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Validation of coupled codes using VVER plant measurements   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
A data set of five transients at different VVER type nuclear power plants was collected in order to validate neutron kinetics/thermal hydraulics codes. Two of these transients ‘drop of control rod at nominal power at Bohunice-3’ of VVER-440 type and ‘coast-down of 1 from 3 working MCPs at Kozloduy-6’ of VVER-1000 type, were then utilised for code validation. Eight institutes contributed to the validation with 10 calculations using 5 different combinations of coupled codes. The thermal hydraulic codes were ATHLET, SMABRE and RELAP5 and the neutron kinetic codes DYN3D, HEXTRAN, KIKO3D and BIPR8. The general behaviour of both the transients was quite well calculated with all the codes. Even an elementary modelling of coolant mixing in reactor pressure vessel under asymmetric transients improved correspondence to the measurements. Some differences between the calculations seem to indicate that fuel modelling and treatment of VVER-440 control rods need further consideration. The simultaneous validation interacted with the data collection effort and thus improved its quality. The complexity of data collection systems and sometimes conflicting data, however, called for compromises and interpretation guides that also taught the analysts balanced plant modelling.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2002,29(3):255-269
Several three-dimensional hexagonal reactor dynamic codes have been developed for VVER type reactors and coupled with different thermal-hydraulic system codes. Under the auspices of the European Union's Phare programme these codes have been validated against real plant transients by the participants from 7 countries. Two of the collected five transients were chosen for validation of the codes. Part 1 of this article consists of validation against VVER-1000 reactor data. This second part is focussed to validation against measured data of ‘One turbo-generator load drop experiment' at the Loviisa-1 VVER-440 reactor. The experiment was performed just after plant modernisation and more measured data was available to validation than in normal operation of real plants. Good accuracy of the results was generally achieved comparable to the measurement accuracy. The confidence in the results of the different code systems has increased, and consequences of certain model changes could be evaluated.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2001,28(9):857-873
Three-dimensional hexagonal reactor dynamic codes have been developed for VVER type reactors and coupled with different thermal–hydraulic system codes. In the EU Phare project SRR1/95 these codes have been validated against real plant transients by the participants from several countries. Data measured during a test in the Balakovo-4 VVER-1000 have been analysed by coupled codes. In the test, one of two working feed water pumps of the steam generators was switched off at nominal power. The steady-state assembly powers measured before and after this transient are reproduced by the codes with a maximum deviation of about 5%. The time behaviour of the most safety-relevant parameters, such as total fission power, coolant temperatures and pressures is well modelled. Thermal–hydraulic feedback effects observed in the measurement are described by the codes in a consistent manner. The analyses have shown, that an accurate treatment of the heat transfer from the fuel rods to the coolant is important. In all, the results have increased the confidence in the coupled code analyses of VVER-1000 transients.  相似文献   

In the framework of joint effort between the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of OECD, the United States Department of Energy (US DOE), and the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA), France, a coupled 3-D thermal–hydraulics/neutron kinetics benchmark was defined. The overall objective of OECD/NEA V1000CT benchmark [Ivanov, B., Ivanov, K., Groudev, P., Pavlova, M., Hadjiev, V., 2002. VVER-1000 Coolant Transient Benchmark (V1000-CT). Phase 1 – Final Specifications, NEA/NSC/DOC] is to assess computer codes used in the analysis of VVER-1000 reactivity transients where mixing phenomena (mass flow and temperature) in the reactor pressure vessel are complex. Original data from the Kozloduy-6 Nuclear Power Plant are available for the validation of computer codes: one experiment of pump start-up (V1000CT-1) and one experiment of steam generator isolation (V1000CT-2). The CEA presented results for the V1000CT-1 Exercise 2 using a coupling of FLICA4 [Toumi, I., Gallo, D., Bergeron, A., Royer, E., Caruge, D., 2000. FLICA4: a three dimensional two-phase flow computer code with advanced numerical methods for nuclear applications. Nuclear Engineering and Design 200, 139–155] and CRONOS2 [Akherraz, B., Baudron, A.M., Lautard, J.J., Magnaud, C., Moreau, F., Schneider, D., Gonzales, M., 2004. Manuel de Référence CRONOS 2.6. Technical Report SERMA/LENR/RT/04-3433/A, CEA] via the coupling tool ISAS [Toumi, I., et al., 1995. Specifications of the general software architecture for code integration in ISAS. Euratom Fusion Technology, ITER task S81TT-01/1]. The FLICA4/CRONOS2 VVER-1000 model is based on the data available in the benchmark specifications. This paper summarizes the FLICA4/CRONOS2 model build-up with the associated sensitivity studies and presents the CEA results for V1000CT-1 Exercise 2 as well as a comparison with experimental results at hot power steady state (HP SS).  相似文献   

