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目的 :研究产品包装设计创新趋势。方法 :以大数据时代为背景,从同类产品、产品目标客户等方面进行分析,研究大数据时代产品包装设计特征,探讨和传统包装设计的差异。结论 :大数据时代产品包装设计思维已发生转变,不再仅仅依靠设计师的个人经验,而更注重大数据的实时收集、整理、分析和应用;大数据分析有助于设计师了解消费者的心理动态,设计出更符合消费者需求的包装产品,这种设计趋势将会成为未来包装设计的发展方向。  相似文献   

广告插画风格化是连接插画设计师、受众的纽带。做广告设计的步骤除了根据客户需求组织设计思路与灵感,还要把灵感转化成情节化的主题图形进行二次绘画设定。这个转化无形为有形的步骤,需要插画设计师设定特定的插画风格以增加设计的技术性和思想性。插画的主体图形将被设计师反复进行品牌化整合并反复调用。插画广告的品牌化,也同时加强了受众对客户商品的熟悉和记忆。受众通过对插画设计师的风格认同,来增加对设计师所传递信息的理解度和对广告客户的好感度。做到以上两点,广告的信息传达功能可以更有效的得以实现。  相似文献   

HATAEDESIGN是日本东京一家专注于包装设计的专业公司,除了包装设计,他们还做其它的平面设计项目及产品设计.公司的CEO兼设计总监波多江洋子在此专业领域已有27年的工作经验,10年前她创立了HATAEDESIGN公司,作为设计师,她负责为客户做各种项目的设计,包括包装、广告及画册等.  相似文献   

正Luisa Bocchietto是意大利著名建筑师和设计师,于1985年毕业于米兰理工大学建筑学院,同年她还获得了IED——米兰欧洲设计学院的证书。毕业后,她开始在建筑与设计领域工作,服务于意大利海内外的公共及私人客户,参与的项目包括建筑改造、城市规划、家具设计、展位设计以及家居用品设计等等。她的作品刊登于许多国际著名杂志上。除专业活动外,Luisa—直致力于发起传播设计品质的活动。她在一些设计院校担任讲师和客座教授,同时在许多国际会议上发表  相似文献   

2008年7月2日伦敦的建筑世界闻名,绿化为世人赞叹!但是与我今天的经历相比,建筑与绿化兼备的海德公园也黯然失色!今天,我们参观了诺基亚全球设计中心,伦敦设计中心!有幸见到了诺基亚首席设计师克鲁蒂斯先生,并且与诺基亚设计师们讨论了一些设计上问题!如何将艺术与设计更好的融合是永远都在探讨的话题——娄轲的博客文章《超越景色的美丽》  相似文献   

早前,浙江工商职业技术学院建筑与艺术学院2010届毕业生设计作品展暨就业洽谈会在宁波美术馆隆重举行。本次展会主要包括展览、学术交流和就业洽谈三个内容,除了建筑与艺术学院毕业生作品展外。还围绕设计主题邀请了行业专家在展会上做学术报告,与高校设计专业教师、企业设计师进行了交流与探讨。此展览作品包括“世博在中国”、“事觉”、“兔斯基红包形象再设计”等近200件,吸引了宁波40余家企业来现场设摊招聘人才。据初步统计,在很短的时间内,就有26家企业与我建筑与艺术学院60多名同学签定了就业意向合同。  相似文献   

企业"人本管理"内容要素的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对20余家企业的596名员工进行了企业人本管理内容要素的问卷调查,通过因素分析提出了企业"人本管理"的三个内容要素:满足员工的发展需要、满足员工的情感需要和满足员工的物质需要.并在此基础上,对不同职级、不同企业性质和不同学历的员工分别进行了比较研究.研究结果表明:不同职级的员工对"满足员工的情感需要"和"满足员工的物质需要"在人本管理中的重要性评价上存在显著和极其显著差异,职级越低的员工越看重二者在人本管理中的重要性;国有企业和民营企业员工、不同学历员工对"人本管理"内容3个要素重要性评价上均没有显著差异.并提出企业要注意从满足员工物质需要、情感需要、发展需要三个方面系统化地实施人本管理.  相似文献   

现代设计需要现代化的设计理念,而最核心的一点,就是一切从人出发,根据受众的需求和承受力,寻求人与街道、楼宇、园林,公共信息乃至商务广告信息的和谐统一。现代设计的多样性与复杂性告诉我们,一个成功的设计需要各类设计师和管理者的共同合作。设计管理的实际操作已经跨越了多个领域,如产品、时尚、建筑、媒体、娱乐、广告、软件以及游戏的设计。在这个充满创意的时代,要尊重客户、尊重设计,在实现设计师理想的同时,也能真正解决客户的需求,用设计管理实现为真实的世界设计。  相似文献   

