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To examine the ability of monkeys to detect the direction of attention of other individuals, the authors quantitatively investigated the visual scanning pattern of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) in response to visually presented images of a human frontal face. The present results demonstrated not only that monkeys predominantly gaze at the eyes as compared with other facial areas in terms of duration and number of fixations, but also that they gaze at the eyes for a longer time period and more frequently when a human face, presented as a stimulus, gazed at them than when the gaze was shifted. These results indicate that rhesus monkeys are sensitive to the directed gaze of humans, suggesting that monkeys pay more attention to the human whose attention is directed to them. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Monkey auditory memory was tested with increasing list lengths of 4, 6, 8, and 10 sounds. Five-hundred and twenty environmental sounds of 3-s duration were used. In Experiment 1, the monkeys initiated each list by touching the center speaker. They touched 1 of 2 side speakers to indicate whether a single test sound (presented from both side speakers simultaneously) was or was not in the list. The serial-position functions showed prominent primacy effects (good first-item memory) and recency effects (good last-item memory). Experiment 2 repeated the procedure without the list-initiation response and with a variable intertrial interval. The results of both experiments were similar and are discussed in relation to theories and hypotheses of serial-position effects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Gaze and attention direction provide important sources of social information for primates. Behavioral studies show that chimpanzees spontaneously follow human gaze direction. By contrast, non-ape species such as macaques fail to follow gaze cues. The authors investigated the reactions of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) to attention cues of conspecifics. Two subjects were presented with videotaped images of a stimulus monkey with its attention directed to 1 of 2 identical objects. Analysis of eye movements revealed that both subjects inspected the target (object or position attended by the stimulus monkey) more often than the distractor (nonattended object or position). These results provide evidence that rhesus monkeys follow gaze and use the attention cues of other monkeys to orient their own attention to objects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Peer bonds were examined in 2 experiments using juvenile rhesus monkeys to determine (1) whether specific attachment bonds are formed between age-mates, (2) whether preferred age-mates can provide a secure base, and (3) whether a previous attachment bond affects the quality of subsequent attachment bonds. In Exp 1, 8 peer-only reared (POR) monkeys demonstrated a specific preference for a predicted favorite peer when given a choice between a familiar and 2 unfamiliar peers. In Exp 2, POR Ss were placed in a novel setting with either their most preferred peer, a familiar but not preferred peer, or an unfamiliar peer, and their responses were compared with those of a 2nd group of monkeys, reared for their 1st 6 mo of life by their mother. Both mother-reared (MP) and POR monkeys displayed significantly more intimate contact and significantly less distress when with their most preferred peer; nevertheless, even when they were with their most preferred peer, POR Ss exhibited more distress than MP Ss. Findings are discussed with reference to current attachment theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys deprived for some period from their mother have often served as a model for the effect of adverse rearing conditions on social competence in humans. Social competence is the capacity to react in a species-specific way to social interactions. The current study assesses whether early deprivation from peers also affects the rates of behavior and social competence in rhesus monkeys. This was studied in groups of rhesus monkeys with different rearing conditions: subadult females that were mother-only reared during their first year of life and subsequently housed with peers were compared with subadult females from five naturalistic social groups. Socially deprived monkeys showed higher rates of submission and stereotypic behaviors than socially reared individuals. In addition, they show socially incompetent behavior, since they react with agonistic behavior to nonthreatening social situations. The results suggest that this socially incompetent behavior is rooted in a general feeling of anxiety toward group companions. The authors hypothesize that anxiety negatively affects social information processing, which results in socially incompetent behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors analyze the shape categorization of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and the role of prototype- and exemplar-based comparison processes in monkeys' category learning. Prototype and exemplar theories make contrasting predictions regarding performance on the Posner-Homa dot-distortion categorization task. Prototype theory--which presumes that participants refer to-be-categorized items to a representation near the category's center (the prototype)--predicts steep typicality gradients and large prototype-enhancement effects. Exemplar theory--which presumes that participants refer to-be-categorized items to memorized training exemplars-predicts flat typicality gradients and small prototype-enhancement effects. Across many categorization tasks that, for the first time, assayed monkeys' dot-distortion categorization, monkeys showed steep typicality gradients and large prototype-enhancement effects. These results suggest that monkeys--like humans--refer to-be-categorized items to a prototype-like representation near the category's center rather than to a set of memorized training exemplars. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Neuronal activity recorded in the primate motor cortex reflected movement parameters in addition to the distance and direction of a target. These neurons may reflect the selection, from memory, of a detailed movement trajectory to be executed in response to visuospatial instructions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Exp 1, infant rhesus monkeys were separated and then reunited with mothers, united with a male, or placed into an empty cage. Infants girned more when with mothers or the male than when alone. Girns declined over time when infants were united with the male. Coo rates were high when the infant was alone or with the male. Shrieks, barks, and fear-related behavior were higher with the male. In Exp 2, the vocalizations of infants were examined during separation when alone or when mothers or a male were in the same room. Infants cooed more when mothers or a male were present. Cooing increased over time, with a greater increase in the mothers' presence. Girns were given to both mothers and males, but more were given to mothers. Coos and girns are both affiliative vocalizations but are differentially modulated as infants cease cooing when they receive contact comfort. