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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the diagnostic value of p53 protein and DNA analysis in the study of serous effusions. STUDY DESIGN: A total of 76 samples of serous effusions were studied by immunohistochemistry for p53 protein and flow cytometric (FCM) DNA analysis. The results were correlated with final cytologic diagnoses, which were confirmed by immunohistochemistry using antibodies against cytokeratin, carcinoembryonic antigen, epithelial membrane antigen and fibronectin. RESULTS: Final cytologic diagnoses included 28 malignant effusions and 48 benign effusions. No expression of p53 protein was seen in benign effusions. In contrast, p53 protein expression was seen in 19/28 (sensitivity 68%) malignant effusions. FCM detected aneuploid cells in 12/28 (43% sensitivity) of malignant and 0/46 of benign effusions. Immunohistochemical determination of p53 protein combined with FCM DNA analysis increased sensitivity to 79%. CONCLUSION: Immunohistochemical determination of p53 protein and FCM DNA analysis can aid in making an accurate and specific diagnosis of serous effusions, but the principal limitation of these tests is their relatively low sensitivity.  相似文献   

Environmentally sensitive molecules have many potential cellular applications. We have investigated the utility of a pH sensitive ligand for the formyl peptide receptor, CHO-Met-Leu-Phe-Phe-Lys (SNAFL)-OH (SNAFL-seminaphtho-fluorescein), because in previous studies (Fay et al.: Biochemistry 30:5066-5075, 1991) protonation has been used to explain the quenching when the fluoresceinated formyl pentapeptide ligand binds to this receptor. Moreover, acidification in intracellular compartments is a general mechanism occurring in cells during processing of ligand-receptor complexes. Because the protonated form of SNAFL is excited at 488 nm with emission at 530 nm and the unprotonated form is excited at 568 nm with emission at 650 nm, the ratio of protonated and unprotonated forms can be examined by multiparameter flow cytometry. We found that the receptor-bound ligand is sensitive to both the extracellular and intracellular pH. There is a small increase in the pKa of the ligand upon binding to the receptor consistent with protonation in the binding pocket. Once internalized, spectral changes in the probe consistent with acidification and ligand dissociation from the receptor are observed.  相似文献   

DNA ploidy of 100 early gastric carcinomas (T1) was analysed by flow cytometry on archival material from five European centres and was correlated to morphological features and clinical behaviour. Tumours were classified according to the macroscopic appearance, histological type, and growth pattern. Aneuploidy was observed in 39% of tumours. Aneuploidy was more frequent in submucosal than in mucosal tumours (p = 0.04), in raised than in flat or ulcerated lesions (p = 0.001), and in the intestinal histological than in the diffuse types (p = 0.016). The presence of lymph node metastasis in 10 cases had no obvious relation to DNA ploidy. Five related deaths occurred during the follow up (6 months--16 years) of 84 patients. These results are similar to those reported in a large Japanese series suggesting no major differences between the two populations. Although follow up data were insufficient to relate DNA ploidy to tumour behaviour in this study, the Japanese experience shows that particular attention should be paid to early direction and complete surgical excision of raised intestinal type T1 carcinomas that have a Pen A growth pattern and are aneuploid.  相似文献   