医疗工具的设计是很奇特的。好的设计能让外科医生原本灵活的双手更灵活。最近,美国IDEO设计公司为客户Gyrus公司设计出一款动力手术刀,它不仅是医疗工具设计中的一个范例,也是设计师、客户和用户三者密切配合以产生好产品的范例。设计小组的核心人员是8名设计师,4名客户代表和6名外科医生,人员最多时有30人同时工作。从最开始到产品第一次试用共花费了一年的时间,5个月之后,产品正式在世。这款设计荣获2003美国工业设计优秀奖金奖。下面是本刊对该项目负责人的采访。  相似文献   

住宅文化中心 Xi美术馆位于韩国釜山莲山洞1123-1号,该建筑是为一处名为“Xi”的住宅楼盘设计的售楼处。有别于普通意义上的售楼中心,Xi美术馆除了标准的住宅单元展示空间外,整个建筑的大部分空间是为当地居民开辟的文化场所,从而形成了种新的建筑类型:住宅文化中心。  相似文献   

Reports on the success or failure of enterprise information system (EIS) implementation have been decidedly mixed. In this study, we focus on manufacturing infrastructure preparation prior to EIS implementation and report the results of a survey of 152 US manufacturing companies that have implemented EIS. We have provided four major findings in this study: (1) the requirements from customers and trading partners are more powerful drivers motivating US manufacturing firms to implementing enterprise systems than internal business planning needs; (2) one manufacturing infrastructural issue often has implications for other infrastructural items in implementing technology, so various manufacturing infrastructural issues should be prepared simultaneously; (3) manufacturing infrastructure preparation prior to EIS implementation has significant positive effects on customer-focused performance, production/operations performance, and financial performance; and (4) better customer-focused performance contributes to better financial performance.  相似文献   

Building Community: A New Future for Architectural Education and Practice by Ernest L. Boyer and Lee D. Mitgang of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1996, was intended to be a “comprehensive study of education and practice for the 21st century.” It was commissioned by the five national architectural organizations that joined together with a common goal of seeing the need for an independent study of professional education and practice: the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), the American Institute of Architects Students (AIAS), the National Council of Architectural Registration Board (NCARB), and the National Architectural Accrediting Board, Inc. (NAAB). The Boyer report identified problems, opportunities, and challenges not only for the primary audience of architecture educators and practitioners but also others in higher education. Boyer and Mitgang challenged architects and educators to “a new vision.” This vision would connect architecture schools and the profession more effectively to the changing social context. The academy was challenged with providing A Connected Curriculum. Practicing architects were challenged with providing A Unified Profession. The Boyer report, “urged schools to prepare future architects for lives of civic engagement, of Service to the Nation” [1]. The authors of Building Community were optimistic that the challenges could be met and we have taken on this challenge.  相似文献   

Although system designers usually minimise the role of individual differences in operation, personality variables could explain differences in multitasking performance. A concomitant theoretical issue is whether primary or surface personality traits do a better job of predicting performance than the Five-Factor Model (FFM) or global traits. A sample of 174 undergraduates completed the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF), which was followed by a performance task. A computer-based task that measured simultaneous performance on an arithmetic task and a mental rotation task was used to measure multitasking performance; scores measured the percent accuracy. Primary traits for low emotional sensitivity and high abstractedness, self-control, and general reasoning were all correlated with performance (R 2 = .11), but global or traits corresponding to the FFM were not, except in one sporadic task trial. There was also a strong gender effect on performance. Implications for the study of personality traits in ergonomics are discussed.  相似文献   

陈博  高炳学 《包装工程》2023,44(18):101-108, 165
目的 在工作时长期久坐会导致多种疾病,而目前的办公家具尚未有效地解决此问题。通过研究智能升降桌主动交互方式及其用户的情感体验,解决工作久坐问题,并为办公家具设计提供新策略。方法通过对主动交互的相关成果进行研究,提出了智能升降桌4个等级的主动交互方式。基于绿野仙踪法模拟智能升降桌原型,应用SAM量表进行测量,获得60名被试者在高、低强度的工作任务下,对4个等级主动交互方式的情感体验数据,并结合行为观察与访谈结果进行综合分析,提出了智能升降桌主动交互设计策略。结论 在高、低2组强度的工作任务下,被试者对4个等级主动交互方式的情感体验在愉悦度、唤醒度和支配度上均表现出显著差异。半主动征求指令(Level 2)在2种任务下的情感体验均优于其他3个等级,可优先选择作为智能升降桌的主动交互方式。在提升用户情感体验的同时,促进工作久坐问题的解决。在此结论的基础上,提出了3个设计策略,为未来智能办公家具设计提供思路。  相似文献   

