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目的 研究不同扦样方案对粮食品质检验工作的影响,制定适合于当前我国储粮形式的扦样方案。方法 本研究以吉林、河南、辽宁、安徽等省份的小麦和玉米储备仓为实验仓,采用不同的粮食扦样器、扦样方案进行扦样,随后对所扦样品进行质量指标、储藏品质指标以及卫生指标的测定,其中仓型涉及浅圆仓、房式仓以及立筒仓。结果 研究结果显示所使用电动吸入式扦样器杂质含量略高于套管式扦样器,但数据差异性并不显著(P>0.05)。所制定扦样方案中的分区设置检验单位、不同扦样顺序、点样比例对粮食品质指标的检验也没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论 通过对不同省份、不同储备粮种、多种仓型的实仓扦样实验,结果表明所采用的现代化扦样工具、优化的扦样方案并不会影响扦样样品的检验结果,所获得的扦样数据有望为未来制定更加适合我国粮仓的扦样方案提供支撑。  相似文献   

扦样方法对粮食中不完善粒和杂质测定的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用两种扦样方法对粮仓中的散装玉米和小麦进行了扦取,对所扦取的样品中不完善粒和杂质含量进行了检测,分析和比较了这两种扦样方法对其检测结果的影响。结果显示,电动扦样和手工扦样对粮食质量品质中的不完善粒和杂质含量测定有着一定的影响,并且这两种方法的测试结果之间存在一定的相关关系。  相似文献   

随着汽运散装粮食入库的比例越来越大,固定式粮食扦样机的使用也越来越普遍。与手动套管式扦样器相比.固定式自动扦样机具有取样时间短、操作方便、节省人力、操作安全等特点。通过比较二者取样后的粮食检验结果,虽然固定式粮食扦样机还存在一些不足之处,但其优点显而易见。制定出科学合理易于操作的散装车辆扦样标准规程或指导意见势在必行。  相似文献   

为改善大型粮食库仓中深层粮食样品扦取过程中扦样深度只能通过人工模糊计算的情况,在第一代半自动气动扦样器的基础上,优化设计了基于拉线式编码器测距的深度计算及显示模块.实现直观显示粮食深层扦样过程中扦样管的压入深度,有效减少粮食深层扦样过程中人工模糊计算深度的误差,提高粮食深层扦样中的样品的准确性,在实际生产中取得了良好的...  相似文献   

为适应粮食“四散”工作的需要,解决使用插扦式扦样器扦样劳动强度大,一次扦取的样品数量少,且无法扦取仓底粮食样品的问题。根据我库全部是苏式矮胖仓,储粮散存最大深度只有五米左右的实际情况,在库领导的支持下,组成“吸入式粮堆扦样器”研制小组。于七九年七月开始进行研制,至八○年二月共试制出5台,经试用,效果良好,受到库站职工  相似文献   

随着科学研究的加大投入,自动控制技术不断应用于工业生产制造领域,对经济发展起到了积极的促进作用.为改善大型粮食库仓中深层粮食样品扦取过程中人工深层扦样效率低、自动化程度不高、作业人员劳动强度大的情况,在第一代气动扦样器的基础上,优化设计了基于PLC控制的半自动气动扦样器,实现了在自动模式下一键插入或拔出扦样管的自动控制...  相似文献   

针对传统扦样设备的弊端,研发了一款可移动、便携式粮食扦样器,并在广东省储备粮管理总公司东莞直属库进行了应用试验.结果表明,通过使用该扦样器,实现了大型粮食库仓深层粮食扦样的机械自动化,有效降低了仓储作业人员劳动强度,提高了扦样效率,达到了粮食仓储环节高装粮深度粮食样品取得到,取得轻松,取得精准的目标,为粮食储存期间质量...  相似文献   

分析了当前粮食质量调查和品质测报工作中扦样、检验以及分析报告所存在的问题,并提出了一些建议:调查、测报的扦样工作统一由各级粮食检查机构具有资质的人员完成,扦样点的选择应考虑种植大户,扦样时间应选择农户将粮食降水、清杂整理后进行;检验时,最好依托省级粮食储备企业的检验机构,增加小麦硬度、湿面筋和稻谷黄粒米、谷外糙米指标。  相似文献   

中华人民共和国国家标准粮食油料检验扦样方法(GB5491—85)中,对包装粮食扦样法,流动粮食扦样法,零星收付粮食扦样法,都作了非常明确的规定。如用包装扦样法扦样时,“用包装扦样器槽口向下,从包的一端斜对角插入包的另一端,然后槽口向上取出,每包扦样的次数应一致”。而对散装扦样法只着重介绍了如  相似文献   

