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The newer methods of molecular virology, including molecular hybridization and the "simultaneous detection test," were used to examine human brain tumors for evidence of RNA tumor viruses. It was found that they contained 70S RNA and RNA-directed DNA polymerase, both encapsulated in a particle possessing a density of 1.17 g/ml. These particles therefore satisfy the three diagnostic features that characterize the animal RNA tumor viruses. Of 26 of the most malignant (glioblastoma and medullo blastoma) brain tumors examined, 24 (92%) contained these virus-like entities. The possible usefulness of these particles as aids in diagnosis and monitoring therapy is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the molecular diversity among Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates associated with central nervous system tuberculosis (CNS TB) in a defined cohort of HIV uninfected patients. DESIGN/METHODS: A retrospective analysis was performed of clinical and laboratory data for all patients with CNS TB diagnosed in Manitoba, Canada, between 1979 and 1996. Restriction fragment-length polymorphisms (RFLP) of archival isolates of M. tuberculosis from CNS TB patients were determined and interpreted against the frequency of different isolates from all TB patients in the years 1992 to 1996. RESULTS: Among 2,334 patients with active TB, CNS TB was diagnosed in 42 (1.8%); meningitis with or without tuberculoma in 76%; and tuberculoma alone in 24%. CNS TB patients were significantly more likely to be young (<40 years old), female, and of Aboriginal origin. Morbidity (fixed/recurrent CNS deficit) rate was 29% and mortality rate was 26%. An adverse outcome, either morbidity or mortality, was significantly more common in those with meningitis. RFLP analysis of isolates (n=19) from CNS TB patients revealed 13 distinct restriction patterns with a predominance of the type 1 pattern (n=6). The frequency of type 1 restriction pattern was significantly greater in patients with CNS TB compared to all TB patients in Manitoba. CONCLUSIONS: CNS TB continues to have a high morbidity and mortality despite modern methods of detection and treatment. Although several strains of M. tuberculosis cause CNS TB, the current study suggests that the occurrence of CNS TB may be strain-dependent.  相似文献   

Much of what is known of endothelial responses to cytokines has been derived from in vitro studies using cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (EC). Less is known of CNS EC responses and whether intact endothelium responds similarly to cultured cells. We have used techniques by which rat CNS microvessels can be isolated, then cultured in vitro, to study the response of intact endothelium to activation with cytokines. These microvessels are composed of viable EC and perivascular cells, predominantly pericytes. Expression of EC activation antigens in multicellular systems such as cultured microvessels can be assessed quantitatively using immunofluorescence laser cytometry. Interferon gamma increased immunologically reactive major histocompatibility complex class II antigens (< 300 to 2,398 +/- 225 average fluorescence intensity), while tumor necrosis factor alpha induced an increase in vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (2,167 +/- 171) and E-selectin (1,628 +/- 315). CNS EC appeared to respond similarly to cultured EC with the exception that E-selectin expression was not transiently expressed but was maintained by microvessel EC for 24 and 48 h. Cultured CNS microvessels provide a good system for studying EC activation.  相似文献   

This study describes the organization of the ventral and dorsal pallidostriatal pathway in the monkey. Both retrograde and anterograde tracers were injected into various regions of the ventral and dorsal pallidum as well as into the striatum. The data indicate that the pallidostriatal pathway is an extensive pathway in the monkey. The projections are organized in a topographic manner preserving a general, but not strict medial-to-lateral and ventral-to-dorsal organization. The terminal arrangement of pallidostriatal fibers is widespread. Non-adjacent pallidal regions send fibers to the striatum which overlap considerably, suggesting convergence of terminals from different pallidal regions. The pallidostriatal pathway is found to have a reciprocal but also a large non-reciprocal component to the striatopallidal pathway. On the basis of these data it is concluded that segregation of different corticobasal ganglia-cortical pathways is maintained in the striatopallidal direction as described earlier (Haber et al. [1990] (J. Comp. Neurol. 293:282-298). However, the pallidostriatal projection to a large region of the striatum allows the modulation of several cortico-basal ganglia circuits.  相似文献   

