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采用物理化学相分析技术研究了高氮奥氏体不锈钢固溶时效后的碳、氮化物析出行为,确定了析出相的类型、粒度分布、含量及组成结构式.结果表明:氮含量低的1Cr22Mn15N0.6以M23C6型碳化物析出为主,氮含量高的1Cr22Mn15N0.9以(CrFe)2N1-x型氮化物析出为主,高氮奥氏体不锈钢中析出物的总量随时效时间的延长而增加.  相似文献   

Hydrogen-induced slow crack growth (SCG) was compared in austenitic and ferritic stainless steels at 0 to 125 °Cand 11 to 216 kPa of hydrogen gas. No SCG was observed for AISI 310, while AISI 301 was more susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement and had higher cracking velocity than AL 29-4-2 under the same test conditions. The kinetics of crack propagation was modeled in terms of the hydrogen transport in these alloys. This is a function of temperature, microstructure, and stress state in the embrittlement region. The relatively high cracking velocity of AISI 301 was shown to be controlled by the fast transport of hydrogen through the stress-induced α′ martensite at the crack tip and low escape rate of hydrogen through the γ phase in the surrounding region. Faster accumulation rates of hydrogen in the embrittlement region were expected for AISI 301, which led to higher cracking velocities. The mechanism of hydrogen-induced SCG was discussed based upon the concept of hydrogen-enhanced plasticity. Formerly Research Associate of the University of Illinois  相似文献   

通过采用氮气增氮的实验,研究了钢液的化学成分、冶炼温度、表面活性元素和吹氮流量对钢液增氮的影响.研究结果表明:钢中的合金元素尤其是Mn、Cr等元素能够增大钢液氮的溶解度;冶炼温度提高,钢液的增氮速率增大;钢中的氧对钢液的增氮有很大的阻碍;吹氮流量增大则钢液的增氮速率相应增大.同时对含氮不锈钢采用吹入氮气增氮工艺进行了探讨,为含氮不锈钢的生产提供了参考.  相似文献   

The internal nitridation of thin sections of austenitic Fe−Cr−Ni−Ti alloys containing up to 2 pct Ti was studied over the temperature range 1600° to 2210°F in order to develop a method of strengthening the alloys through the introduction of a dispersoid of stable titanium nitrides. The interparticle spacing (IPS) of the nitrides was found to increase linearly with depth from the external surface; the effects of various parameters on the rate of change of IPS vs depth are presented. The mechanical properties of these alloys at room and elevated temperatures were markedly improved by internally nitriding. Useful mechanical properties were obtained up to 2200°F, with typical properties at 2000°F of 10 to 20 ksi 0.2 pct offset yield strength and 15 to 25 ksi ultimate tensile strength, but section thickness was limited to about 10 mils because of the increase in IPS with depth and the long nitriding times needed for thicker material. In order to produce a small interparticle spacing in a heavier section, internally nitrided 5 mil strip was consolidated by hot roll bonding and evaluated at a 60 mil thickness by tensile and rupture testing at 2000°F. It is demonstrated that the approach taken in this work offers a feasible technique for making a high temperature alloy having useful engineering properties.  相似文献   

高氮铬锰奥氏体不锈钢有着极为广泛的应用前景,然而氮含量对其相转变的影响尚不十分清晰。设计并冶炼了氮质量分数为0.02%~1.20%的试验钢,对各钢的平衡相转变进行了热力学计算,对δ铁素体和Cr2N的形貌进行了观察。结果表明,钢中δ铁素体的最大析出量随着氮含量的升高而降低,当氮质量分数超过1.05%后,无δ铁素体析出。获得了试验钢加热时δ铁素体的析出温度与氮含量的关系式。随着氮含量的升高,试验钢在冷却时Cr2N的析出温度逐渐升高,并获得了其定量关系式。在GN04钢中,1 200 ℃等温2 h后的δ铁素体主要沿三叉晶界分布。Cr2N析出优先在晶界形成,然后朝着晶内发展。在相同等温条件下,试验钢中Cr2N的析出量随着氮含量的升高而增大,且层片间距随之减小。  相似文献   

