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基于太赫兹光谱技术的爆炸物类危险品检测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
太赫兹(THz)光谱技术识别爆炸物类危险品是一种极具竞争力的新型安检方法。总结了不同研究机构的爆炸物指纹谱数据,建立了可供参考的数据库;讨论了棉布、塑料、皮革、涤纶和硬纸板等常见材料覆盖下隐蔽爆炸物的检测状况;介绍了远距离探测爆炸物的最新研究进展。最后,分析了实战场景中应用THz光谱技术检测爆炸物需要面临的混合爆炸物、复杂环境条件和远距离探测等主要问题,并对未来的发展趋势作了展望。  相似文献   

Stimuli-responsive peptides and proteins are an exciting class of smart biomaterials for various applications and have received significant attention over the past decades. A wide variety of stimuli such as temperature, pH, ions, enzymes, magnetic field, redox, etc., are explored. This article provides a review of five intensively studied types of stimuli-responsive peptides and proteins, their design principles and applications, including temperature-, pH-, light-, metal ion-, and enzyme-responsive with an emphasis on the key design concepts and switch function. Moreover, typical examples of their applications are discussed to provide a better understanding of the design concept and underlying methodology. This review will facilitate and inspire future innovation toward new peptide- and protein-based materials and their diverse applications.  相似文献   

The THz-wave generator based on the resonance of phonon-polaritons in GaP enabled THz spectral measurements of organic molecules like DNA/RNA-related molecules in wide frequency range (0.6–5.8 THz). High spectral purity of the generated THz-wave enables even the detection of defect structures of organic compounds, and will give a new tool for molecular sciences. We demonstrated THz imaging of a liver cancer. The THz-wave generator can be made small-size, light-weight system.  相似文献   

复合材料压力容器缺陷无损检测成为目前的研究热点。基于太赫兹技术(透射式 THz-TDS 系统和BWO成像系统)在室温下对玻璃纤维样品进行无损检测,获得了分层缺陷样品在0.2~1.8 THz范围内的折射率谱和吸收谱、夹杂金属和热损伤缺陷样品的成像数据。结果表明,太赫兹技术对玻璃纤维分层缺陷、夹杂金属和热损伤缺陷检测效果明显,适用于局部检测对整体性能的判断。  相似文献   

The influence of water on biomolecular interfaces and functionality has been in the focus of hydration studies. Improved experimental and computational probes gave insight to this question from different perspectives. The aspect of collective water network dynamics has been experimentally accessed by terahertz (THz) spectroscopy, which is sensitive to even small solute-induced rearrangements of the water network in the biomolecular surroundings. THz hydration studies uncovered that the dynamical hydration shell of saccharides consists of several hundred water molecules and up to thousand water molecules for proteins. Mutations at the protein surface and inside the core perturb the dynamical hydration, whereas it is noticeable that native wild-type proteins most significantly affect hydration dynamics. Kinetic THz absorption (KITA) studies of protein folding recently revealed that solvent dynamics are coupled to secondary structure formation of the protein. The solvent water network is dynamically rearranged in milliseconds before the protein folds to its native state within the following seconds. THz spectroscopy gives experimental evidence that collective long-range dynamics are a key factor of biomolecular hydration.  相似文献   

The terahertz (THz) regime, generally considered to be 0.3-10 THz, is rich with emerging possibilities in sensing, imaging and wireless communications. Since it is non-ionizing and can exploit endogenous contrast mechanisms, it has particular potential for biological applications. These range from screening persons for concealed weapons to advanced biomedical diagnostics at the sub-cellular level. Supporting these applications are electronic techniques for generating, detecting and managing THz "light," including broadband antennas and scanning probes.  相似文献   

We provide an overview on terahertz (THz) frequency metrology, starting from the nowadays available continuous wave THz sources, discussing their main features such as tunability, spectral purity, and frequency referencing to the primary frequency standards. A comparison on the achieved results in high-precision molecular spectroscopy is given and discussed, and finally, a special emphasis poses on the future developments of this upcoming field.  相似文献   

We present a numerical method to determine the volumetric water content of leaves from transmission terahertz time-domain spectroscopy data. The method is based on iterative optimization of parameters of an effective medium model for vegetative tissue. We found a very good agreement between measurements performed with this method and direct fresh/dry leaf weight-based water measurements.  相似文献   