现有包装粮的扦样工具,在对车裁包装粮的扦样应用中,因受其构造及使用条件的限制.必须辅助一些操作繁琐、劳动强度大的扦样方法,且所扦样品的准确性难以保证;利用散装粮电动扦样器的工作原理.对其稍加改造应用到车裁包装粮的扦样中,达到既保证样品代表性,又减少操作程序、提高工作效率、降低劳动强度的目的。  相似文献   

本研究基于数值模拟方法,对高大平房仓双侧吸出式斜流降温保水通风实验工况进行了数值模拟仿真,分析了在双侧吸出式斜流通风过程中粮堆温度和水分的变化规律,对实验数据与计算机模拟结果进行了对比分析。同时,探究了斜流通风与横向通风相结合时的降温保水效果。研究发现,采用双侧吸出式揭膜斜流通风,在通风空气温度和湿度合适的情况下,可以实现高大平房粮堆上部的快速降温保水效果。在进行斜流通风后,再适当地进行一段时间的横向通风,就可以有效地降低粮堆底部的粮温,而且粮堆水分基本不变。斜流与横向相结合的通风方式可以实现储粮快速降温保水效果。  相似文献   

粮层阻力是粮食干燥,储粮机械通风等工艺设计中的关键参数,本文主要分析了粮层深度与粮层阻力之间的非线性关系,对糙米,小麦和玉米通风实验实测数据进行了多元回归,结果表明三种粮食的粮层深层深度h的指数均大于1,这对新型高大房仓,浅圆仓和立筒仓的通风系统设计有实际意义。  相似文献   

Segregation of dockage and foreign materials (DFM) is an unavoidable phenomenon in bulk grain and causes many problems. In this study, distributions of DFM, and shrunken and broken kernels (SBK) were determined during loading of wheat in a 10-m diameter flat-bottom cylindrical bin. Wheat was loaded through a vertical funnel (spout) into the bin from five drop heights (1.6, 2.5, 3.4, 4.3 and 5.2 m). Samples were collected using a sampling tube (29 cm diameter and 50 cm deep) inserted vertically at five locations (0.00, 1.25, 2.50, 3.75 and 5.00 m of horizontal distances from the center) along three radii of the bin for each drop height. The impurities from each collected sample were divided into five categories with different sizes (other grains, other particles, SBK, fine particles, and dust and fragments) by sieving analyses. Impurities larger and smaller than wheat kernels were categorized as large and small impurities, respectively. Drop height significantly influenced the radial distribution of fine particles, dust and fragments, but not the distribution of other grains and other particles. Fine particles and dust and fragments mainly accumulated in the center, while SBK accumulated mostly near the wall of the bin. Both true density and apparent test weight (bulk density) of unclean wheat and test weight of clean wheat significantly changed along the radius of bin. Apparent test weight of unclean wheat was minimum in the center and close to the wall of bin. Drop height did not influence true density and apparent test weight of clean and unclean wheat. Thousand kernel weight, dimensions, and sphericity of wheat kernels were similar at different radial locations of bin for all drop heights. This study can be used as a reference for further studies on grain handling and associated effects on grain grading system and design of aeration, drying, and insect control. .  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important cereals in the world. Before it is consumed, it is common to remove the hull, bran and germ from the rough rice kernel which is either parboiled or not. During such processing, rice kernels are subjected to mechanical stresses which cause some rice grains to break. A main challenge of the rice industry is to minimize the quantities of broken rice. We here review the factors impacting the breakage susceptibility of rice kernels. Their tendency to break is primarily determined by fissures, chalkiness, immaturity and rice kernel dimensions, properties which are both cultivar and rice grain history dependent. The intensity of processing of any given rice feedstock determines the actual level of broken rice kernels. If performed properly, parboiling, a three-step hydrothermal treatment consisting of soaking, heating and drying of rough rice, substantially reduces the level of broken kernels.  相似文献   