利用Ludwigson模型研究了两种氮含量不同的无镍奥氏体不锈钢18Cr-12Mn-0.55N(质量分数/%)和18Cr-18Mn-0.63N在室温快速拉伸时的塑性流变行为.结果表明,由于N含量的增大,实验钢18Cr-18Mn-0.63N的加工硬化能力明显强于实验钢18Cr-12Mn-0.55N.N促进CrMnN奥氏体...  相似文献   

The possibility to use hot extraction (thermal extraction in a carrier-gas flow) for fractional analysis of nitrogen in carbon steels is shown for cord and reinforcing-bar steels. A rapid procedure is developed for an analysis of free nitrogen in carbon steels. The validity of the analytical procedure is confirmed by high-temperature hydrogen extraction. The data obtained by the two methods correlate well with each other. A sample preparation procedure is developed for the determination of the content of dissolved nitrogen.  相似文献   

采用真空热压技术制备了含有超高碳和铬(2.6%C,26%Cr,质量分数)的模具钢。基于差示扫描量热分析曲线,选取两个远低于熔点的温度(1100 ℃和1150 ℃)进行热压,分别制造出几乎完全致密、粉末之间冶金结合良好的块体钢,密度为7.45~7.47 g?cm?3;对应热压温度1100 ℃ 和1150 ℃,热压态钢中平均碳化物尺寸分别为3.5 μm和5.5 μm,最大碳化物尺寸分别为6.0 μm和8.5 μm。经1150 ℃淬火、500 ℃回火,1100 ℃ 和1150 ℃热压钢的平均硬度分别为HRC 62.6和HRC 60.8,平均三点弯曲强度分别为2060 MPa和1850 MPa;经1150 ℃淬火、550 ℃回火,1100 ℃ 和1150 ℃热压钢硬度分别为HRC 55.2和HRC 53.6,平均三点弯曲强度分别为2490 MPa和2320 MPa。在相同淬火和回火条件下,1100 ℃热压钢的三点弯曲强度较高,原因是淬火回火后钢中碳化物尺寸较小。  相似文献   

The microstructural modifications in three austenitic stainless steels (types 308, 310, and 312) were evaluated after rapid solidification. These three steels are commonly used weld filler metals. Two methods of rapid solidification were investigated, autogenous laser welding and arc-hammer splat quenching. The structure of 310 stainless steel was found to be 100 pct austenite, and did not vary over the range of conditions studied. On the contrary, the structures of types 308 and 312 steels were very sensitive to the cooling rates and solidification conditions. With the highest cooling rates, the type 308 structure was fully austenitic while the type 312 structure was fully ferritic. At lower cooling rates, the structures were duplex ferrite plus austenite. The results were interpreted in terms of faster kinetics of solidification of austenite compared to ferrite under the conditions examined. A comparison of the structures produced by the two rapid solidification techniques indicated the cooling rates are comparable.  相似文献   

王宇  彭翔飞  李俊  杨阳  李国平  刘燕林 《钢铁》2022,57(1):28-38
高氮奥氏体不锈钢(high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel,HNASS)是一种目前正在蓬勃发展的新型不锈钢,被广泛运用到交通运输、海洋工程、建筑材料、医疗器材和军事工业等领域.节镍高氮的奥氏体不锈钢相比于传统奥氏体不锈钢,其具有优良的综合力学性能,如高强度、高韧性、大的蠕变抗力、...  相似文献   

高氮无镍奥氏体不锈钢在多个领域有着广泛的应用前景,然而氮质量分数对其物理性能和化学性能的影响规律尚不十分清晰。设计并冶炼了氮质量分数为0.02%~1.20%的无镍奥氏体不锈钢,对不同氮质量分数钢的晶格常数、线膨胀系数、电阻率、耐汗液腐蚀性能、自腐蚀电位进行了检测和分析。结果表明,氮质量分数的增加使材料的晶格常数随着线性增大,获得了氮质量分数与晶格常数的定量关系。氮质量分数越高,材料的膨胀系数和电阻率越大。不同氮质量分数试验钢经720 h人工汗液腐蚀后,氮质量分数最低(0.02%)和最高(1.20%)时,试验钢严重腐蚀,而其他钢未被腐蚀。试验钢的自腐蚀电位首先随着氮质量分数的增加而升高,峰值出现在氮质量分数为1.05%时,氮质量分数为1.20%的钢其自腐蚀电位下降至低于氮质量分数为0.60%钢的水平。  相似文献   

