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Electronic Mediated Communication (EMC) has become highly prevalent in our daily lives. Many of the communication formats used in EMC are text-based (e.g., instant messaging), and users often include visual paralinguistic cues in their messages. In the current study, we examined the usage of two such cues – emoji and emoticons. Specifically, we compared self-reported frequency of use, as well as attitudes (6 bipolar items, e.g., “fun” vs. “boring”) and motives for their usage (9 motives, e.g., “express how I feel to others”). We also examined these indicators according to age and gender. Overall, participants (N?=?474, 72.6% women; Mage?=?30.71, SD?=?12.58) reported using emoji (vs. emoticons) more often, revealed more positive attitudes toward emoji usage, and identified more with motives to use them. Moreover, all the ratings were higher among younger (vs. older) participants. Results also showed that women reported to use emoji (but not emoticons) more often and expressed more positive attitudes toward their usage than men. However, these gender differences were particularly evident for younger participants. No gender differences were found for emoticons usage. These findings add to the emerging body of literature by showing the relevance of considering age and gender, and their interplay, when examining patterns of emoji and emoticons use.  相似文献   

如今,移动电话已经成了人们日常生活中不可或缺的通信工具之一。在移动电话给人们工作、学习和生活带来诸多便利的同时,移动电话的电磁辐射也带给了人们一些担心。如何安全使用移动电话和正确认识移动电话产生的电磁辐射,对移动电话的用户来说是十分必要的。一、移动电话的电磁辐射怎样对人体构成危害众所周知,移动电话是通过向空间发射电波来进行通信联系的。发话时,移动电话将音频信号转换为高频电信号,经过天线以电磁波的形式发射出去,这时移动电话的天线附近会产生一定的电磁辐射。移动电话工作功率很小,其电磁辐射强度在一定范…  相似文献   

The approach for IC's radiation hardness estimation and fault prediction is presented in this paper. It is based on the implementation of low-energy laboratory simulation sources (laser, X-ray, etc.). The possibility of radiation simulator application is based on similarity of physical processes in semiconductor structures causing IC upsets and failures under the radiation environment and under simulation sources. The analysis of adequacy is performed for total dose effects, single event effects, displacement effects and transient radiation effects. The application of imitators permits to change the expensive and low-productive radiation test installations with much more effective simulation sources, based on the dominant effects equivalence. The designed simulation test methods are proved to be an effective tool to different IC radiation hardness estimation and fault prediction in radiation environment.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of online user-generated satirical content on young people’s political attitudes in the case of the 2012 Chief Executive election in Hong Kong. During the election, the unpopularity of the candidates and several candidate-related scandals led to the proliferation of online user-generated satire. This study asks whether exposure to such content affected young people’s candidate evaluations. More important, it examines whether online satire exposure also influenced attitude toward the electoral system. It is further hypothesized that political knowledge and interpersonal discussion may facilitate processes of elaboration that allow people to develop critiques of the electoral system based on the candidate-centered satire. Analysis of a survey on university students finds that online satire exposure did relate significantly to candidate evaluation, while a positive relationship between online satire exposure and critical attitude toward the electoral system exists among respondents who discussed the election with others. Contrary to expectation, ability to identify individual politicians, a type of political knowledge, undermined the linkage between online satire exposure and critical attitude toward the election.  相似文献   

The present study explores the economic and public policy factors that have contributed South Korea’s global leadership in broadband adoption. In particular, the authors explore the economic and public policy factors shaping telecommunication development in South Korea, employing a conceptual framework that explicates a triangular relationship between the government, service providers, and users.

