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Characterization of phosphorus (P) in soils is important both agronomically and environmentally, although the outcome may depend on the technique applied. Consequently, we evaluated fractionation and adsorption, individually and jointly, and relevant ancillary soil attributes, to determine the dominant functional characteristics of soil P in 32 fertilized temperate grassland Inceptisols classified by eight soil series, and by two soil-P index and parent material groups. Residual P was low (30.7%) and organic P (Po) prominent, 42.0% vs. 17.5% for equivalent soils in unfertilized natural ecosystems. Labile fractions comprised 6.8% inorganic P (Pi) and 9.1% Po. The proportional increase in high vs. low index soils (Morgan P > 6.0 mg l−1 vs. ≤ 6.0 mg l−1) was higher for Pi, and highest for labile and moderately labile fractions. Only moderately labile Pi and Po differed significantly between soils of limestone and non-limestone origin. Oxalate extractable Fe (Feox) and buffering (EBC) were higher in the latter. The equilibrium P concentration (EPC) was substantially higher in the high index group, and EBC and binding energy (k) substantially lower, with no significant difference in sorption maximum (Pmax). EBC equated with weak to strong buffering in different soil series, and conformed better than k to ancillary attributes. Pmax correlated in order Alox > clay > OC > Feox, and more broadly reflected sorption attributes than oxalate-based sorption capacity (PSC). Principal component (PC) analysis showed consistent differentiation of P fractions, mostly labile and moderately labile, in PC 1 vs. adsorption and ancillary attributes in PC 2. However, scatterplots of PC scores showed that adsorption characteristics provided better functional differentiation than P fractions for distinguishing individual soil series, which may have implications in selection and interpretation of extractants not only for environmental but also for agronomic soil-tests.  相似文献   

The interactions between three polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), namely fluorene, naphthalene and anthracene, and three fractions of a soil, namely fulvic acid (FA), humic acid (HA) and humin/inorganic fractions, were studied experimentally. Prepared PAH + soil fraction binary mixtures, with PAH concentrations ranging over 0.8–7 mass%, were tested using a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) over a temperature range of 20?390°C. The DSC thermograms for the PAH + HA mixtures showed distinctly different characteristics compared to mixtures with the other two soil fractions, where the endothermic peak for the vaporization of the PAH was absent. With the aid of vapour-liquid flash calculations, the lack of the boiling point peak is interpreted to be due to the liquid-phase miscibility of the PAHs and the HA fraction. Implications of the DSC results on the design and performance of the thermal desorption process are discussed.  相似文献   

Crop production in maize-based smallholder farming systems of Southern Africa is hampered by lack of options for efficiently managing limited and different quality organic nutrient resources. This study examined impacts of farmers’ short- and long-term organic resource allocation patterns on sizes and quality of soil organic matter (SOM) fractions. Farmers’ most- (rich) and least- (poor) productive fields were studied for two seasons under low (450–650 mm yr−1) to high (>750 mm yr−1) rainfall areas in Zimbabwe, on Lixisols with ∼6% clay and 88% sand. Rich fields received 0.5–14 Mg C ha−1 compared with <4 Mg C ha−1 for poor fields, and the differences were reflected in soil particulate organic matter (POM) fractions. Organic inputs were consistent with resource endowments, with well-endowed farmers applying at least five times the amounts used by resource-constrained farmers. Rich fields had 100% more macro-POM (250–2,000 μm diameter) and three times more meso-POM (53–250 μm) than poor fields. Application of high quality (>25 mg N kg−1) materials increased labile C (KMnO4 oxidizable) in top 60 cm of soil profile, with 1.6 Mg C ha−1 of Crotalaria juncea yielding labile C amounts similar to 6 Mg C ha−1 of manure. Labile C was significantly related to mineralizable N in POM fractions, and apparently to maize yields (P < 0.01). Farmers’ preferential allocation of nutrient resources to already productive fields helps to maintain critical levels of labile SOM necessary to sustain high maize yields.  相似文献   

