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Recurrent pseudomonal conjunctivitis, caused by poor soft contact lens care and the use of contaminated saline, is described. This problem can easily be avoided by proper sterilization, with boiling being the method of choice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The contribution of ultrasonography to pretreatment morphological assessment of strictures of the anterior urethra and assessment of the risk of recurrence after internal urethrotomy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 33 patients (16-89 years) operated by internal urethrotomy for stricture of the anterior urethra and followed for at least 6 months. Preoperative urethral ultrasonography, recording the number, length and degree of strictures and echostructure of the peristenotic fibrosis of the corpus spongiosium. RESULTS: Ultrasound visualization of all urethral strictures, with no false-positives and no false-negatives. 11 patients relapsed after a mean interval of 5.7 months (1-16 months), 22 patients did not present recurrence: mean interval: 15.5 months (6-36 months). Corpus spongiosum fibrosis associated with urethral stricture is isoechoic to the corpus spongiosum (19 cases) or hyperechoic to the corpus spongiosum (14 cases). No statistical correlation was observed between the echostructure of the fibrous tissue and the risk of recurrence after internal urethrotomy. CONCLUSION: Ultrasonography allows excellent analysis of the morphological characteristics of a stricture of the male anterior urethra. In our experience, and in contrast with the limited data of the literature, no correlation was observed between the echostructure of the peristenotic fibrosis and the risk of recurrence after internal urethrotomy.  相似文献   

A 26-year-old man went blind as part of a multifocal central nervous system disease. Bilateral optic nerve head pallor developed four weeks later. There had been no papilledema. In this setting, the appearance of optic atrophy without preceding papilledema in part led to the clinical diagnosis of severe disseminated encephalomyelitis. At autopsy multiple brain abscesses were found, including an area of inflammation within the chiasm.  相似文献   

In the author's opinion, in the properly selected woman undergoing radical cystectomy for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder, the ileal neobladder to the female urethra is a viable option. Ten years of experience with 23 patients have led to a nerve and urethral support cystectomy technique with the ileal neobladder anastomosed to the proximal urethra. Even then, however, retention in 20% of patients rather than the expected incontinence is the critical issue. Incontinence has never been a problem. The advent of orthotopic lower urinary reconstruction in women is a major achievement in the evolution of urinary diversion. With our increasing understanding of the continence mechanism in women and with increasing evidence that the female urethra can be safely preserved after cystectomy, orthotopic lower urinary tract reconstruction by the ileal neobladder can now be offered safely not only to men but also to women undergoing cystectomy with superb functional results.  相似文献   

Splenic epidermoid cysts are rare lesions traditionally treated by splenectomy. Concerns about overwhelming postsplenectomy sepsis have led to the development of splenic preservation procedures in the treatment of cystic diseases of the spleen. We present the first case report of successful laparoscopic complete excision of a splenic epidermoid cyst.  相似文献   

A proximal-based vaginal flap was used to repair a stenosis of the mid and distal urethra in a woman after a failure of urethral dilation and internal urethrotomy. A successful result was obtained with relief of the obstruction and preservation of the continence.  相似文献   

Urinary calculus is rarely seen in the urethra and is usually encountered in men with urethral stricture or diverticulum. Primary urethral calculi are extremely rare in females. We describe a case of a giant urethral stone impacted in the urethra of a 103-year-old female.  相似文献   

