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曹植的<美女篇>继承和发扬了前代文人对美人意象描写的艺术手法,以象寄意,让人在欣赏美的同时也感悟到其中包含的深刻意蕴.  相似文献   

张恨水是中国现代通俗小说的大家,本文从张恨水的两部小说<啼笑因缘>和<满江红>入手,着重分析了小说中女主人公的相似之处,从而大致总结出张恨水小说中女主角的形象.  相似文献   

儒家内部既有共同的理念,又有分歧.后代儒家怎样阐释前儒文本、思想,值得探讨.本文以<新语>阐释<谷梁>、<公羊>两传为例,结合汉初的时代背景,论述陆贾<新语>引用两传之文、义,以阐明自己的政治主张.<新语>大部份继承了<谷梁>、<公羊>的原义,很少与两传不同.陆贾在引用两传时,提出他的政治主张,主要是要求君主修齐而治平,最后达到天人合一的境界.他希望藉此为刘邦施政提供理论.  相似文献   

叙事本身并不直接等同于话语,但叙事者掌握着操控叙事的权力,并利用相关叙事的技巧,将叙事本身转化为一种话语的表达,从而传递出某些深层意义上的意识形态指向。本文希望通过对电影《禁闭岛》文本的影像叙事的个案考察,以期解读出本片影像叙事的话语意义,剖析其深层的意识形态企图。  相似文献   

本文拟从其代表作《生死场》、《呼兰河传》的文本分析入手,展现社会下层普通民众尤其是女性群体虽生犹死的生存图景和愚昧、麻木的精神状态,即"虽生犹死,非生非死"的生死情状。重点关注其小说中以"死"观照"生",以"生"透视"死"的生死意象,在作者热烈而绝望的期冀下,警示人们去思考"人活着究竟为了什么"这一深邃的人生要议。  相似文献   

人类在脱离了原始蒙昧状态后,逐渐对时空永恒和生命短暂的二元对立有了自己的认识,而随着认识的加深,一种强烈的个体生命意识也就随之觉醒。《采薇》和《东山》这两首战争诗从几个方面体现了这种生命意识,而这也正是《诗经》具有永恒魅力的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

本文以《忐忑》一曲迅速走红为例,将民歌在新时代的发展与非物质文化的传播和保护相结合,阐述在当代《忐忑》一曲存在的合理性以及走红的原因,并且将《忐忑》一曲作为正规的民族音乐类型所起到的重要作用加以分析和概括。  相似文献   

龚鹏程的《文学散步》,现在仍可给文学概论的重写热提供诸多启示:一、必须明确文学概论的基本问题,去掉伪问题和多余问题;二、文学概论的撰写应具有问题意识、价值取向和生命关怀;三、文学概论的撰写应融合中西,但立足点和旨归应是中国文学传统和美学传统。  相似文献   

本文以张彦远在《历代名画记》中的品评方法为基准,通过其对顾恺之绘画评价悖论的阐释与辨析,来探讨如何品评的问题,极具现实指导意义。  相似文献   

十九世纪的英国女作家伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔夫人在写作过程中似乎充满了矛盾意识.在<南方与北方>中,她把女主人公塑造成具有男性化行为和智力的女性,但是还夹杂着其女性的一面.本文将分析产生这种矛盾意识的深层原因.  相似文献   

包山楚简卜筮简"高丘"的地理位置可能在江汉流域北部的筑水流域,与((离骚>、<高唐赋>"高丘"同在江汉流域.<离骚>、<高唐赋>"高丘"是((山海经>"帝女神话"向"瑶姬神话"演变过程中缘于"江汉流域"地域背景而形成的具有特殊地域属性的神话元素,而包山楚简卜筮简"高丘"则是<离骚>、<高唐赋>"高丘"神话形象的"原型".  相似文献   