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In conventional discrimination learning-set formation, it is possible that rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) learn to lay down prospective memories by anticipating the next trial and deciding in advance what choice will be made. To test this hypothesis, the authors administered discrimination problems with 24-hr intertrial intervals, predicting that these long intervals would disrupt or prevent the putative anticipation of the next trial. Confirming their expectation, the authors found no indication of learning-set formation under these conditions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined whether certain environmental events could elicit self-injurious behavior (SIB) and whether the resulting SIB could be conditioned to an antecedently presented external stimulus. Exp I showed that SIB could be elicited in 4 socially isolated rhesus monkeys by the application of brief, mild, electric footshock. In Exp II, 3 socially isolated Ss were exposed to a procedure that paired a 10-sec tone with a 1-sec electric footshock. Three control Ss received presentations of the tone alone. Results show that Ss in the experimental group began to show SIB during the tone periods, thereby providing evidence of respondent conditioning. Data expand the scope of the learning model of SIB from primarily operant interpretations to respondent conditioning as well. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study reports, for the first time, somatic and cardiac responses to acoustic startle in 2 groups of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) with different rearing experiences. Both groups showed a significant direct relationship between startle amplitude and the intensity of the acoustic startle stimulus (80-120 dB) and rapid heart rate acceleration after a 120-dB stimulus. Monkeys reared with a same-age peer (PR) showed higher startle amplitudes than those reared with their mothers (MR), consistent with rearing effects in rodents. The MR monkeys, however, showed faster heart rate acceleration of greater overall magnitude than that of the PR group. The results are discussed with regard to a monkey model for neuropsychiatric disease. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studies have shown that excitotoxic lesions of the amygdala attenuate reinforcer devaluation effects in monkeys and rats. Because the rhinal (i.e., entorhinal and perirhinal) cortex has prominent reciprocal connections with the amygdala and has been suggested to store knowledge about objects, it is possible that it too composes part of the critical circuitry subserving learning about objects and their associated reinforcement value. To test this possibility, rhesus monkeys with rhinal cortex removals as well as unoperated controls were tested using a reinforcer devaluation procedure. Monkeys with rhinal cortex removals and controls, unlike those with amygdala lesions, tended to avoid displacing objects overlying a devalued food. These results indicate that the rhinal cortex is not a critical part of the neural circuitry mediating the effects of reinforcer devaluation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

If A > B, and B > C, it follows logically that A > C. The process of reaching that conclusion is called transitive inference (TI). Several mechanisms have been offered to explain transitive performance. Scanning models claim that the list is scanned from the ends of the list inward until a match is found. Positional discrimination models claim that positional uncertainty accounts for accuracy and reaction time patterns. In Experiment 1, we trained rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and humans (Homo sapiens) on adjacent pairs (e.g., AB, BC, CD, DE, EF) and tested them with previously untrained nonadjacent pairs (e.g., BD). In Experiment 2, we trained a second list and tested with nonadjacent pairs selected between lists (e.g., B from List 1, D from List 2). We then introduced associative competition between adjacent items in Experiment 3 by training 2 items per position (e.g., B?C?, B?C?) before testing with untrained nonadjacent items. In all 3 experiments, humans and monkeys showed distance effects in which accuracy increased, and reaction time decreased, as the distance between items in each pair increased (e.g., BD vs. BE). In Experiment 4, we trained adjacent pairs with separate 9- and 5-item lists. We then tested with nonadjacent pairs selected between lists to determine whether list items were chosen according to their absolute position (e.g., D, 5-item list > E, 9-item list), or their relative position (e.g., D, 5-item list  相似文献   

Withdrawal from orally self-administered phencyclidine (PCP) has been shown to alter operant baselines of food-maintained responding. The goal of the present study was to determine whether there are sex differences in these alterations. Seven female and 7 male rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were given concurrent access to PCP and water under fixed ratio (FR) 8 schedules during 2 daily sessions that alternated with 2 sessions during which pellet deliveries were contingent on lever presses under an FR 64 schedule. After operant responding stabilized, PCP was replaced by water for 10 days, and food access remained under the same schedule. Subsequently, concurrent PCP and water access was reintroduced for 10 days. This procedure was repeated with 3 PCP concentrations (0.125, 0.25, and 0.50 mg/ml) and 3 FR requirements for food-reinforced responding (64, 128, and 256). Disruptions in operant responding for food served as a quantitative measure of withdrawal severity. During PCP withdrawal, males showed a greater suppression of food-maintained behavior than females at the 2 highest PCP concentrations and the lowest FR requirement tested. Males responded more than females for PCP; however, when weight was taken into consideration, PCP intake (milligrams per kilogram) in males and females was equal. The data suggest that males may experience more severe withdrawal effects than females, and the duration of the adverse effects of withdrawal lasts longer in males than in females. This study is the 1st to use nonhuman primates to document sex differences in withdrawal severity as measured by a quantifiable baseline. