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ABSTRACT: Sardine in oil was canned at 3 different Lethality values (F0 5,7, and 9) in retort pouches and aluminum cans in stationary retort. Process time calculations were done mathematically to find out the actual process time. Sardine in oil processed in retort pouches had a lower process time compared with aluminum cans for each F0 value. Instrumental texture analysis was done using a food texture analyzer to study the effect of thermal processing on the texture of thermally processed sardine in oil in aluminum cans and retort pouches. As the F0 value and cook value increased in both the retort pouches and aluminum cans, the textural properties showed a decreasing trend. Hardness of the product canned in both aluminum cans and retort pouches decreased with increase in F0 values.  相似文献   

研究了蒸煮袋材料透氧性对其真空包装水煮笋品质劣变的影响。采用3种不同透氧量的耐高温蒸煮复合薄膜PA/PE、KPA/PE和PA/PET/SiOx/PE对水煮笋进行真空包装,基于33℃恒温加速试验测定分析不同包装材料内的水煮笋感官与营养品质的劣变规律,以水煮笋色泽、硬度、可溶性蛋白质、游离氨基酸、还原糖和维生素C作为关键质量指标,比较各自的品质劣变速度。结果表明,蒸煮袋材料的氧气透过量对水煮笋各指标劣变程度影响显著(P<0.05),笋的品质劣变速度随材料透氧量的增加而提高,其中,透氧量最小的材料PA/PET/SiOx/PE对产品品质的维持效果最佳。  相似文献   

研究真空解冻条件对大目金枪鱼块品质的影响,选择70、50、30、10kPa四种不同的真空度对大目金枪鱼进行解冻,通过测定金枪鱼块解冻后48h内的理化指标,确定金枪鱼块真空解冻的一般规律。实验结果表明,真空解冻能提高解冻速率,减少解冻时间,重约100g,厚5cm的金枪鱼块在10kPa,20℃下解冻,中心温度由-40℃上升到-5℃需1750s,仅为自然空气解冻时间的一半左右;解冻后的鱼肉在贮藏期间能较好保持持水力,减少鱼肉蛋白的变性和质地的损坏,各方面品质均优于传统的自然空气解冻;真空度越大,解冻效果越好,10kPa真空解冻后的金枪鱼在0℃贮存48h后,盐溶蛋白、巯基、持水力分别为26.81mg/g、4.52×10-4mol·g-1、60.91%,硬度为142.83g,弹性为0.7769,咀嚼性为74.86,均优于其他实验组。   相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of pressure-assisted thermal processing (PATP) in preserving the texture, color, and carotene content of carrot cylinders in the pressure range of 500 to 700 MPa and the temperature range of 95 to 121 °C. The effectiveness of PATP was compared with that of conventional thermal processing (TP) by matching carrot preprocess temperature history. Results indicated that under comparable process temperatures (up to 105 °C), PATP retained the carrot quality attributes such as color and carotene content better than TP. However, process and preprocess thermal history at 121 °C greatly influenced carrot textural change and pressure protective effects were less pronounced. This study demonstrated that PATP has the potential to produce low-acid foods with a relatively better quality than TP.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the effect of three different retort motions on the rate of heat penetration in pouches. Pouches were processed in a water spray batch retort system using static, oscillating continuously at a speed of 10.5 rotations per minute (RPM) with an angle of 15 degrees, and oscillating at 10.5 rpm at a 15 degree angle with a 15‐s hold. There was no difference in the rate of between static and oscillating processes (p > .05). There was a difference in the between static and oscillating with a hold processes (p < .05). At a 90% confidence interval, there was also a difference between the rate of heat penetration between the oscillating and oscillating with a hold processes (p > .05, p = .056). The location of the pouches on the retort rack did not influence the rate of heat penetration within the three methods or between the three methods (p > .05).

Practical applications

Despite novel technological developments for creating sterile shelf stable products, thermal processing is still the most reliable method. Creating innovation within thermal processing by using different methods of motion to create faster heating profiles can improve the quality of products. This research can be used for optimizing retort processes for food products in pouches. Processing with motion has been seen to reduce the processing time which can increase nutrient retention, reduce thermal abuse, and ultimately save money and increase production. Retort food manufacturers can use oscillating and hold motion to make higher quality products in less time than static motion.  相似文献   

为研究不同比例的稻米油取代黄油对涂抹再制干酪品质的影响。测定稻米油各取代比例的再制干酪的pH、硬度、可涂抹性及感官品质,并进行比较分析。结果表明,不同稻米油添加量样品pH均在正常范围,样品硬度与可涂抹性随稻米油添加量增大而减小。切达干酪味及奶香味感官评分于稻米油添加量75%时最小,不同添加量稻米油样品感官总评分无显著性差异(P0.05)。稻米油替代黄油作为涂抹再制干酪的原料油脂具有可行性。  相似文献   