The present study tested the hypothesis that the cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is an important CNS mediator of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis response to local inflammation in the rat. Recombinant murine TNF-alpha administered directly into the cerebroventricles of normal rats produced a dose-dependent increase in plasma adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) concentration. Local inflammation induced by the intramuscular injection of turpentine (50 microl/100 gm body weight) also produced an increase in plasma ACTH, peaking at 160-200 pg/ml at 7.5 hr after injection (compared with 10-30 pg/ml in controls). Intracerebroventricular pretreatment with either 5 microl of anti-TNF-alpha antiserum or 1-50 microg of soluble TNF receptor construct (rhTNFR:Fc) reduced the peak of the ACTH response to local inflammation by 62-72%. In contrast, intravenous treatment with the same doses of anti-TNF-alpha or rhTNFR:Fc had no significant effect on the ACTH response to local inflammation. Although these data indicated an action of TNF-alpha specifically within the brain, no increase in brain TNF-alpha protein (measured by bioassay) or mRNA (assessed using either in situ hybridization histochemical or semi-quantitative RT-PCR procedures) was demonstrable during the onset or peak of HPA activation produced by local inflammation. Furthermore, increased passage of TNF-alpha from blood to brain seems unlikely, because inflammation did not affect plasma TNF-alpha biological activity. Collectively these data demonstrate that TNF-alpha action within the brain is critical to the elaboration of the HPA axis response to local inflammation in the rat, but they indicate that increases in cerebral TNF-alpha synthesis are not a necessary accompaniment.  相似文献   

The amplitude and direction of saccadic eye movements evoked electrically from the dorsomedial frontal cortex (DMFC) of monkeys vary with starting eye position. This observation has been used to argue that the DMFC codes saccadic eye movements in head-centered coordinates. Whether the amplitude and direction of the evoked saccades are also affected by changes in head position has never been demonstrated. Such a result would argue against a head-centered representation, and instead would suggest a representation anchored to another body part. Tests were conducted on rhesus monkeys to determine whether changing the position of the head with respect to the trunk or changing the position of the head with respect to the gravitational axis alters saccadic parameters. The amplitude and direction of saccadic eye movements remained invariant to such manipulations. These findings confirm the claim that the DMFC encodes saccadic eye movements in head-centered coordinates.  相似文献   

We report a cytogenetic and fluorescence in situ hybridization study of a family in which a female child showed all the main characteristics of Angelman syndrome. Her karyotype revealed a translocation between chromosomes 5 and 15 with a partial deletion from 15pter to the Angelman region. Several members of her family appeared to be carriers of the same translocation, but showed no symptoms. The karyotypes showed a marker chromosome, that was not present in the female with Angelman syndrome. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed that the marker chromosome corresponded to material from chromosome 15. The present study is in agreement with the suggestion that genomic imprinting is one of the mechanisms involved in Angelman syndrome.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Production of nitric oxide via the cytokine-mediated activation of myocardial inducible nitric oxide synthase decreases myocardial contractility. Whether myocardial dysfunction is mediated directly by nitric oxide or indirectly through the formation of secondary reaction products, such as peroxynitrite, has not been established. Peroxynitrite, but not nitric oxide, reacts with the phenolic ring of tyrosine to form the stable product 3-nitro-L-tyrosine. Demonstration of tissue nitrotyrosine residues, therefore, infers the presence of peroxynitrite or related nitrogen-centered oxidants. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of human autopsy specimens. SETTING: University pathology and basic science laboratories. PATIENTS: Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded myocardial tissue samples were obtained from 11 patients with a diagnosis of sepsis, seven patients with a diagnosis of viral myocarditis, and five control patients without clinical or pathologic cardiac disease. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Specific antibodies to nitrotyrosine were utilized to detect nitrotyrosine residues in human autopsy specimens. Cardiac tissue obtained from patients with myocarditis or sepsis demonstrated intense nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity in the endocardium, myocardium, and coronary vascular endothelium and smooth muscle. In contrast, connective tissue elements were without appreciable immunohistochemical staining. Nitrotyrosine antibody binding was blocked by coincubation with nitrotyrosine or nitrated bovine serum albumin, but not by aminotyrosine, phosphotyrosine, or bovine serum albumin. In situ reduction of tissue nitrotyrosine to aminotyrosine by sodium hydrosulfite also blocked antibody binding. Densitometric analysis of nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity demonstrated significantly higher values for specimens from myocarditis and sepsis patients when compared with control tissue specimens. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate the formation of peroxynitrite within the myocardium during inflammatory disease states, suggesting a role for peroxynitrite in inflammation-associated myocardial dysfunction.  相似文献   