The high-temperature deformation behavior of two ultrahigh boron steels containing 2.2 pct and 4.9 pct B was investigated. Both alloys were processedvia powder metallurgy involving gas atomization and hot isostatic pressing (hipping) at various temperatures. After hipping at 700 °C, the Fe-2.2 pct B alloy showed a fine microstructure consisting of l-μm grains and small elongated borides (less than 1μm) . At 1100 °C, a coarser microstructure with rounded borides was formed. This alloy was superplastic at 850 °C with stress exponents of about two and tensile elongations as high as 435 pct. The microstructure of the Fe-4.9 pct B alloy was similar to that of the Fe-2.2 pct B alloy showing, in addition, coarse borides. This alloy also showed low stress exponent values but lacked high tensile elongation (less than 65 pct), which was attributed to the presence of stress accumulation at the interface between the matrix and the large borides. A change in the activation energy value at theα-γ transformation temperature was seen in the Fe-2.2 pct B alloy. The plastic flow data were in agreement with grain boundary sliding and slip creep models. J.A. JIMéNEZ, Postdoctoral Fellow, formerly with Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalurgicas, C.S.I.C.  相似文献   

The grain structures were investigated in full penetration gas tungsten-arc (GTA) welds in sheets of 304 and 321 austenitic stainless steels for a range of welding conditions. In type 321 steel welds, fine equiaxed ferrite dendrites were observed in the ferrite phase. The equiaxed structure was ascribed to heterogeneous nucleation of ferrite on Ti-rich cuboidal inclusions present in this steel, since these inclusions were observed at the origin of equiaxed dendrites. In type 304 welds, the ferrite grains were columnar, except in less complete penetration specimens, where a few coarse equiaxed dendrites appeared to originate from the weld surface. The secondary austenitic grain structure was columnar in both steels. In type 304 steel, the columnar austenitic grain structure did not necessarily correspond to the primary ferrite grains. In type 321 steel, the secondary austenite was columnar despite the equiaxed structure of the primary ferrite. Factors which affect the columnar-to-equiaxed transition (CET) are discussed. The failure to form equiaxed austenitic grains in type 321 steel is ascribed to austenite growing across the space between ferrite grains instead of renucleating on the primary equiaxed ferrite.  相似文献   

Rapid heating after cold deformation has been investigated as a grain refinement technique for austenitic stainless steels. The method shows considerable promise for obtaining average grain diameters in the 3 to 10 μm range without causing carbide precipitation in the alloy. This technique has been used here to obtain a wide range of grain sizes in type 316 steel for property measurements. The hardness, tensile strength and 0.2 pct offset yield strength were found to vary linearly with the reciprocal of the square root of the average grain diameter.  相似文献   

利用hermoCalc软件和相关数据库对不同Mn含量(质量分数,以下均同)及添加少量(质量分数,以下均同)Mo和C时,Fe-18Cr-Mn-Mo-C-N合金系在压力为100 kPa条件下随N含量(质量分数,以下均同)变化的垂直截面相图进行了计算.结果发现,当不添加Mo和C时,Mn含量从0增加到12%时,γ/(α+γ)相...  相似文献   

“475 °C embrittlement” of high-chromium ferritic steels with Cr content from 15 to 35 wt pct and different commercial impurities (C, N) has been investigated. The influence of preliminary treatment (600 °C to 1250 °C) and chemical composition of the alloy (Cr, C, N, Mo, Ti, Nb) on kinetics has been established. Internal friction (IF) was used to determine the contribution of interstitial atoms to the formation of Cr-modulated structure during different stages of embrit- tlement of high-chromium steels. By use of IF, static and dynamic (impact) mechanical tests with different states of stress, transmission and scanning electron microscopy of structures and fracture surfaces, and the application of diffraction methods, thermodynamic diagrams of the aging of high-chromium steels have been obtained. In the temperature range of 475 °C em- brittlement, the following sequence of processes has been established: (1) decay of solid solution supersaturated with interstitial atoms by dislocation pinning, (2) formation of substitutional- interstitial (s-i) complexes of interstitial (C, N) and substitutional (Cr) atoms, and (3) formation of zones enriched in Cr.  相似文献   

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