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We propose a new multivariate CUSUM control chart, which is based on self adaption of its reference value according to the information from current process readings, to quickly detect the multivariate process mean shifts. By specifying the minimum magnitude of the process mean shift in terms of its non‐centrality parameter, our proposed control chart can achieve an overall performance for detecting a particular range of shifts. This adaptive feature of our method is based on two EWMA operators to estimate the current process mean level and make the detection at each step be approximately optimal. Moreover, we compare our chart with the conventional multivariate CUSUM chart. The advantages of our control chart detection for range shifts over the existing charts are greatly improved. The Markovian chain method, through which the average run length can be computed, is also presented. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

WDFTC is a wavelet-based distribution-free CUSUM chart for detecting shifts in the mean of a profile with noisy components. Exploiting a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) of the mean in-control profile, WDFTC selects a reduced-dimension vector of the associated DWT components from which the mean in-control profile can be approximated with minimal weighted relative reconstruction error. Based on randomly sampled Phase I (in-control) profiles, the covariance matrix of the corresponding reduced-dimension DWT vectors is estimated using a matrix-regularisation method; then the DWT vectors are aggregated (batched) so that the non-overlapping batch means of the reduced-dimension DWT vectors have manageable covariances. To monitor shifts in the mean profile during Phase II operation, WDFTC computes a Hotelling's T 2-type statistic from successive non-overlapping batch means and applies a CUSUM procedure to those statistics, where the associated control limits are evaluated analytically from the Phase I data. Experimentation with several normal and non-normal test processes revealed that WDFTC was competitive with existing profile-monitoring schemes.  相似文献   

The binomial cumulative sum (CUSUM) chart has been widely used to monitor the fraction nonconforming (p) of a process. It is a powerful procedure for detecting small and moderate p shifts. This article proposes a binomial CUSUM control chart using curtailment technique (Curt_CUSUM chart in short). The new chart is able to improve the overall detection effectiveness while holding the false alarm rate at a specified level. The results of the comparative studies show that, on average, the Curt_CUSUM chart is more effective than the CUSUM chart without curtailment by 30%, in terms of Average Number of Defectives, under different circumstances. The Curt_CUSUM chart can be applied to a 100% inspection as well as a general random sampling inspection.  相似文献   

The cumulative count of conforming (CCC) chart is a new type of control chart used for the monitoring of high-quality processes. Instead of counting the number of non-conforming items in samples of fixed size, the cumulative number of conforming items between two non-conforming items is monitored. The CCC chart is convenient to use in a modern manufacturing environment where the product is inspected individually and automatically. The CCC chart has sometimes been confused with the cumulative sum (CUSUM) chart which has been shown to be more sensitive than the traditional Shewhart chart for small process shifts. In this paper the uses of these two types of charts are compared. It shown by numerical illustrations and analytical results that the two charts function in entirely different ways. However, the CUSUM concept can be applied to cumulative counts used in the CCC chart to improve its sensitivity for small process shifts when the process is producing at a very low non-conforming rate. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了提高监测均值和方差微小偏移的敏感度,围绕生产过程质量控制,建立同时监控均值和方差的累积和控制图.模型考虑均值和方差的变化,针对生产过程中的微小偏差,提出了一个新的累积和控制图,并给出了基于马尔可夫链理论的新控制图的平均链长计算方法.编程求解后对比文献中各控制图的平均链长数据以及更换变量数值改进控制图,通过计算变动比率得出新控制图的检测力度在不同偏移力度下都明显优于其他控制图方法.  相似文献   

Control charting cyber vulnerabilities is challenging because the same vulnerabilities can remain from period to period. Also, hosts (personal computers, servers, printers, etc.) are often scanned infrequently and can be unavailable during scanning. To address these challenges, control charting of the period-to-period demerits per host using a hybrid moving centerline residual-based and adjusted demerit (MCRAD) chart is proposed. The intent is to direct limited administrator resources to unusual cases when automatic patching is insufficient. The proposed chart is shown to offer superior average run length performance compared with three alternative methods from the literature. The methods are illustrated using three datasets.  相似文献   

The conventional cumulative sum (CUSUM) chart is usually designed based on a known shift size. In usual practice, shift size is often unknown and can be assumed to vary within an interval. With such a range of shift size, the dual CUSUM (DCUSUM) chart provides more sensitivity than the CUSUM chart. In this paper, we propose dual Crosier CUSUM (DCCUSUM) charts with and without fast initial response features to efficiently monitor the infrequent changes in the mean of a normally distributed process. Monte Carlo simulations are used to compute the run length characteristics of one‐sided and two‐sided DCCUSUM charts. These run length characteristics are compared with those of the CUSUM, Crosier CUSUM, Shewhart‐CUSUM, and DCUSUM charts in terms of the integral relative average run length. It turns out that the proposed chart shows better performance when detecting a range of mean shift sizes. A real dataset is considered to illustrate the implementation of existing and proposed charts.  相似文献   


In this paper, we propose a mixed control chart to monitor the process quality using attribute data combined with variable data. The proposed control chart proceeds like an np control chart based on the number of nonconforming parts but requires variable data only when the decision is indeterminate. The control coefficients are determined by considering the in-control and the out-of-control average run lengths for various specified parameters. The extensive tables are provided for the industrial use. The advantages of the proposed control chart are discussed over the traditional np control chart.  相似文献   