In the framework of joint effort between the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of OECD, the United States Department of Energy (US DOE), and the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA), France a coupled three-dimensional (3D) thermal-hydraulics/neutron kinetics benchmark for VVER-1000 was defined. The benchmark consists of calculation of a pump start-up experiment labelled V1000CT-1 (Phase 1), as well as a vessel mixing experiment and main steam line break (MSLB) transient labelled V1000CT-2 (Phase 2), respectively. The reference nuclear plant is Kozloduy-6 in Bulgaria. The overall objective is to assess computer codes used in the analysis of VVER-1000 reactivity transients. A specific objective is to assess the vessel mixing models used in system codes. Plant data are available for code validation consisting of one experiment of pump start-up (V1000CT-1) and one experiment of steam generator isolation (V1000CT-2). The validated codes can be used to calculate asymmetric MSLB transients involving similar mixing patterns. This paper summarizes a comparison of CATHARE and TRAC-PF1 system code results for V1000CT-1, Exercise 1, which is a full plant point kinetics simulation of a reactor coolant system (RCS) pump start-up experiment. The reference plant data include integral and sector average parameters. The comparison is made from the point of view of vessel mixing and full system simulation. CATHARE used a six-sector multiple 1D vessel thermal-hydraulic model with cross flows and TRAC used a six-sector, 18-channel coarse-mesh 3D vessel model. Good agreement in terms of integral parameters and inter-loop mixing is observed.  相似文献   

In the framework of joint effort between the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of OECD, the United States Department of Energy (US DOE), and the Commissariat a l'Enerige Atomique (CEA), France a coupled three-dimensional (3D) thermal-hydraulics/neutron kinetics benchmark was defined. The overall objective of OECD/NEA V1000CT benchmark is to assess computer codes used in analysis of VVER-1000 reactivity transients where mixing phenomena (mass flow and temperature) in the reactor pressure vessel are complex. Original data from the Kozloduy-6 Nuclear Power Plant are available for the validation of computer codes: one experiment of pump start-up (V1000CT-1) and one experiment of steam generator isolation (V1000CT-2). Additional scenarios are defined for code-to-code comparison. As a 3D core model is necessary for a best-estimate computation of all the scenarios of the V1000CT benchmark, all participants were asked to develop their own core coupled 3D thermal-hydraulics/neutron kinetics models using the data available in the benchmark specifications and a common cross-section library. The first code-to-code comparisons based on the V1000CT-1 Exercise 2 specifications exhibited unacceptable discrepancies between two sets of results. The present paper focuses on the analysis of the observed discrepancies. The VVER-1000 3D neutron kinetics models are based on cross-section data homogenized on the assembly level. The cross-section library, provided as part of the benchmark specifications, thus consists in a set of parameterized two group cross sections representing the different assemblies and the reflectors. The origin of the observed large discrepancies was found mainly to lie in the methods used to solve the diffusion equation. The VVER reflector properties were also found to enhance discrepancies by increasing flux gradients at the core/reflector interface thus highlighting more the difficulties in some codes to handle high exponential flux gradients. This paper summarizes the different steps applied to analyze the neutronic codes and their predictions as well as the impact of cross-section generation procedures.  相似文献   