Although false DNA aneuploid peaks have previously been described in normal tissue, criteria for distinguishing them from 'true' near-diploid peaks have not been established. Normal thyroid (n = 4) and kidney (n = 1) tissue were allowed to autolyze over a fixed period of time and DNA content was analyzed by flow cytometry (FCM). Autolysis was associated with the development of distinct separate G0/G1 peaks which had low DNA indices (1.09-1.18) and showed decreased forward light scatter (FSC) when compared to fresh tissue. Using DNA content and FSC measurements similar false DNA aneuploid peaks were identified in 29/94 surgical specimens. These cases included both benign and malignant lesions from thyroid (n = 63) with the remaining 31 neoplastic cases being from breast (16), lymphoma (8), sarcoma (4), lung (2) and uterine (1) tissue. In addition, false DNA multiploidy was identified. None of these cases showed histological evidence of necrosis. In a parallel comparison study using image cytometry (ICM) on the thyroid nodules, the presence of false DNA aneuploidy was supported. Investigators should routinely employ quality control criteria to identify possible cases of false DNA aneuploidy when measuring DNA content using FCM.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a prevalent malignant tumor among Southern Chinese. Previously, the authors described the prognostic significance of a serum antibody assay to a recombinant Epstein-Barr virus Bam HI-Z replication activator protein (ZEBRA) in NPC patients with long term follow-up. In this study, the authors further reported the use of DNA flow cytometry (DNA-FCM) as an additional technique for determining the prognosis of NPC patients in the same series. METHODS: One hundred and forty-three archival biopsies from 110 NPC patients were deparaffinized and subjected to DNA-FCM analysis. DNA ploidy state and various proliferative indices (PI) of the tumors were correlated with patient survival and frequency of recurrence. RESULTS: Among the biopsies analyzed, 119 were histologically positive NPC and 24 were negative. Fifty-one tumor biopsies that fulfilled the guideline criteria of the DNA Cytometry Consensus Conference were correlated with the clinical manifestations of the patients. Among them, 43 tumors (84%) were DNA diploid and 8 (16%) were aneuploid. Two PI, S-phase fraction (SPF) and proliferation fraction (PF), appear to be potentially useful prognostic indicators. For example, PF in patients who developed locoregional recurrence (15.1%) and distant recurrence (16.4%) after radiation therapy both were significantly higher than PF in patients who were in complete remission (8.2%) (P = 0.0005 and P = 0.004, respectively). Significant differences in SPF between patients with distant recurrence (10.6%) and those in remission (5.7%) also was found (P = 0.005). Using Kaplan-Meier analysis, patients with high PF, high SPF, and aneuploid tumors had significantly poorer 12-year survival rates (35%, 26%, and 28%, respectively) than those patients with low PF, low SPF, and diploid tumors (77%, 67%, and 59%, respectively) (P < 0.0009, P < 0.004, and P < 0.01, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Determination of tumor PI and DNA ploidy state by DNA-FCM at diagnosis of NPC can be potentially useful in selecting a poor prognostic subgroup of NPC patients. These parameters may enable oncologists to plan for more stringent treatment strategies such as hyperfractionated and accelerated radiation therapy or concomitant chemoradiotherapy for these patients.  相似文献   

Fresh surgical specimens of tumors from 60 patients with previously untreated non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) who underwent radical surgery between January 1991 and October 1992 were investigated by means of flow-cytometry. The nuclear DNA measurement was carried out using a Facscan (Becton, Dickinson, USA). Analysis of the DNA content was performed in all 60 patients whilst cell cycle analysis was possible in 41 cases (68.3%). Forty-two of the 60 cases (70%) were aneuploid and 18 (30%) were diploid. The overall mean value of DNA index was 1.5. Diploid NSCLC were compared with aneuploid tumors: no significant differences in age distribution, sex ratio, histology and staging were found between the two groups (P > 0.05). An S-phase proportion of more than 10% was found in 30 out of 41 patients (73.2%). Early cancer deaths were reported in four patients (6.6%): the aneuploidy rate was very close in these patients (75%) and in the remaining surviving patients (69.6%). An S-phase proportion of more than 10% was found in 100% of early cancer deaths and in 70.2% of the remaining cases; such a difference seems of some importance although it was not statistically significant (P = 0.071). In conclusion, flow-cytometry studies seem to be a useful tool in the understanding of the biological behavior of patients with NSCLC. In the present prospective report there were no significant correlations between DNA measurements and clinical outcome, however, these results suggest that a high S-phase proportion should be seen as a possible prognostic indicator.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The interaction between drugs (tolbutamide (1), 1-butyl-3-(methylsulfonyl)urea (2)) and human serum albumin (3) was investigated by equilibrium dialysis and NMR spectroscopy. The binding of 1 and 2 to 3 was concluded to be hydrophobic and hydrophilic, respectively, on the basis of the dependence of the binding constants on temperature, ionic strength, and chain length of fatty acid added. In 1H-NMR spectra of 1, there were no significant shifts with change in concentration or addition of 3. The spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) and spin-spin relaxation rate (1/T2) of the respective protons of 1 were independent of concentration, but depended on the concentration of 3 added. The binding position was determined from the ratio of 1/T2 of 1 bound to 3 and free 1. 1 and 2 were found to bind to 3 through the tolyl group and sulfonylurea group, respectively. The binding property of 1 was considered to be governed by the competition between the hydrophobic effect of the tolyl group and the hydrophilic effect of the sulfonylurea group in the molecule.  相似文献   

