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Ambarella and mango peels are good sources of pectins (15–20%), with high degree of methylation (60–78%) and high molar masses. Ambarella and mango ( Améliorée and Mango varieties) peel pectins were extracted using HCl or oxalic acid/ammonium oxalate (OAAO). Purified pectins were analysed for their flow behaviour and phase diagrams were established at pH 3 as sucrose vs. pectin concentration. The gelation kinetics and mechanical spectra of these pectin gels were studied and compared to those of commercial citrus (lime) pectins. At a concentration of 1% (w/v), all pectic solutions had a shear thinning behaviour but at 0.6% (w/v), only OAAO-extracted pectins exhibited such behaviour. Phase diagrams showed that at pH 3, gelation of OAAO mango extracted pectins was possible at low polymer concentration (0.2%; w/w) for a sucrose concentration of 60% (w/w). OAAO-extracted pectins exhibited a higher gelling ability than HCl-extracted ones. Sucrose (45–50%) and pectin (0.2–0.6%) concentration had a deep impact on the gel strength. Our results enable to conclude that the OAAO extraction from mango and ambarella peels allowed the recovery of pectins that exhibit high gelling properties.  相似文献   

板栗淀粉酶水解工艺条件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索板栗淀粉酶水解特性及工艺条件,采用中温α-淀粉酶对板栗淀粉进行水解,并在水解温度、pH、底物浓度及酶用量等单因素试验的基础上进行二次回归正交旋转试验,确定板栗淀粉酶解工艺条件.结果表明:对α-淀粉酶水解板栗淀粉影响程度大小依次为pH>水解温度>酶用量>底物浓度;α-淀粉酶水解板栗淀粉的适宜工艺条件为:水解温度70.2 ℃,pH 5.83,底物浓度73.10 g/L,酶用量122.45 U/g,水解时间为75 min.在此工艺条件下板栗淀粉酶水解度为27.476% .  相似文献   

In order to better utilize a fish by-product, the enzymatic hydrolysis of tuna liver was performed using commercially available proteases such as Flavourzyme, Alcalase, Protamex, and Neutrase. The hydrolysates were prepared as both first step hydrolysates and second step hydrolysates. The molecular weight distribution of the hydrolysates was determined by size exclusion chromatography and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry, which analyzed a representative hydrolysate type with a weight range of 1000–3000 Da. The antioxidant activities of the tuna liver hydrolysates against 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), hydroxyl radical, and hydrogen peroxide, along with a reducing power assay, showed that the second step hydrolysates had more potent antioxidant activity than the first step hydrolysates. However, the first step hydrolysates exhibited more effective chelating activity. Furthermore, the protection ability of the hydrolysates toward hydroxyl radical-induced oxidative DNA damage was evaluated by measuring the conversion of supercoiled pBR322 plasmid DNA to the open circular form. In addition, an angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition assay revealed that all hydrolysates had similar ACE-inhibitory properties. These findings suggest that tuna liver hydrolysates may be a beneficial ingredient to use in functional foods.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the production and the structural and physicochemical properties of RS obtained by molecular mass reduction (enzyme or acid) and hydrothermal treatment of chickpea starch. Native and gelatinized starch were submitted to acid (2 M HCl for 2.5 h) or enzymatic hydrolysis (pullulanase, 40 U/g per 10 h), autoclaved (121°C/30 min), stored under refrigeration (4°C/24 h), and lyophilized. The hydrolysis of starch increased the RS content from 16% to values between 20 and 32%, and the enzymatic treatment of the gelatinized starch was the most efficient. RS showed an increase in water absorption and water solubility indexes due to hydrolytic and thermal process. The processes for obtaining RS changed the crystallinity pattern from C to B. Hydrolysis treatments caused an increase in relative crystallinity due to the greater retrogradation caused by the reduction in MW. RS obtained from hydrolysis showed a reduction in viscosity, indicating the rupture of molecules. The viscosity seemed to be inversely proportional to the RS content in the sample.  相似文献   