As part of a four‐week fluid mechanics laboratory, Mechanical Engineering students were challenged to design and manufacture the least restrictive flow nozzle for a standard test condition within several design constraints. The Nozzle Design Challenge (NDC) combined analysis, design, manufacturing, and experimentation. The positive student responses to the NDC were overwhelming. Formal evaluation of the NDC included the measured nozzle flow rates and the amount of time spent in the laboratory. The highest flow rate nozzle allowed substantially more flow than the nozzle with a 1‐inch diameter hole used for demonstration. Every group spent more time in the laboratory than was scheduled, which may indicate high levels of motivation for the project. The examination scores covering the principles learned in this laboratory were compared to the previous semester's students who did not perform the innovation‐based design and fabrication project. After blocking out the effects of GPA, the results indicate that the students who undertook the design experience performed significantly better on the examination.  相似文献   

吴琳  卢章平  李明珠 《包装工程》2022,43(16):225-232
目的 分析人对图标深度在不同类型界面中认知资源的分配。方法 通过眼动追踪实验,获得在单一深度图标集和混合深度图标集中搜索3类深度图标时的行为反应数据指标,并在此基础上收集各深度主观满意度评价。结果 不同深度图标之间搜索质量具有显著差异。在单一深度图标集中,搜索目标的深度与视觉搜索效率呈负相关。在混合深度图标集中,中等深度图标的搜索效率最高,不同深度图标对认知负荷的影响没有显著差异。此外,收集被试对3类图标的主观评价,结果显示中等深度图标具有更高的主观满意度。结论 图形深度的刺激影响人对搜索策略的选择,除把握图标个体的设计元素特性外,需同时注重不同界面环境的影响。使用中等深度的图标,可增加图标的可识别性和差异性,在混合深度图标集中能提升视觉搜索质量,并提供更好的使用体验。  相似文献   


The stability of the active ingredient of four generically equivalent brands of ampicillin for oral suspension were studied at three controlled conditions 5,25 and 40°C. All ampicillin suspensions tested, except one brand, did not meet the official compendial stability requirements when stored at the recommended conditions. However the different brands studied were not completely equivalent with respect to stability. In vitro release of ampicillin from 5 brands of ampicillin suspension was studied by using dialysis method. Slight differences in dissolution profiles among the studied brands were observed. The bioavailability of 5 brands of ampicillin suspensions was examined in 5 subjects using cross-over experimental design. Based upon the urinary excretion method, the extent and rate of ampicillin bioavailability were determined. Statistically significant differences were found between the brands examined. An insignificant intersubject variation was found between the volunteers participated in the present study.  相似文献   

Chemometric approaches, such as classical least squares (CLS), principal component regression (PCR), partial least squares (PLS) and iterative target transformation factor analysis (ITTFA), were applied to the simultaneous determination of mixtures of lead, copper, vanadium, cadmium and nickel by differential pulse polarography (DPP). The conventional and first-derivative polarograms of the mixtures were used to perform the optimization of the calibration procedure by chemometric models. The proposed method was applied satisfactorily to the determination of a set of synthetic mixtures of metal in Britton–Robinson buffer (pH 2.87) and potassium thiocyanate and acceptable results were obtained. The results obtained by the application of the different chemometric approaches are discussed and compared. It was found that factor analysis methods generally give better results than CLS and no significant advantages were found with the application of derivative technique, except for ITTFA in this polarographic work.  相似文献   

Design-use relations are complex: architects influence social outcomes through design without having control over them. Making this complexity explicit during design is important, but difficult. Promising is work on human-technology relations in science and technology studies (STS) and philosophy of technology. With an eye to connecting this theoretical work to design practice, we study what architects already do: how design-use complexities figure during design processes and how architects deal with them. Based on a case study of the design competition for a new media building, we show two lines of reasoning in architects’ anticipation of use: specificity and openness. In doing so, we aim to provide insight into when, where and why they can benefit from STS and philosophical theory.  相似文献   

武汉月亮湾城市阳台位于武昌生态文化长廊上,由英国扎哈·哈迪德建筑师事务所与中南建筑设计院股份有限公司联合设计,是武汉长江主轴九大城市阳台之一。为提高长江城市阳台的标识性、突显长江文化特征,提出了以提高听闻舒适性、辨识度和标识性为目标的声景设计策略。通过问卷调查、场地实验和计算机仿真等技术手段,获得了声景元素喜好度和满意度的结论,并通过技术手段来实现优化后声景元素的借声、补声、反衬和掩声等精细化设计,从而塑造出良好的声场空间氛围,获得舒适的空间声场体验,为室外开放空间的声景设计提供解决方案。  相似文献   

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