We investigated 230 systematically sampled fresh specimens from 12 early and 26 advanced gastric cancer patients by DNA flow cytometry for heterogeneity in DNA content. Fifty-eight percent of the 12 early gastric cancers were uniformly diploid and 42% were uniformly aneuploid. Fifty-four percent of advanced cancers were uniformly diploid in superficial layers and 42% were uniformly diploid in deep layers, whereas 46% were uniformly aneuploid in superficial layers, and 50% were uniformly aneuploid and 8% were heterogeneously aneuploid and diploid in deep layers. Both diploid and aneuploid samples were obtained from 15% for advanced cancers, but ploidy heterogeneity did not occur in early cancers. Heterogeneity for DNA index (more than one aneuploid DNA index) occurred in 46% of whole thickness of advanced cancers, in 19% of superficial layers of advanced cancers, and in 8% of early cancers. We concluded that DNA ploidy determination using superficial layer specimens may be reliable in early gastric cancer but must be interpreted with care in advanced cancer.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of the AutoPap System in detecting abnormal and normal cervical smears when used in a primary screening/quality control mode, as compared with currently established laboratory practices. STUDY DESIGN: Slides were obtained prospectively and were initially processed in the routine fashion with cytotechnologist screening followed by 10% random quality control rescreening. Slides were then processed on the AutoPap System and allocated into the following groups: (1) approximately 25% of the lowest-ranking slides were placed in the laboratory's archives as within normal limits; (2) the remaining approximately 75% of slides were subjected to manual screening. Approximately 15% of the highest-ranking slides in this group underwent quality control rescreening. For each slide needing manual screening, the cytotechnologist was supplied with a report giving the ranking score of that slide. All discrepant slides for either adequacy or diagnosis were subjected to a truth-determination process. The results obtained from the two arms of the protocol were then compared. RESULTS: The AutoPap System-assisted arm of the study was superior to the current practice arm for the identification of abnormal slides at the level of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance and above (ASCUS+), low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) and higher LSIL+. AutoPap System-assisted practice was equivalent to current practice for the identification of unsatisfactory and satisfactory but limited by slides. All results showed statistical significance. In addition, AutoPap System-assisted practice in the study indicated improved specificity of diagnosis. CONCLUSION: AutoPap System-assisted practice shows superior sensitivity and specificity when compared to current practice. Its clinical use as a primary screening device should improve the overall practice of cervical cytology as well as provide potential enhancement in overall laboratory productivity.  相似文献   

An immunohistochemical and flow cytometric DNA study of two cases of metastasizing placental site trophoblastic tumor are presented. One patient aged 29 died rapidly of widespread metastases despite hysterectomy and multiagent chemotherapy. The patient had a low level of serum HCG. The course was complicated by the presence of a nephrotic syndrome. The other patient aged 34 had a vaginal metastasis and high levels of serum HCG, and was alive without disease for 9 years after hysterectomy and chemotherapy. Histologically, these tumors were characterized by a monomorphic trophoblastic cell population, probably derived from intermediate trophoblast in the placental site. The mitotic rate in these tumors was 2-4/10 high-power fields. Immunohistochemically, many tumor cells contained human placental lactogen and placental alkaline phosphatase. Beta-unit chorionic gonadotropin was present in many cells of the second patient, and only focally in the first. All specimens including the curettaged and metastatic lesions revealed a diploid DNA content in both cases. Neither DNA ploidy nor S-phase fraction was associated with survival of patient. Since predicting the biologic behavior of placental site trophoblastic tumor is very difficult, making a correct diagnosis on endometrial curettings, hysterectomy, and monitoring serum HCG level is essential in patients with this tumor.  相似文献   