R. Delgado  M. Vázquez 《LWT》2009,42(4):797-2293
The biotechnology industry demands raw materials to prepare growth media for fermentative processes. These media contain a carbon source which can be obtained from potato, an abundant source of starch. This work deals with the modelling of the enzymatic hydrolysis of potato using α -amylase and glucoamylase. Several strategies were evaluated, including the use of those enzymes alone, in a mixture and under different conditions of temperature, time and substrate concentration. Using α -amylase alone or glucoamylase alone, both enzymes reached the same hydrolysis yield (0.42 g/g). The hydrolysis using a mixture of both enzymes allowed obtaining hydrolysates with reducing sugar concentrations up to 14.1 g/L at 70 °C. In this case, the yield of hydrolysis was increased up to 0.82 g/g. Considering the important effect and interactions of time and temperature, a statistical Box-Behnken design was conducted including substrate concentration, time and temperature as operational variables and reducing sugar concentration released as dependent variable. The conditions to obtain the maximum response were 6% DM of substrate concentration, 68 °C and 180 min, where 32.62 g/L of reducing sugar concentration was predicted. Verification experiments gave a mean value of 33.57 g/L, confirming the accuracy of the model.  相似文献   

Extraction and use of pectins from ambarella peels could add value to the waste products arising from processing of the fruit. Dried alcohol-insoluble residues (AIR) of ambarella peels were treated separately with HCl, deionised water and oxalic acid/ammonium oxalate solutions, and the resulting pectin extracts analysed for some biochemical and physicochemical parameters. The results show that pectin yield (9–30% dry AIR), uronic acid (557–727 mg/g dry weight), neutral sugars (125–158 mg/g), degree of methylation (50–58%) and acetylation (4–6%), molar mass (263,000–303,000 g/mol) and intrinsic viscosity (179–480 ml/g) varied significantly (p < 0.05) with the various extraction methods used. Extraction with oxalic acid/ammonium oxalate solution gave the highest pectin yield, with high molar mass and degree of methylation, making the extracts suitable for use as additives in the food industry. The results compared well to lime pectin extracted under the same conditions, indicating their commercial significance.  相似文献   

Protein hydrolysate was prepared from the viscera of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus), a major sturgeon species in the Caspian Sea. Hydrolysis was performed at three different temperatures (35, 45 and 55 °C), pH 8.5, using commercially available Alcalase® and an enzyme to substrate ratio of 0.1 AU/g viscera protein over a 205 min incubation period. Protein and lipid content of the hydrolysate were 65.82%, and 0.18%, respectively. Protein recovery and degree of hydrolysis ranged from 34.97% to 61.96% and 13.32% to 46.13%, respectively. The highest degree of hydrolysis was observed at 55 °C after 205 min (p < 0.05). The amino acid score of the hydrolysates was similar to that of the FAO/WHO reference protein. It is revealed that Persian sturgeon visceral protein hydrolysate amino acid fulfils adult human requirements. Based on National Research Council guidelines, phenylalanine is the first limiting amino acid in the hydrolysate. However, the hydrolysate has the potential for application as an ingredient in formulated diets.  相似文献   

酶法水解血红蛋白制备亚铁血红素肽   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
杨锡洪  夏文水 《食品与机械》2005,21(3):14-16,40
以新鲜猪血为原料制备血红蛋白采用中性蛋白酶和风味酶两步水解工艺,并通过除氧和添加抗氧化剂保护亚铁离子,水解产物经过10kDa和3kDa的微孔滤膜超滤,得到分子量在3~10kDa的亚铁血红素肽,其中亚铁血红素与肽的比值达到9.92%。通过微胶囊包埋,得到稳定的红色产品。  相似文献   

