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A model of transient global brain ischemia consisting of bilateral occlusion of common carotid arteries for 10 min and mild hypoxia (15% O2−85% N2) for 20 min was studied by means of MRI in young and aged Fischer 344 rats (3–4 and 24–26 months, respectively). Ischemia was assessed by full suppression of spontaneous EEG activity, which reappeared and normalized similarly in the two age-groups. The survival of young with respect to aged rats was considerably higher both at 24 h (20/20, i.e. 100% vs 12/16, i.e. 75%) and at 48 h (16/20, i.e. 80% vs 6/16, i.e. 38%). The localisation of brain lesions, their severity and progression were evaluated by a diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) sequence at 24 and 48 h post-ischemia. There were no DWI-detectable lesions in eight out of 20 young and two out of 12 aged rats. The localisation of DWI-detected lesions was rather similar in rats of the two age-groups. In fact, the cerebral cortex, mainly parietal, occipital and temporal lobes were damaged in 83% of young and 90% of aged rats. The respective percentages for the thalamus were 83 and 60%, for the striatum 58 and 50%, and for the hippocampus 25 and 30%. The lesions present in the cerebral cortex and the thalamus were considerably more severe in aged than in young rats. In conclusion, in spite of similar localisation of ischemic lesions in the two age-groups, their incidence was higher, appearance more rapid and severity more pronounced in aged with respect to young rats. This resulted in a considerably higher mortality of the former. The overall data indicate that the age issue is very important in experimental ischemia research.  相似文献   

The mouse has become an important animal model for human cardiac disease, and the development of techniques for non-invasive imaging of the mouse heart in vivo is, therefore, of great potential interest. Previous magnetic resonance imaging studies have concentrated on pathologically induced changes in cardiac structure and dynamics by acquiring proton images. Further information can be gained by studying cardiac function and physiology using other nuclei, for example, sodium. Sodium imaging of such a small structure presents considerable technical challenges. In this work we show the first sodium images of the mouse heart, with an isotropic spatial resolution of 1 × 1 × 1 mm, acquired in a time of 1.5 h. The ventricles, septum and myocardium are readily distinguishable in these images, which were acquired through the combination of 3D density-weighted chemical shift imaging, optimized instrumentation, and a high magnetic field strength (17.6 T). Measurements of the myocardial:blood sodium concentration in the left and right ventricles agree well with theoretical values.  相似文献   

The purpose was to assess the potential of half Fourier diffusion-weighted single-shot STEAM MRI for diffusion tensor mapping of animal brain in vivo. A STEAM sequence with image acquisition times of about 500 ms was implemented at 2.35 T using six gradient orientations and b values of 200, 700, and 1200 s mm–2. The use of half Fourier phase-encoding increased the signal-to-noise ratio by 45% relative to full Fourier acquisitions. Moreover, STEAM-derived maps of the relative anisotropy and main diffusion direction were completely free of susceptibility-induced signal losses and geometric distortions. Within measuring times of 3 h, the achieved resolution varied from 600×700×1000 m3 for squirrel monkeys to 140×280×720 m3 for mice. While in monkeys the accessible white matter fiber connections were comparable to those reported for humans, detectable fiber structures in mice focused on the corpus callosum, anterior commissure, and hippocampal fimbria. In conclusion diffusion-weighted single-shot STEAM MRI allows for in vivo diffusion tensor mapping of the brain of squirrel monkeys, rats, and mice without motion artifacts and susceptibility distortions.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reveals cardiac signal intensity changes in patients with acute myocarditis; however, the natural history of these changes and their relationship to individual outcomes are unknown. The relationship of MRI findings to long-term outcome was studied by serial MRI studies in 16 patients with acute myocarditis who were followed for 30±4 (SE) months. Myocardial contrast enhancement was monitored using contrast-enhanced T1-weighted fast spin-echo images. Left ventricular ejection fraction was measured with gradient-echo sequences. Clinical symptoms were scored. The results were compared to a control group of 26 age-matched, healthy volunteers. Myocardial contrast enhancement, which was markedly increased in the early course of the disease, decreased at 4 weeks and remained within the normal range in most patients after 30 months. Contrast enhancement 4 weeks after onset of symptoms was predictive for the functional and clinical long-term outcome. Contrast-enhanced MRI may be a useful, noninvasive tool for long-term follow-up of patients with acute myocarditis. Furthermore, relatively early MRI findings may predict longer-term outcomes. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