The fractionation of soil P into various organic and inorganic pools with differing levels of bioavailability, coupled with knowledge of the P adsorption and desorption characteristics of the soils, provides insights into management strategies that enhance P availability to crops. Sequential soil P fractionation was conducted on samples from 11 soil profiles and different experimental fields selected from the derived savanna (DS) and northern Guinea savanna (NGS) zones of the West African moist savanna to assess the influence of soil characteristics and management on soil P pools. Phosphorus adsorption and desorption studies were conducted on samples from the surface horizon of the soil profiles. The total P content varied within and among the soil profiles and tended generally to decrease as depth increased. The total P content in topsoil varied from 90 to 198 mg kg–1 of which about 30% was organically bound P. The resin P fraction was generally low (mean = 5 mg kg–1, topsoil) and decreased with depth. These low resin P levels indicate low P availability. Within the DS, where the organic resource (OM) was Senna siamea residues, the effects on soil P fractions of OM and soluble P fertilizer (PF), whether sole or in combination, were site-specific. While resin P was significantly increased by OM in some sites, no significant differences were observed in others. In the NGS fields, farmyard manure (organic resource, OM) combined with PF and PF applied alone increased the inorganic P (Pi) fractions extractable with resin, bicarbonate, and NaOH by about 400% but had no significant effect on the organic P (Po) pools and the more stable Pi forms. The P sorption capacities were low, with the adsorption maximum deduced from the Langmuir equation ranging from 36 to 230 mg kg–1. The amount of P sorbed to maintain 0.2 mg l–1 in solution ranged between 0.6 and 16 mg kg–1. Phosphorus desorption with anion exchange resin differed among the soils, with the recovery of added P ranging from 17 to 66% after 96 h. On average, more of the applied P was recovered in the DS soils than in the NGS soils. Because of the relatively low sorption capacity and the relatively high percentage recovery, small additions of P to most of the soils studied might be adequate for crop growth. In essence, quantities of P fertilizer needed in these soils might be estimated based on considerations of P uptake by crops rather than on sorption characteristics.  相似文献   

The effect of two P-forms and the P fertilization system were studied in field trials set up on two moderately acidic Hungarian soils. Reactive Algerian rock phosphate and Kola superphosphate doses were based on the phosphorus equivalence. The experimental design makes it possible to compare the effect of annual 35 kg/ha P doses with initial one-time application of the 175 kg/ha P level in a five-year interval. Ammonium-lactate (AL)-, NaHCO3 (Olsen)- and DW-P contents as well as Lakanen- Erviö (LE)- soluble Cd, Cr and Sr contents were also determined. The results of the first five-year period are reported in the paper. Responses to P fertilization were related to the original P supply of the soils. There was no significant difference between the two P forms and between the P fertilization systems on both grain yield and P-uptake. While AL- method overestimated, and Olsen-method – on the other hand – underestimated the P supply of reactive Algerian rock phosphate, distilled water (DW)-soluble P contents indicated the soil P status more accurately. Phosphorus balances were positive after the fifth year of the trials in the P treated plots. The soluble Cd and Cr contents did not increase in the Algerian rock phosphate treated plots. On the other hand, Kola superphosphate application at 175 kg/ha P level resulted in higher LE-Sr contents in soils. The Algerian rock phosphate is an economic alternative P source on the moderately or strongly acidic Hungarian soils.  相似文献   

Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum, a coal combustion by-product, can be used to decrease water-extractable soil P, thereby lowering the potential for P export to surface waters. This decrease results from a conversion of loosely bound inorganic P (IP) which is readily desorbable to water, to less soluble Al- and Fe-bound IP and, to a lesser extent, calcium-bound IP pools. Although this conversion has little effect on predictors of plant-available soil P (e.g., Mehlich-3 P), little is known about the plant uptake of P over several growth cycles after high P soils are amended with FGD. In a greenhouse experiment, we measured P uptake by ryegrass (Lolium perenne) using a modified Stanford–Dement procedure (three growth cycles), and the extent to which IP was being removed from each soil IP fraction (Hedley fractionation), for three soils treated with FGD gypsum (equivalent to 22.4 Mg ha–1). Treatment with FGD decreased water extractable soil P 38 to 57%, but had little effect on Mehlich-3 soil P. During the first growth cycle, the shift from resin IP to less available Al, Fe, and Ca IP remained stable. Repeated growth cycles of ryegrass removed resin IP and thus, had a continued effect on lowering water-extractable P. After three growth cycles and harvests, ryegrass dry-matter production was not affected by FGD treatment (P > 0.05), although cumulative P uptake (20%) and P concentration of ryegrass tops (25%) were greater in FGD treated than untreated soils. Our results confirm that treatment of high P soils with FGD gypsum decreases water-extractable P by conversion to soil IP fractions that are stable with time, does not decrease plant production, and suggests that the potential for P export in surface runoff may be reduced for several years.  相似文献   

When fine particulate, slow-release fertilizers are applied to pastures, earthworm activity can physically move the particles both horizontally and vertically in the soil. This physical movement needs to be accounted for when researchers attempt to determine the rate of fertilizer dissolution by measuring the quantity of undissolved fertilizer residue remaining in the soil. A hard igneous phosphate rock (Phalaborwa PR) and an inert chromite ore were used as tracers to follow the physical movement of the reactive PR (RPR), NCPR applied to grazed pasture on a Pallic Soil (Aeric Fragiaqualf) isolated in galvanised steel cylindrical cores (150 mm diameter and 100 mm height) with or without nylon mesh sleeve (63 µm) at the bottom. The soil cores were sampled after 113, 270 and 559 days and analysed for PR and chromite residues. Results from both tracers showed that there was a significant movement of particles laterally out of the cores and vertically below 40 mm soil depth. Phalaborwa PR particle movement to 40–60 mm soil depth was 8% in 112 days and 24% in 270 days. Between 270 and 559 days no significant movement of particles was observed. Particle movement appeared to occur in discrete non-continuous events that were associated with the major end-of-autumn peaks in earthworm activity. When corrected for particle movement, the measured rate of NCPR dissolution satisfactorily fitted the rate of dissolution predicted by two models of PR dissolution.  相似文献   