Twenty patients of primary urethral carcinoma in females are presented. Age group affected was between 40 and 60 years. Vague symptoms in early stage delayed the diagnosis in most patients. Surgery is the treatment of choice for meatal or anterior urethral lesions while combined Radiotherapy and surgery has been suggested as treatment for entire urethral lesions. In the present series 33% three years and 21% five years survivals were noted.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To define the urethral structures visible on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) relevant to stress urinary incontinence. METHODS: The urethra and surrounding tissues were harvested from 13 female cadavers (ages 21-81) and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. High-resolution T1- and T2-weighted images were obtained at 1.5 tesla. Mallory trichrome-stained histologic sections were prepared in corresponding planes from the cadaveric specimens. Immunohistologic stains for smooth muscle (actin) and vascular endothelium (CD-34 and factor VIII) were obtained on two specimens. Histology and MRI were compared using side-by-side correlation of projected images and by superimposing projected images. Comparison was also made to a non-cadaveric urethral MRI of a 29-year-old woman and to the MRI of another specimen imaged pre- and post-fixation. RESULTS: Distinct layers of the cadaveric urethra were seen best on proton density and T2-weighted images. From the center to the periphery, a series of concentric rings were visible: an inner bright ring, the mucosa; a dark ring, the submucosa; an outer bright ring, the smooth muscle of the urethra in a loose connective tissue matrix; and a peripheral dark ring, the striated urogenital sphincter muscle of the urethra in dense connective tissue. No significant alterations were caused by fixation. These cadaveric images matched the non-cadaveric MRI of the 29-year-old woman. CONCLUSION: The internal urethral anatomy visible on high-resolution MRI can be identified and confirmed histologically, and these findings may form the basis for future anatomic investigation of stress urinary incontinence and other urethral abnormalities.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine whether the increase in plasma glucagon concentration that occurs in response to prolonged exercise is modified by endurance exercise training. Eight subjects participated in an exercise program, consisting of running and bicycling, 4 days/wk for 10 wk. The training program resulted in an average increase in VO2 max of 18%. The average increase in plasma glucagon during a 60-min long bicycle exercise test that required 60% of the subjects' VO2 max was 107+/-28 pg/ml, from 116+/-14 pg/ml at rest to 223+/-37 pg/ml after 60 min of exercise, prior to training. After training the same absolute work rate resulted in an increase in plasma glucagon of only 20+/-6 pg/ml, from 125+/-20 to 145+/-16 pg/ml (P less than 0.02). A similar blunting of the glucagon response to exercise was seen during work of the same relative intensity after training. Plasma insulin concentration decreased from 18.1+/-2.5 to 7.6+/-1.6 muunits/ml during the 60 min of exercise before training. A similar decrease in insulin concentration was seen at the same relative work rate after training. However, the decrease in plasma insulin at the same absolute work rate, from 18.5+/-3.0 to 12.5+/-1.8 muunits/ml, was significantly smaller after training (P less than 0.05).  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To describe the late onset of sequential multifocal bleb leaks as a postoperative complication after filtering surgery with antimetabolites. MATERIALS: Retrospectively, 385 consecutive eyes (304 patients) undergoing trabeculectomy with 5-flurouracil (5-FU) or mitomycin C (MMC) from 1989 to 1994 were reviewed. Eyes with filtration bleb leak occurring 6 months or more after trabeculectomy were analyzed, and clinical characteristics of the filtration bleb, response to treatment, and bleb histopathology from eyes undergoing bleb excision were analyzed. RESULTS: In seven (1.8%) of 385 consecutive eyes from 304 patients undergoing glaucoma filtration surgery with 5-FU or MMC, repetitive bleb leaks in different locations of the bleb were observed from 9 to 44 months (mean, 20.4 months) after the procedure. One hundred ninety-three eyes (50%) were treated with 5-FU and the remaining eyes, with MMC. All eyes had transparent, avascular, lobular, cystic blebs. Bleb leaks occurred in five eyes treated postoperatively with subconjunctival 5-FU and in two eyes in which MMC was used intraoperatively. Three eyes (all treated with 5-FU) required surgical excision, and four eyes healed with soft contact lens, cyanoacrylate glue, or intrableb injection of autologous blood. Histopathology of the bleb leak sites demonstrated focal epithelial thinning and interruption with subjacent hypocellularity and stromal collagen degeneration. CONCLUSION: Late sequential multifocal bleb leaks may occur after glaucoma filtration surgery with administration of antimetabolites (5-FU or MMC) and are associated with epithelial break-down, hypocellularity, and stromal collagen necrosis in the filtration bleb.  相似文献   

Ten patients with patent urethral duplication are presented. Nine patients had two independent patient channels originating from the bladder or the posterior urethra. Both voiding cystourethro and retrograde urethrography are necessary to completely evaluate this anomaly. In each instance the ventral channel, regardless of the position of its meatus, proved to be the more functional urethra. In those patients whose dorsal channel was in an epispadiac position, the symphysis pubis was abnormally wide. A functionally and anatomically accurate classification is proposed, and the embryology of these anomalies is discussed.  相似文献   

Protein changes occurred in callus cells of hypersensitive tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum var. Xanthi-nc) 72 hr after inoculation with tobacco mosaic virus and incubation on a minimal growth medium. Two protein bands, serologically related to viral coat protein, were obtained from extracts of infected cells following electrophoresis on 7% and 10% polyacrylamide gels. An additional, slower migrating protein, perhaps due to virus-induced stimulation of a host protein, also was detected. Although local lesions appeared on callus after 40 hr of incubation, four proteins previously reported in lesion-bearing hypersensitive tobacco leaves were not found. The possible significance of this and the usefulness of a callus-TMV system as a tool to study virus-induced protein changes are discussed.  相似文献   

Urethral prolapse represent a rare cause of urological consultation. Frequent in older women, it also happens in under 10-year-old little girls with a racial predominance. For most cases, medical treatment and follow-up are sufficient, but failure of these or possible complications may necessitate a surgical correction. Circumferential excision and muco-mucous suture are effective treatments with very few complications. About four case-reports, we are reviewing here the literature and discussing etiopathogenic mechanisms and therapeutic options for this disease.  相似文献   

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