A newly-developed model of transient global ischemia in the rat was evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in terms of localization of brain lesions, their extent and severity, and temporal evolution. Such a model, consisting of bilateral occlusion of common carotid arteries for 10 minutes and mild hypoxia (15% O2) for 20 minutes induces delayed neuronal degeneration, necrosis, and gliosis (detected histologically and immunohistochemically). Ischemia was assessed by full suppression of spontaneous electroencephalographic activity. A “hybrid” T2-/diffusion-weighted MR sequence enhancing more effectively the contrast between injured and intact tissues as compared to T2-weighted MRI was used at 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours and at 7 days postischemia. Twenty hypoxic-ischemic rats showed a considerable variability in brain damage. In 8, there were no MRI-detectable lesions at any interval. In the other 12 rats, the severity and extension of neuronal damage varied markedly, but the lesions were always localized (monolaterally in 8 and bilaterally in 4 rats) in the occipital, temporal, or parietal cerebral cortex. Mainly, they were of intermediate severity or were severe (as assessed by MRI hyperintensity) and were accompanied by usually less severe lesions in the thalamus and/or caudate putamen. The hippocampus was affected moderately or severely in 4 of 12 rats. In most cases, there was at 48 hours a considerable growth in severity and/or extension of lesions, which usually remained stable at later intervals. In conclusion, MRI allowed us to follow brain lesions during the first week in this relatively simple and noninvasive model of transient global ischemia.  相似文献   

Objective One prerequisite for transferring ultra-high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (>3T) into clinical diagnostic workup is a low rate of side effects. To our knowledge, publications of subjective acceptance and willingness to undergo examinations at >3T are rare. We present first results from our research site. Materials and methods Exposure to 7T whole-body MRI of head, extremities, or breast was assessed in 102 subjects. They judged sources of discomfort (examination duration, room temperature) and physiological sensations (vertigo, light flashes) on a 10-point scale, differentiating between examination phases: table stationary or moving. For comparison, the same questionnaire was completed by 43 of these subjects after undergoing a 1.5T examination. Vertigo was the most pronounced sensation at 7T with 5% rating it as very unpleasant (none at 1.5T). This should be compared with the fact that the lengthy exam duration was regarded as even more uncomfortable. Compared to 1.5T, average study duration at 7T was roughly doubled, and 7T elicited a wider range of complaints. Conclusion Although the number of side effects is increased at 7T compared to 1.5T, 7T was well tolerated by the majority of subjects. Further data collection is necessary for better understanding of these effects.  相似文献   

5. Summary Contrast-enhanced MRI may serve as a sensitive noninvasive tool for the detection and follow-up of myocardial involvement in patients with systemic sarcoidosis.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is becoming an important tool in the mapping of brain activation. However there are two main concerns that need to be answered before functional imaging can be considered truly useful as a neurophysiological tool. The first is that the detected activation may be derived from large veins and, thus, be spatially separate from the underlying brain activity. The second is the incomplete understanding of the brain transfer function and its relation to brain activity, blood flow, and metabolism. This work contains initial results that will help address these points. Models of the brain vasculature predict that signal changes on SE (spin-echo) images are expected to be much smaller in magnitude but very accurate in localizing true areas of activation than on GE (gradient-echo) images which are susceptable to large veins. By comparing activation from SE and GE EPI at 3 T, we have shown that the regions of activation are spatially very similar, suggesting that GE activation is closely linked to the underlying brain activity. We have identified an experimental impulse response of the brain following 8-s visual stimulation. This impulse response can be used to successfully predict the frequency response obtained experimentally and its shape suggests a resonance phenomenon. This suggests the brain transfer function can be modeled from linear response theory corresponding to the inherent feedback control mechanisms of the brain homeostasis. Continuation of this early work will help to identify the links between fMRI signal change and underlying brain physiology.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging of rodent teeth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the anatomical structures of rat jaws are studied using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with high spatial resolution. In vivo microimages of teeth from 3- and 12-week-old (young and adult) rats have been performed. A 2 T nuclear magnetic resonance microscope was used to collect, with multiple orientations, non-invasive 2D data images using the spin-echo technique. MRI appears well suited to give images of the oral area and may represent a useful tool for diagnosis of dental diseases and more particularly of pulp pathologies. This work was presented at the ESMRMB meeting in Brussels, September 1997.  相似文献   