Youngjae Byun 《LWT》2010,43(3):551-555
The effect of thin metal oxide coated barrier materials on the quality of shelf stable salmon was investigated. Four different retort pouch structures were used: Cast polypropylene (CPP); polyethylene terephthalate (PET)/silicon oxide-coated nylon/CPP (SIOX); Aluminum oxide-coated PET/nylon/CPP (ALOX); PET/aluminum foil/CPP (FOIL). To determine the amount of lipid oxidation in the salmon, thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) was measured. Salmon packaged in SIOX pouches had higher TBARS value, 43.53 mili-extinction/g, than salmon packaged in FOIL pouches, 37.06 mili-extinction/g, after 8 weeks of storage. A multiple comparisons test was used to evaluate the sensory characteristics of the salmon. Salmon packaged in SIOX pouches had less acceptability, 4.11, than salmon packaged in FOIL pouches, 5.44, after week 8. Conversely, salmon packaged in ALOX pouches had similar sensory and TBARS value with salmon packaged in FOIL pouches. The barrier properties of each pouch material were also investigated. Oxygen permeability (OP, g μm/m2 day kPa) of SIOX increased from 0.88 to 10.55 after retort processing. SIOX had an OP of 10.94 at week 8 while ALOX and FOIL had 0.51 and 0.47 of OP, respectively. Overall, shelf stable salmon packaged in ALOX had a shelf life comparable to salmon packaged in a traditional FOIL pouch material, while salmon packaged in SIOX had a significantly lower shelf life then either ALOX or FOIL.  相似文献   

为了改善素肉饼的质构特性,本研究以大豆分离蛋白和谷朊粉为主要原料,调节不同的螺杆转速,经双螺杆挤压机混合高湿挤压、拆丝混料、调味、煎烤等过程制备植物蛋白基素肉饼,分析不同螺杆转速条件下素肉饼的质构特性、微观结构、二级结构、热转变特性和表面疏水性。结果表明,感官评定人员认为螺杆转速为280r/min的条件制备的素肉饼整体可接受程度最大,硬度为1413.33g,咀嚼性为12.95mJ;从结构特性来看,氢键发生断裂,表面疏水作用增强,素肉饼从有序结构向无序结构发生转变,此条件下素肉饼的纤维结构最为明显。  相似文献   

研究了不同压力(0.1~600MPa)和温度(20~60℃)对黑猪肉品质的影响。研究结果表明:不同的压力和温度处理对肉的品质影响显著。室温下对猪肉进行不同压力处理,随着的压力的升高,肉的色泽逐渐变得跟蒸煮肉的色泽相似,L*值升高,a*值降低,肉的硬度和咀嚼性逐渐升高,但硫代巴比妥酸(TBA)值也随着压力的升高而增加;40℃下的压力处理,肉的硬度,咀嚼性及L*值的变化与室温的变化是相似的;60℃下高压处理,硬度和咀嚼性在200MPa下出现下降,L*值和a*值变化不大。相似,TBA值随着温度和压力的升高而增加。   相似文献   

Currently, the sterility of heat‐processed food and pharmaceuticals is assessed in terms of an F0 value, based on the equivalence of the heat treatment to an isothermal process at a reference temperature. This F0 value, however, has a meaning if, and only if, the inactivation kinetics of the targeted spores (or cells) follow a first‐order relationship and the temperature dependence of the D value, the reciprocal of the rate constant, is log‐linear. There is growing evidence that these conditions are not satisfied by many spores, including those of Clostridium botulinum and vegetative cells. Consequently, a replacement for the F0 value is proposed in the form of a momentary equivalent time at the reference temperature based on the actual survival pattern of the spores, which need not be log‐linear. This equivalent time can be calculated together with the theoretical survival ratio in real time, thus enabling an operator to monitor the lethality of ongoing industrial heat processes. The concept is demonstrated with published survival data of C. botulinum, for which the Weibullian and log‐logistic models served as primary and secondary models, respectively. The safety factor according to the proposed method is in the number of added minutes of processing, beyond the theoretical time needed to reduce the survival ratio of the targeted spores or cells to a level that would produce practical (or commercial) sterility. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

选取3种中式炒锅,以猪里脊肉为烹饪原料,在不同预热油温及搅拌频率下,测定分析炒锅的热阻系数对油炒猪里脊肉的成熟时间和开始焦糊时间的影响,获得炒锅传热特性与中式烹饪操作控制之间的规律,建立一种中式炒锅性能评价的方法。结果表明,猪里脊肉油炒至成熟和焦糊时颜色、水分含量、剪切力变化明显,颜色可作为烹饪成熟终点和焦糊开始的直观判断指标;使用热阻系数大的炒锅进行烹饪时,猪里脊肉成熟时间、开始焦糊时间及间隔时间长,烹饪操作相对容易控制;而热阻系数小的炒锅,保持较高的搅拌频率或较低的预热油温有利于烹饪过程的控制。  相似文献   

工艺参数对再制干酪的质构和流变性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用质构仪和流变仪对影响再制干酪品质的多个因素进行了研究。结果表明,水分影响再制干酪的质构和流变性质:乳化盐对再制干酪产品的质构没有显著的影响;不同的温度和不同的搅拌时间对样品的质构有着相似的变化;在所有加工条件下.再制干酪的G′始终大于G″,G′和G″没有交叉点,而且复合黏度η^*随着频率的增加而急剧降低,体系表现出了弱凝胶的特性。  相似文献   