Data used in the study are based on government statistics, company-published information, and secondary sources. Our analysis suggests that (1) the Korean government’s cyber vision plan has provided an open market that encourages competition, as the dramatic growth of the broadband market in Korea is the culmination of appropriate government policy, growing demand, and fierce market competition based on responsive supply, and (2) operators can benefit from consolidation as well as multiple revenue sources generated by new services in order to remain competitive.  相似文献   

We conducted a research project to determine how various information and communication technologies (icts) are perceived by young people. A major focus of this investigation was the mobile telephone, but we also looked at other personal technology such as email, television, postcards, wristwatches and portable entertainment technologies. We used a technique known as the semantic differential (sd) to collect our data, us college students were solicited for their responses to bipolar adjectives with the aim of gaining insight into their “folk views” of these technologies. For comparison purposes data were also gathered from a sample of South Korean students as well as from students in Namibia and Norway. Although the data are potentially subject to serious questions as to their validity and reliability, they appear to be preliminary evidence suggesting that there is a perhaps surprising convergence in young people’s views towards icts. This convergence may take place widely varying cultural and historical backgrounds of users and potential users.  相似文献   

Traditional consumption theory assumes that the welfare from goods and technologies occurs at the point where they are purchased and hence that what matters from this point of view is the extent of adoption by society. But as Sen (1985) and others have pointed out, account also needs to be taken of the use to which technologies are put. (In the extreme case new technologies may not be used at all.) This paper asks in particular whether use of mobile phones is such as to offset or exacerbate the inequality in the adoption process. From what I can tell, there is some tendency for the former to occur, part of which can be explained but much remains to be understood. The paper uses recent survey data from a large and recent set that includes nationally representative information from 11 African countries.  相似文献   

Quick and successful failure analysis is a key component for in-time realization and ramp-up of new products. The structure of analysis flow from verification of failure to fault identification and corrective actions is presented with the focus on modem techniques in fault localization. For the area of design debug techniques for internal probing and circuit modification by mask less redesign are described, yield learning is demonstrated on the example of SRAM fails and scan shift loss. Finally an assessment of the future of failure analysis in this field is given.  相似文献   

Some of the spin-on interlayer dielectrics (ILD) with dielectric constant k below 2.3, targeted for the 65 nm node and below, are available with their spin-on hard masks (SoHM) to reduce the total effective capacitance and to provide high selectivity to their respective ILDs during integration. In this work, FF-02, JSR’s SoHM is characterised. Its thermal stability, chemical compatibility to stripping solutions and resistance to moisture are investigated. Methods to seal the surface of FF-02 to chemicals are explored. Electrical properties including the dielectric constant, leakage current and breakdown fields are evaluated in planar capacitors and in single damascene structures.  相似文献   

1 理顺体制是有线电视事业建设的前提1.1 理顺隶属关系 ,加强企业领导由于企业党委领导重视和认识程度不同 ,石油企业有线电视在发展过程中曾经走过一段弯路 ,如有的隶属通信部门 ,有的隶属工会组织 ,因此挫伤了部分电视工作者办台的积极性 ,影响了有线电视事业的发展。后来企业党委总结经验教训 ,根据有关文件精神 ,明确规定企业电视台隶属于企业党委直接领导 ,它的具体任务是 :(1)根据企业党政组织的总任务 ,制定具体宣传规划 ,努力做好阶段性的配合宣传。(2 )为保证企业生产经营的顺利实施 ,应开展丰富多彩的报道 ,传递信息 ,发挥引导…  相似文献   

In this paper, a reliability damage mechanism was presented in SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT). This new stress methodology differs from conventional SiGe, HBT device reliability associated with other stresses, since it was obtained by applying electromagnetic near-field aggression. The near-field set-up is used to disturb with electromagnetic field the Device Under test (DUT) on a localized area. Degradations in the base current and the current gain are identified. They are induced by a large base current leakage due to hot carrier which introduces generation/recombination trap centers at the silicon–oxide interface of the emitter–base spacer. By using the S-parameters measurements, we find that both forward transmission scattering parameter (S21) and the input scattering parameter (S11) are affected by this stress. In addition the power characteristics of DUT are also affected by stress. A Direct Power Injection (DPI) method is used to understand the near-field stress behaviour.  相似文献   

In this paper, the solder fatigue model created by Werner Engelmaier is modified so that it takes better into account the different stress levels the solder material experiences. This is accomplished by replacing the fatigue ductility constant by a correction term that is temperature- excursion- range-dependent. In order to obtain the correction term, the effect of the temperature cycling profile on lifetime is studied. The correction term obtained is package type specific. More compliant plastic packages with a small coefficient of expansion mismatch with the organic printed wiring board are handled separately, and stiff ceramic packages assembled on an organic board – resulting in a large CTE mismatch – are considered as another entity.