Dynamic contrast-enhanced images with high spatial and temporal resolutions were acquired with a fast 3D spoiled gradient echo (SPGR) sequence using spectral selective inversion recovery (IR) pulse. Five healthy volunteers and 12 patients with 14 pathologically proven breast lesions were studied. Fat suppressed volume image data covering the entire breast were obtained with a sufficient spatial resolution (0.9×1.5×3.0 mm3) and an imaging time of 57 s. By using the criteria including peripheral enhancement and presence of spiculation, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy in detecting malignant lesions were 88.9, 80.0 and 85.%, respectively. Although the C/N and S/N ratios were approximately 30% less than those of the conventional fat suppressed 3D technique, fast 3D SPGR imaging with spectral IR method demonstrated sufficient image quality for both time intensity analysis and morphological evaluation of the breast lesions with a data acquisition time less than half of the conventional method. This technique can substantially improve spatial and temporal resolutions of dynamic MR images of the breast and will be useful in evaluating malignant and benign breast lesions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of riluzole on the lesion induced by a permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in rats. Riluzole at 4 or 8 mg/kg i.v. significantly reduced the cortical ischemic brain damage. With the most effective dose of 8 mg/kg, the time evolution of the lesion was assessed by T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) repeated on the same animals after MCAO. MRI obtained at 24, 48, and 72 hours after MCAO showed a progressive increase of the ischemic lesion, except in the cortex of the riluzole-treated rats (8 mg/kg i.v.). Furthermore, there was no difference between lesion volumes as measured by MRI or by histology. This study indicates that MRI may be a valuable method to quantifyin vivo the neuroprotective profile of a drug.  相似文献   

Iron oxide-labelled, single, living human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were imaged over time in vitro using a clinical 3.0-T magnetic resonance (MR) microscopy system. Labelling efficiency, toxicity, cell viability, proliferation and differentiation were assessed using flow cytometry, magnetic cell sorting and a phenanthroline assay. MR images were compared with normal light and fluorescence microscopy. Efficient uptake of iron oxide into HUVECs was shown, although with higher label uptake dose-dependent cytotoxic effects were observed, affecting cell viability. For MR imaging, a T2* weighted three-dimensional protocol was used with in-plane resolution of 39×48μm2 and 100-μm slices with a scan time of 13 min. MRI could detect living cells in standard culture dishes at single-cell resolution, although label loss was observed that corresponded with the intracellular iron measurements. MR microscopy using iron oxide labels is a promising tool for studying HUVEC migration and cell biology in vitro and in vivo, but possible toxic effects of label uptake and loss of label over time should be taken into account.  相似文献   

Object  To determine whether glycine can be measured at 7 T in human brain with 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Materials and methods  The glycine singlet is overlapped by the larger signal of myo-inositol. Density matrix simulations were performed to determine the TE at which the myo-inositol signal was reduced the most, following a single spin-echo excitation. 1H MRS was performed on an actively shielded 7 T scanner, in five healthy volunteers. Results  At the TE of 30 ms, the myo-inositol signal intensity was substantially reduced. Quantification using LCModel yielded a glycine-to-creatine ratio of 0.14 ± 0.01, with a Cramér–Rao lower bound (CRLB) of 7 ± 1%. Furthermore, quantification of metabolites other than glycine was possible as well, with a CRLB mostly below 10%. Conclusion  It is possible to detect glycine at 7 T in human brain, at the short TE of 30 ms with a single spin-echo excitation scheme.  相似文献   

An in-vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedure is described that allows one to obtain three-dimensional high quality images of the entire brain of small birds such as the canary (20 g) and the starling (75 g) with an image resolution of 0.1 mm (58-113 μm, dependent on the size of the imaged bird). The entire imaging procedure took about 2 h after which the birds recovered from anaesthesia uneventfully and could be reused for subsequent additional imaging. This non invasive MRI technique enables to correlate brain measures with behavioural or physiological data that are dynamic in nature and could permit significant progress for bird neurological research. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional J-resolved spectroscopy may be used to separate resonances which overlap in 1D NMR spectra. Coupled with spectroscopic imaging (SI), it would give unequivocal information on the distribution of such resonances. Multi-echo acquisition decreases the minimum experimental time of such 4D experiments. The water peak may be used for phase and chemical-shift reference. This study aimed to demonstrate the feasibility of J-resolved SI based on a multi-echo sequence and without water suppression, and its ability to separate the peaks for lactate and mobile lipid in a rat glioma. Experiments were performed on rat brain, without water suppression, at 7 T. The water signal was used for correcting the phase of the echoes. A FOCSY-like acquisition was used to collect the first part of the echoes at short echo times. Two different data processing methods were tested to overcome the problem of contaminations of metabolite signals by the intense water signal. Maps of N-acetylaspartate, choline, creatine, lactate and mobile lipids were obtained in vivo on a rat glioma in 70 min. The in-plane resolution was 2 mm2. The 2D spatially resolved, 2D J-resolved spectra enabled the separate mapping of lactate and mobile lipids.  相似文献   