添加大豆蛋白可降低涂抹型再制干酪的成本,但也会对再制干酪的质构产生一定的影响。设计4因素3水平正交实验.应用TA—XT2i型物性分析仪考察添加了大豆蛋白后的再制干酪产品的质构变化,使用Statistix 8.0统计分析软件对实验结果进行统计分析并作出比较和对正交试验作极差分析。结果表明,4个因素在水平不同的9组正交实验的结果的差异性显著(p〈0.05),在极差分析中,4个因素对硬度的影响排序为D〉C〉A〉B;4个因素对剪切功的影响排序为D〉A〉B〉C;4个因素对粘着性的影响排序为A〉B〉D〉C;4个因素对感官评价的影响排序为A〉D〉C〉B。最后重做不同的最优组并再次测定各项指标,得到最好的组合为大豆蛋白添加量6%.黄油添加量10%,乳化盐添加量1、5%,加水量50%(均为质量分数,下同)。  相似文献   

不同解冻方式对金枪鱼色泽的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金枪鱼肉质柔嫩鲜美,营养丰富,多以生鱼片方式食用,其肉质的品质尤其是色泽与解冻方式有着密切关系。通过对几种不同解冻方式的研究比较,测定色差值、高铁肌红蛋白含量、细菌总数3项理化指标,结合鱼肉色泽的感官评价,获得较适合的解冻方法。结果显示,温度梯度解冻-55℃→-25℃下解冻1h后进行加工色泽最好,但不适宜于生产。相比之下,带包装的10℃下的水浴解冻更适于工厂生产需要,且各项指标变化情况也满足金枪鱼生鱼片的加工要求。  相似文献   

应用六种不同化学成分的干酪样品研究化学成分对再制干酪结构性质的影响。通过TPA实验分析硬度、脆性、粘性、弹性、胶粘性、耐咀性、回复性等质构特性参数,并根据多元回归分析法建立干酪化学组分和粘弹性之间的关系的预测模型。结果表明,水作为增塑剂,脂肪作为润滑剂,均增加了干酪的液体性质。相反,蛋白质使干酪的三维结构更加牢固,从而使干酪更多的表现出固体性质。  相似文献   

刘静波  赵法利  刘瑜  林松毅 《食品科学》2006,27(11):192-194
以水解度(DH)作为实验的主要衡量指标,通过pH-stat法对pH值、水解温度、水解时间、[E]/[S]等实验条件的考察,确定出最佳水解条件为:pH7.5、水解温度为60℃、[E]/[S]为3.3%、水解时间为5h。高F值化处理过程中,以OD220/OD280为实验的主要衡量指标,通过紫外分光光度法对搅拌温度、搅拌时间、pH值、炭液比进行考察,确定其最优条件为:炭液比1:10、pH值为7、搅拌时间3h、搅拌温度50℃。  相似文献   

本文提出采用耐蒸煮铝塑复合薄膜袋新型包装材料,高酸(PH<3.7)低糖(12~16%)液体保护的配方,真空包装,最低热杀菌,常压快速冷却等工艺,生产软包装水果罐头。对主要配方的构成与工艺参数如杀菌公式、封口真空度、糖液含量等进行了单因素、多因素二次旋转组合设计试验,通过电子计算机综合分析、模拟,建立数学模型,确定最佳工艺参数。  相似文献   

不同加工条件对即食泥鳅质构特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对即食泥鳅加工过程中腌制、油炸、灭菌的不同加工条件对产品质构特性的影响进行研究,并通过正交优化试验得到最优工艺条件,即加盐量3%、腌制时间2 h、油炸温度170℃、油炸时间6 min、灭菌温度121℃、灭菌时间30 min,此条件下加工出来的即食泥鳅口感最佳。  相似文献   

以黄鳍金枪鱼鱼皮为研究对象,采用热泵干燥技术,分别研究了热泵干燥温度和鱼皮干燥终点含水率对鱼皮复水率、胶原蛋白、蛋白质稳定性、脂肪氧化、色泽的影响。结果表明,热泵干燥温度为55℃,鱼皮干燥终点含水率为10%时,其色差变化、脂肪氧化程度最小,胶原蛋白含量与干燥前鱼皮最为接近,蛋白质热稳定性较好。   相似文献   

In this study, the effect of different vegetables baby corn, green pea, broccoli as filling ingredients along with yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) on the heat penetration characteristics and quality changes were assessed. Heating and cooling lag factors (Jh and Jc) were least for tuna with broccoli and tuna without vegetables, respectively. Heating rate index was in the range of 13.5–19.3 min with least value for tuna with broccoli. Heat processing increased the hardness and chewiness of tuna significantly (< 0.05), whereas cohesiveness decreased. Thermal processing resulted in higher L*and hue (h) value for tuna. Substantial decrease in a* value was observed for tuna with broccoli and peas where as b* value showed an increase for tuna with baby corn. Tuna packed with green pea and baby corn was rated better sensorily, whereas tuna with broccoli was rated least.  相似文献   

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