Measurements carried out in an original-size VVER-1000 mock-up (V-1000 facility, Kurchatov Institute, Moscow) were used for the validation of three-dimensional neutron-kinetic codes, designed for VVER safety calculations. The significant neutron flux tilt measured in the V-1000 core, which is caused only by radial-reflector asymmetries, was successfully modeled. A good agreement between calculated and measured steady-state powers has been achieved, for relative assembly powers and inner-assembly pin power distributions. Calculated effective multiplication factors exceed unity in all cases. The time behaviour of local powers, measured during two transients that were initiated by control rod moving in a slightly super-critical core, has been well simulated by the neutron-kinetic codes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new, coupled neutronic-thermohydraulics system. The three-dimensional neutron kinetic code KIKO3D and the two-phase flow code RETINA V1.1D have been coupled for modeling complex transients of nuclear power plants. Using a six-loop nodalization of a VVER-440, several test calculations have been carried out. Results obtained for a trip of one main circulation pump are compared with real measurements and reference calculations provided by other neutronic-thermohydraulics systems. The ability of our coupled system is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The VVER-1000 coolant transient benchmark is intended for validation of couplings of the thermal hydraulic codes and three-dimensional neutron kinetic core models. It concerns switching on a main coolant pump when the other three main coolant pumps are in operation. The problem is based on an experiment performed in Kozloduy NPP in Bulgaria. In addition to the real plant transient, an extreme scenario concerning a control rod ejection after switching on a main coolant pump was calculated. At VTT the three-dimensional advanced nodal code HEXTRAN is used for the core dynamics, and the system code SMABRE as a thermal hydraulic model for the primary and secondary loop. The parallelly coupled HEXTRAN–SMABRE code has been in production use since early 1990s, and it has been extensively used for analyses of VVER NPPs. The SMABRE input model is based on the standard VVER-1000 input used at VTT. The whole core calculation is performed with HEXTRAN. Also the core model is based on earlier VVER-1000 models. Nuclear data for the calculation were specified in the benchmark. The paper outlines the input models used for both codes. Calculated results are introduced both for the coupled core system with inlet and outlet boundary conditions and for the whole plant model. Parametric studies have been performed for selected parameters.  相似文献   

This paper provides a comparison between the real plant data obtained by Unit 6 of Kozloduy nuclear power plant (NPP) during the loss-of-feed water (LOFW) transient and the calculation results received by RELAP5/MOD3.2 computer model of the same NPP unit.RELAP5/MOD3.2 computer model of the VVER-1000 has been developed at the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (INRNE-BAS) based on Unit 6 of Kozloduy NPP. This model has been used for simulation the behavior of the real VVER-1000 NPP during the LOFW transient. Several calculations have been provided to describe how the different boundary conditions reflect on the prediction of real plant parameters.This paper discusses the results of the thermal–hydraulic sensitivity calculations of loss-of-feed water transient for VVER-1000 reactor design. The report also contains a brief summary of the main NPP systems included in the RELAP5 VVER model and the LOFW transient sequences.This report was possible through the participation of leading specialists from Kozloduy NPP and with the assistance of Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) for the United States Department of Energy (US DOE), International Nuclear Safety Program (INSP).  相似文献   

The paper presents a solution of VVER-1000 Coolant Transient Benchmark – Phase 1 (V1000CT-1) of Exercise 3 performed with the coupled reactor dynamic code DYN3D and system code ATHLET at NRI Řež. The first part of the paper contains brief characteristics of VVER-1000 NPP input deck and describes also the applied reactor core model. The second part introduces the steady-state results and important time dependencies, compared with experimental values. The calculation results show that such type of transient can be realistically described by the coupled codes DYN3D–ATHLET.  相似文献   

An accurate prediction of reactor core behavior in transients depends on how much it could be possible to exactly determine the thermal feedbacks of the core elements such as fuel, clad and coolant. In short time transients, results of these feedbacks directly affect the reactor power and determine the reactor response. Such transients are commonly happened during the start-up process which makes it necessary to carefully evaluate the detail of process. Hence this research evaluates a short time transient occurring during the start up of VVER-1000 reactor. The reactor power was tracked using the point kinetic equations from HZP state (100 W) to 612 kW. Final power (612 kW) was achieved by withdrawing control rods and resultant excess reactivity was set into dynamic equations to calculate the reactor power. Since reactivity is the most important part in the point kinetic equations, using a Lumped Parameter (LP) approximation, energy balance equations were solved in different zones of the core. After determining temperature and total reactivity related to feedbacks in each time step, the exact value of reactivity is obtained and is inserted into point kinetic equations. In reactor core each zone has a specific temperature and its corresponding thermal feedback. To decrease the effects of point kinetic approximations, these partial feedbacks in different zones are superposed to show an accurate model of reactor core dynamics. In this manner the reactor point kinetic can be extended to the whole reactor core which means “Reactor spatial kinetic”. All required group constants in calculations are prepared using the WIMS code. In addition CITATION code was used to calculate the flux, power distribution and core reactivity inside the core. To update the last change in group constants and resultant reactivity in point kinetic equations, these neutronic codes were coupled with a developed dynamic program. This study is applied on a typical VVER-1000 reactor core to show the reactor response in short time transients caused during start-up procedure.  相似文献   