A DNA flow cytometric study was performed on 64 thymic epithelial tumors using the modified Hedley method with formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues to evaluate whether ploidy analysis can be a useful aid in differentiating invasive thymoma (IT) from non-invasive thymoma (NT) and in understanding the ploidy pattern of various histologic types of thymic carcinomas (TCs). The IT group was further subdivided into macroinvasive thymoma (macro-IT) and microinvasive thymoma (micro-IT). Six cases were excluded due to a coefficient of variation greater than 6. Aneuploidy with a DNA index greater than 1.05 was found in every group: two of 16 NTs, two of nine micro-ITs, 11 of 13 macro-ITs, and 12 of 20 TCs were aneuploid. However, the proportions of aneuploidy of macro-IT and TC were statistically significantly higher than those of NT and micro-IT (P < .001). Similarly, the DNA indexes of macro-IT and TC were significantly higher than those of NT and micro-IT (P < .004). Therefore, micro-ITs were cytometrically similar to NTs and could be grouped with the NTs. Although ploidy analysis cannot predict whether an individual thymoma is invasive, aneuploidy and a high DNA index would favor a macro-IT, which also has a significantly higher S-phase fraction. Thymic carcinoma and IT cannot be differentiated by DNA flow cytometry. No definite ploidy pattern was observed for various histologic types of TC, but transition from diploid to aneuploid was demonstrated in thymomas undergoing malignant transformation into TC.  相似文献   

In 133 cases of patients with renal cell carcinoma which infiltrated locally into the renal fatty tissue (stage pT3a, TNM classification of 1987), the prognostic potential of the following parameters was investigated: symptoms, patient's age at the time of operation, tumor size and localization, grade of malignancy, cell type, growth pattern, and prognostic score according to St?rkel et al. [Eur Urol 1990;18(suppl 2):36]. Additionally, automated image analysis DNA cytometry was performed on 110/133 carcinomas. After an average observation period of 3.6 years (maximum 10.1 years), 59 (44.4%) of the patients died of their tumors. The cause-specific 5- and 10-year survival rates were 51.3 and 29.1%, respectively. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) within the individual parameters were found only for the grade of malignancy and the corresponding prognostic score. Using DNA cytometry, 13 types of renal cell carcinoma were differentiated; 90% of the tumors contained aneuploid cells. Significant differences between these relative to prognosis did not exist. In the case of locally advanced renal cell carcinoma, the DNA histogram does not seem to be superior to conventional prognostic criteria.  相似文献   

Intratumoral heterogeneity of DNA ploidy has been identified in breast carcinomas; however, optimal sampling methods have not been determined. In this study of 28 invasive breast carcinomas measuring more than 1.4 cm in greatest dimension, two different techniques for obtaining cells for flow cytometric DNA ploidy analysis were compared. Two solid pieces of tissue were taken from opposite halves of the tumor. A third sample was obtained by scraping multiple cut surfaces of the tumor. Heterogeneity of DNA ploidy was detected in 43% of cases. Most cases demonstrating heterogeneity contained multiple aneuploid populations. However, in five cases classification of the tumors as either DNA euploid or DNA aneuploid differed among samples. A total of 39 non-diploid populations were detected in 23 of the cases. Thirty-three (85%) were detected by scraping and 35 (90%) were detected in either one or both tissue pieces. Intratumoral DNA heterogeneity emphasizes the need for adequate sampling. The scraping technique was as effective in identifying aneuploid cell populations as the combined results of the two pieces of tissue and better than sampling a single piece of tissue. Scraping also offers the advantage of tissue conservation which may be critical when various analytic studies are performed.  相似文献   