This article reviews the current status of methods available for the analysis of psychological change in adulthood and aging. Enormous progress has been made in designing statistical models that can capture key aspects of intraindividual change, as reflected in techniques such as latent growth curve models and multilevel (random-effects) models. However, the rapid evolution of statistical innovations may have obscured the critical importance of addressing rival explanations for statistical outcomes, such as cohort differences or practice effects that could influence estimates of age-related change. Choice of modeling technique and implementation of a specific modeling approach should be grounded in and reflect both the theoretical nature of the developmental phenomenon and the features of the sampling design that selected persons, variables, and contexts for empirical observation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We investigated the evidence for a general factor of self-monitoring in six samples (N?=?3,615). The results indicate the presence of two, relatively orthogonal, major factors (General Factors A and B). General Factor A, which presumably accounts for most of the empirical validity of the scale, correlated strongly with measures of the traditional personality dimension of social surgency such as exhibitionism, social potency, and extraversion. General Factor B is a weakened version of an earlier identified Other-Directedness factor, and it correlated positively with shyness and negatively with self-esteem. Additional analyses examined the 18-item revision of the Self-Monitoring Scale in terms of the extent to which it strengthens General Factor A, its relationship to the original version, its factor structure, and correlations with other personality measures. We discuss three flaws in the construct of self-monitoring: its assumption of the bipolarity of social and personal orientations, its assumption of uniformity among those who score high on the Self-Monitoring Scale, and its lack of clarity concerning the role of intentionality in self-presentational processes. We suggest that it is time to move beyond the construct presented by Snyder (1987) toward a more comprehensive investigation of self-presentation and social behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article introduces a special section on the use of taxometrics to examine the categorical versus the dimensional structure of various forms of psychopathology. Paving the way into the special section, this introduction briefly describes 3 taxometric methods--mean above minus below a sliding cut (MAMBAC), maximum covariation (MAXCOV), and maximum eigenvalue (MAXEIG)--and discusses possible threats to statistical conclusion validity that often emerge when such techniques are applied in psychopathology research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Experiments are reported on the rate of reduction of nickel oxide pellets with hydrogen over the temperature range 200° to 900°C. Measurements were also made of the pore size distribution of the reacted and unreacted specimens, by mercury porosimetry. In addition, the size of the individual grains was also determined by X-ray diffraction techniques and by electron microscopy. These physical measurements supplied most of the information required for the comparison of reduction rates with the predictions made in Part I of this study. It was found that the trends predicted by the structural model were consistent with measurements, thus the, structural model shows promise both for the interpretation of experimental data and for the semiquantitative prediction of experimental behavior.  相似文献   

Clinical material from psychoanalytic psychotherapy conducted with deaf individuals in sign language is used to explore psychoanalytic constructs such as slips of the tongue, conflict, affective experience, and the therapeutic function of empathy. The author proposes that communication in sign language, a multidimensional, visual-gestural language, may afford unique opportunities to see aspects of psychological functioning in process in a way not possible through spoken languages. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the four articles in the special section on spirituality, religion, and health in the January 2003 issue of American Psychologist (2003, Vol 58, 24-74). These articles did not address, or did not address adequately, three issues that are fundamental to the question of studying religion and mental health. First, the question of the control groups for the research studies that were cited was hardly mentioned. Second, this line of research is focused heavily on the Judeo-Christian majority. Perhaps the biggest problem with this line of research is that the writers did not seem to provide safeguards that would preclude the general public and the press from taking their conclusions out of context. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared 3 methods of assessing the psychotherapist's empathy: (a) the Accurate Empathy Scale, (b) the Conjunctive Empathy Scale, and (c) the Raskin Empathy Scale. 5 moderately to very experienced judges rated 10 4-min segments of a tape-recorded psychotherapy session during pre- and posttraining phases. The mean reliability of the 3 scales increased significantly, and intercorrelations were nearly perfect when corrected for unreliability. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Mathematical relationships describing the multiphase binary diffusions are deduced under the condition that in an infinite medium, and also under the condition that and the fluxes of both the species occur in each other’s opposite direction through the surface in a semi-infinite medium, where are the interdiffusion coefficient and the partial molal volume of componenti in phasej, respectively, and are composition independent. Two graphical evaluation methods for obtaining the interdiffusion coefficients for all the phases present in the diffusion zone have been developed in infinite and semi-infinite media. Concentration-distance curves of both the components for an infinite medium and those curves and also mass change of the couple per unit area of the surface before and after the diffusion anneal for a semi-infinite medium must be prepared to calculate an interdiffusion coefficient for each phase.  相似文献   

The conventional continuous hot-dip galvanizing (GI) and galvannealing (GA) processes can be applied to untransformed austenite to produce Zn and Zn-alloy coated low-carbon ultra-high-strength martensitic steel provided specific alloying additions are made. The most suitable austenite decomposition behavior results from the combined addition of boron, Cr, and Mo, which results in a pronounced transformation bay during isothermal transformation. The occurrence of this transformation bay implies a considerable retardation of the austenite decomposition in the temperature range below the bay, which is close to the stages in the continuous galvanizing line (CGL) thermal cycle related to the GI and GA processes. After the GI and GA processes, a small amount of granular bainite, which consists of bainitic ferrite and discrete islands of martensite/austenite (M/A) constituents embedded in martensite matrix, is present in the microstructure. The ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the steel after the GI and GA cycle was over 1300 MPa, and the stress-strain curve was continuous without any yielding phenomena.  相似文献   

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