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Normal infant monkeys and infant monkeys with neonatal damage to either the medial temporal lobe or the inferior temporal visual area were assessed in dyadic social interactions at 2 and 6 months of age. Unlike the normal infant monkeys, which developed strong affiliative bonds and little or no behavioral disturbances, the lesioned monkeys (each of which was observed with an unoperated control) exhibited socioemotional abnormalities and aberrant behaviors. The socioemotional changes predominated at 6 months of age and were particularly severe in monkeys with medial temporal lesions. In both the pattern and time course, the socioemotional deficits produced by the neonatal medial temporal lesions bear a striking resemblance to the behavioral syndrome in children with autism. Further analysis of these lesion-induced abnormalities in nonhuman primates may therefore provide insight into this debilitating human developmental disorder. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Faces are one of the most salient classes of stimuli involved in social communication. Three experiments compared face-recognition abilities in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). In the face-matching task, the chimpanzees matched identical photographs of conspecifics' faces on Trial 1, and the rhesus monkeys did the same after 4 generalization trials. In the individual-recognition task, the chimpanzees matched 2 different photographs of the same individual after 2 trials, and the rhesus monkeys generalized in fewer than 6 trials. The feature-masking task showed that the eyes were the most important cue for individual recognition. Thus, chimpanzees and rhesus monkeys are able to use facial cues to discriminate unfamiliar conspecifics. Although the rhesus monkeys required many trials to learn the tasks, this is not evidence that faces are not as important social stimuli for them as for the chimpanzees. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

12 male rhesus monkeys received bilateral stereotaxic lesions centered in the basolateral, lateral, and dorsal amygdala, or the temporal white matter lying adjacent to the lateral amygdala. Ss were compared with 4 others with control operations. Controls then received total amygdaloid lesions (AMX). AMX Ss exhibited the typical amygdaloid syndrome of hypoemotionality, meat eating, coprophagia, and excessive exploration. In contrast, Ss with subtotal amygdaloid lesions would not eat meat or feces, though they were more willing than controls to investigate inanimate objects. Extreme emotional changes after total amygdalectomy were found only in the S with the largest subtotal lesion. Only Ss that were hypoemotional showed a deficit in learning successive reversals of an object discrimination. This suggests that both the hypoemotionality and the successive reversal deficit arise from the same underlying dysfunction. (31 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The role of the amygdala in dyadic social interactions of adult rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) was assessed after bilateral ibotenic acid lesions. Social, nonsocial, and spatial behaviors of amygdalectomized and control monkeys were assessed in 3 dyadic experiments: constrained, unconstrained, and round robin. Lesions produced extensive bilateral damage to the amygdala. Across all experiments, the amygdalectomized monkeys demonstrated increased social affiliation, decreased anxiety, and increased confidence compared with control monkeys, particularly during early encounters. Normal subjects also demonstrated increased social affiliation toward the amygdalectomized subjects. These results indicate that amygdala lesions in adult monkeys lead to a decrease in the species-normal reluctance to immediately engage a novel conspecific in social behavior. The altered behavior of the amygdalectomized monkeys may have induced the increased social interactions from their normal companions. This is contrary to the idea that amygdalectomy produces a decrease in social interaction and increased aggression from conspecifics. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of maternal proximity on the behavioral and physiological responses of infant rhesus macaques during 4 days of total or adjacent separations from the mother were studied. The 6 infants tested showed behavioral responses that differentiated the two separation conditions. Major differences were found in the quantity and quality of vocalizations, the occurrence of cage-biting and cage-shaking behavior, object exploration, and hunched and freezing postures. In particular, the structure of coo vocalizations clearly discriminated between the presence or the absence of the mother during separation. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of dopamine and serotonin metabolites did not discriminate between the two separation conditions but showed a transient elevation at 24 hr after separation and were not different from baseline by 96 hr after separation. In contrast, both the plasma cortisol and the CSF norepinephrine metabolite responses tended to be greater and to persist for a longer period of time when infants were totally isolated. The results are discussed within the context of attachment and coping theories. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Smith and Minda (1998) and Blair and Homa (2001) studied the time course of category learning in humans. They distinguished an early, abstraction-based stage of category learning from a later stage that incorporated a capacity for categorizing exceptional category members. The present authors asked whether similar processing stages characterize the category learning of nonhuman primates. Humans (Homo sapiens) and monkeys (Macaca mulatta) participated in category-learning tasks that extended Blair and Homa’s paradigm comparatively. Early in learning, both species improved on typical items more than on exception items, indicating an initial mastery of the categories’ general structure. Later in learning, both species selectively improved their exception-item performance, indicating exception-item resolution or exemplar memorization. An initial stage of abstraction-based category learning may characterize categorization across a substantial range of the order Primates. This default strategy may have an adaptive resonance with the family resemblance organization of many natural-kind categories. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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