Protein hydrolysates from grass carp skin were obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis using Alcalase®. Hydrolysis was performed using the pH-stat method. The hydrolysis reaction was terminated by heating the mixture to 95 °C for 15 min. At 5.02%, 10.4%, and 14.9% degree of hydrolysis (DH), the hydrolysates were analyzed for functional properties. The protein hydrolysates had desirable essential amino acid profiles. Results demonstrated that the hydrolysates had better oil holding and emulsifying capacity at low DH. The water holding capacity increased with increased levels of hydrolysis. Enzymatic modification was responsible for the changes in protein functionality. These results suggest that grass carp fish skin hydrolysates could find potential use as functional food ingredients as emulsifiers and binder agents.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the effects of cooking methods and digestion-resistant fractions on the starch hydrolysis kinetics of rice and soybeans. The RS1 contents in unheated rice and soybeans were found to be high at 5.3 and 4.9%, respectively. After heating, the RS1 levels of the rice and soybeans were significantly reduced to 0.4 and 2.4%, respectively. The total nonstarch polysaccharide (NSP) content was not significantly different according to heat treatment, but the heat treatments affected the amounts of water insoluble nonstarch polysaccharides (WISNSP) and water soluble nonstarch polysaccharides (WSNSP). The level of WISNSP in the unheated samples was higher than the WSNSP of both samples; however, the WISNSP level showed a reducing trend after heating. Also, total pentosan and water soluble pentosan contents showed similar trends with total NSP and WSNSP. The hydrolysis indices (HI) of the unheated rice and soybeans were low (36.2 and 40.3%), while the heated group had high levels (89.5 and 45.0%). Among the cooking methods, the highest kinetic constants (0.284 and 0.199) were found with autoclaving for both rice and soybeans, followed by electric cooker (0.282 and 0.170), microwave oven (0.256 and 0.155), and stone pot (0.238 and 0.167). Particularly, all soybean samples appeared to have lower starch hydrolysis kinetics than the rice samples. The RS contents of the rice and soybeans were highest in the samples that were cooked in the stone pot, at 1.2 and 3.8%, respectively.  相似文献   

Grass carp skin pieces were homogenized in water and hydrolyzed by Alcalase®, collagenase, proteinase K, and/or trypsin at their optimum conditions. Samples were taken at various degrees of hydrolysis and were evaluated for antioxidant, antimicrobial, and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory activities. Alcalase and collagenase completely hydrolyzed the skin with different rates, and released peptides with antioxidant and angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitory activity. These activities increased linearly with increasing degrees of hydrolysis. Subsequent incubation of the collagenase hydrolysates with trypsin slightly increased the antioxidant activity. Proteinase K, although only partially hydrolyzing the skin, also catalyzed the release of peptides with antioxidant and angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitory activities. These results show that skin by-products from grass carp can be a source of bioactive peptides produced by a one-step reaction. Such hydrolysates may be applied in food products to prolong shelf life and provide beneficial effects on blood pressure.  相似文献   

Corn starches with 2 mol/l hydrochloric acid (HCl), 2 mol/l sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and 2 mol/l oxalic acid (C2H2O4) were pressurized at 600 MPa for 30 min. Corn starch with C2H2O4 formed a gel after ultra-high-pressure (UHP) treatment. Corn starch with HCl showed partial disintegration but starch with H2SO4 maintained its shape. Corn starch with HCl showed higher (0.42-0.47) degree of hydrolysis compared to starch with C2H2O4 (about 0.14) and H2SO4 (0.13-0.14) regardless of increasing starch concentration up to 20 g/100 g sample. Main component of starch hydrolysate was maltose for HCl and oligosaccharides for H2SO4 and C2H2O4. Crystallinity of starch with HCl decreased with decreasing starch concentration as observed by both differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction. Therefore, UHP can be used for nonthermal starch hydrolysis and HCl would be a good catalyst for UHP starch hydrolysis compared to H2SO4 and C2H2O4. This work provides a potential of nonthermal UHP processing for new starch hydrolysis method.  相似文献   

淀粉颗粒分级目前主要通过机械粉碎的方法实现,由于粉碎导致淀粉颗粒破损,在酶解过程中很难科学阐述淀粉的完整颗粒结构与酶解特性关系。基于此,通过自主构建颗粒沉降系统,在不破坏淀粉颗粒结构的前提下分级得到不同粒度的马铃薯淀粉颗粒,其平均等效粒径分别为17.39,25.81,38.77,56.53μm;采用酶解动力学等方法,研究发现淀粉颗粒越小,其比表面积越大,酶解效率越高;淀粉颗粒的消化速率系数与其尺寸大小呈负相关。综上可知,小颗粒马铃薯淀粉可作为多孔淀粉的制备原料,大颗粒马铃薯淀粉可作为抗性淀粉的制备原料。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The aim of this study is to investigate the characteristics of wheat gluten hydrolysates. Enzymatic hydrolysis was performed using a papain (food-grade enzyme) in the present study. The gluten proteins were hydrolyzed for 8 h. During enzymatic hydrolysis, average peptide chain length in the hydrolysate decreased rapidly. Increasing proteolysis resulted in the increase in the contents of the soluble forms of nitrogen. However, the content of peptide nitrogen increased within the 1st 6 h, and then began to decrease. The percentage of the released peptides with molecular weight (MW) of over 15 kD decreased with extending enzymatic hydrolysis, while those with MW below 5 kD increased significantly ( P < 0.05). The peptides with MW 10 to 15 kD and those having the MW 5 to 10 kD had different changes. The polymeric glutenin and monomeric gliadin in gluten complex showed different behavior after enzymatic hydrolysis. The monomeric protein (gliadin) and soluble glutenin were prone to enzymatic hydrolysis, while insoluble glutenin was resistance to enzymatic hydrolysis.  相似文献   

