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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this epidemiologic investigation was to determine whether poor oral health in older persons was associated with physical disability. DESIGN: The study was a cross-sectional survey involving in-home interviews and dental examinations of older persons. SETTING: A random sample of 68 cities and towns was selected from the six New England states, with stratification according to population size. PARTICIPANTS: The study sample consisted of 1,156 community-dwelling (non-institutionalized) individuals aged 70 and over, randomly selected from the Medicare beneficiary lists for each city and town. MEASUREMENTS: Oral health was assessed by three dichotomous indices: edentulism (no teeth); current caries, including either coronal or root decay; and periodontal disease, as measured by gingival pocket depth. Physical disability was indicated by the subject's self-report of difficulty in the areas of personal care (eating, bathing, dressing, and using the toilet) and mobility (walking, bed transfer, getting outside). Additional independent variables included age, sex, number of teeth, education, living alone, oral hygiene practices, and time since last dental visit. RESULTS: We found a direct association between specific areas of physical disability and current caries and edentulism. The risk of poor oral health did not increase with advancing age once the related risk factors were controlled for. Those subjects with mobility disabilities were at increased risk of tooth loss; those with personal care limitations were at increased risk of current caries. CONCLUSIONS: Physical disability should be added to the list of known risk factors for oral disease among the older population. Our findings call attention to the need for health care providers to screen for oral health problems among disabled older persons. Further gerontologic research is needed to identify the mechanisms linking physical disability with oral disease in older persons.  相似文献   

Depressive symptoms and cognitive decline are associated in older age, but research is inconsistent about whether one condition influences the development of the other. We examined the directionality of relations between depressive symptoms and perceptual speed using bivariate dual change score models. Assessments of depressive symptoms and perceptual speed were completed by 1,206 nondemented older adults at baseline, and after 2, 8, 11, and 15 years. After controlling for age, education, baseline general cognitive ability, and self-reported health, allowing depressive symptoms to predict subsequent change in perceptual speed provided the best fit. More depressive symptoms predicted subsequently stronger declines in perceptual speed over time lags of 1 year. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In an 18-month prospective study, community-dwelling older adults, including both spousal caregivers of dementia patients and noncaregiving controls, were examined. Participants were selected on the basis of the presence or absence of chronic depressive symptoms that exceeded a cutoff score for clinically relevant depressive symptoms on a self-report symptom measure. Compared with nondepressed older adults, those with chronic, mild depressive symptoms had poorer T cell responses to 2 mitogens from baseline to follow-up. Additionally, among individuals with depressive symptoms, older age was associated with the poorest blastogenic response to the mitogens at follow-up. These findings extend the association between depression and immune function to community-dwelling older adults with chronic, mild depressive symptoms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several preventive strategies have proven effective at reducing the occurrence and rate of falling. It remains to be determined, however, whether, and to what extent, falls and/or fall injuries are independent determinants of adverse functional outcomes in older persons. METHODS: A probability sample of 1,103 community-dwelling persons over age 71 years was followed for 3 years. The 957 cohort members (87%) who participated in at least one follow-up interview while residing in the community were included in this study. Outcome measures included one and three year change in basic and instrumental activities of daily living (BADLs-IADLs), social activities, and physical activities. Based on daily calendars and hospital surveillance, participants were placed into one of four levels of fall status: no falls, one fall without serious injury, at least two falls without serious injury, and one or more falls with serious injury. Hierarchical linear regression models, sequentially adding six domains of covariates, were constructed to examine fall status as a risk factor for change in function. RESULTS: One noninjurious fall (beta = -.437; p < .01), at least two noninjurious falls (beta = -.877; p < .001); and at least one injurious fall (beta = -1.254; p < .001) were each associated with decline in BADL-IADL function over 3 years after adjusting for covariates (model R2 = .2617). Experiencing two or more noninjurious falls (beta = -.538; p < .05) was associated with decline in social activities (model R2 = .2779) while experiencing at least one injurious fall (beta = -.580; p < .01) was associated with decline in physical activity (model R2 = .4231). CONCLUSIONS: Falls and fall injuries appear to be independent determinants of functional decline in community-dwelling older persons. Falling is a health condition meeting all criteria for prevention: high frequency, evidence of preventability, and high burden of morbidity.  相似文献   