Licensing calculations in a majority of countries worldwide still rely on the application of combined approach using best estimate computer code without evaluation of the code models uncertainty and conservative assumptions on initial and boundary, availability of systems and components and additional conservative assumptions. However best estimate plus uncertainty (BEPU) approach representing the state-of-the-art in the area of safety analysis has a clear potential to replace currently used combined approach. There are several applications of BEPU approach in the area of licensing calculations, but some questions are discussed, namely from the regulatory point of view. In order to find a proper solution to these questions and to support the BEPU approach to become a standard approach for licensing calculations, a broad comparison of both approaches for various transients is necessary. Results of one of such comparisons on the example of the VVER-440/213 NPP pressurizer surge line break event are described in this paper. A Kv-scaled simulation based on PH4-SLB experiment from PMK-2 integral test facility applying its volume and power scaling factor is performed for qualitative assessment of the RELAP5 computer code calculation using the VVER-440/213 plant model. Existing hardware differences are identified and explained. The CIAU method is adopted for performing the uncertainty evaluation. Results using combined and BEPU approaches are in agreement with the experimental values in PMK-2 facility. Only minimal difference between combined and BEPU approached has been observed in the evaluation of the safety margins for the peak cladding temperature. Benefits of the CIAU uncertainty method are highlighted.  相似文献   

The neutronic behavior of very slow transients like fuel burn up and xenon studies can be performed with the sequence of instantaneous criticality calculations. Such a scheme is known as the adiabatic approximation. 135Xe as a fission product has an enormous thermal absorption cross section, on the order of a million barns, therefore the study of xenon poisoning and its effect on flux and power distribution is very important in thermal reactors. In this work xenon transient analysis of the VVER-1000 nuclear reactor and its effect on the flux and power distribution from reactor start up to xenon saturation and the change of power from nominal to 25% of nominal is carried out using WIMS and CITATION codes. We used the WIMS cell calculation code and found some relations between xenon concentration and group constants of different FA (Fuel Assemblies); in this way we bypassed the WIMS running at each time step. Also, the CITATION code is used as a core calculation code to find the effective multiplication factor as well as flux and power distributions. In order to link WIMS and CITATION codes and facilitate numerous executions, a VISUAL BASIC program has been developed. The results have a good agreement with the safety analysis report of the reference plant such that the relative differences in most cases are less than 10%.  相似文献   

In-vessel turbulent mixing phenomena affect the time and space distribution of coolant properties (e.g., boron concentration and temperature) at the core inlet which impacts consequently the neutron kinetics response. For reactor safety evaluation purposes and to characterize these phenomena it is necessary to set and validate appropriate numerical modelling tools to improve the current conservative predictions. With such purpose, an experimental campaign was carried out by OKB Gidropress, in the framework of the European Commission Project “TACIS R2.02/02 - Development of safety analysis capabilities for VVER-1000 transients involving spatial variations of coolant properties (temperature or boron concentration) at core inlet”. The experiments were conducted on a scaled facility representing the primary system of a VVER-1000 including a detailed model of the Reactor Pressure Vessel with its internals. The simulated transients involved perturbations of coolant properties distribution providing a wide validation matrix. The main achievements of the set of experiments featuring transient asymmetric pump behaviour are presented in this paper. The potential of the obtained experimental database for the validation of thermal fluid dynamics numerical simulation tools is also discussed and the role of computational fluid dynamics in supporting the experimental data analysis is highlighted.  相似文献   