Modulation of cellular thiols is an effective therapeutic strategy, particularly in the treatment of AIDS. Lipoic acid, a metabolic antioxidant, functions as a redox modulator and has proven clinically beneficial effects. It is also used as a dietary supplement. We utilized the specific capabilities of N-ethylmaleimide to block total cellular thiols, phenylarsine oxide to block vicinal dithiols, and buthionine sulfoximine to deplete cellular GSH to flow cytometrically investigate how these thiol pools are influenced by exogenous lipoate treatment. Low concentrations of lipoate and its analogue lipoamide increased Jurkat cell GSH in a dose-dependent manner between 10 (25 microM for lipoamide) to 100 microM. This was also observed in mitogenically stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). Studies with Jurkat cells and its Wurzburg subclone showed that lipoate dependent increase in cellular GSH was similar in CD4+ and - cells. Chronic (16 week) exposure of cells to lipoate resulted in further increase of total cellular thiols, vicinal dithiols, and GSH. High concentration (2 and 5 mM) of lipoate exhibited cell shrinkage, thiol depletion, and DNA fragmentation effects. Based on similar effects of octanoic acid, the cytotoxic effects of lipoate at high concentration could be attributed to its fatty acid structure. In certain diseases such as AIDS and cancer, elevated plasma glutamate lowers cellular GSH by inhibiting cystine uptake. Low concentrations of lipoate and lipoamide were able to bypass the adverse effect of elevated extracellular glutamate. A heterogeneity in the thiol status of PBL was observed. Lipoate, lipoamide, or N-acetylcysteine corrected the deficient thiol status of cell subpopulations. Hence, the favorable effects of low concentrations of lipoate treatment appears clinically relevant.  相似文献   

Intrapleural administration of fibrinolytics has been shown in small numbers of patients with complicated parapneumonic effusions (CPE) and pleural empyema to be effective and relatively safe. Although streptokinase (SK) is recommended as the fibrinolytic of choice, there are no comparative studies among fibrinolytics. We therefore compared the efficacy, safety, and the cost of treatment two of the most used thrombolytics, SK and urokinase (UK). Fifty consecutive patients with CPE or empyema were randomly allocated to receive either SK (25 patients) or UK, in a double-blind fashion. All patients had inadequate drainage through chest tube (< 70 ml/24 h). Both drugs were diluted in 100 ml normal saline and were infused intrapleurally through the chest tube in a daily dose of 250,000 IU of SK or 100,000 IU of UK. The chest tube was clamped for 3 h after instillation. Response was assessed by clinical outcome, fluid drainage, chest radiography, pleural ultrasound, and/or computed tomography. Clinical and radiologic improvement was noted in all but two patients in each group, who required surgical intervention. The mean volume drained during the first 24 h after instillation was significantly increased; 380 +/- 99 ml for the SK group (p < 0.001) and 420.8 +/- 110 ml for the UK group (p < 0.001). The total volume (mean +/- SD) of fluid drained after treatment was 1,596 +/- 68 ml for the SK group, and 1,510 +/- 55 ml for the UK group (p > 0.05). The SK instillations (mean +/- SD) were 6 +/- 2.16 (range, 3 to 10) and those of UK 5.92 +/- 2.05 (range, 3 to 8). High fever as adverse reaction to SK was observed in two patients. The total cost of the drug in the UK group was two times higher than that of SK ($180 +/- 47 for SK and $320 +/- 123 for UK). The mean total hospital stay after beginning fibrinolytic therapy was 11.28 +/- 2.44 d (range, 7 to 15) for the SK group and 10.48 +/- 2.53 d (range, 6 to 18) for the UK group (p = 0.32). We conclude that intrapleural SK or UK is an effective adjunct in the management of parapneumonic effusions and may reduce the need for surgery. UK could be the thrombolytic of choice given the potentially dangerous allergic reactions to SK and relatively little higher cost of UK.  相似文献   