This study reports two mental multiplication experiments that were designed to measure age differences in central and peripheral processes. Experiment 1 varied task type (verification vs production), and Experiment 2 varied exposure duration (presentation until response, 600 ms, and 300 ms) on a production task. Neither experiment showed evidence of age differences in central processes (e.g., retrieval speed); however, there was some evidence of a peripheral-process (e.g., encoding) decrement for older adults. Specifically, there were no Age X Problem Size interactions for either experiment. Experiment 2 revealed decreasing age differences as problem difficulty increased. Indeed, for the 300-ms exposure duration, there were no age differences in RT or error rate. These results suggest that the magnitude of age differences in central processing speed are significantly less extreme than are age differences for peripheral processing speed for this type of mental arithmetic task. Also, older adults, in general, may have a higher skill level for basic fact retrieval in mental arithmetic than do young adults.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of interstitial cystitis: a population based study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mycobacterium sp. strain CH1 was isolated from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-contaminated freshwater sediments and identified by analysis of 16S rDNA sequences. Strain CH1 was capable of mineralizing three- and four-ring PAHs including phenanthrene, pyrene, and fluoranthene. In addition, strain CH1 could utilize phenanthrene or pyrene as a sole carbon and energy source. A lag phase of at least 3 days was observed during pyrene mineralization. This lag phase decreased to less than 1 day when strain CH1 was grown in the presence of phenanthrene or fluoranthene. Strain CH1 also was capable of using a wide range of alkanes as sole carbon and energy sources. No DNA hybridization was detected with the nahAc gene probe, indicating that enzymes involved in PAH metabolism are not related to the well-characterized naphthalene dioxygenase gene. DNA hybridization was not detected when the alkB gene from Pseudomonas oleovorans was used under high-stringency conditions. However, there was slight but detectable hybridization under low-stringency conditions. This suggests a distant relationship between genes involved in alkane oxidation.  相似文献   

A new technique for understanding the organization of complex circuits in the vertebrate brain, scanning laser photostimulation, is described. This approach is based on the photolysis of a caged form of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Computer-controlled photostimulation and whole cell recording in brain slices allow the construction of detailed maps of the position, strength, sign and number of inputs converging on a single postsynaptic neuron. Scanning laser photostimulation offers many advantages over current techniques: spatial resolution is superb, fibers of passage are not activated, and thousands of presynaptic locations can be stimulated. This review describes the technique of photostimulation, outlines the instrumentation, necessary to implement it, and discusses the interpretation of photostimulation-derived data. Several examples of applications, ranging from mapping circuits in the mammalian visual cortex to determining receptor distributions on single neurons are considered. Although still in its early stages, scanning laser photostimulation offers neuroscientists a powerful tool for determining the organization and function of local brain circuits.  相似文献   

Simple onset response time (RT) experiments, previously shown to exhibit binocular summation effects for white stimuli along the horizontal meridian, were performed for red and green stimuli along 5 oblique meridians. Binocular RT was significantly shorter than monocular RT for a 45-min-diameter spot of red, green, or white light within eccentricites of about 50 deg from the fovea. Relatively large meridian differences were noted that appear to be due to the degree which the images fall on corresponding retinal areas.  相似文献   

Muramyl dipeptide (MDP) has a variety of biological effects including the effect on CNS, such a promotion of sleep, fever, analgesic effect or some behavioural changes and of course a very potent effect on immune system. The latter effect is at least partly mediated through the structure in CNS. With the small electrolytic lesions which were placed in brain from the spinal cord through the brain stem up to the cerebral cortex we have identified a number of structures such as medial frontal cortex (area Cg1-Cg3), subnucleus basomedialis and centralis of amygdala, subnucleus medialis and dorsolateralis of nucleus parabrachialis, lateral part of reticular formation (monoaminergic groups A1-7) and the part of the reticular formation (serotonergic groups B6-B8) which are evidently involved in the immunomodulatory and immunoadjuvant effect of muramyl dipeptide. The results of experiments also suggest that the interaction between neuroendocrine and immune systems might take place on the level of some of above mentioned anatomical structures.  相似文献   