Hard red winter wheat, brown rice, rough rice, and corn were treated with the insect growth regulator (IGR) methoprene at rates of 1.25 and 2.5 ppm, held for 24 months at ambient conditions in buckets on the floor of a grain bin, and sampled every two months. Bioassays were done by exposing 10 mixed-sex adults of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), the lesser grain borer, and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), the red flour beetle, on wheat, R. dominica and Sitotroga cerealella (Oliver), the Angoumois grain moth, on brown rice and rough rice, and T. castaneum and S. cerealella on corn. Sample size for all commodities was about 80 g, and these samples were held for 3 months at 27°C-60% r.h. Both rates of the IGR completely suppressed adult progeny development of R. dominica with little resulting feeding damage, sample weight loss, or insect damaged kernels (IDK). Some adult progeny production of S. cerealella and resulting IDK occurred at both rates on rough rice, brown rice, and corn, but was far less than in untreated controls. There was little adult progeny production but some feeding damage caused by larval T. castaneum in the treated wheat and corn but again far less than in untreated control. Allowing continual exposure of parental adults on grains treated with an IGR, rather than exposing those parental adults for a short time period, may give more accurate evaluations of residual efficacy. Results show that methoprene used as a grain protectant will give residual control of stored product beetles for 24 months, but complete control of S. cerealella may require inclusion of a contact insecticide.  相似文献   

以东北地区辽宁省抚顺直属库高大平房仓储藏一年的稻谷为实验材料,研究平房仓内稻谷粮堆不同位置的温度、含水量变化对真菌种类分布及演替规律的影响。研究结果表明,稻谷低温条件储藏一年后,粮堆中各位点真菌数量均在10~3 CFU/g数量级以内,整仓稻谷储存安全。但由于稻谷粮堆不同深度温度和含水量的变化,稻谷真菌种类及数量会发生变化。稻谷在储藏期间,粮堆中层和下层平均温度低于10℃,优势菌为稻谷收获期间携带的田间真菌,低温有利于田间真菌孢子活性的保持;粮堆上层夏季平均温度达到20℃左右,含水量为14.5%左右,储藏真菌逐渐替代了稻谷收获时携带的田间真菌成为优势菌,高温是储藏真菌孢子萌发生长的主要原因。稻谷粮堆不同位置温度和含水量的变化,对稻谷真菌种类及生长有重要的影响,优势菌的演替可以用来表征粮堆局部微环境的变化。  相似文献   

优质籼米地下仓储藏过程中品质变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索成品粮绿色、安全的储藏方法,在南方高温高湿地区,利用地下仓储藏黄花粘和籼优998两种优质籼米,定期检测水分、碎米总量、小碎米率、垩白粒率、黄粒米、直链淀粉、品尝评分值、色泽气味、不完善率、害虫虫口密度等指标。实验结果显示,实验期间,大米水分呈小幅下降;2种大米不生虫时间长达13个月;小碎米率、色泽气味等指标无显著性变化;碎米总量、黄粒米、不完善粒含量小幅增加,直链淀粉含量逐渐增加,但均未导致大米质量等级下降;垩白粒率显著增加,品尝评分值显著下降,且均造成大米质量定等下降。根据国家标准《大米》的规定,籼优998于储藏3个月后,质量定等由二级降为三级,储藏6个月后,已不属于优质籼米,黄花粘于实验结束后仍为优质籼米三级。说明地下仓具有良好的保湿、保鲜和害虫抑制效果,优质籼米耐储性能与储藏条件和品种均相关。  相似文献   

Insect damage to kernels during storage affects the processing quality of wheat and as well as bulk wheat properties, which in turn causes hopper flow problems such as funnel flow, ratholing, arching, or flushing. This study focused on kernel damage by Rhyzopertha Dominica F. (lesser grain borer), one of the most commonly found insects in wheat, and resulting changes in physical properties, such as bulk density, tapped density, true density, and angle of repose, and in flow properties, such as basic flowability energy, stability, aeration, compressibility, and permeability. Bulk and tapped densities of sound hard red winter wheat kernels and infested wheat kernels were about 720 kg/m3 and 775 kg/m3, respectively. Compressibility index (CI), Hausner ratio (HR), and angle of repose of infested wheat kernels were higher than for sound hard red winter wheat kernels, indicating decreased flowability. Grain dust and insect-infested kernels could form localized compacted areas within the grain bins, resulting in uneven flow during discharge. Results from this study indicate that the presence of insect-infested kernels could lead to arching and bridge formation in grain bins, thus affecting the flow characteristics of bulk wheat.  相似文献   

采用图像分析技术与自动控制技术,将人工智能技术应用于小麦不完善粒检测,研究开发了小麦不完善粒指标的自动快速无损检测仪器。通过验证该仪器检测小麦不完善粒的准确性、重复性、稳定性、台间差等相关性能参数,结果表明:该仪器检测性能稳定,准确性、重复性、稳定性、台间差均符合行业标准要求,操作简单,检测速度快,克服了人工检测主观性强、重复性差、不同人员间检验一致性较差等问题,可实现小麦不完善粒的自动快速无损检测,能够满足粮食收储企业、加工企业和检测机构的检测需要。  相似文献   

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