T 1-weighted images of the human brain obtained with the MDEFT sequence at 8 T are presented. These images are characterized by an excellent contrast and good signal to noise ratio. Importantly, results were obtained with adiabatic spin inversion and demonstrate that such pulses can be used event in the ultra high frequency (>300 MHz) range. It is thus possible to obtain high quality results at this field strength without violating SAR guidelines.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the imaging tool of choice in the evaluation of prostate cancer. The main applications of MR imaging in the management of prostate cancer are: (1) to guide targeted biopsy when prostate cancer is clinically suspected and previous ultrasound-guided biopsy results are negative; (2) to localize and stage prostate cancer and provide a roadmap for treatment planning; and (3) to detect residual or locally recurrent cancer after treatment. Other MR techniques such as proton MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI), diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), and contrast-enhanced MRI (CE-MRI) complement conventional MR imaging by providing metabolic and functional information that can improve the accuracy of prostate cancer detection and characterization. In everyday clinical practice, and to account for patient comfort, MR imaging studies are limited to 1 h. To obtain consistently high-quality images, a well-designed protocol is necessary. Routine MR imaging can be supplemented by other MR techniques such as MRSI, DWI or CE-MRI depending on the expertise available and the clinical questions that need to be answered. This review summarizes the role of MR imaging in the management of prostate cancer and describes practical approaches to implementing anatomic, metabolic and functional MR imaging techniques in the clinic.  相似文献   

Objective We investigate the implications of high magnetic field strength on MR venography based on susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) and estimate the optimum echo time to obtain maximum contrast between blood and brain tissue. Materials and methods We measured tissue contrast and relaxation times at 7 T of gray matter, white matter, and venous blood in vivo. Results relaxation times of gray matter, white matter, and venous blood in vivo yielded 32.9 ± 2.3, 27.7 ± 4.3, and 7.4 ± 1.4 ms, respectively. Optimum TE was found to be 15 ms which is supported by theoretical considerations. Using this optimum TE, we acquired 3D high resolution datasets with a large volume coverage in a short measurement time that show very detailed microanatomical structures of the human brain such as intracortical veins and laminar cortical substructures. Conclusions By applying optimised vessel filters (vesselness filter and vessel enhancing diffusion) whole brain MR venograms can be obtained at 7 T with a significantly reduced measurement time compared to 3 T.  相似文献   

A multicoil array designed for cardiac SMASH imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, several partially parallel acquisition (PPA) techniques have been presented which use spatial information inherent in an RF coil array to reconstruct an image from a reduced set of phase encoding steps. PPAs represent a change in paradigm for the RF coil designer since the focus for arrays to be used with PPAs is to optimize the spatial encoding that is provided by the array. One of the first practical implementations of PPA imaging was demonstrated using the SMASH technique. In this study, we present our results from the construction of the first array designed specifically for cardiac SMASH imaging. Additional design criteria are presented for SMASH arrays that are not considered in conventional array design. Using these design criteria, a four-element array was constructed and then tested in SMASH imaging experiments in the heart. This array has been used in all of our initial cardiac and head SMASH studies with good results.  相似文献   

A new design of RF coil based on a quasi-transverse electromagnetic field is described. The coil was developed for the acquisition of MR images of the rat spinal cord at 4.7 T. Different materials for the construction of the coil were tested, and the best results were obtained with Teflon. The design of the microstrip coil enables the investigator to change the length of the coil in a longitudinal direction and yields a relatively high signal-to-noise ratio due to the restricted field of view. Low RF field penetration depth also helps in suppressing motion artifacts generated by, e.g., breathing or heartbeats.  相似文献   

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