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齿轮结构振动幅射噪声机理研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
依据弹性理论建立了齿轮的弹性体力学模型,进行了弹性动力学分析,得出了齿轮体的固有特性和振动响应,推导了弹性体振动模态参数和声学模态参数之间的定量关系,从而得到齿轮结构振动声幅射特性参数和声功率的大小,并用实验数据进行了验证,可用于地齿轮自鸣噪声进行计算。  相似文献   

邵忍平  沈允文  孙进才 《机械强度》2000,22(4):310-311,314
从齿轮动力学的观点出发,分析了齿轮传动的加工误差和弹性变形所产生的冲吉力及冲击加速度的大小,利用声学理论论计算了齿轮啮合冲击时产生的声压和声功率等声学特性参数,从而可定量的计算化加速度噪声。这对齿轮系统的减振降噪和噪声控制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

齿轮结构振动固有特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立了齿轮的弹力体力学模型,按照厚壁板理论建立了弹性体振动微分方程,分析了齿轱本体弹性的振动固有特性,并与实验结果进行了对比分析。给齿轮本体的结构振动分析提供了一种研究方法,为齿轮噪声辐射特性的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

齿轮系统振动特性探讨山东工业大学陆萍,张耀荣前言随着高速重载齿轮日益广泛的应用,对齿轮及其系统振动特性研究已成为当代齿轮动力学研究的一个重要课题。而这一研究又建立在下述两方面的基础上,即变形与刚度;固有频率与振动。本文对一个齿轮系统——高速封闭功率式...  相似文献   

岳丽 《机械》2014,(3):8-10
车轮是铁路客车上重要的声辐射部件。客车运行时,轮轨表面粗糙度使车轮产生振动及辐射噪声。利用有限元软件ABAQUS建立车轮的有限元模型,并计算0~10000 Hz内车轮的固有模态及振型。在车轮名义接触点施加单位力,采用模态叠加法,对车轮的频率响应函数进行分析。将车轮的频率响应作为边界条件,利用直接边界元法对其进行声辐射特性分析。  相似文献   

针对在高速轻载条件下,齿轮传动系统出现的碰撞振动现象。以直齿轮传动系统为研究对象,结合Hertz接触理论,构建了系统碰撞振动分析模型。在轻载条件下,就不同转速及负载对齿轮副碰撞振动的影响进行了分析。研究发现载荷较小时轮齿间产生碰撞振动现象,啮合力频谱出现1/3次谐波,此时表现出极强的非线性,随转速的增加,碰撞力幅值逐渐增大,脱啮时间逐渐减小;随负载逐渐增加齿面依次经历了双侧碰撞,单侧碰撞以及正常啮合三个阶段,当负载达到碰撞振动门槛值时,齿轮副开始正常啮合。该研究成果为齿轮系统的减振降噪提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

全工况齿轮传动振动特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了在齿轮装置热系统下求解齿轮本体温度分布的方法。并根据本体温度上升导出轮齿的热变形。将热变形考虑为对齿轮正确轮廓的误差,考察了综合热变形误差对齿轮振动特性的影响,本文系重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室基金资助项目。  相似文献   

齿轮传动是一种应用非常广泛的机械传动形式,在传动过程中会产生振动、噪声,其振动特性是齿轮装置动力性能的重要指标.粉末冶金齿轮是一种新型工艺制作的齿轮,具有良好的力学性能,其振动特性的研究,对于指导设计高性能的齿轮装置,具有重大意义.设计了基于Labview的齿轮振动信号虚拟仪器系统,分析了粉末冶金斜齿轮和38CrMoAl斜齿轮振动信号特征,结果表明:粉末冶金温压斜齿轮比38CrMoAl斜齿轮振动峰值小,传动更稳定,具有广阔应用前景.  相似文献   

为了使因各种杂质堵塞而产量下降甚至停产的油井恢复产油,设计了新型井下振动设备,通过井下振动设备产生的振动作用于油层,提高原油采收率。通过对振动辐射板的分析,建立了辐射板振动模型,计算了辐射板横向挠曲线,从梁的受迫振动微分方程出发,推导预弯曲辐射板瞬态振动的挠曲线以及其在轴向激励力下的振动稳定性,最后通过ANSYS验证其挠曲线精确性以及生成辐射板挠曲线图。研究表明:通过仿真验证轴向激励力下辐射板横向稳定振形曲线为正弦线,获得的辐射板横向挠曲线可以为辐射板的优化设计提供参考。当轴向激励力频率小于横向固有频率时,此时不稳定区域狭窄,横向振动易于稳定。通过参激不稳定性区域与辐射板设计参数之间的关系,通过变化轴向激励力和辐射板的环境参数,使辐射板处在振动稳定区域,避免辐射板发生参激共振。  相似文献   