An adaptive multivariate cumulative sum (AMCUSUM) control chart has received considerable attention because of its ability to dynamically adjust the reference parameter whereby achieving a better performance over a range of mean shifts than the conventional multivariate cumulative sum (CUSUM) charts. In this paper, we introduce a progressive mean–based estimator of the process mean shift and then use it to devise new weighted AMCUSUM control charts for efficiently monitoring the process mean. These control charts are easy to design and implement in a computerized environment compared with their existing counterparts. Monte Carlo simulations are used to estimate the run‐length characteristics of the proposed control charts. The run‐length comparison results show that the weighted AMCUSUM charts perform substantially and uniformly better than the classical multivariate CUSUM and AMCUSUM charts in detecting a range of mean shifts. An example is used to illustrate the working of existing and proposed multivariate CUSUM control charts.  相似文献   

This article proposes an integrated scheme (T&TCUSUM chart) which combines a Shewhart T chart and a TCUSUM chart (a CUSUM‐type T chart) to monitor the time interval T between the occurrences of an event or the time between events. The performance studies show that the T&TCUSUM chart can effectively improve the overall performance over the entire T shift range. On average, it is more effective than the T chart by 26.66% and the TCUSUM chart by 14.12%. Moreover, the T&TCUSUM chart performs more consistently than other charts for the detection of either small or large T shifts, because it has the strength of both the T chart (more sensitive to large shifts) and the TCUSUM chart (more sensitive to small shifts). The implementation of the new chart is almost as easy as the operation of a TCUSUM chart. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Statistical process control charts are one of the most widely used techniques in industry and laboratories that allow monitoring of systems against faults. To control multivariate processes, most classical charts need to model process structure and assume that variables are linearly and independently distributed. This study proposes to use a nonparametric method named Support Vector Regression to construct several control charts that allow monitoring of multivariate nonlinear autocorrelated processes. Also although most statistical quality control techniques focused on detecting mean shifts, this research investigates detection of different parameter shifts. Based on simulation results, the study shows that, with a controlled robustness, the charts are able to detect the different applied disturbances. Moreover in comparison to Artificial Neural Networks control chart, the proposed charts are especially more effective in detecting faults affecting the process variance.  相似文献   

The cumulative sum (CUSUM) and exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control charts are potentially powerful process monitoring tool because of their excellent speed in detecting small to moderate shifts in the process parameters. These control charts can be further improved by integrating them with the conforming run length control chart, resulting in the synthetic CUSUM (SynCUSUM) and synthetic EWMA (SynEWMA) charts. In this paper, we enhance the detection abilities of the SynCUSUM and SynEWMA charts using the auxiliary information. With suitable assumptions, the proposed control charts encompass the existing SynCUSUM, SynEWMA, CUSUM, and EWMA charts. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations are used to study the run length profiles of the proposed control charts. It turns out that the proposed near‐optimal control charts with the auxiliary information perform uniformly and substantially better than the existing near‐optimal SynCUSUM, SynEWMA, CUSUM, and EWMA charts. The proposed and existing control charts are also illustrated with the help of an example. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multivariate CUSUM control charts are often used instead of the standard Hotelling's control charts in many practical problems when detection of small shifts in the process mean is important. However, design of multivariate CUSUM control charts are usually based on the average run length (ARL). In this work, we will compute the percentage points of the run-length distributions of two multivariate CUSUM control charts. It will be shown that interpretations based on ARL can be misleading since the in-control run-length distribution of a multivariate CUSUM is highly skewed. On the other hand, the percentage points of the run-length distribution provide additional information such as the median run length, early false out-of-control signals, and the skewness of the run-length distribution for a particular scheme. These extra information might provide quality control engineers further knowledge of a particular multivariate CUSUM control chart scheme.  相似文献   

We present a method to design control charts such that in‐control and out‐of‐control run lengths are guaranteed with prespecified probabilities. We call this method the percentile‐based approach to control chart design. This method is an improvement over the classical and popular statistical design approach employing constraints on in‐control and out‐of‐control average run lengths since we can ensure with prespecified probability that the actual in‐control run length exceeds a desired magnitude. Similarly, we can ensure that the out‐of‐control run length is less than a desired magnitude with prespecified probability. Some numerical examples illustrate the efficacy of this design method.  相似文献   

There is growing literature on new versions of “memory-type” control charts, where deceptively good zero-state average run-length (ARL) performance is misleading. Using steady-state run-length analysis in combination with the conditional expected delay (CED) metric, we show that the increasingly discussed progressive mean (PM) and homogeneously weighted moving average (HWMA) control charts should not be used in practice. Previously reported performance of methods based on these two approaches is misleading, as we found that performance is good only when a process change occurs at the very start of monitoring. Traditional alternatives, such as exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) and cumulative sum (CUSUM) charts, not only have more consistent detection behavior over a range of different change points, they can also lead to better out-of-control zero-state ARL performance when properly designed.  相似文献   

The Shewhart X chart (or X chart) is widely used to monitor the mean of a quality characteristic x. This chart decides the process status based on the magnitude of the sample mean x and is effective for detecting large mean shifts. The synthetic chart is also a Shewhart type chart for monitoring the process mean, but it utilises the information about the time interval between two nonconforming samples. Here a sample is nonconforming if its x value falls beyond the predetermined warning limits. Unlike the X chart, the synthetic chart is more powerful to detect small shifts. The applications of the X and synthetic charts cover a wide variety of manufacturing processes and production lines, e.g., the monitoring of the mean values of the inside diameter of a piston-ring, the viscosity of aircraft paint, the resistivity of silicon wafers. This article proposes a combined scheme, the Syn-X chart, that comprises a synthetic chart and an X chart. The results of the performance studies show that the Syn-X chart always outperforms the individual X chart and synthetic chart under different conditions. It is more effective than the X chart and synthetic chart by 47% and 20%, respectively, over the wide range of mean shift values in different experiment runs.  相似文献   

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