海虾中硒含量的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭秀琴 《河北化工》2010,33(4):62-64
采用紫外可见分光光度法测定海虾中微量元素硒的含量。用氧弹燃烧法制备所含硒的待测溶液。该方法操作简单、快速、显色灵敏度高、线性范围宽,为测定微量硒的研究提供了一个新方法。  相似文献   

郝素娥  滕冰 《精细化工》1997,14(1):27-29
采用在培养基中添加亚硒酸钠的方法,培养出了五种不同含硒量的硒酵母,并对硒酵母中总硒、无机硒、有机硒、硒蛋氨酸和硒胱氨酸的含量进行了测定,从所测数据中可以得出酵母同化无机硒为有机硒的基本规律,确定了在硒酵母的培养过程中最适宜的亚硒酸钠添加量为15~20μg/ml。  相似文献   

卢修玉  王俏 《广东化工》2016,(14):241-242
目的:陕西地矿第一地质队实验室运用原子荧光分光光度计的测定方法,对蜂蜜中的天然硒进行快速测定。方法:蜂蜜试样经酸加热消化后,在盐酸介质中,硼氢化钾还原,原子荧光法测定硒含量,本方法对蜂蜜消化过程进行了优化,对测试过程进行了创新设计。结论:本法灵敏度高,简便,快捷,准确。应用于蜂蜜中天然硒的测定与其他方法相比较,检测结果准确度高,再现性好,结果满意。方法精密度RSD%4.90;加标回收率99.5%~104%;方法检出限Se为0.005×10-6。方法线性范围Se为0.010~1μg/m L。  相似文献   

孙占英  赵松燕 《玻璃》2012,39(6):14-16
介绍了用硫代硫酸钠容量法测定玻璃着色剂中的硒含量。  相似文献   

Functions of selenium are diverse as antioxidant, anti-inflammation, increased immunity, reduced cancer incidence, blocking tumor invasion and metastasis, and further clinical application as treatment with radiation and chemotherapy. These functions of selenium are mostly related to oxidation and reduction mechanisms of selenium metabolites. Hydrogen selenide from selenite, and methylselenol (MSeH) from Se-methylselenocyteine (MSeC) and methylseleninicacid (MSeA) are the most reactive metabolites produced reactive oxygen species (ROS); furthermore, these metabolites may involve in oxidizing sulfhydryl groups, including glutathione. Selenite also reacted with glutathione and produces hydrogen selenide via selenodiglutathione (SeDG), which induces cytotoxicity as cell apoptosis, ROS production, DNA damage, and adenosine-methionine methylation in the cellular nucleus. However, a more pronounced effect was shown in the subsequent treatment of sodium selenite with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. High doses of sodium selenite were effective to increase radiation therapy and chemotherapy, and further to reduce radiation side effects and drug resistance. In our study, advanced cancer patients can tolerate until 5000 μg of sodium selenite in combination with radiation and chemotherapy since the half-life of sodium selenite may be relatively short, and, further, selenium may accumulates more in cancer cells than that of normal cells, which may be toxic to the cancer cells. Further clinical studies of high amount sodium selenite are required to treat advanced cancer patients.  相似文献   

对农作物、化肥和我国土壤营养特性作了简要描述,并对全国和几个典型地区的农田养分平衡作了估算。从作物营养、环境保护、生态高效农业和西部开发的不同角度,展望了我国化肥产业新的发展机遇。  相似文献   

依据国家标准样品工作导则要求,制备硒标准样品。采用原子荧光法对样品进行均匀性和稳定性研究。以多个实验室协作分析定值的统计结果确定标准值,并进行不确定度评估。结果表明,硒标准样品均匀性良好,稳定性可达24个月以上;样品量值准确,与美国同种标准物质进行比对具有可比性。研制的硒标准样品符合国家标准样品的技术要求,标准编号为GSB 07—3172—2014,可用于水质硒元素检测的质量控制、分析方法研究以及分析实验室能力验证等方面。  相似文献   

于志成  吴增  唐伟芳  陆涛 《广州化工》2013,41(8):31-34,44
综述了SeO2在有机合成中的应用,包括烯丙位氧化反应,羰基α位氧化反应,含氮杂环上甲基氧化反应,氧化断裂反应,醛肟合成腈反应,含硒杂环合成,与其他氧化剂联用,并对其作用机制进行了简要阐述。  相似文献   

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