Aiming for non-destructive testing and security applications, we investigate transmission-mode imaging and spectroscopic sensing using terahertz (THz) pulses from a commercial optical parametric oscillator (OPO) in combination with THz detectors based on antenna-coupled field-effect transistors (TeraFETs). The Q-switched OPO generates quasi-continuous-wave THz pulses with a peak power of up to 1 W at a repetition rate between 12 and 90 Hz. The pulses are frequency-tunable between 0.7 and 2.6 THz with a typical linewidth of 50 GHz. We explore detection with fast GaN/AlGaN TeraFETs which hold the potential for multi-pixel and homodyne detection.  相似文献   

The low-frequency spectra of the amino acids l-alanine and glycine and their peptides were studied using terahertz (THz) time-domain spectroscopy (TDS) at room temperature. In a previous work (Yamamoto et al., Biophys. J. 89, L22–L24 (2005)), the low-frequency spectra of amino acids (glycine and l-alanine) and their polypeptides (polyglycine and poly- l-alanine) were studied by THz-TDS, and it was found that there is a clear difference in low-frequency dynamics between the amino acids and the polypeptides. In the present study, amino acids and short peptides were chosen in order to investigate the effect of polymerization on low-frequency spectra. We focus on two physical quantities to represent the spectral features: (1) the intensity of the reduced absorption cross section (RACS), which we define from the absorption coefficient and refractive index, and (2) the exponent in the power law behavior of the RACS. We found that the two physical quantities show different dependences on peptide chain length, suggesting that the two physical quantities reflect different dynamics and interactions. The change in RACS intensity may be due to intermolecular or intrachain motion. The validity of the assumption of constant IR activity in the investigated frequency region is critical to understanding the origin of the variation in the exponent with chain length.  相似文献   

孟令坤  袁杰 《现代电子技术》2011,34(12):131-134
太赫兹波能穿透许多物质,相对于可见光和X射线,其具有非常强的互补特征;它的光子能量极低,且没有X射线的电离性质,因此太赫兹成像技术的应用前景非常广阔。在太赫兹成像系统中,系统参数的合理选择,软件部分的合适控制,对系统的成像结果有着至关重要的作用。从调试过程中得到的图像来看,不合适的处理如斩波器、锁相放大器参数选择不当等,将会导致两行之间错位、信噪比不高,以至于图像失真,甚至无法辨认。对出现这种错位现象的原因进行了研究,在硬件参数选择和软件两个层次,对导致该现象的系统偏差进行控制、补偿和消除,最后给出成像结果。扫描成像结果表明,搭建了稳定合适的光路,选择了适当的仪器参数,在软件上控制了偏差,通过实验和测试,系统达到了较好的成像效果。  相似文献   

以6G需求为抓手引入了太赫兹技术,介绍了太赫兹的研究背景和国内外研究现状。之后结合太赫兹的频谱范围,对太赫兹频段和毫米波以及红外光进行了详细对比分析,发现了太赫兹特有的一些频谱特性,包括宽带性、低能性、电磁特性和特征谱等,并进一步挖掘基于这些频谱特性的应用,研究表明,太赫兹未来可应用于军事、医疗、检测和通信等诸多领域,对于仍存在的挑战和瓶颈,中国联通将联合产业界一同推动解决,最大化发挥太赫兹应用潜力。  相似文献   

THz信号处理与分析的研究现状和发展展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
谢维信  裴继红 《电子学报》2007,35(10):1973-1979
本文对THz信号的特点、THz信号的产生技术、THz信号的探测技术、THz时域光谱(THz-TDS)技术、THz信号的处理技术,以及THz 信号应用技术等当前的研究现状进行了综述,并对未来可能的发展做了展望.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent advances in spectroscopic study on ultrafast carrier dynamics and terahertz (THz) stimulated emission in optically pumped graphene. The gapless and linear energy spectra of electrons and holes in graphene can lead to nontrivial features such as negative dynamic conductivity in the THz spectral range, which may lead to the development of new types of THz lasers. First, the non-equilibrium carrier relaxation/recombination dynamics is formulated to show how photoexcited carriers equilibrate their energy and temperature via carrier-carrier and carrier-phonon scatterings and in what photon energies and in what time duration the dynamic conductivity can take negative values as functions of temperature, pumping photon energy/intensity, and carrier relaxation rates. Second, we conduct time-domain spectroscopic studies using an optical pump and a terahertz probe with an optical probe technique at room temperature and show that graphene sheets amplify an incoming terahertz field. Two different types of samples are prepared for the measurement; one is an exfoliated monolayer graphene on SiO2/Si substrate and the other is a heteroepitaxially grown non-Bernal stacked multilayer graphene on a 3C-SiC/Si epi-wafer.  相似文献   