Genetic damages are frequently found in both tumor and normal cells at carcinogen exposed areas in the patients with upper aerodigestive tract cancer. These phenomena are explained by the multistage process and/or field cancerization theories. The c-erbB-2 proto-oncogene has been amplified in many human tumors including breast, stomach, kidney and lung cancers. To study the possible evidence of multistage process and/or field cancerization in the development of gastric adenocarcinoma, the amplification statuses of c-erbB-2 proto-oncogene using the Southern hybridization technique were evaluated at the 45 gastric adenocarcinoma specimen sets consisting of tumor tissue, adjacent normal tissue (within 2 cm of the primary tumor), metastatic tissue and normal stomach tissue (at least 5 cm away from primary tumor). As a result, c-erbB-2 proto-oncogene at 2 specimen sets (4.4%) was amplified 2- to 4-fold to normal control status. In these 2 cases, c-erbB-2 proto-oncogene at histologically normal tissue adjacent to tumor tissue was amplified. And, the metastatic tissue of 1 case also exhibited c-erbB-2 proto-oncogene amplification of which the degree was less than that of tumor tissue. From these results, we were able to suspect that c-erbB-2 proto-oncogene amplification in the normal tissue adjacent to tumor tissue could be a biomarker of premalignant changes in a small proportion of gastric adenocarcinoma patients. And, this result might suggest the possible role of multistage process and/or field cancerization in the development of gastric adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

Spindle cell carcinoma (SpCC) is uncommon, with a predilection for the upper aerodigestive tract. Its histogenesis has not been resolved, although most authors support the sarcomatoid carcinoma concept. Ploidy analysis and proliferation indices have not been reported for laryngeal SpCCs. The authors examined the pathological and clinical features of 26 patients (25 men, 1 woman; mean age, 64 years) with laryngeal SpCC treated at the Mayo Clinic from 1960 to 1990. Twenty-three tumors were examined with digital image analysis for DNA content of the spindle cell population (13 tumors had a sufficient squamous component to be analyzed separately). The glottis was involved most frequently (19 patients); 21 tumors were grossly polypoid. Twenty-three tumors were biphasic, and three were monophasic. Overall, 17 tumors (65%) showed keratin positivity in the spindle cell component. Polyclonal antikeratin (15 positive cases), 34betaE12 (15 positive), and AE1/AE3 (12 positive) were the most sensitive markers. Spindle cells were diploid in 5 tumors (22%) and nondiploid in 18 (78%); conventional squamous cell carcinoma was diploid in 4 cases and nondiploid in 9. DNA ploidy results were concordant between the two populations in 11 of 13 tumors (85%). Mean percent MIB-1 staining was 31% in the sarcomatoid component and 45% in the squamous component. In our primary treatment group of 22 patients (median follow-up, 6.4 years), 4 (18%) had local recurrence, 3 (14%) had distant metastasis, and 4 (18%) died of disease. Presence of a nondiploid spindle cell population in 78% of cases of laryngeal SpCC is interpreted as evidence of a neoplastic rather than reactive process. Keratin positivity in nearly two thirds of tumors supports the theory of epithelial origin of these tumors (sarcomatoid carcinoma).  相似文献   

In order to assess the nephrotoxic potential of antibiotics, various aminoglycosides and cephalosporins were tested for their potency to alter the excretion of tubular marker proteins (and brush border antigens) or to change the normal pattern of serumproteinuria as analyzed by SDS polyacrylamidgel gradient electrophoresis. After aminoglycosides, especially after gentamicin injection, a cumulative highly significant increase in the urinary output of marker proteins emerged (healthy volunteer model). In contrast, cephalosporins exhibited practically no nephrotoxic effect on proximal tubule cells. Excretion of tubular marker proteins was enhanced under combined administration of cephalosporins and aminoglycosides mainly due to the aminoglycoside component. There was no nephrotoxic synergy of both drugs. Image analysis of rat kidney sections after injection of aminoglycosides revealed that increased shedding of tubular membrane components under the toxic challenge is followed by rapid inductive repair processes (overshoot protein synthesis) of tubular cells. After a limited acute toxic damage tubular cells may recover within one week.  相似文献   

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