Reactor dynamic tests, which are categorized as one of the power start-up test groups, are the most complex tests during commissioning of the new nuclear power plants. This paper presents the results of Turbo-Generator load reduction test as one of the reactor dynamic tests for VVER-1000/V446 unit at Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP). In this test modeling because of the need for control rod bank worth and core reactivity coefficients, the core geometry has been modeled first by using WIMSD-5B/PARCSv2.7 codes for neutronic calculations. For performing the thermal-hydraulic analysis, the RELAP5/MOD3.2 computer code has been used. The control rod bank worth and core reactivity coefficients obtained from WIMSD-5B/PARCSv2.7 are compared with BNPP FSAR that confirm the ability and reliability of the method. Also comparison of the thermal-hydraulic core parameters obtained from RELAP5/MOD3.2 against actual plant data, indicate that this code can properly predict behavior of VVER-1000 reactor for this dynamic start-up test.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the coupled codes technique, which consists in incorporating three-dimensional (3D) neutron modeling of the reactor core into system codes, is extensively used for carrying out best estimate (BE) simulation of complex transient in nuclear power plants (NPP). This technique is particularly suitable for transients that involve core spatial asymmetric phenomena and strong feedback effects between core neutronics and reactor loop thermal-hydraulics. Such complex interactions are encountered under normal and abnormal operating conditions of a boiling water reactors (BWR). In such reactors Oscillations may take place owing to the dynamic behavior of the liquid-steam mixture used for removing the thermal power. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to detect in a reliable way these oscillations. The purpose of this work is to characterize one aspect of these unstable behaviors using the coupled codes technique. The evaluation is performed against Peach Bottom-2 low-flow stability tests number 3 using the coupled RELAP5/PARCS code. In this transient dynamically complex neutron kinetics coupling with thermal-hydraulics events take place in response to a core pressure perturbation. The calculated coupled code results are herein assessed and compared against the available experimental data.  相似文献   

The EU project FLOMIX-R was aimed at describing the mixing phenomena relevant for both safety analysis, particularly in steam line break and boron dilution scenarios, and mixing phenomena of interest for economical operation and the structural integrity.This report will focus on the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code validation. Best practice guidelines (BPG) were applied in all CFD work when choosing computational grid, time step, turbulence models, modelling of internal geometry, boundary conditions, numerical schemes and convergence criteria. The strategy of code validation based on the BPG and a matrix of CFD code validation calculations have been elaborated. CFD calculations have been accomplished for selected experiments with two different CFD codes (CFX, FLUENT). The matrix of benchmark cases contains slug mixing tests simulating the start-up of the first main circulation pump which have been performed with three 1:5 scaled facilities: the Rossendorf coolant mixing model ROCOM, the Vattenfall test facility and a metal mock-up of a VVER-1000 type reactor. Before studying mixing in transients, ROCOM test cases with steady-state flow conditions were considered. Considering buoyancy driven mixing, experimental results on mixing of fluids with density differences obtained at ROCOM and the FORTUM PTS test facility were compared with calculations. Methods for a quantitative comparison between the calculated and measured mixing scalar distributions have been elaborated and applied. Based on the “best practice CFD solutions”, conclusions on the applicability of CFD for turbulent mixing problems in PWR were drawn and recommendations on CFD modelling were given. The results of the CFD calculations are mostly in-between the uncertainty bands of the experiments. Although no fully grid-independent numerical solutions could be obtained, it can be concluded about the suitability of applying CFD methods in engineering applications for turbulent mixing in nuclear reactors.  相似文献   

Nuclear power plant Safety analysis using coupled 3D neutron kinetics/thermal-hydraulic codes technique is increasingly used nowadays. Actually, the use of this technique allows getting less conservatism and more realistic simulations of the physical phenomena. The challenge today is oriented toward the application of this technique to the operating conditions of nuclear research reactors. In the current study, a three-Dimensional Neutron Kinetics and best estimate Thermal-Hydraulic model based upon the coupled PARCS/RELAP5 codes has been developed and applied for a heavy water research reactor. The objective is to perform safety analysis related to design accidents of this reactor types. In the current study two positive reactivity insertion transients are considered, SCRAM protected and self-limiting power excursion cases. The results of the steady state calculations were compared with results obtained from conventional diffusion codes, while transient calculations were assessed using the point kinetic model of the RELAP5 code. Through this study, the applicability and the suitability of using the coupled code technique with respect to the classical models are emphasized and discussed.  相似文献   

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