Cross-sectional findings that depressive symptoms in one older spouse influence those of the other and that marital closeness increases the influences (R.B. Tower & S.V. Kasl, 1995) were tested longitudinally. Independent interviews in 1982, 1985, and 1988 with spouse-pairs who participated in the Established Populations for the Epidemiologic Study of the Elderly showed that changes in depressive symptoms in one older spouse contributed to changes in depressive symptoms in the other. For wives in 1985 and for husbands in 1988, a spouse's baseline depressive symptoms also contributed independent variance to an increase in respondent's score on the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. These findings were stronger when a couple was close. These results held when known intrapersonal risk factors and the health status of the spouse were controlled. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of hearing loss among community-dwelling older persons according to clinical criteria and to develop a brief self-report screening instrument to detect hearing loss. DESIGN: Survey. SETTING: National probability sample of noninstitutionalized older persons. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 2506 persons aged 55 to 74 who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Hearing loss as defined by Ventry and Weinstein (VW) criteria and by the High Frequency Pure-Tone Average (HFPTA) scale. RESULTS: Hearing loss by VW criteria was present in 14.2% and by HFPTA criteria in 35.1% of those surveyed. The prevalence increased with advancing age and was higher among men and those with less education. A logistic regression model identified six independent factors for hearing loss by VW criteria: age > or = 70 years (adjusted odds-ratio (AOR) 2.7, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.6, 4.4), male gender (AOR 3.0, 95% CI 1.9, 4.8), < or = 12th grade education (AOR 3.8, 95% CI 1.8, 7.7), having seen a doctor for deafness or hearing loss (AOR 8.9, 95% CI 5.3, 14.9), unable to hear a whisper across a room (AOR 3.2, 95% CI 2.0, 5.1), and unable to hear a normal voice across a room (AOR 6.2, 95% CI 2.6, 14.9). A clinical scale based on the logistic model had 80% sensitivity and 80% specificity in predicting hearing loss using VW criteria and 59% sensitivity and 88% specificity in predicting hearing loss using HFPTA criteria. CONCLUSIONS: Hearing loss, as defined by two clinical criteria, is common and can be screened for accurately using simple questions that assess sociodemographic and hearing-related characteristics.  相似文献   

The authors examined the association of anxiety, depressive symptoms, and their co-occurrence on cognitive processes in 102 community-dwelling older adults. Participants completed anxiety and depression questionnaires as well as measures of episodic and semantic memory, word fluency, processing speed/shifting attention, and inhibition. Participants with only increased anxiety had poorer processing speed/shifting attention and inhibition, but depressive symptoms alone were not associated with any cognitive deficits. Although coexisting anxiety and depressive symptoms were associated with deficits in 3 cognitive domains, reductions in inhibition were solely attributed to anxiety. Findings suggest an excess cognitive load on inhibitory ability in normal older adults reporting mild anxiety. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Independent interviews with husbands and wives from 317 community-dwelling older couples showed that depressive symptoms in 1 spouse had a significant impact on depressive symptoms in the other spouse, after controlling for potentially confounding respondent sociodemographic and health status variables. Relationship quality moderated the influence, with spouse depressive symptoms contributing more of the variance to a respondent's symptoms when a couple were close than when they were not and closeness to a spouse buffering the potentially depressive effects of a respondent's own frailty and financial distress. Husband's own variables explained more of the variance in his symptoms when the couple were not close than when they were, and closeness to his wife increased a husband's vulnerability to the impact of the wife's health status. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The plant vacuole has long been suspected of being a site for accumulation of Ni in plant roots, but testing this hypothesis directly by vacuole isolation is technically difficult and has not been reported. Here, we have attempted to determine if Ni can be transported into isolated oat (Avena sativa L.) root tonoplast vesicles as an alternative approach toward understanding the importance of the vacuole in Ni accumulation in roots. We found that, in contrast to Ca and Cd, Ni did not affect the proton gradient of vesicles (MgATP energized or artificially created), and further, that Cd/H antiport activity was not affected by the presence of Ni. Nickel was associated with vesicles, but relative rates of accumulation/association of metals with vesicles were Ca > Cd > Ni. Protonophores and the potential Ni ligands citrate and histidine, and nucleoside triphosphates or PPi did not stimulate Ni association with vesicles. Comparison of Ni versus Ca and Cd associated with vesicles using various membrane perturbants indicated that while Ca and Cd are rapidly and principally antiported to the vesicle sap, Ni is only slowly associated with the membrane in a not-easily dissociated condition. Our results indicate the absence of an Ni/H antiport or Ni-nucleotide-dependent pump in oat root tonoplasts, and support the contention that the vacuole is not a major compartment for Ni accumulation in oat roots.  相似文献   

