebar is significantly accelerated due to the large ratio of the cathode's area to the anode's area. In order to examine the problem, an analytical solution is proposed for prediction of the response of the RC structure from the time of steel depassivation to the stage just prior to the onset of microcrack propagation. To this end, a circular cylindrical RC member under axisymmetric macrocell corrosion of the reinforcement is considered. Both cases of the symmetric and asymmetric rebar corrosion along the length of the anode zone are studied. According to the experimentally observed data, corrosion products are modeled as a thin layer with a nonlinear stress–strain relation. The exact expressions of the elastic fields associated with the steel, and concrete media are obtained using Love's potential function. By imposing the boundary conditions, the resulting set of nonlinear equations are solved in each time step by Newton's method. The effects of the key parameters which have dominating role in the time of the onset of concrete cracking and maximum radial stress field of the concrete have been examined. 相似文献
Toshihiko Hirama Masashi Goto Toshiyasu Hasegawa Minoru Kanechika Takahiro Kei Tsutomu Mieda Hiroshi Abe Katsuki Takiguchi Hiroshi Akiyama 《Nuclear Engineering and Design》2005,235(13):1128
In Japan, the Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation (NUPEC), sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), has been conducting a series of seismic reliability proving tests using full-scale or close to full-scale models to simulate actual important equipment that is critical for seismic safety of nuclear power plants. The tests are intended to validate the seismic design and reliability with a sufficient margin even under destructive earthquakes. A series of tests was carried out on a reinforced concrete containment vessel (RCCV) for advanced boiling water reactor (ABWR) from 1992 to 1999. A large-scale high-performance shaking table at Tadotsu Engineering Laboratory, the largest in the world, was used for this test. Part 1 reports the test model and the results of pressure and leak tests. Part 2 describes test procedures, input waves and the results of verification tests such as changes of stiffness, characteristic frequency and damping ratio, the failure of the model and the load deflection. Part 3 shows the seismic safety margin that was evaluated from the energy input during the failure test to a design basis earthquake. Part 4 reports simulation analysis results by a stick model with lumped masses. 相似文献
The primary purpose of this paper is to present results of an experimental investigation on the strength and stiffness of reinforced concrete subjected to combined biaxial tension and simulated seismic forces. The test specimens represent a section of a wall of a containment structure carrying combined pressurization and seismic loading. Shear stiffness and strength, and their degradation with shear cycling, are given, along with simple expressions for predicting strength and extensional stiffness. The secondary purpose of the paper is to discuss research needs for improved prediction of the response of containment structures to seismic effects. 相似文献
《Nuclear Engineering and Design》1966,3(1):54-65
The influence of creep and temperature on the behaviour of concrete structures is discussed with restriction to cases of uniaxial stress. Under the combined effects of non-uniform temperature and stress it is shown that redistribution takes place and that eventually stresses may reach stationary values if the temperature and load conditions are sustained. These steady-state stresses together with the initial values form upper and lower bounds.Theorems are presented that enable the steady-state stresses, moments and forces to be calculated directly and without reference to the elastic or thermal expansion properties of concrete, for structures in which member sections remain plane.A worked example is given and some experimental support to the theory is provided from data relating to two-span continuous prestressed concrete beams subjected to temperature-crossfalls.Application of the theory to three-dimensional stressing is mentioned and it is concluded that the ability to calculate steady-state stresses is of importance in the design of heated concrete structures.The present paper serves as a basis for a following article on an important problem in the desing of prestressed concrete reactor pressure vessels: The calculation of steady-state stresses in a concrete hollow sphere and a long hollow cylinder subjected to sustained pressure and temperature loading. 相似文献
The application of a discrete element representation of solids to the analysis of reinforced concrete plates and shells is discussed. Yielding of steel as well as fracture of concrete are duly accounted for by means of constitutive criteria that quantifies coupling between both effects. Comparison with experimental results show excellent correlation. 相似文献
Toshihiko Hirama Masashi Goto Minoru Kanechika Tsutomu Mieda Katsuki Takiguchi 《Nuclear Engineering and Design》2005,235(13):1335-1348
In Japan, the Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation (NUPEC), sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), has been conducting a series of seismic reliability proving tests using full-scale or close to full-scale models to simulate actual important equipment that is critical for seismic safety of nuclear power plants. The tests are intended to validate the seismic design and reliability with a sufficient margin even under destructive earthquakes. A series of tests was carried out on a reinforced concrete containment vessel (RCCV) for advanced boiling water reactor (ABWR) from 1992 to 1999. A large-scale high-performance shaking table at Tadotsu Engineering Laboratory, the largest in the world, was used for this test. Part 1 reports the test model and the results of pressure and leak tests. Part 2 describes test procedures, input waves and the results of verification tests such as changes of stiffness, characteristic frequency and damping ratio, the failure of the model and the load deflection. Part 3 shows the seismic safety margin that was evaluated from the energy input during the failure test to a design basis earthquake. Part 4 reports simulation analysis results by a stick model with lumped masses. 相似文献
R.P. Kennedy 《Nuclear Engineering and Design》1976,37(2)
Concrete containment walls and internal concrete barrier walls are often required to withstand the effects of missile impact. Potential missiles include external tornado generated missiles (steel rods, steel pipes, wooden poles, and automobiles), aircraft crash, and internal accident generated missiles (turbine blade, and steel pipe missiles resulting from pipe break). Impacting missiles can be classified as either ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ depending upon whether the missile deformability is small or large relative to the target deformability. This paper only deals with the effects of ‘hard’ missile impact. Missile velocities between 100 and 1500 ft/sec are emphasized. ‘Hard’ missile impact results in both local wall damage and in overall dynamic response of the target wall. Local damage consists of spalling of concrete from the front (impacted) face and scabbing of concrete from the rear face of the target together with missile penetration into the target. If damage is sufficient the missile may perforate or pass through the target. This paper reviews the various empirical procedures commonly used for determining penetration depth, perforation thickness, and scabbing thickness for concrete targets subjected to ‘hard’ missile impact. Results obtained from these procedures are compared with test data results for low velocity impacts (200–1500 ft/sec). Design recommendations to prevent detrimental local wall damage are presented. Overall dynamic response of the target wall consists of flexural deformations and a potential flexural or shear failure if the strain energy capacity of the wall does not exceed the kinetic energy input to the wall by the striking ‘hard’ missile. Simplified procedures are defined for determining the dynamic response of the target wall and for preventing overall failure of the wall. Included are procedures for defining the effective target mass to be used in determining the fraction of the total missile kinetic energy which is transferred or ‘input’ into the target wall. Also included are procedures for defining the total strain energy capacity of the target wall as determined from the moment and rotational capacities of flexural yield hinges and the yield line deformation pattern of the wall. Lastly, criteria for preventing a premature shear failure are presented. 相似文献
《Nuclear Engineering and Design》1966,3(2):246-255
Following on from the first part of this article theory is presented here for the calculation of steady-state stresses resulting from creep in a thick sphere and a long thick cylinder subjected to sustained temperature and pressure loading, as may occur in prestressed concrete reactor pressure vessels.Two numerical examples are included, and for comparison, the stresses as calculated by conventional elastic theory are shown also. These initial stresses resulting from pressure and temperature loading and the steady-state stresses which result from differential creep form upper and lower bounds. Shown also are the important stresses which may result when a structure is cooled after a long period of service.Finally, theory which is applicable to the general three dimensional stress system is postulated. 相似文献