BackgroundBioactive peptides (BPs) generated by hydrolysis of food proteins exhibit a broad spectrum of biological properties (antihypertensive, hypocholesterolemic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, etc.) in both in vitro and in vivo models. Initially obtained from milk and egg products, BPs have now largely been obtained from food byproducts such as marine, animal and plant biomasses. Amongst the various strategies being developed for BPs production, enzymatic hydrolysis (EH) is the most widely preferred due to its GRAS nature. However, the main challenge of EH is to decrease the time and quantity of enzyme, and improve yield and bioactivity of BPs.Scope and approachConsequently, innovative and efficient food technologies have been developed to satisfy these needs. High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) processing, a non-thermal technology, initially developed to extend food shelf-life, is being considered as a promising tool to improve the efficiency of EH and generate high value-added peptide fractions from various complex biomasses.Findings and conclusionsThis innovative and emerging technology enhances EH by inducing protein unfolding/denaturation, as well as activating the enzymes used while maintaining their nutritional and functional properties. This review discusses the state of the art of HHP technique, its applications in combination with EH, and potential challenges for the production of BPs from food-derived protein sources.  相似文献   

Commercial whey protein concentrate (WPC) was hydrolysed with either Alcalase 2.4 FG (Novo Nordisk), or papain (Sigma) (in one‐step process) or with two enzymes (in two‐step process) to determine the changes in the immunoreactivity of α‐lactalbumin and β‐lactoglobulin. Enzymatic hydrolysis of WPC was performed by pH‐stat method. Hydrolysates were analysed using sodium dodecyl sulphate‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting and size‐exclusion chromatography (SE‐HPLC). Immunoreactive properties of peptide fractions separated from the hydrolysates by fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) were determined using dot‐immunobinding and enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods. Finally the sensory analysis was used to confirm organoleptic changes resulting from the application of different enzymes. The ‘two‐step’ process was observed to be the most effective however allergenic epitopes were still present, as it was found by ELISA with anti‐α‐la and anti‐β‐lg antibodies. The addition of papain as the second enzyme in the hydrolysis process contributed to the improvement of the sensory properties of WPC hydrolysate as compared with the Alcalase hydrolysate. Alcalase‐papain partially hydrolysated WPC can be found a promising base for production of the tolerogenic formula.  相似文献   

The preparation of fibres from mango and ambarella peels can offer a way to upgrade by-products. Comparatively to lime, ambarella and mango fibres were prepared from their corresponding peels using ethanolic treatment (85% at 70 °C/5 min). The peels were characterised for their dry matter content, pH and apparent viscosity. The soluble dietary fibre (SDF) and insoluble dietary fibre (IDF) contents of the samples were determined. Hydration capacity of these fibres was evaluated. Results showed that the ethanolic treatment of the peels (85% at 70 °C/5 min) had significant (p?<?0.05) effects on the contents of neutral sugars and uronic acid (from 105 to even 203 mg/g in case of mango fibre). For ambarella fibres, the proportion of IDF (51%) was highest and that of SDF (34%) was lowest. Mango and lime fibres exhibited similar values of IDF (40–43%) and SDF (50–57%). Mango peel fibres had higher hydration capacities than ambarella and lime fibres. The best dietary fibres content and the high hydration capacities of mango peel fibres favour their exploitation in dietary fibre-rich foods preparation.  相似文献   

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