The prevalence of obesity among older persons is growing. This trend has adverse medical, functional, psychosocial, and health care resource consequences. Many obese older persons were obese middle-aged adults. A sedentary lifestyle may be the dominant contributing factor. Intervention should focus on moderate weight reduction through the modification of diet, exercise, and behavior. Improvements in health and quality of life can be achieved with moderate weight reduction. Strategies tailored to the older population will facilitate successful interventions. Dietitians must be key participants in the effort to raise awareness of obesity as a serious health concern for older persons. The focus must be on achieving a more healthful weight.  相似文献   

The relative importance and mechanisms of deficient insulin secretion versus deficient action during aging are still debated. Whatever mechanisms eventually explain the emergence of impaired glucose tolerance during aging, the clinically important extrinsic modifiers of glycemic levels include diet, medications, activity, and chronic illness and stress. Although prospective studies are not available in the elderly, retrospective studies suggest that good blood glucose control reduces the likelihood and severity of stroke, cardiovascular disease, visual impairment, nephropathy, infections, and even cognitive dysfunction. Good control also seems to reduce nocturia, polyuria, and hypovolemia. Therapy of older persons begins with diet, exercise, and oral agents, failing which, insulin is employed. Since many of the newer oral agents carry less risk of hypoglycemia, achieving tighter control in the elderly has become more feasible.  相似文献   

Documented the relationship between depression and impaired respiration in sleep among 176 males and 160 females (aged 50+ yrs) using the geriatric depression scale (GDS) developed by J. A. Yesavage et al (see record 1984-02939-001), which measures nonsomatic depressive symptoms. Although arbitrarily formed groups of Ss with low and high respiratory disturbance differed on the GDS, mean values and effect size suggested that impaired respiration in sleep was associated with only relatively mild depressive symptoms. (11 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It is not known how immaturity and disease influence postnatal thyroid function in infants <30 wk of gestational age. We performed serial measurements of plasma thyroxine (T4), free T4 (FT4), triiodothyronine (T3), reverse T3 (rT3), TSH, and T4-binding globulin (TBG) in 100 infants of <30 wk of gestation, during the first 8 postnatal weeks, to investigate the influences of disease and gestational age on the time course of thyroid hormones. One hundred infants were divided twice into two groups: 1) in a group of 25-28 and of 28-30 wk of gestation; and 2) in a sick and a healthy group, with similar gestational ages. The time course of T4, FT4, T3, TSH, and TBG, but not rT3 differed significantly (p < 0.005) between the gestational age groups. T4 and FT4 decreased to levels below the cord blood value with a deeper FT4 nadir on d 7 in the youngest group. Disease decreased T4, FT4, T3, TSH, and TBG concentrations especially during the 1st wk after birth (p < 0.005). However, the FT4 nadir on d 7 was similar in sick and healthy infants. After 3 wk, T4, FT4, T3, and TBG were higher in the sick group compared with the healthy group. rT3 levels were not increased in sick infants. We conclude that the extent of the FT4 decrease after birth in infants of <30 wk gestation is mainly influenced by gestational age and probably reflects a transient depletion of thyroidal hormone reserves. rT3 cannot be used as a marker of nonthyroidal illness in very preterm infants.  相似文献   