喻洋  皮亦鸣 《雷达学报》2015,4(2):217-221
太赫兹高分辨率雷达杂波特性是太赫兹雷达检测技术的基础,该文分析了传统杂波概率统计模型及其相应的参数估计方法,在此基础上,利用研制的太赫兹高分辨率雷达进行了杂波测量实验,并对实测数据进行了分析与检验。实验结果表明,G0 分布模型对太赫兹频段杂波的统计特性拟合度最优。   相似文献   

太赫兹圆锥喇叭容差分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对太赫兹圆锥多模喇叭的加工需求,运用蒙特卡洛模拟方法对太赫兹圆锥多模喇叭进行了误差综合计算,通过分析圆锥喇叭的回波损耗、最大交叉极化电平、波束等化等指标,确定了合理的容差要求。按照设定的容差制作了太赫兹圆锥多模喇叭,测试结果与仿真结果吻合较好,验证了容差设计的正确性。运用蒙特卡洛模拟法不仅能在预先给定精度的情况下选择容差,满足精度要求,而且还可避免不必要的精度浪费。  相似文献   

The noise performance of photoconductive terahertz detectors is analyzed and the tradeoff between low-noise and high-responsivity operation of photoconductive detectors is investigated as a function of device parameters and operational settings. The analysis is conducted on two general photoconductive detector architectures, symmetrically pumped and asymmetrically pumped photoconductive detector architectures. The results indicate that the highest signal-to-noise ratios are offered by the symmetrically pumped and asymmetrically pumped detector architectures for the photoconductive detectors based on short-carrier lifetime and long-carrier lifetime semiconductors, respectively.  相似文献   

钝感RDX及HMX炸药的太赫兹光谱分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用太赫兹时域光谱技术(Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy,THz-TDS)对钝感RDX(黑索金)和HMX(奥克托金)炸药在0~2.5THz频段的太赫兹吸收光谱进行了探测.得到了待测样品的太赫兹吸收光谱,确定了其特征吸收峰的位置并与其他研究机构所测吸收谱进行了对比分析.实验结果表明:利用THz-TDS技术可以对炸药进行检测和识别,同时可以对样品组成的细微变化进行分析和鉴别.为利用THz-TDS技术研究其他爆炸性物质,建立爆炸物的指纹谱库提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

石墨烯太赫兹波段性质及石墨烯基太赫兹器件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石墨烯在太赫兹波段的优异性质,使其在太赫兹源、太赫兹探测和太赫兹调控三个方面都具备广阔的应用前景。主要对石墨烯在太赫兹波段的性质及石墨烯基太赫兹器件的相关研究进行了综述,并对石墨烯在太赫兹波段的应用前景进行了展望。在石墨烯太赫兹波段性质方面,主要介绍了石墨烯的电导模型、静态和超快光谱响应特性,以及表面太赫兹波辐射特性。在石墨烯基太赫兹器件方面,主要综述了基于光、电、磁调控的太赫兹主动器件,石墨烯基超材料的太赫兹调制器,基于阻抗匹配的减反射调控器件,以及可调太赫兹源器件的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

The efficient delivery of biologics into cells provide unique opportunities to modulate intracellular targets not druggable by conventional small molecules. The supercharged polypeptide (SCP) has become a novel intracellular delivery system due to their special advantages, including enhanced delivery efficiency and serum tolerance. However, owing to their cationic charge and non-specificity characteristics, the in vivo application of SCP is limited. Here, an activatable SCP (ASCP) with a pH-sensitive charge shielding sequence (CSS), a protease cleavage site, and SCP are engineered. This system shows the potential to reduce the non-specific binding and effectively deliver various cargo (peptide, protein, small molecule, and siRNA) into the cytosol not only in vitro but also in vivo. Furthermore, an ASCP fusion protein is designed to co-delivery of peptide (KLA)/siRNA (IKBKE) with different tumorigenesis pathways to triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) for optimal therapeutic outcomes. It is believed that ASCP delivery system will facilitate the development of bioactive molecules for use against intracellular targets. This simple yet versatile delivery system can also pave the way for the co-delivery of multiple therapeutic cargos to address the emerging needs of combination cancer therapy.  相似文献   

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