采用振动光饰工艺进行了齿轮表面光整加工,降低了齿面粗糙度;通过封闭功率流试验台架上振动光饰处理和未处理的两种齿轮的振动性能对比试验,表明在3种不同载荷下振动噪声均降低,说明振动光饰表面处理对于齿轮减振明显的作用,具有一定的参考和应用价值。  相似文献   

The exact modes of vibration of a circular plate satisfy the geometrical boundary conditions of uniform elliptical plates in modified polar coordinates. In a previous investigation the exact modes of a clamped circular plate were used as shape functions in the Rayleigh-Ritz method to characterize the vibration of clamped elliptical plates. The mass and stiffness matrices were expressed in closed form and the resulting eigen value problems for the four mode categories of the elliptical plates were solved numerically. In the present investigation the computed variations of the plate frequencies with aspect ratio are used to study the similarities between the elliptical and circular plate modes. It is concluded that as the aspect ratio increases from unity, the axisymmetrical circular plate mode varies as a single elliptical plate mode, whereas the non-axisymmetrical circular plate mode splits up into two distinct elliptical plate modes.  相似文献   

Transverse vibration of a circular plate with arbitrary thickness variation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rayleigh-Ritz method has been employed to obtain approximations to frequencies and mode shapes of circular plates with variable thickness. The boundary is either clamped, simply supported or completely free. The main distinguishing feature of the present investigations is that the thickness approximation is done by measuring thickness at a suitable set of sample points and then using interpolation to get the approximating polynomial. Thus, unlike other methods already available in literature where either linear or quadratic variation of thickness has been examined, here one can have a polynomial of arbitrary degree depending upon the number and locations of the sample points. The results have been tabulated in a large number of cases and three-dimensional mode shapes have been plotted for some selected cases. Comparison has been made with available results. A short tables are also given to depict the rate of convergence with the order of approximation.  相似文献   

Sound radiation is the most important phenomenon when a structure vibrates, which is strongly dependent on boundary conditions and its shape such as aspect ratio. This paper deals with general aspects of sound radiation from this viewpoint. A particular guided and pinned condition being taken into account here, is that the cross-modal terms can average out for all possible point excitation locations. Then, the average radiation efficiency based on the modal radiation efficiency and corresponding radiation power can numerically be obtained. It is shown that the radiation power of the guided plate is governed by the piston mode as well as the critical frequency. Unlike the pinned plate, no clear corner and edge mode regions below the critical frequency may be found for the guided case. Meanwhile, if the plate damping increases the similar tendency that the radiation efficiency increases below the critical frequency is found, as the vibrational level decreases. For the strip with a large aspect ratio, the radiation power is maximised at frequencies where the wavelength is an integer times the short edge length. This can be seen for both the guided and the pinned boundary conditions.  相似文献   

Free transverse vibration of a circular plate with thickness varying as (1 + α× + βx2) has been studied when the edge of the plate is clamped or simply-supported. The Rayleigh—Ritz method with suitable choice of basis functions satisfying the essential boundry conditions, has been employed to find the fundamental frequency and the associated mode shapes for various values of α and β with different boundary conditions. The convergence of results is ensured by working out several approximations till the results converge to the desired accuracy. The results for uniform thickness, linear and parabolic variation of thickness have been obtained as special cases. Tables and graphs are given for frequency, mode shapes and for depicting the effect of parameters α and β on the frequency.  相似文献   

弧齿锥齿轮固有振动特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弧齿锥齿轮主要用于高速、重载的场合,有可能在额定转速内发生强烈的共振,振动应力急剧增大,致使齿轮过早引起疲劳破坏.运用APDL语言自主开发的弧齿锥齿轮建模程序建立了包含齿轮完整结构的有限元模型,计算了不同腹板厚度下的五个弧齿锥齿轮的固有特性,归纳了几种基本齿轮低阶振型种类.结果表明随腹板厚度的增加弧齿锥齿轮的固有频率有所增大,对变形和振动应力的影响效果则与振型有关.  相似文献   