Item response theory methods were used to derive psychometrically sophisticated measures of global cognition, memory, and executive function. Goals were that these measures (a) could be derived from commonly used neuropsychological tests, (b) would have linear measurement properties, and (c) would be psychometrically matched. Scale development was based on a sample of 400 older individuals with cognitive function ranging from normal to demented. Scales were reasonably matched with linear measurement over an ability range relevant to many important clinical applications. Cognitively normal, mild impairment and dementia participant groups differed on baseline measures and rate of decline. Association of measures with quantitative structural magnetic resonance imaging variables followed expected patterns. This approach to scale development may have applications for other neuropsychological assessment problems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The ability of negative affect (NA) to predict somatic complaints 6 months later was examined. State NA, including anxious affect (AA) and depressive affect (DA), was measured in 2 separate samples of older adults averaging 62 and 73 years of age. In the first study, DA reliably predicted later complaints, and a corresponding trend was noted for NA. The second study showed that state NA and its 2 constituent variables predicted somatic complaints associated with acute illness (e.g., colds) 6 months later. The second study also examined trait measures of the 3 predictor variables and found that NA and AA, but not DA, were associated with subsequent somatic complaints. However, these trait effects were less robust than those attributable to their state counterparts. The authors conclude that negative mood states are the more consistent predictors of later physical symptom reports. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Among possible markers of age-related cognitive decline, uric acid (UA) is controversial because it has antioxidant properties but is increased in diseases that often lead to cognitive impairment. In this study of 96 elderly adults, participants with mildly elevated (but normal) serum UA were 2.7 to 5.9 times more likely to score in the lowest quartile of the sample on measures of processing speed, verbal memory, and working memory. Even after controlling for age, sex, race, education, diabetes, hypertension, smoking, and alcohol abuse, the multivariate-adjusted odds of poor verbal memory and working memory remained significant (ps  相似文献   

Examined self-reported depressive symptoms in 72 young people with spina bifida, ages 9 to 18:11, and matched able-bodied comparison subjects, using the Dimensions of Depression Profile for Children and Adolescents (Harter & Nowakowski, 1987). Independent variables included gender, self-perceptions (including physical appearance), and perceived social support. Young people with spina bifida were at greater risk of depressive mood, low self-worth, and suicidal ideation. Girls, independent of disability, were at greater risk of depressive mood, low self-worth, and self-blame. Multiple regression analyses suggest that global self-worth serves as a mediating variable for the effect of physical appearance self-concept on depressed mood (particularly in young people with spina bifida), and that perceived parental social support has a direct effect on depressed mood (particularly in girls).  相似文献   

The structure of depressive symptom patterns was investigated in a community sample of 344 women between the ages of 51 and 92 who were administered the SCL-90—R Depression and Additional Symptoms Scales. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test alternative measurement hypotheses implied by clinical formulations of depressive symptom patterns among elderly persons. The findings show support for the hypothesis that 2 somewhat different depressive syndromes, along with 4 more delimited forms of distress, underlie symptom-reporting patterns. Implications of these findings for future research on the relation between aging and depression are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is an increasingly recognized cause of serious disease in older adults. RSV causes excess morbidity and mortality in older persons residing in nursing homes and in the community. The study of RSV in adults has been hampered by the lack of sensitive methods for the diagnosis of acute infections. Such tools are needed to better understand the epidemiology and immunology of RSV in adults. The immune status of older adults has begun to be explored and preliminary data indicates that low serum neutralizing antibody may predispose to symptomatic RSV infection and that a greater diversity of antibody titres may be seen in the elderly compared to young adults. PFP-2, a candidate RSV subunit vaccine, has been evaluated in healthy and institutionalized elderly and been found to be safe and immunogenic.  相似文献   

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