Correction terms for both lead-free and tin–lead solder materials are given. This is necessary as the creep characteristics of the solders are different. Comparing solder material specific correction terms makes it possible to determine which solder material performs best in a certain environment and a given assembly type. In the case of ceramic packages, the transition where a eutectic tin–lead solder becomes superior to a SnAgCu solder is expected to take place when temperature excursions are smaller than ca. 70 °C. This indicates that although in a highly accelerated stress test, lead-free solders may be inferior compared to tin–lead solders, in the real field environment, the situation may be reversed.  相似文献   

Low frequency noise investigations have been carried out in GaAs based psuedomorphic high electron mobility in order to model the up-converted noise in nonlinear applications of these devices. Gate and channel noises are studied versus frequency and versus device biases. The results are analysed with an equivalent circuit issued from conduction investigations. Correlation between input and output noises is also measured. For VGS<0 V, the main origin of the coherence is located between gate and drain, whereas for VDS>0 V, the access source resistance must be taken into account.  相似文献   

Christopher Walsh , of Newark, N.J., looks at the current state of the longstanding use of manifest disregard as an addition to Federal Arbitration Act standards for challenging awards. He focuses on the recent Second Circuit case of Stolt‐Nielsen v. Animalfeeds.  相似文献   

Many economists, policy-makers, and corporate managers have long believed that the operational performance of private enterprises is much more efficient than that of public utilities. However, some researches on changes in efficiency before and after privatization contradict this. The purpose of this paper is to analyze changes in technical and cost efficiency in Chunghwa Telecom Company (CHT) before and after partial privatization.The input-orientation Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Cost-DEA were the research tools used in this study, and the findings showed that the technical efficiency, allocation efficiency, and cost efficiency become worse after partial privatization. Additionally, we found that CHT cannot achieve any significant improvement in cost management under its partial privatization environment. CHT is still restricted by government policies and regulations, thus undermining its ability to achieve any significant improvement in its cost management. In order to improve efficiency for CHT, the government needs to eliminate some regulations and relax its control over CHT, thus creating a completely privatized environment.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the study of electromagnetic compatibility prediction of integrated circuits in order to improve their reliability. The study takes place in the context of embedded electronic circuit where the proximity of the analog and digital parts increases. The case of microcontroller is considered and more particularly the susceptibility of the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) device. The use of the new immunity approach (ICIM-CI model) is proposed to achieve the susceptibility modelling of the ADC. The model is built step by step (functional and coupling path models). Then, it is possible to estimate the effect of disturbances on the sensitive nodes. Finally the aim of EMC circuit compliance is enhanced.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an experimental study of the gate damage exhibited by commercial n-channel power MOSFETs during ion exposure. The investigation has been performed in different bias conditions showing a strongly non linear relationship between the bias voltages at which the gate damage occurred. In addition, the gate damage observed at VGS = 0V is quite dissimilar from what observed at negative gate-source voltages. In facts, at low gate-source voltage bias the gate damage mechanism progressively appears like a cumulative effect, while at higher voltage bias an abrupt gate damage reveals a typical single event effect.  相似文献   

Nonequilibrium Green’s function formalism can be used to analyze the small-signal ac response of nanoscale devices of one or two dimensional model by introducing internal-induced ac potential. This makes it possible to analyze the small-signal ac response of ultra-small ballistic MOSFETs. Working on the 2D model of nanoscale double-gate MOSFETs, the present paper calculated the cut-off frequencies and transconductance per current with various channel lengths and gate dielectric constants. It turns out that the cut-off frequencies of ultra-small ballistic MOSFETs will go up without limit with increasing drain currents, which is in contrast to conventional MOSFETs with scatterings. On the other hand, the cut-off frequencies are limited under 3 THz due to the decreasing of transconductance per current. Secondly, operating at large drain current, the ultra-small ballistic MOSFETs with shorter channels have higher cut-off frequencies at the same drain current, while at small drain current, the longer ones have higher cut-off frequency at the same drain current.  相似文献   

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