The effects of two cognition enhancers on avoidance impairment induced by the tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline were assessed during shuttle-box avoidance acquisition and in previously trained mice of the DBA/2 strain. The nootropic agent piracetam (50, 100 or 200 mg/kg, i.p.) had slight or no effect in mice receiving amitriptyline (5 or 10 mg/kg, i.p.). Conversely, the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor tacrine (0.5, 1, 2 or 3 mg/kg, i.p.) prevented the avoidance impairment induced by 5 mg/kg amitriptyline on shuttle-box avoidance acquisition as well as on a previously learned avoidance response. The avoidance disrupting action produced by 10 mg/kg of the antidepressant drug was not affected by the anticholinesterase drug. The preventing action of tacrine seems specifically related to the avoidance impairment induced by amitriptyline, since the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor did not reduce, but enhanced the avoidance impairing action of the neuroleptic chlorpromazine. Taken together, the results indicate that amitriptyline-induced avoidance impairment, and the related preventing action of tacrine, may be ascribed to drug effects on the performance of the avoidance response, rather than to interferences with learning processes.  相似文献   

Calcium phosphate coatings were nucleated and grown from aqueous solution onto titanium metal substrates via surface-induced mineralization (SIM) processing techniques. This process is based on the observation that in nature organisms use biopolymers to produce ceramic composites, such as teeth, bones, and shells. The SIM process involves modification of a surface to introduce surface functionalization followed by immersion in aqueous supersaturated calcium phosphate solutions. This low-temperature process (< 100 degrees C) has advantages over conventional methods of calcium phosphate deposition in that uniform coatings are produced onto complex-shaped and/or microporous samples. Additionally, because it is a low-temperature process, control of the phase and crystallinity of the deposited material can be maintained.  相似文献   

Increases in the expression of immediate early genes have been shown to occur in the lumbar spinal cord dorsal horn after peripheral inflammation. Given that the pontine parabrachial nucleus has been implicated in nociceptive as well as antinociceptive processes and is reciprocally connected with the spinal cord dorsal horn, it seems likely that peripheral inflammation will cause alterations in immediate early gene expression in this nucleus. To test this hypothesis we examined cFos-like immunoreactivity in a rodent complete Freund's adjuvant-induced peripheral inflammatory model of persistent nociception. Unilateral hind paw injections of complete Freund's adjuvant produced inflammation, hyperalgesia of the affected limb, and alterations in open field behaviors. Immunocytochemical analysis demonstrated a bilateral increase in cFos-like immunoreactivity in the lateral and Kolliker-Fuse subdivisions of the parabrachial nucleus at 6 and 24 hours postinjection and an ipsilateral decrease below basal levels in the Kolliker-Fuse subdivision at 96 hours postinjection when compared to saline controls. Taken together, these results suggest that select parabrachial neurons are activated by noxious somatic inflammation. These active parabrachial neurons are likely to participate in ascending nociceptive and/or descending antinociceptive pathways.  相似文献   

A 41-year-old male with myelomenigocele underwent a bladder auto-augmentation and endoscopic collagen injections. He has been performing self intermittent catheterization for 10 years but urinary incontinence remained unchanged. Furthermore, he suffered from recurrent pyelonephritis due to the left vesicoureteral reflux. A preoperative fluoroscopic urodynamic study showed a poorly compliant bladder with the maximal bladder capacity of 200 ml at 60 cmH2O. The left vesicoureteral reflux was observed at 10 cmH2O. The low compliant bladder was treated with the bladder autoaugmentation and the left vesicoureteral reflux was treated with the endoscopic subureteral injection of collagen 5 months after the previous operation. A fluoroscopic urodynamic study 6 months postoperatively showed the increase of the maximal bladder capacity of 300 ml at 18 cmH2O and the reflux disappeared completely. The endoscopic periurethral injections of collagen improved his persisting urinary incontinence. In patient with neurogenic bladder having a lot of clinical problems, bladder auto-augmentation is less invasive and offers many advantages over enterocystoplasy.  相似文献   

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