Based on classical plate theory (CLPT), free vibration analysis of a circular plate composed of functionally graded material (FGM) with its upper and lower surfaces bounded by two piezoelectric layers was performed. Assuming that the material properties vary in a power law manner within the thickness of the plate the governing differential equations are derived. The distribution of electric potential along the thickness direction in piezoelectric layers is considered to vary quadratically such that the Maxwell static electricity equation is satisfied. Then these equations are solved analytically for two different boundary conditions, namely clamped and simply supported edges. The validity of our analytical solution was checked by comparing the obtained resonant frequencies with those of an isotropic host plate. Furthermore, for both FGM plate and FGM plate with piezoelectric layers, natural frequencies were obtained by finite element method. Very good agreement was observed between the results of finite element method and the method presented in this paper. Then for the two aforementioned types of boundary conditions, the values of power index were changed and its effect on the resonant frequencies was studied. Also, the effect of piezoelectric thickness layers on the natural frequencies of FGM piezoelectric plate was investigated. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Seockhyun Kim Saeed Jafari Mehrabadi received his B.S. in mechanical Engineering from Azad University, Arak, Iran, in 1992. He then received his M.S. from Azad University, Tehran, Iran in 1995. Now he is a faculty member of the department of mechanical engineering in Azad university of Arak, Iran and PhD student of Azad University, Science and Research Campus, Pounak, Tehran, Iran. His interests include computational methods and solid mechanics such as vibration, buckling.  相似文献   

研究了在广义弹性简支边界条件下的具有硬涂层的圆盘构件的自由振动的量纲一固有频率的精确解.首先利用多铁性多层圆盘的解析分析的多层板弹性理论,导出带硬涂层的圆盘结构的状态方程,其中以位移、电势、磁势、应力、电位移和磁感应强度为状态变量.利用有限Hankel变换和传播矩阵法,得到考虑压电和压磁效应的带硬涂层的圆盘的量纲一固有频率的精确解.根据算例结果,比较了压电、压磁两类硬涂层材料在单面涂层、双面涂层和不同涂层厚度的结构配置下的固有频率变化规律.  相似文献   

Particle damping technology is widely used in mechanical and structural systems or civil engineering to reduce vibration and suppress noise as a result of its high efficiency, simplicity and easy implementation, low cost, and energy-saving characteristic without the need for any auxiliary power equipment. Research on particle damping theory has focused on the vibration response of the particle damping structure, but the acoustic radiation of the particle damping structure is rarely investigated. Therefore, a feasible modeling method to predict the vibration response and acoustic radiation of the particle damping structure is desirable to satisfy the actual requirements in industrial practice. In this paper, a novel simulation method based on multiphase flow theory of gas particle by COMSOL multiphysics is developed to study the vibration and acoustic radiation characteristics of a cantilever rectangular plate with Particle dampers (PDs). The frequency response functions and scattered far-field sound pressure level of the plate without and with PDs under forced vibration are predicted, and the predictions agree well with the experimental results. Results demonstrate that the added PDs have a significant effect on vibration damping and noise reduction for the primary structure. The presented work in this paper shows that the theoretical work is valid, which can provide important theoretical guidance for low-noise optimization design of particle damping structure. This model also has an important reference value for the noise control of this kind of structure.  相似文献   

The present work is to investigate the variation in the natural frequency of a rectangular plate with the change in position of cut outs of different sizes along its diagonal and major axis line by considering different aspect ratios of plates. In this regard the free vibration analysis of an isotropic rectangular plate of various aspect ratios with different sizes of multiple circular and rectangular cut-outs is carried out by using an Independent coordinate coupling method (ICCM) under simply supported boundary condition. The ICCM utilizes independent coordinates separately for plate domain and hole domain, in which the reduced mass and stiffness matrices can be derived, by matching the deflection conditions for each hole imposed on the expressions. The resulting equation is useful for the calculation of the Eigen values. The position, size, and number of cutouts have been varied in all the possible ways to investigate their effects on the natural frequency of the rectangular plate.  相似文献   

A procedure of optimization of the initial contour and normal correction coefficient of bevel gears with circular teeth is proposed. This procedure permits a substantial increase in the geometrical factors of the gear and the load capacity of bevel gears with circular teeth. An algorithm of realizing the optimized initial contour by standard tool heads is suggested.  相似文献   

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